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All Things Flawless and Pure is the second part of Yoimiya's Story Quest, Carassius Auratus Chapter: Act II - Star-Pickers' Passage.


  1. Go to Devantaka Mountain
  2. Head upwards
  3. Continue to head upwards
  4. Talk to Yoimiya
  5. Ask Ahangar about ores
  6. Get information from Sadegh
  7. Look for Avin and ask about her whereabouts
    • Talk to Nidal to progress
  8. Continue asking after Avin's whereabouts
  9. Continue looking for Avin
  10. Investigate the traces on the ground
  11. Approach the lost wheelchair
  12. Defeat all opponents and recover the wheelchair
  13. Retrieve the wheelchair


UI Quest Quest Description

You and Paimon tell Yoimiya that meteor showers respond to people's wishes. In response, Yoimiya wants to spend some time getting herself ready for the occasion...
(Approach the marked area)
(The three reach Devantaka Mountain after dark.)
Media:vo xglq202 1 yoimiya 01.ogg Yoimiya: Wow, is that what you two were talking about? Amazing... It's huge!
Media:vo xglq202 1 yoimiya 02.ogg Yoimiya: W—Wait, it's not going to suddenly start moving, right?
Media:vo xglq202 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Relax, it's completely still, and it's been ages.
Media:vo xglq202 1 yoimiya 03.ogg Yoimiya: That's true. It's green from all the overgrowth on it.
Media:vo xglq202 1 yoimiya 04.ogg Yoimiya: Alright, let's go. Hehehe, now this'll make for quite the story!

(While following the Four-Leaf Sigils)
Media:vo xglq202 2 yoimiya 01a.ogg Media:vo xglq202 2 yoimiya 01b.ogg Yoimiya: I was wondering... have you seen your (‍sistersister/brotherbrother‍) yet?
Media:vo xglq202 2 paimon 01a.ogg Media:vo xglq202 2 paimon 01b.ogg Paimon: Yup, but (‍sheshe/hehe‍) said that (‍sheshe/hehe‍)'d meet us at the end of our journey — and then (‍sheshe/hehe‍) left.
Media:vo xglq202 2 yoimiya 02a.ogg Media:vo xglq202 2 yoimiya 02b.ogg Yoimiya: I see. It seems (‍sheshe/hehe‍) has (‍herher/hishis‍) own things to worry about...
Media:vo xglq202 2 yoimiya 03a.ogg Media:vo xglq202 2 yoimiya 03b.ogg Yoimiya: But it's alright. At least you were able to talk. How did (‍sheshe/hehe‍) look? Was (‍sheshe/hehe‍) doing well? Had (‍sheshe/hehe‍) changed in any way?
Media:vo xglq202 2 paimon 02a.ogg Media:vo xglq202 2 paimon 02b.ogg Paimon: Well, according to (‍himhim/herher‍), nothing's really changed. (‍HeHe/SheShe‍)'s hanging in there.
Media:vo xglq202 2 yoimiya 04.ogg Yoimiya: Hehe, that sure is reassuring!
Media:vo xglq202 2 yoimiya 05.ogg Yoimiya: I believe that you two will come to an understanding once your journey is over.
Media:vo xglq202 2 yoimiya 06.ogg Yoimiya: You are siblings, after all.

(Approach the top of the Ruin Golem)
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 01.ogg Yoimiya: I didn't think we'd be able to climb all the way up here...
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 02.ogg Yoimiya: What a great view! I just wanna shout at the top of my lungs!
Media:vo xglq202 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Yeah! And even though we might not be viewing the meteor shower from here, it's a good place to practice.
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 03.ogg Yoimiya: Oops, I was having too much fun and almost forgot about that.
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 04.ogg Yoimiya: Before I left Inazuma, many people heard that I was looking for a meteor shower, so they told me that they wanted to make wishes.
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 05.ogg Yoimiya: I told them that they could write their wishes down on paper, so I ended up collecting several dozens of wishes...
