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Business as Usual is a quest in Ningguang's Hangout Event: Act I - The Jade Chamber's Returning Guest.


  1. Wait until the following day (07:00–08:00)
  2. Wake Ningguang up
  3. Talk to Ningguang
  4. Have breakfast together with Ningguang
  5. Look for Lanyang to get the tailored clothes
  6. Give the tailored clothes to Ningguang
  7. Go to Liuli Pavilion for the banquet


UI Quest Quest Description

According to the schedule, the first thing you need to do is wake Ningguang up...
(After knocking on the door)
Media:vo ngcop001 1913201 ningguang 01.ogg Ningguang: Yes, I'm already awake.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913201 ningguang 02.ogg Ningguang: I'll be out in a moment. I'm just changing.

(Ningguang comes out of her room)
Media:vo ngcop001 1913201 ningguang 03.ogg Ningguang: Good morning. Did you sleep well?
Icon Dialogue Talk I was so excited I couldn't sleep.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913201 ningguang 06.ogg Ningguang: Oh, how strange — me too! ...I'm joking, of course — I slept like a baby. Sorry to disappoint you.
Icon Dialogue Talk The same as usual.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913201 ningguang 04.ogg Ningguang: That's good. I was worried you'd be a little uncomfortable.
Icon Dialogue Talk I was a little nervous.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913201 ningguang 05.ogg Ningguang: There's nothing to worry about. We just need to go through the schedule you made and tick the items off one by one.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913201 ningguang 07.ogg Ningguang: Now then. The schedule. Let's see what you have for me today.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913201 ningguang 08.ogg Ningguang: Item 1... Lunch at Liuli Pavilion with Ms. Luo Qiao.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913201 ningguang 09.ogg Ningguang: Ah yes, I remember the invitation. I need to make sure I'm well-prepared for this.
Icon Dialogue Talk Is she a friend of yours?
Media:vo ngcop001 1913201 ningguang 10.ogg Ningguang: No. Someone I've never met before. Today's lunch will be our first time meeting each other.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's just lunch, what exactly do you need to prepare?
Media:vo ngcop001 1913201 ningguang 11.ogg Ningguang: Hehe, she's paying a high price for my time, and I intend to make sure she gets her money's worth.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913201 ningguang 12.ogg Ningguang: Otherwise... tens of millions of Mora is rather a high price for lunch, even one at Liuli Pavilion — wouldn't you say?
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Tens of millions!?
Media:vo ngcop001 1913201 ningguang 13.ogg Ningguang: That's right. Even at this price, there is no shortage of people willing to pay for a lunch opportunity with me.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913201 ningguang 14.ogg Ningguang: To be clear, I've never had any hand in setting the price. I, too, was rather surprised to see it become so expensive.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913201 ningguang 15.ogg Ningguang: Time is very valuable to me. So when I first came up with the idea, I made a rule that my time would go to the highest bidder.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913201 ningguang 16.ogg Ningguang: Gradually, it developed into a lucrative business.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's like... an investment.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913201 ningguang 17.ogg Ningguang: Yes, that sums it up very well. Most people looking to buy my time are businesspeople who believe that whatever they spend now, they will make back several times over in due course.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913201 ningguang 18.ogg Ningguang: Naturally, for anyone looking to make a profit in a complex market, the bottom line is having the requisite experience and expertise. All I can do for them is share whatever insight I may have.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913201 ningguang 19.ogg Ningguang: As for how much my insight is worth in terms of Mora, everyone has their own idea. There is no standardized way to measure something like this.
Icon Dialogue Talk So this is how rich people think.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913201 ningguang 20.ogg Ningguang: You are a very lucky person, you know. You get to sit in on this lunch for free.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913201 ningguang 21.ogg Ningguang: In the hands of a professional businessperson, the kind of information you will be exposed to would be worth... well, tens of millions of Mora.
Icon Dialogue Talk Then I will listen and learn.
Icon Dialogue Talk Then this could be literally the most valuable lesson I'll learn in my life.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913201 ningguang 22.ogg Ningguang: There's no need to be nervous, of course. Now, let's have some breakfast before we leave.

