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Away With Obsessions and Falsehood is the third Event Quest of the Labyrinth Warriors event.


  1. Wait till 08:00 – 12:00 the next day
  2. Meet up with Xinyan
  3. Enter The Vengeful Wood
  4. Retrieve a replica of Shiki Taishou
  5. Go deeper into The Vengeful Wood


UI Quest Quest Description

The time for the critical battle has arrived. You return to the Mystic Onmyou Chamber and meet up with Childe and Shiki Taishou. Time to get to the bottom of all these mysteries...
(Wait until 08:00 - 12:00)
(Talk to Watanabe)
Media:vo dialog eqrg003 watabe 01.ogg Watanabe: The situation seems to be stabilizing... Madam Kujou Sara won't feel pressured to take action.
Media:vo dialog eqrg003 watabe 02.ogg Watanabe: No need to rush. We'll launch a general offensive as soon as Madam Kujou Sara finishes her business in the city, and take down this Domain in one go!
Media:vo dialog eqrg003 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: We should hurry, they seem pretty amped up...
(Talk to Xinyan)
Media:vo eqrg003 1 xinyan 01.ogg Xinyan: Traveler, I found out some good news from the garrisoned forces!
Media:vo eqrg003 1 xinyan 02.ogg Xinyan: Kujou Sara has been tied down with work in the city. Nothin' seems to be goin' on with her troops for now.
Media:vo eqrg003 1 xinyan 03.ogg Xinyan: Besides that, we haven't had any new monsters escape the Domain for quite some time, and the troops have complete control of the pass. I don't think they're in a hurry to attack the Domain right now.
Media:vo eqrg003 1 xinyan 04.ogg Xinyan: Seems we got more time than we bargained for!
Media:vo eqrg003 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Then let's get going! Those two must be getting impatient!

(Enter the trial)
Media:vo eqrg003 3 shikishogun 01.ogg Shiki Taishou: Oh! You're back!
Media:vo eqrg003 3 tartaglia 01.ogg Childe: Okay, now that we're all here, whaddya say we get to the bottom of this?
Media:vo eqrg003 3 xinyan 01.ogg Xinyan: You two look like you've been through a war!
Media:vo eqrg003 3 tartaglia 02.ogg Childe: Just one war? Haha, I've lost count of how many battles we've had down here.
Media:vo eqrg003 3 tartaglia 03.ogg Childe: I did okay, right, Shiki Taishou?
Media:vo eqrg003 3 shikishogun 02.ogg Shiki Taishou: Mr. Tartaglia is no stranger to Domains. He was able to deal with even the most powerful monsters with ease.
Media:vo eqrg003 3 shikishogun 03.ogg Shiki Taishou: I am confident that we can make it to the innermost depths of the Domain.
Media:vo eqrg003 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Huh, you two seem to have gotten much closer over the last few days.
Media:vo eqrg003 3 tartaglia 04.ogg Childe: Well, we've fought shoulder to shoulder for quite a while now.
Media:vo eqrg003 3 tartaglia 05.ogg Childe: Alright, listen up. During the rearrangement, Shiki Taishou said he could sense the most important replica over there.
Media:vo eqrg003 3 shikishogun 04.ogg Shiki Taishou: Compared with the other replicas, it should contain a far greater power within. If I can fuse with it successfully, I should be able to remember the truth of this Domain.
Media:vo eqrg003 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: It's right there? Then how come you guys haven't gone over yet?
Media:vo eqrg003 3 xinyan 02.ogg Xinyan: Shiki Taishou... were you waitin' for us this whole time?
Media:vo eqrg003 3 shikishogun 05.ogg Shiki Taishou: Without your companionship, I never would have made it this far.
Media:vo eqrg003 3 shikishogun 06.ogg Shiki Taishou: My memories were only retrieved thanks to everyone's efforts. I feel it's only right that you're here with me to witness this final and most important juncture.
(Retrieve the replica)
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 01.ogg Shiki Taishou: My memories, fragmented for so long... are finally complete.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 02.ogg Shiki Taishou: I remember it all now... The origin of the Mystic Onmyou Chamber... Its essence.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 03.ogg Shiki Taishou: This realm is not for practicing onmyoudou, nor is it for harnessing evil. The reason Harunosuke created me and the Domain... Our sole purpose... was to protect.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Protect?