Media:vo xglq202 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Woah, that many!?
Icon Dialogue Talk So you want to help convey all those wishes?
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 06.ogg Yoimiya: That's part of it, but more importantly, I've been wondering why people link meteor showers and wishes in the first place.
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 07.ogg Yoimiya: After a lot of thought, I think I've figured it out.
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 08.ogg Yoimiya: People use fireworks to remember their most precious memories, and these memories sparkle and shine each time the fireworks fly.
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 09.ogg Yoimiya: In other words, fireworks symbolize the past.
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 10.ogg Yoimiya: And shooting stars make people think of wishes because wishes carry people's brilliant hopes and expectations for the future.
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 11.ogg Yoimiya: One represents the past, and the other the future. They both bloom in the sky, but have completely different meanings behind them.
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 12.ogg Yoimiya: It's really beautiful, isn't it?
Icon Dialogue Talk Very true...
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 13.ogg Yoimiya: It's clear to me that I'm not the only one holding this belief — I'm sure my ancestor had similar views.
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 14.ogg Yoimiya: I think that's how he drew inspiration from the meteor shower...
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 15.ogg Yoimiya: His method was a wish of sorts to begin with — to join the past and future together and combine their beauty.
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 16.ogg Yoimiya: At first, I wasn't completely serious about using the opportunity to travel abroad to see a meteor shower...
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 17.ogg Yoimiya: But it became something like a mission once everyone had handed their wishes over to me.
Media:vo xglq202 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Yoimiya...
Media:vo xglq202 5 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Well said! And here Paimon thought you needed practice.
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 18.ogg Yoimiya: Huh, that was fine? You both understand what I'm trying to say? Honestly, I thought it was pretty messy...
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 19.ogg Yoimiya: I mean, these are all abstract topics that evoke a... sense of admiration that's hard to put into words.
Icon Dialogue Talk Then, have you ever considered that if you can't find it...
Icon Dialogue Talk Perhaps it doesn't exist?
Media:vo xglq202 5 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: ((TravelerTraveler)...)
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 20.ogg Yoimiya: I did consider that possibility, and I won't lie — it'd be a real bummer if that were the case.
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 21.ogg Yoimiya: I know that's the most realistic conclusion, and it's not like luck has to be on my side.
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 22.ogg Yoimiya: But there's a premise to every legend, and that's belief!
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 23.ogg Yoimiya: If I didn't take this step, it's not like a meteor shower would just rain upon me, either.
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 24.ogg Yoimiya: I wouldn't be where I am now. I wouldn't have known that they respond to wishes, and I wouldn't have seen all these beautiful sights in Sumeru.
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 25.ogg Yoimiya: So I'm looking forward to the rest of our journey — every single step of it.
Media:vo xglq202 5 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: ...You really are amazing, Yoimiya.
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 26.ogg Yoimiya: Eh, what?
Media:vo xglq202 5 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Oh, nothing. Paimon just thinks you're doing a good job with the wishes. Now we just need one other thing.
Media:vo xglq202 5 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Like we said earlier, we're going to need to build a device.
Icon Dialogue Talk We'll need to look for the purest ore in Sumeru.
Media:vo xglq202 5 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Yep, and once we use it to create an observation device, we can find where the meteor shower will be.
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 27.ogg Yoimiya: I see. The purest ore...
Icon Dialogue Talk We can go somewhere else to look for it.
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 28.ogg Yoimiya: Hmm... Then, why don't we go back to Sumeru City and ask the blacksmith?
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 29.ogg Yoimiya: I chatted with him a bit when Avin was showing me around. He seems really knowledgeable. I bet he'll know something.
Media:vo xglq202 5 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Uh... But wouldn't we be bothering him?
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 30.ogg Yoimiya: No one knows more about ore than a blacksmith!
Media:vo xglq202 5 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: That's true...