(Talk to Ningguang)
Media:vo ngcop001 1913202 ningguang 01.ogg Ningguang: Did you organize this entire breakfast?
Icon Dialogue Talk I just picked the time slot.
Icon Dialogue Talk I think maybe Baishi arranged it yesterday...
Media:vo ngcop001 1913202 ningguang 02.ogg Ningguang: Haha. I know what's going on, then.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913202 ningguang 03.ogg Ningguang: Please, sit. Have a taste of the Jade Chamber chef's cooking. This kind of food tastes far less satisfying if left out for too long.
Icon Dialogue Talk Thank you.
You and Ningguang enjoy a fine breakfast.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913202 ningguang 04.ogg Ningguang: What do you think? Is the food to your liking?
Icon Dialogue Talk I ate so much more than I intended to...
Media:vo ngcop001 1913202 ningguang 05.ogg Ningguang: Hehe. Don't forget we have a lunch later. Save some space, or you might miss out on some even better food.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913202 ningguang 06.ogg Ningguang: Still, I'm happy to see that you approve of my culinary tastes.
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you usually eat breakfast with your secretaries?
Media:vo ngcop001 1913202 ningguang 07.ogg Ningguang: On occasion. Usually, everyone is too busy for a leisurely sit-down meal. There is an awful lot to get done most of the time.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913202 ningguang 08.ogg Ningguang: Breakfast also isn't usually so lavish. Hence my surprise when we got here.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913202 ningguang 09.ogg Ningguang: I actually thought you had cooked it all yourself...
Icon Dialogue Talk I mean, I'm not a terrible chef, but still...
Icon Dialogue Talk I don't know if my cooking is really to your tastes.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913202 ningguang 10.ogg Ningguang: Relax, I'm just joking. Baishi probably made arrangements yesterday to add a few extra dishes to the breakfast menu.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913202 ningguang 11.ogg Ningguang: You willingly took this work on, knowing that it would be tedious, and you have worked diligently. My secretaries and I are very grateful to you.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913202 ningguang 12.ogg Ningguang: Treating you to some food is but a small token of our appreciation.
Icon Dialogue Talk Mmm. Not bad, not bad at all.
Icon Dialogue Talk It was as good as Xinyue Kiosk and Liuli Pavilion.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913202 ningguang 13.ogg Ningguang: Breakfast sets the tone for the rest of the day. You can't compromise on it.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913202 ningguang 14.ogg Ningguang: If you wake up to the same monotonous meal each day, you will start to feel fatigued even before you start working.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913202 ningguang 15.ogg Ningguang: Well, I'm done eating. We should get ready, then head off to Liuli Pavilion.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913202 ningguang 16.ogg Ningguang: I have some preparations to make first. Could you bring my clothes to my room, please?
Icon Dialogue Talk You need a change of clothes?
Media:vo ngcop001 1913202 ningguang 17.ogg Ningguang: I need a change of mood, and a change of clothes will facilitate that.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913202 ningguang 18.ogg Ningguang: Who knows, perhaps you will have a completely different impression of me after I change outfits.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913202 ningguang 19.ogg Ningguang: I already instructed Lanyang to have my outfit ready. You can fetch it from her.
Icon Dialogue Talk Understood.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913202 ningguang 20.ogg Ningguang: Thank you. I'll be in my room.