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 04.ogg Shiki Taishou: Our nation was once attacked by a great evil, and a person of importance to Harunosuke was taken from him...
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 05.ogg Shiki Taishou: He was filled with hatred and regret, and began yearning for the strength to take on the evil himself.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 06.ogg Shiki Taishou: He made his way across the ocean to seek the adepti of Liyue, and went on to study the adepti arts. He combined those subtle techniques with the art of transcension that he himself had practiced over the years, and founded the earliest version of onmyoudou.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 07.ogg Shiki Taishou: Later, he rallied all samurai with the will to serve in protecting the nation, and created me and this onmyou chamber... With me as a template, he would create many replicas, assigning each to a samurai.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 08.ogg Shiki Taishou: The samurai and shikigami were partners, combining their martial prowess and charm magic to take on monsters with great efficiency.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 09.ogg Shiki Taishou: They worked in pairs, and set out to rid the land of monsters. Information on the defeated monsters would be recorded within the shikigami.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 10.ogg Shiki Taishou: Upon returning to the Domain, that information would be channeled into the creation of mirror monsters — training targets for the samurai.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 11.ogg Shiki Taishou: As the first shikigami, I was constantly absorbing the knowledge and experiences of the replicas. I was able to improve the structure of the Domain, and provide better training for the samurai.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 12.ogg Shiki Taishou: Over time, these dedicated samurai were able to achieve an enviable martial prowess. A new batch of recruits would arrive as the last group left the Domain. The cycle of new knowledge and new opponents seemed to be never ending...
Icon Dialogue Talk A Domain for training?
Media:vo eqrg003 4 tartaglia 01.ogg Childe: No wonder the fighting never stops here... This was a training ground to begin with.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: In another words, Kamuna Harunosuke built this onmyou chamber to train samurai to fight monsters?
Media:vo eqrg003 4 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Doesn't that make him a pretty great guy?
Media:vo eqrg003 4 xinyan 01.ogg Xinyan: If that's the case, why is he hiding away in the depths of the Domain?
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 13.ogg Shiki Taishou: No... Harunosuke is no longer here.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 14.ogg Shiki Taishou: For reasons unknown, Harunosuke disbanded the samurai and abandoned the Domain.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 15.ogg Shiki Taishou: This part of my memory is still fragmented... I can't remember what Harunosuke said to me before he left.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 xinyan 02.ogg Xinyan: Left? Meanin'... he's still alive?
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 16.ogg Shiki Taishou: It's possible... and I hope he is.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 17.ogg Shiki Taishou: I am a weapon created by Harunosuke. The purpose of the onmyou chamber, my purpose, is to facilitate combat, to train myself and others.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 18.ogg Shiki Taishou: But this Domain was abandoned. The only people to have come here since are yourselves. What use does a weapon discarded by its owner have to offer...
Media:vo eqrg003 4 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: This is really tough for Shiki Taishou...
Media:vo eqrg003 4 tartaglia 02.ogg Childe: A discarded weapon... Hah.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 tartaglia 03.ogg Childe: Discarded or not, what's so bad about being a weapon? All those who stalk the battlefield yearn for meaning and value.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 19.ogg Shiki Taishou: Do you think so...?
Media:vo eqrg003 4 tartaglia 04.ogg Childe: You were interested in my secret, right? Why is it that I'm able to withstand the resistance of the Domain? Why is it that I'm able to face down complex battles with ease?
Media:vo eqrg003 4 tartaglia 05.ogg Childe: I have fought in the fissures that lie between great tree roots. Boundless danger, fatal encounters... These are the ingredients I use to become stronger still.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 tartaglia 06.ogg Childe: It is not victory that I seek, but improvement. I want to become sharp as a blade, to the point where others fear me. You're not the only weapon here, Shiki Taishou.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 20.ogg Shiki Taishou: If that's true... then these battles you strive for... Where do they end?