Media:vo xglq202 5 yoimiya 31.ogg Yoimiya: Let's go! Hehe, I wish we could fly over!
Media:vo xglq202 5 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: What are we gonna do? If we really ask the blacksmith, he's gonna give us funny looks for sure!
Icon Dialogue Talk We'll just have to roll with the punches...
Media:vo xglq202 5 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: *sigh* You're right. Paimon will do her best to not say anything wrong!
Media:vo xglq202 5 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: At first, Paimon felt bad about keeping Yoimiya in the dark...
Media:vo xglq202 5 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: But now, it feels like we made the right decision.
Icon Dialogue Talk I want her to see that meteor shower.
Icon Dialogue Talk I want her to have her cake and eat it, too.
Media:vo xglq202 5 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: Yup, that's why we're doing all this!
Icon Quest Step Step Description

Though Yoimiya has brought many wishes with her, you still need an observation tool to find the exact location of the meteor shower. Yoimiya suggests that you speak to the blacksmith in the city.
(Talk to Ahangar)
You briefly explain the purpose of your visit to the blacksmith.
Media:vo xglq202 6 ahangar 01.ogg Ahangar: You want to use the purest material to create a star observation device? Hmm... A pair of specially crafted lenses should do the job.
Media:vo xglq202 6 ahangar 02.ogg Ahangar: However, "purest material" is too vague. It'd be better if you were more specific...
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you have any alternatives for us?
Media:vo xglq202 6 ahangar 03.ogg Ahangar: Firstly, this all sounds rather strange. I've never heard that legend about meteor showers. You sure you're not just messing with me?
Media:vo xglq202 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: (Sorry for the trouble, but we are kind of messing with someone...)
Media:vo xglq202 6 yoimiya 01.ogg Yoimiya: Sorry... Inazuma's pretty far, so maybe some key information got lost across the ocean.
Media:vo xglq202 6 yoimiya 02.ogg Yoimiya: Still, I want to at least give it a shot. Even though the information's vague, can you help us at all?
Media:vo xglq202 6 ahangar 04.ogg Ahangar: Well, sure. Why don't I use some materials that might fit the bill, and create up a mock-up device for you?
Media:vo xglq202 6 yoimiya 03.ogg Yoimiya: That'd be great. Thanks so much for your help!
Media:vo xglq202 6 ahangar 05.ogg Ahangar: No need to be so polite — you're my customer. Also, this kind of project is a nice change of pace.
Using his well-honed skills, the blacksmith constructs three lenses of different make.
Media:vo xglq202 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: (Maybe we can just pick a random one. It's not like we're really going to use it, anyway...)
Media:vo xglq202 6 ahangar 06.ogg Ahangar: No, that won't do. I don't think I can justify that to myself...
Media:vo xglq202 6 ahangar 07.ogg Ahangar: If these were for ordinary use, then it'd be acceptable... barely. But if you want a product that is top-notch, this is far from ideal.
Media:vo xglq202 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: (Gah, why are you so interested all of a sudden?)
Icon Dialogue Talk Then what do we do...?
Media:vo xglq202 6 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Yeah, what now...?
Media:vo xglq202 6 yoimiya 04.ogg Yoimiya: Don't worry too much about the material. If you think it'll be difficult to obtain, we can get it for you.
Media:vo xglq202 6 yoimiya 05.ogg Yoimiya: I want to try all our options.
Media:vo xglq202 6 ahangar 08.ogg Ahangar: Hmm...
Media:vo xglq202 6 ahangar 09.ogg Ahangar: Since we're on the topic of legends, allow me to tell you one about blacksmiths.
Media:vo xglq202 6 ahangar 10.ogg Ahangar: All of us in Sumeru know about this legendary forging material. It possesses excellent properties that are matched by no other...
Media:vo xglq202 6 ahangar 11.ogg Ahangar: Using it to forge something is every blacksmith's dream.