(Look for Lanyang to get the tailored clothes)
Media:vo ngcop001 1913203 lanyang 01.ogg Lanyang: Hello, how may I help?
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm here to fetch a change of clothes for Ningguang.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913203 lanyang 02.ogg Lanyang: Ah yes, of course. Please wait a moment, I'll go and get them.
After a long wait, Lanyang finally returns.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913203 lanyang 03.ogg Lanyang: Here you are. Please give this to Lady Ningguang.
Icon Dialogue Talk That seemed to take you a while.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913203 lanyang 04.ogg Lanyang: Yes, this whole room is full of Lady Ningguang's personal items. Not just clothes, either — there are all kinds of jewelry and ornaments...
Media:vo ngcop001 1913203 lanyang 05.ogg Lanyang: Lady Ningguang asked us to rearrange this room recently. We're currently right in the middle of that, so everything's in a bit of a mess. That's why it took me a little time to find this for you.
Icon Dialogue Talk (Sounds like Ningguang has a huge personal collection...)
Icon Dialogue Talk (I suppose this is a problem unique to rich people.)
Media:vo ngcop001 1913203 lanyang 06.ogg Lanyang: Anyway, you can take it now. Thanks for coming to pick it up.
(Obtain Box of Clothes Box of Clothes)
(Talk to Lanyang again)
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 lanyang 01.ogg Lanyang: Please take this garment to Lady Ningguang. Thank you.

(Talk to Ningguang)
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 01.ogg Ningguang: Did you get it. (TravelerTraveler)?
(Opens submission menu)
Media:vo ngcop001 1913203 ningguang 01.ogg Ningguang: Ah, this is the one. Please wait for a moment.
After a while, the door in front of you finally opens.
(Ningguang is wearing the Orchid's Evening Gown outfit.)
(If this is the first time the player encountered Ningguang wearing this outfit)
Media:vo ngcop001 1913203 ningguang 02.ogg Ningguang: I had this specially tailored recently — and I must say, I am really rather fond of it.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913203 ningguang 03.ogg Ningguang: What do you think? Be honest. I just want to know your first impression.
(If the player has encountered Ningguang wear this outfit before)
Media:vo ngcop001 1913203 ningguang 11.ogg Ningguang: I believe you've seen this outfit before. It's one of my favorites.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913203 ningguang 12.ogg Ningguang: I don't think I asked you what you thought of it at the time, though. What do you think? Be honest.
Icon Dialogue Talk It suits you.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's stunning.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's classy.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913203 ningguang 04.ogg Ningguang: Phew... Thank you. I was actually a little nervous.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913203 ningguang 05.ogg Ningguang: Knowing that it has your seal of approval makes me feel much more self-confident.
Icon Dialogue Talk Self-confident?
Media:vo ngcop001 1913203 ningguang 06.ogg Ningguang: If you're second-guessing how you look, you can forget about looking glamorous — even the finest garments in the world will look out of place on you.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913203 ningguang 07.ogg Ningguang: That's why your affirmation matters so much to me.
Icon Dialogue Talk Really, you look great in anything.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913203 ningguang 08.ogg Ningguang: Hah, then it's mere flattery... You pick your moments to wisecrack, don't you? Now I don't know whether to take what you said earlier seriously...
Media:vo ngcop001 1913203 ningguang 09.ogg Ningguang: I never knew you had such a mischievous side.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913203 ningguang 10.ogg Ningguang: All right. Let's head to Liuli Pavilion.

The Grand Banquet[]