Media:vo eqrg003 4 tartaglia 07.ogg Childe: Only those that wish for an end will find one. For me, it's nothing more than a mirage.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 tartaglia 08.ogg Childe: I was born to fight, and as long as I draw breath, there will be no end to my purpose. My limits vanish behind the horizon with every step that I take.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 tartaglia 09.ogg Childe: Let go of your confusion. Sorrow and hesitation are the enemy of an implacable weapon.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 21.ogg Shiki Taishou: What must I do... to let go...?
Media:vo eqrg003 4 xinyan 03.ogg Xinyan: Don't worry, you don't have to abandon somethin' to succeed in lettin' go.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 xinyan 04.ogg Xinyan: You don't have to abandon' anythin', Shiki Taishou.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 xinyan 05.ogg Xinyan: You've only just regained your memories — this is the perfect opportunity to pick up where you left off. All you gotta do is find the thing that was most important and righteous to you.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 22.ogg Shiki Taishou: Most important... and righteous?
Media:vo eqrg003 4 xinyan 06.ogg Xinyan: Yup! For me, it's rock 'n' roll.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 xinyan 07.ogg Xinyan: It's not everyone's cup of tea. In fact, I'd say it's kinda unpopular, really. But if it makes me happy, that's all that matters!
Media:vo eqrg003 4 xinyan 08.ogg Xinyan: What do I care if someone doesn't share my passion? All I need to worry about is doin' what I enjoy!
Media:vo eqrg003 4 xinyan 09.ogg Xinyan: So if people wanna roll their eyes or give me the cold shoulder, they can have at it! My music was never meant for those that couldn't understand it.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 23.ogg Shiki Taishou: ...I still remember your test... The song you played for me.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 xinyan 10.ogg Xinyan: You said that you were walkin' alone, that you spent time in the company of others eatin' Grilled Fish by a fire.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 xinyan 11.ogg Xinyan: Your answer was filled with an understandin' of human emotion.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 xinyan 12.ogg Xinyan: We've all journeyed down a path of solitude at some point in our lives. Your presence there puts you in good company. You found us and joined us by the fire, and we became friends.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 xinyan 13.ogg Xinyan: The road ahead is difficult, but we're never alone. Shiki Taishou, this is the language in my music, and my reward for stickin' to the path right for me. What about you?
Media:vo eqrg003 4 xinyan 14.ogg Xinyan: I know there'll be something callin' out to you.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 24.ogg Shiki Taishou: Miss Xinyan... I may not be able to harness the optimism you carry with you just yet. But I do know that my journey doesn't end here.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 25.ogg Shiki Taishou: Everyone, we continue on! I want to— No... I must retrieve the last replica, and regain control of this Domain!
Media:vo eqrg003 4 shikishogun 26.ogg Shiki Taishou: Yes... There has to be something left that only I am capable of doing.
Media:vo eqrg003 4 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: That's more like it! Get ready everyone, there's more fighting ahead!
Media:vo eqrg003 4 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: As long as we move forward together, there's nothing to worry about!
(After entering the final chamber)

(A cutscene plays)
(Following Shiki Taishou, the Traveler, Paimon and Xinyan have a glance around the room; Tartaglia waits behind in the corridor)
(Shiki Taishou absorbs the final replica, and reminisces in a flashback)
Unnamed samurai: Master Kamuna
Unnamed samurai: Over half our trained samurai are wounded
Unnamed samurai: And our shikigami losses are far greater than anticipated
Unnamed samurai: Besides
Unnamed samurai: The outside situation is beginning to stabilize
Unnamed samurai: Do we really need to keep pursuing this "ultimate attainment"?
Kamuna Harunosuke: Why so apprehensive?