Media:vo xglq202 6 ahangar 12.ogg Ahangar: Some spend their entire lives searching for this material in vain, while others have it in their possession, yet never use it in their forge.
Media:vo xglq202 6 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Huh? Why's that?
Media:vo xglq202 6 ahangar 13.ogg Ahangar: That's because the material is too precious. Many believe themselves unworthy to work with it due to a lack of skill.
Media:vo xglq202 6 ahangar 14.ogg Ahangar: In other words, not only does it represent the pinnacle of material quality, but also the culmination of a smith's skills.
Media:vo xglq202 6 ahangar 15.ogg Ahangar: I constantly practice and hone myself so when I do encounter this material, we won't pass each other by like two ships in the night.
Media:vo xglq202 6 yoimiya 06.ogg Yoimiya: So you mean that it symbolizes dreams?
Media:vo xglq202 6 ahangar 16.ogg Ahangar: Dreams, inspiration, obsession, focus... Call it what you want. But if you take it to symbolize "purity," then I believe it is your goal as well.
Media:vo xglq202 6 ahangar 17.ogg Ahangar: We call it Urstone, but in truth, neither I nor my colleagues have ever seen it.
Media:vo xglq202 6 ahangar 18.ogg Ahangar: It's more like a goal, and also a warning.
Media:vo xglq202 6 yoimiya 07.ogg Yoimiya: This fits perfectly with the tale of the meteor shower.
Media:vo xglq202 6 yoimiya 08.ogg Yoimiya: Then why don't we go looking for it?
Media:vo xglq202 6 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Is it even something we can find?
Icon Dialogue Talk We should at least try...
Icon Dialogue Talk Treat it as a fun excursion.
Media:vo xglq202 6 yoimiya 09.ogg Yoimiya: Exactly! We're chasing down a legend, after all. What's true or not doesn't matter as much.
Media:vo xglq202 6 yoimiya 10.ogg Yoimiya: If we do find it, that's a big win for us! And if we don't, maybe we can still find something that could be used as a substitute.
Media:vo xglq202 6 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: When you put it like that...
Media:vo xglq202 6 farid 01.ogg Farid: Excuse me. If I might intrude, have you seen a child in a wheelchair?
Media:vo xglq202 6 yoimiya 11.ogg Yoimiya: Yeah, she and I were hanging out not that long ago. What's the matter?
Media:vo xglq202 6 niousha 01.ogg Niousha: Do you know where she went? She hasn't returned home yet...
Media:vo xglq202 6 yoimiya 12.ogg Yoimiya: Huh? I wonder why? When we split up, she said she was heading home.
Media:vo xglq202 6 niousha 02.ogg Niousha: Oh dear... *sigh*
Media:vo xglq202 6 niousha 03.ogg Niousha: I'm sorry if I seemed worked up. I'm Avin's mother.
Media:vo xglq202 6 niousha 04.ogg Niousha: She's been depressed ever since she fell ill and was forced to use a wheelchair. I'm concerned about her mental health.
Media:vo xglq202 6 niousha 05.ogg Niousha: If she does something reckless because she's not in a good state of mind...
Media:vo xglq202 6 yoimiya 13.ogg Yoimiya: It's okay, don't worry. We'll help you find her.
Media:vo xglq202 6 yoimiya 14.ogg Yoimiya: I can't say that I know her very well, but I think she just has a lot on her mind, and is trying to come to terms with her feelings.
Media:vo xglq202 6 niousha 06.ogg Niousha: That's reassuring... *sigh* She doesn't want to tell me anything, probably because she thinks nothing she says would make either of us feel better.
Media:vo xglq202 6 niousha 07.ogg Niousha: But I can't tell what she's thinking if we don't communicate...
Media:vo xglq202 6 niousha 08.ogg Niousha: I'm worried that I'll panic and make things worse by saying the wrong thing.
Media:vo xglq202 6 yoimiya 15.ogg Yoimiya: Don't worry, I'm sure she has a reason for wanting some space to herself at the moment. We should just be open and understanding with her.