UI Quest Quest Description

After making the preparations, you and Ningguang go to attend the banquet. The other party is a merchant who has spent a great sum of Mora to buy some of her time.
(Talk to Hongru before the meal)
Media:vo ngcop001 1913206 hongru 01.ogg Hongru: Everything is set, please enjoy your meal.
(Going to Liuli Pavilion and talking to Luo Qiao)
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 luoqiao 01.ogg Luo Qiao: Lady Ningguang!
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 02.ogg Ningguang: Sorry to have kept you waiting.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 luoqiao 02.ogg Luo Qiao: No, no, not at all! I know that you have a thousand different things to do each day. I'm very grateful for any amount of time you can spare for me.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 03.ogg Ningguang: Great. Well, let's leave the formalities aside from now on, and make this just a friendly chat.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 04a.ogg Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 04b.ogg Ningguang: This is (TravelerTraveler). I'm assuming you've heard of (‍himhim/herher‍).
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 05a.ogg Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 05b.ogg Ningguang: (‍HeHe/SheShe‍) happened to be in Liyue Harbor today, so I invited (‍himhim/herher‍) to come along. It's a rare opportunity to dine with (‍himhim/herher‍), too.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 06a.ogg Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 06b.ogg Ningguang: Do you mind if (‍hehe/sheshe‍) sits with us?
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 luoqiao 03.ogg Luo Qiao: No, not at all! On the contrary, I'm honored — what a surprise to be dining with the illustrious Traveler, too!
Icon Dialogue Talk (Huh, I thought she'd introduce me as her temporary secretary...)
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 luoqiao 04.ogg Luo Qiao: I've always been fascinated by you and your adventures... there's so many questions I'd love to ask you!
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 luoqiao 05.ogg Luo Qiao: Oh, I'm sorry, where are my manners — I forgot to introduce myself. Look at me, getting all over-excited.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 luoqiao 06.ogg Luo Qiao: I'm Luo Qiao, a businesswoman. I work mostly in the textile business, but recently I've been considering branching out into some other markets.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 luoqiao 07.ogg Luo Qiao: That's what I wanted to ask Lady Ningguang for some advice about. I didn't know there'd be a surprise guest involved too.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 luoqiao 08.ogg Luo Qiao: Hehe, so the rumors are true, then...
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 07.ogg Ningguang: Rumors? About what, exactly?
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 luoqiao 09.ogg Luo Qiao: You know, the rumors about the two of you, Lady Ningguang and the Traveler, having a... closer-than-average relationship.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 luoqiao 10.ogg Luo Qiao: ...You haven't heard?
Icon Dialogue Talk Nope.
Icon Dialogue Talk Are these rumors widespread?
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 luoqiao 11.ogg Luo Qiao: Come on... you must know that Lady Ningguang's every move is in the spotlight? That obviously includes her relationships.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 luoqiao 12.ogg Luo Qiao: And if you didn't have some sort of special relationship, why would she invite you to this lunch right after finding out that you were back in Liyue Harbor?
Icon Dialogue Talk Um, actually...
Icon Dialogue Talk (I need to be very careful how I answer this...)
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 08.ogg Ningguang: Haha. Interesting. Yes, we have a special relationship, but I don't see anything unusual about it.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 09.ogg Ningguang: The Traveler is a national hero in Liyue whose actions have directly contributed toward the prosperity we enjoy today.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 10a.ogg Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 10b.ogg Ningguang: Even putting aside my official status as one of the Liyue Qixing, I admire (‍himhim/herher‍) on a personal level, too.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 luoqiao 13.ogg Luo Qiao: Oh, yes, there is nothing unusual about it at all. I was just observing that Lady Ningguang now seems to have a second interesting character in her innermost circle. The first one being the captain.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 11.ogg Ningguang: You're comparing Apples and Sunsettias there. Whenever Beidou returns to Liyue Harbor, all she brings me is a headache.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 12.ogg Ningguang: I've missed out on a number of extremely promising investment opportunities thanks to her. In fact, the timing is always so suspiciously coincidental I can't help but wonder if she's doing it on purpose...
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 luoqiao 14.ogg Luo Qiao: Investment opportunities... Oh, do you mean the Luminescent Spine business? I hear that's been all the rage recently.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 13.ogg Ningguang: No, something else. All the talk around Luminescent Spines is just empty hype.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 luoqiao 15.ogg Luo Qiao: Oh? But isn't there some new technology from Fontaine that needs lots of Luminescent Spines to make it work?
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 14.ogg Ningguang: If it were really that profitable, those in the know would have kept it as quiet as possible. You have to wonder, if the news is spreading like wildfire, who's fanning the flames?
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 15.ogg Ningguang: I had my secretary do some analysis. The current price of Luminescent Spines far exceeds the profits that could be made on the end product.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 16.ogg Ningguang: So I would advise you to be cautious.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 luoqiao 16.ogg Luo Qiao: I see... Huh, I was planning to get your opinion on how to get started in that business.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 17.ogg Ningguang: In my opinion, there are many people around with ulterior motives, making this a very risky business to enter into in the short term.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 18.ogg Ningguang: Long term, it's very difficult to say. But I believe there's too much uncertainty to make it worth your investment. You worked hard to earn every Mora you own, and you should be just as careful spending it as you were making it.
Icon Dialogue Talk Hit the nail on the head.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 luoqiao 17.ogg Luo Qiao: You think so too, huh?
Icon Dialogue Talk At least do your research before you part with any money.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 luoqiao 18.ogg Luo Qiao: Okay, got it. If that's what both of you think, I'll take my time and not rush into anything.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 luoqiao 19.ogg Luo Qiao: Maybe it'd be a better choice to invest this money into an industry that I'm genuinely interested in getting involved with.
The business talk continues in this vein throughout lunchtime...
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 luoqiao 20.ogg Luo Qiao: Lady Ningguang, thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me today. I didn't know how much we'd get through, but you've answered every question I wanted to ask.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 19.ogg Ningguang: Good, I'm glad I could be of some help.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 luoqiao 21.ogg Luo Qiao: Now I see why you were able to become the most successful businessperson in Liyue Harbor.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 luoqiao 22.ogg Luo Qiao: You think clearly, you are very knowledgeable, and you keep yourself well-informed. It would take me a very long time to come anywhere close to your level.
Icon Dialogue Talk (This is why so many people want to pay to spend time with Ningguang...)
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 20.ogg Ningguang: You've been listening for a while. Are you getting bored?
Icon Dialogue Talk No. I'm finding it all very interesting.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 21.ogg Ningguang: Has it sparked an interest in the business world for you?
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe I'll give it a shot in the future.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 22.ogg Ningguang: Ah, so you want to be my competitor. Well then, I suppose I'll have to start looking over my shoulder.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 23.ogg Ningguang: Or how about this — I'll invest in you early on, before you make it big.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm a novice, but I was able to follow because you explained everything so clearly.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 24.ogg Ningguang: That means you also have a good head on your shoulders and the ability to learn rapidly.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 25.ogg Ningguang: If you are in need of Mora, you should absolutely consider doing business.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 luoqiao 23.ogg Luo Qiao: I won't take up any more of your time. Thank you — this lunch was everything I was hoping for and more. I can't wait to try out everything I've learned.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 26.ogg Ningguang: See you next time. I'll look forward to hearing good news from you soon.

Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 27.ogg Ningguang: Right then, lunch is over. I assume you have something planned next? Although...
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 28.ogg Ningguang: I'm a little concerned about the auction. I wonder how my secretarial trio is getting along.
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't worry about them. They're very capable. (This dialogue option leads to Greeting Gift.)
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 29.ogg Ningguang: Yes, you're right. Whatever happens, they can handle it.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 30.ogg Ningguang: In that case, what's next on the schedule?
Icon Dialogue Talk Meeting up with the informants.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 31.ogg Ningguang: Ah, okay then. Yes, it's been some time since I last caught up with them.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 32.ogg Ningguang: Let's go to Mingxing Jewelry first, I need to pick up something before meeting them.
(Proceeds to Greeting Gift)
Icon Dialogue Talk Well, we have time to go and check up on them if you want. (This dialogue option leads to The Auction.)
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 33.ogg Ningguang: Good, then let's do that. There are some slippery characters among the bidders, you see.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 34.ogg Ningguang: So even though my secretaries are very capable and experienced, I still can't help worrying for them a little.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913204 ningguang 35.ogg Ningguang: Come on. The auction is being held at Yujing Terrace.
(Proceeds to The Auction)
(Talk to Hongru after the meal)
Media:vo ngcop001 1913207 hongru 01.ogg Hongru: Thank you for your custom.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishBusiness as Usual
Business as Usual
Tejun-doori ni
Following Procedure
As Usual
SpanishLa rutina de siempreThe Routine of Always
FrenchLe travail avant toutWork Before Anything Else
RussianПо расписанию
Po raspisaniyu
Following Schedule
VietnameseTừng Bước Thực Hiện
GermanWie üblichAs Always
IndonesianRutinitas BiasaUsual Routine
PortugueseA Rotina de Sempre
TurkishHer Zamanki İşler
ItalianOrdinaria amministrazione

Change History[]