Kamuna Harunosuke: This is all within my expectation
Shiki Taishou: Harunosuke
Shiki Taishou: Forgive my directness
Shiki Taishou: But she's not coming back
Kamuna Harunosuke: All I ever wanted... was to assist her descendants and guard this territory
Kamuna Harunosuke: Now that our targets no longer exist
Kamuna Harunosuke: And those needing our protection are finally safe
Kamuna Harunosuke: Then perhaps our sworn mission has indeed come to an end
Kamuna Harunosuke: I always believed
Kamuna Harunosuke: That I would stand guard in this place forever
Kamuna Harunosuke: If time permitted
Kamuna Harunosuke: I almost fooled myself with such a notion
Kamuna Harunosuke: I hope you never make the same mistake
Shiki Taishou: Don't worry Harunosuke
Shiki Taishou: I know everything that you've done for Inazuma
Shiki Taishou: Your efforts need not be judged by others
Shiki Taishou: The same goes for my existence
Kamuna Harunosuke: Bestowing you with intelligence
Kamuna Harunosuke: That you should know human emotion
Kamuna Harunosuke: It would seem this was the right decision
Kamuna Harunosuke: In the end
Kamuna Harunosuke: It is you that have enlightened me
(Harunosuke releases his pipe into the air, where it is encircled by a flurry of replicas)
(As the replicas gather around, the pipe is imbued with energy, before transitioning out with a flash)
(Harunosuke begins to glow with a golden aura)
Kamuna Harunosuke: "Rosy cheeked in the morning"
Kamuna Harunosuke: "Bleached bones by dusk"
Kamuna Harunosuke: How so very true
Kamuna Harunosuke: I have nothing left to keep me
Kamuna Harunosuke: Shiki Taishou, my friend
Kamuna Harunosuke: You have completed your assignment magnificently
Kamuna Harunosuke: As for me... I need wait no longer
Kamuna Harunosuke: I will set out again
Kamuna Harunosuke: In search of a new purpose
(Harunosuke glows brightly and flashes)
(Flashback ends)
Shiki Taishou: Then this is farewell, Harunosuke
Shiki Taishou: Be safe in your travels
(The Traveler, Paimon and Xinyan glance at each other, saddened)
Shiki Taishou: I remember everything
Shiki Taishou: Harunosuke didn't abandon me
Shiki Taishou: It was I that persuaded him
Shiki Taishou: And helped him escape the labyrinth of his heart
(Cutscene ends)

Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 01.ogg Shiki Taishou: Harunosuke didn't abandon me... I enlightened him. I helped him to release a burden shouldered for too long.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 02.ogg Shiki Taishou: Harunosuke had great aspirations for me and the Mystic Onmyou Chamber. But the truth is... Perhaps we were an ill-timed creation.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 03.ogg Shiki Taishou: The samurai trained tirelessly, and with promising results. And yet, the strength of mortals is bound by unforgiving limits. Our progress was... too slow.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 04.ogg Shiki Taishou: Even as we trained, the god with the power of the Musou no Hitotachi swept across the land with a force of diligent and mighty warriors. They removed all hidden evils from our territory.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 05.ogg Shiki Taishou: And just like that, a life's work was rendered unnecessary... No one in this world is prepared when such sorrow befalls them.
Icon Dialogue Talk The power of the gods can be cruel.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Paimon can't begin to imagine how that feels, but we've definitely heard about similar cases...
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 06.ogg Shiki Taishou: I was lost, dejected, and doubted everything in sight.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 07.ogg Shiki Taishou: Still... the fruits of our labor and valiant efforts cannot be denied, even if they were overshadowed.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 08.ogg Shiki Taishou: Regardless, the aim that Harunosuke and the samurai sought had been achieved. The samurai no longer needed to devote their life to training...
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 09.ogg Shiki Taishou: It should have been something to celebrate... but Harunosuke was a sentimental man. His affections were rooted in mortal desire, and he couldn't bear to let go of what he had lost.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 10.ogg Shiki Taishou: To protect was our shared ambition. And if the world was the object of Harunosuke's protection... then he was the object of mine.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 11.ogg Shiki Taishou: As his most prized creation and only friend in the Mystic Onmyou Chamber, I tried to persuade him.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 12.ogg Shiki Taishou: He told me that he wanted to set out again in search of a new purpose... that it may take him months, years, or even centuries. It didn't matter to me. All I wanted was for him to achieve that aspiration, and to return to this place anew.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 13.ogg Shiki Taishou: And in the endless days of waiting... I fell into a deep slumber...
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 14.ogg Shiki Taishou: Harunosuke... You're not coming back, are you?
Media:vo eqrg003 5 xinyan 01.ogg Xinyan: Don't be upset, Shiki Taishou...
Media:vo eqrg003 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: If Kamuna Harunosuke learned the power of the adepti arts and transcension, isn't it possible that he became immortal?