Media:vo xglq202 6 yoimiya 16.ogg Yoimiya: But that does bring me to a question I've been mulling over in my head... Do you think there's something else going on in her life?
Media:vo xglq202 6 niousha 09.ogg Niousha: Not that I'm aware of, I just know the illness was a big blow to her...
Media:vo xglq202 6 niousha 10.ogg Niousha: She's always been physically active. She absolutely loved to run and jump, and she told me that she wanted to become a great adventurer some day.
Media:vo xglq202 6 niousha 11.ogg Niousha: But after she became ill, she lost strength in both legs. She hasn't been able to stand since.
Media:vo xglq202 6 niousha 12.ogg Niousha: We've consulted with countless doctors, but they're all stumped. They said all she can do is slowly recuperate. No one can say for sure if she'll ever stand or walk again.
Media:vo xglq202 6 niousha 13.ogg Niousha: She believes that her legs will never recover, and her dreams of seeing the world would be forever shattered. *sigh* It's... This was all too sudden, too unfair.
Media:vo xglq202 6 yoimiya 17.ogg Yoimiya: Okay, I understand. I'll find a way to bring her around.
Media:vo xglq202 6 yoimiya 18.ogg Yoimiya: Sorry, but it looks like we'll have to put our meteor shower search on hold.
Icon Dialogue Talk Of course. Avin's safety is more important.
Media:vo xglq202 6 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: We're coming with you!
Media:vo xglq202 6 yoimiya 19.ogg Yoimiya: Mister Blacksmith, do you remember seeing a child in a wheelchair?
Media:vo xglq202 6 ahangar 19.ogg Ahangar: Sorry, afraid not. I've been keeping my eyes on my anvil.
Media:vo xglq202 6 ahangar 20.ogg Ahangar: But you're looking for someone... I suggest dropping in on Sadegh.
Media:vo xglq202 6 ahangar 21.ogg Ahangar: He's my supplier. If anyone's aware of the comings and goings in Treasures Street, it'd be him.
Media:vo xglq202 6 yoimiya 20.ogg Yoimiya: Do you know where we can find him?
Media:vo xglq202 6 ahangar 22.ogg Ahangar: He's probably resting just over there. It's not far.
Media:vo xglq202 6 yoimiya 21.ogg Yoimiya: Got it. Thanks for your help with everything!
Media:vo xglq202 6 yoimiya 22.ogg Yoimiya: We'll go over there and see what we can find out. Don't worry, I don't think she's gone too far.
Media:vo xglq202 6 niousha 14.ogg Niousha: Thank you so much. He and I will continue asking around in the city.
Media:vo xglq202 6 niousha 15.ogg Niousha: If you find her, please let me know... Thanks again for helping.
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Ahangar, optional)
Media:vo xglq202 6 ahangar 23.ogg Ahangar: (Kids these days... Her friends sure seem worried.)
(Speak to Ahangar again, optional)
Media:vo dialog xglq202 ahangar 01.ogg Ahangar: I'll keep an eye out for you. If I see her, I'll try to keep her here with me.
Icon Quest Step Step Description

Before you could set out to find the Urstone, you hear news of Avin's disappearance, and put your plans aside to look for her.
(Talk to Sadegh)
Media:vo xglq202 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Excuse me, have you seen a child in a wheelchair?
Media:vo xglq202 7 sadegh 01.ogg Sadegh: Hmm, now that you mention it, that does ring a bell. I was moving some boxes at the time, and I saw her pushing her wheelchair so hard she was panting.
Media:vo xglq202 7 sadegh 02.ogg Sadegh: I asked if she needed help, but she didn't respond, as if she didn't hear me.
Media:vo xglq202 7 yoimiya 01.ogg Yoimiya: Sounds like there really was something on her mind.
