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Genshin Impact Wiki

Countless Homes Light Up the Moon is a Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

The blueprint for Countless Homes Light Up the Moon is obtainable by buying the Gnostic Chorus package of the Rhythm and Rhyme Battle Pass.


First time creation grants Trust Trust ×90.

Icon_Creation_SmallCreation for 16 hours
Icon Creation Recipe
Countless Homes Light Up the Moon 1 Countless Homes Light Up the Moon

Furnishing Sets[]

No Furnishing Sets use Countless Homes Light Up the Moon as a component.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishCountless Homes Light Up the Moon
"Wànjiā Huádēng Zhào Lǎngyuè"
"Wànjiā Huádēng Zhào Lǎngyuè"
"Koukou Taru Akari wa Tsuki wo Terasu"
"Dazzling Lamps Illuminate the Moon"
Korean「달을 밝히는 수많은 등불」
"Dareul Balkineun Sumaneun Deungbul"
"Countless Lamps Lighting Up the Moon"
SpanishLinterna lunar del puebloTown's Lunar Lantern
French« Infinité de demeures éclairant la lune »"Infinity of Dwellings Lighting Up the Moon"
Russian«Бесчисленные дома освещают луну»
"Beschislennyye doma osveshchayut lunu"
"Countless Homes Light Up the Moon"
VietnameseVạn Gia Hoa Đăng Chiếu Lãng Nguyệt
GermanUnzählige Häuser erhellen den Mond"Countless Homes Light Up the Moon"
Indonesian"Ribuan Rumah Terangi Bulan""Thousands of Homes Lighting Up the Moon"
PortugueseIncontáveis casas iluminam a Lua
TurkishAyı Aydınlatan Sayısız Hane
ItalianInfinite case illuminano la lunaCountless Homes Light Up the Moon

Change History[]