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 15.ogg Shiki Taishou: ...What I've come to realize is that regardless of whether he remains in this world... he shouldn't be the sole purpose of my existence.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 16.ogg Shiki Taishou: Meeting all of you helped me understand belief. I believe that Harunosuke is walking his own path now... and I believe that I too can find a path of my own.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 17.ogg Shiki Taishou: From birth, we begin to walk in solitude toward an inevitable end. But there are embers in the mist that welcome us, and friendships to be made under the night sky...
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 18.ogg Shiki Taishou: Our assignment does not end because the journey is long.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 19.ogg Shiki Taishou: There was value in everything Harunosuke did... and my purpose is my assignment. That's something that will never change, nor will it be taken away from me.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 20.ogg Shiki Taishou: I am Shiki Taishou, the first shikigami, ally of martial artists, and forevermore the overseer of the Mystic Onmyou Chamber.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 21.ogg Shiki Taishou: My duty is to assist fighters in reaching ultimate attainment.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 22.ogg Shiki Taishou: There will be others in this world attempting to scale the highest peak. I will gladly become a bridge between the mountains — a weapon that carries them through the clouds.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 xinyan 02.ogg Xinyan: Now that's what I'm talkin' about, haha!
Icon Dialogue Talk You've found your answer.
Icon Dialogue Talk If only we had some music over the top of that...
Media:vo eqrg003 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Wow, full-memory Shiki Taishou is a force to be reckoned with!
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 23.ogg Shiki Taishou: I've regained full control of the Mystic Onmyou Chamber. No mirror monsters will be able to escape this Domain from now on. The crisis has been averted.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 24.ogg Shiki Taishou: In a few days' time, I'll be able to secure the charm magic network and restore the Mystic Onmyou Chamber to its original state.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 25.ogg Shiki Taishou: This place is an ever-changing yet reliable training ground. I will continue to stand guard here, and provide training for anyone seeking ultimate attainment.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 26.ogg Shiki Taishou: The Tenryou Commission must already have made preparations to enter the Domain by now. Please, leave the negotiations to me. When they arrive, I will explain the matter in its entirety.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: So, we don't have to deal with the nitty-gritty? Great! Paimon hates negotiations...
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 27.ogg Shiki Taishou: My thanks to all of you. Without you, I never would have been able to regain my true self...
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 28.ogg Shiki Taishou: I've prepared a gift for you. It may not be enough to repay your kindness, but I hope it will come in handy.
Shiki Taishou puts forth his power and creates a replica...
Media:vo eqrg003 5 xinyan 03.ogg Xinyan: A replica?
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 29.ogg Shiki Taishou: You can call it Shiki Koshou.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 30.ogg Shiki Taishou: Shiki Koshou is different to the other replicas. No matter where you go, it can maintain communication with me.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 31.ogg Shiki Taishou: It won't be able to use shikifuda or charm magic outside of the Mystic Onmyou Chamber, but it can still provide you with protection.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 32.ogg Shiki Taishou: Bringing it with you on your travels is the same as having me by your side...
Media:vo eqrg003 5 xinyan 04.ogg Xinyan: (Shiki Taishou still sounds upset... is he worried we won't meet again?)
Media:vo eqrg003 5 xinyan 05.ogg Xinyan: Alright, now! No more sadness, you hear me? We ain't left just yet.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 xinyan 06.ogg Xinyan: Besides, thanks to the Traveler, Kujou Sara, and Beidou, gettin' over to Inazuma just got a whole lot easier. I might just have to start payin' you a regular visit.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 33.ogg Shiki Taishou: Miss Xinyan... Wouldn't that take up too much of your time?
Media:vo eqrg003 5 xinyan 07.ogg Xinyan: Well, let me ask you a question. What do you think of rock 'n' roll?
Media:vo eqrg003 5 shikishogun 34.ogg Shiki Taishou: Rock 'n' roll... To me, it's wonderful music.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 xinyan 08.ogg Xinyan: Then that's good enough for me. I only ever perform for people that can appreciate it anyway.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 xinyan 09.ogg Xinyan: Speakin' of which, prepare your ears y'all, it's about to get louder.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Huh? You're gonna perform right now!?