Media:vo xglq202 7 sadegh 03.ogg Sadegh: Yeah, that was the impression I got, too. What's wrong? Did she go missing?
Media:vo xglq202 7 yoimiya 02.ogg Yoimiya: Yes, so we're looking for her.
Media:vo xglq202 7 sadegh 04.ogg Sadegh: I see... That's rather worrying. I know — I'll ask my friends and see if they know anything.
Media:vo xglq202 7 sadegh 05.ogg Sadegh: She went that way. If you ask people as you go, hopefully you'll track her down.
Media:vo xglq202 7 yoimiya 03.ogg Yoimiya: Okay, thanks! If you find out anything, don't forget to tell the people with the green scarves!
Media:vo xglq202 7 sadegh 06.ogg Sadegh: Haha, you mean the Corps of Thirty? Don't worry, I got it.
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Sadegh, optional)
Sadegh: (I've got two more vendors to visit... Ah well, there's no rush. I'm going to take a break.)

(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Gurgen, optional)
Media:vo xglq202 7 gurgen 01.ogg Gurgen: (Will this amount of water do?)
(Talk to Gurgen, optional)
Media:vo dialog xglq202 gurgen 01.ogg Gurgen: Mm, sorry, I'm not sure. I've been tending to the herbs.
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Salar, optional)
Media:vo xglq202 7 salar 01.ogg Salar: (Let's check how much fertilizer we have left again...)
(Talk to Salar, optional)
Media:vo dialog xglq202 salar 01.ogg Salar: A child in a wheelchair? Sorry, I didn't see anyone like that. I was organizing some things.
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Nevida, optional)
Media:vo xglq202 7 nevida 01.ogg Nevida: (Settling disputes is exhausting...)
(Talk to Nevida, optional)
Media:vo dialog xglq202 nevida 01.ogg Nevida: I'm very sorry, but I haven't seen this child. I've been settling disputes all day.
Media:vo dialog xglq202 nevida 02.ogg Nevida: If they have suffered an accident, please send them to Bimarstan immediately. I can help you make arrangements.
(Talk to Nidal)
Media:vo xglq202 7 yoimiya 04.ogg Yoimiya: Excuse me! We're looking for a child in a wheelchair...
Media:vo xglq202 7 nidal 01.ogg Nidal: Oh, I remember her. She went that way not too long ago.
Media:vo xglq202 7 nidal 02.ogg Nidal: I asked her what she was doing — it's my job, after all. She just said she had something important to do and didn't want to be disturbed.
Media:vo xglq202 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: That seems a little weird.
Media:vo xglq202 7 nidal 03.ogg Nidal: Whatever the case, she left the city. If you follow that road, you should be able to find her.
Media:vo xglq202 7 yoimiya 05.ogg Yoimiya: Gotcha. Thanks a lot!
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Nidal, optional)
Media:vo xglq202 7 nidal 04.ogg Nidal: (I suppose this is part of what the Mahamata calls our "duties.")
(Talk to Nidal again, optional)
Media:vo dialog xglq202 nidal 01.ogg Nidal: If that's all, then, I'll be continuing my patrol.

(Talk to Jahan)
Media:vo xglq202 7 yoimiya 06.ogg Yoimiya: Hello there! Did a child in a wheelchair pass this way?
Media:vo xglq202 7 jahan 01.ogg Jahan: A wheelchair? Oh, so that's what it was...
Media:vo xglq202 7 jahan 02.ogg Jahan: I didn't get a good look, but something going pretty fast went sliding down that slope over there.
Media:vo xglq202 7 yoimiya 07.ogg Yoimiya: Oh no, how dangerous.
Media:vo xglq202 7 jahan 03.ogg Jahan: For sure. There's terrain of all sorts outside the city, and if that was the kid...
Media:vo xglq202 7 yoimiya 08.ogg Yoimiya: Got it. It was over there, right? We'll be going now. Thanks!
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Jahan, optional)
Media:vo xglq202 7 jahan 04.ogg Jahan: (No one was accompanying that kid...?)
(Talk to Jahan again, optional)
Media:vo dialog xglq202 jahan 01.ogg Jahan: Go. Go quickly. Any delay could be costly.

(Approach Avin)
Media:vo xglq202 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey! Are you alright?
Media:vo xglq202 8 avin 01.ogg Avin: I fell off my wheelchair...
Media:vo xglq202 8 avin 02.ogg Avin: I can't move around without it... Why...? Why!?
Media:vo xglq202 8 yoimiya 01.ogg Yoimiya: It's okay, you're okay, you're not hurt.
Media:vo xglq202 8 yoimiya 02.ogg Yoimiya: I'll take care of her. Can you two look for her wheelchair?
Media:vo xglq202 8 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: No problem! We'll be right back!
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Avin, optional)
Media:vo xglq202 8 avin 03.ogg Avin: (Why... Why did this happen to me...)
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Yoimiya, optional)
Media:vo xglq202 8 yoimiya 03.ogg Yoimiya: (I have to calm her down first.)
(Talk to Avin and Yoimiya, optional)
Media:vo dialog xglq202 yoimiya 01.ogg Yoimiya: It's okay, you're alright now.
Media:vo dialog xglq202 avin 01.ogg Avin: ...
(Investigate the depressions at the crossroads, optional)
(TravelerTraveler): (After Avin fell off, the wheelchair would've kept going. It should be somewhere up ahead.)
(Investigate the depressions in the camp, optional)
(TravelerTraveler): (Those aren't wheelchair tracks. Let's look somewhere else.)
(Investigate the depressions down the left road)
(TravelerTraveler): (It must've slowed down. Can't be far now.)
(Approach the wheelchair)
Media:vo xglq202 12 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Look, it's the wheelchair! So hilichurls took it!
Media:vo xglq202 12 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: We gotta get it back before they damage it!
(Retrieve the wheelchair)
You return the wheelchair to Avin.
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 01.ogg Yoimiya: Alright, we're in luck. Looks like the wheelchair's still working.
Media:vo xglq202 13 avin 01.ogg Avin: That's good... *sigh* Or else my family would have to pay for another one.
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 02.ogg Yoimiya: You feeling any better? I know that must've been really scary for you.
Media:vo xglq202 13 avin 02.ogg Avin: Mm...
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 03.ogg Yoimiya: It's alright, you're safe now. We'll bring you back.
Media:vo xglq202 13 avin 03.ogg Avin: ...
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 04.ogg Yoimiya: Do you feel okay telling me why you had to come here, despite the risks?
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 05.ogg Yoimiya: If you don't want anyone else to know, we'll definitely keep it a secret!
Media:vo xglq202 13 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: That's right! You can trust us.
Media:vo xglq202 13 avin 04.ogg Avin: The Aranara Carving...
Media:vo xglq202 13 avin 05.ogg Avin: My bestest friend... He went missing...
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 06.ogg Yoimiya: The carving? You mean the one I gave you?
Media:vo xglq202 13 avin 06.ogg Avin: Yeah. My illness is really bad. It's not just my legs — I've forgotten a lot of stuff, too.
Media:vo xglq202 13 avin 07.ogg Avin: I used to love running. I loved the feeling it gave me, and the sound of wind rushing by my ears.
Media:vo xglq202 13 avin 08.ogg Avin: But the longer I sit, the cloudier those memories get. I'm starting to forget how it feels to "love" something.
Media:vo xglq202 13 avin 09.ogg Avin: But when I saw that wood carving, I remembered that I once had a best friend. He'd always run with me.
Media:vo xglq202 13 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Wait, was he an Aranara!?
Media:vo xglq202 13 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Um, Paimon meant that it couldn't have been an Aranara, right? They're just fairy tale characters!
Media:vo xglq202 13 avin 10.ogg Avin: But they aren't! They're real! They couldn't be more real!