Media:Labyrinth Warriors Photon of Fluctuation.ogg (Xinyan plays "Photon of Fluctuation")
Media:vo eqrg003 5 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Wow, Paimon never realized how uplifting this number was...
Media:vo eqrg003 5 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Wait, Tartaglia can dance, right? Let's get him to... Huh? Where'd he go?
Media:vo eqrg003 5 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Hey! Tartaglia! Where do you think you're going? Trying to sneak off on us, huh!?
Media:vo eqrg003 5 tartaglia 01.ogg Childe: Sneak off? I'm just looking for a place to put my feet up and muse for a while is all.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 tartaglia 02.ogg Childe: Traveler, it's time I told you about my investigations.
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Icon Dialogue Talk Does it have to do with my past experiences?
Media:vo eqrg003 5 tartaglia 03.ogg Childe: Still sharp as always. I do sometimes wonder if you can read minds...
(Screen fades out and fades in)
Media:vo eqrg003 5 tartaglia 04.ogg Childe: I had a lot of fun here. In fact, I really like Inazuma. As long as I don't dwell on minor problems... and the trouble they cause.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 tartaglia 05.ogg Childe: I originally came to this Domain because I thought that it might have something to do with The Balladeer. As it turns out, he's not here.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 tartaglia 06.ogg Childe: Scaramouche is in possession of a certain Gnosis, and we happen to have lost contact with him... I don't suppose it's a coincidence.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 tartaglia 07.ogg Childe: Of course, it didn't surprise me in the slightest that Scaramouche would do something like this. My agenda as a Harbinger is to seek out combat, and nearly every Fatui Harbinger has an agenda of their own too.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 tartaglia 08.ogg Childe: I'll let the Gnosis run for a while longer. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before you discover its whereabouts. When that time comes, Traveler, what will you choose to do? And where is your final destination?
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Media:vo eqrg003 5 tartaglia 09.ogg Childe: *sigh* I wish I could stay here a while longer. The more time you spend somewhere, the more joy it brings you when you return.
Media:vo eqrg003 5 tartaglia 10.ogg Childe: You're like the stars in the night sky, comrade. You never cease to surprise me.
(Talk to Shiki Taishou or Xinyan before leaving domain)
Media:vo eqrg003 6 shikishogun 01.ogg Shiki Taishou: Your music brings out a different feeling in me now that my state of mind has changed.
Media:vo eqrg003 6 shikishogun 02.ogg Shiki Taishou: Miss Xinyan, thank you for helping me to understand the magnitude and depth of music. I will never forget our friendship.
Media:vo eqrg003 6 xinyan 01.ogg Xinyan: Aw, shucks. The next time we meet, I'll have even more rock 'n' roll for you to feast your ears on!


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
13Odyssey to the UnchartedThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 2Away With Obsessions and Falsehood (cutscene)
 N/AUnnamed Away With Obsessions and Falsehood Soundtrack 1N/AAway With Obsessions and Falsehood (Xinyan's performance)


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishAway With Obsessions and Falsehood
Chīniàn Xūcuò Fúxiù Qù
Sweep Away Fantasies and Falsehoods With One's Sleeve
Chīniàn Xūcuò Fúxiù Qù
Shuunen to Kyoshoku Kara no Kaihou
Release from Tenacity and Ostentation
Korean잡념과 실수는 털어버리고
Jamnyeomgwa Silsuneun Teoreobeorigo
Let Go of Distractions and Mistakes
SpanishEl rechazo de las obsesiones y la falsedadRejection of Obsessions and Falsehood
FrenchLoin des obsessions et du mensongeAway from Obsessions and Falsehood
RussianДолой ложь
Doloy lozh'
Down With the Lies
Obsession With Lies
VietnameseTránh Xa Ám Ảnh Và Giả Dối
GermanWeg mit Obsessionen und UnwahrheitenAway with Obsessions and Untruths
IndonesianJauhi Obsesi dan KepalsuanAvoid Obessisions and Falsehood
PortugueseRechaçando as Obsessões e Falsidades
TurkishTakıntılardan ve Yanlışlardan Kurtulmak

Change History[]