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 07.ogg Yoimiya: Hey, I understand. Okay, let's calm down. Tell us what happened so we can help you.
Media:vo xglq202 13 avin 11.ogg Avin: Sorry, I got carried away... and I don't have any evidence to show you...
Media:vo xglq202 13 avin 12.ogg Avin: Everyone says you can't see Aranara anymore once you become an adult. You have to say goodbye to your Aranara friends forever.
Media:vo xglq202 13 avin 13.ogg Avin: I can't remember his name or how he looked like... and soon, I'll even forget that he used to run with me...
Media:vo xglq202 13 avin 14.ogg Avin: I don't want to become an adult... Not like this.
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 08.ogg Yoimiya: I understand now... When you saw that carving, you were reminded of your friend.
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 09.ogg Yoimiya: You came out here to look for him and remember that friendship, no matter how difficult things got. Isn't that right?
Media:vo xglq202 13 avin 15.ogg Avin: Yes. I want to see him. I want to tell him that I'm not angry with him, and that I didn't want to break our promise. But then... this happened.
Media:vo xglq202 13 avin 16.ogg Avin: I'm not angry with him, not at all.
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 10.ogg Yoimiya: Cheer up — something beautiful has happened.
Media:vo xglq202 13 avin 17.ogg Avin: Beautiful?
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 11.ogg Yoimiya: That's right. You remembered something about the Aranara, haven't you?
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 12.ogg Yoimiya: Once you start remembering more things, you'll be able to find your friend again.
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 13.ogg Yoimiya: And I'll help you!
Media:vo xglq202 13 avin 18.ogg Avin: Yoimiya...
Media:vo xglq202 13 avin 19.ogg Avin: Does this mean that you can also see Aranara?
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 14.ogg Yoimiya: Sorry, I don't know if I can. I've only just arrived in Sumeru. Maybe I haven't seen one yet, or maybe I can't see them at all.
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 15.ogg Yoimiya: But that doesn't matter. Whether I can see them or not doesn't change my belief that you can.
Media:vo xglq202 13 avin 20.ogg Avin: ...!
Media:vo xglq202 13 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: What do we do?
Media:vo xglq202 13 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Paimon really wants to help her. She didn't deserve any of this — not her illness, or being separated from her friend. But...
Icon Dialogue Talk We'll help, too.
Icon Dialogue Talk Yoimiya, can we talk?
Icon Dialogue Talk But before that...
Icon Dialogue Talk Yoimiya, can we talk?
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 16.ogg Yoimiya: Huh, me? Sure. Um, sorry, wait here for a moment. We'll be right back.
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 17.ogg Yoimiya: What's wrong? You look so serious all of a sudden.
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you really believe in the Aranara?
Icon Dialogue Talk How do you plan to help her?
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 18.ogg Yoimiya: Oh, did you think I was over-promising back there? Don't worry, I have experience with this kind of thing.
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 19.ogg Yoimiya: To her, reuniting with her Aranara friend is the "result." But recapturing her past joy and belief in herself is the "process," and that's where our help is needed.
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 20.ogg Yoimiya: I'm guessing that her sudden illness made her feel like she may not be able to realize her dreams anymore. It also made it difficult for her to hold onto the happy memories and dreams she had.
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 21.ogg Yoimiya: Everyone has their own imagination. After some chance coincidence, she met an "Aranara."
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 22.ogg Yoimiya: So as long as we help her rediscover that same feeling she once had, her "Aranara" will return naturally.
Media:vo xglq202 13 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Oh, so that's what you're thinking...
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 23.ogg Yoimiya: Adults only want to believe in objective reality. In doing so, they may unintentionally do harm to the innocent fantasies of children.
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 24.ogg Yoimiya: But I think there are ways to get even subjective things back.
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 25.ogg Yoimiya: So how about it? Wanna help me out?
Media:vo xglq202 13 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Hehe, looks like all this excitement made you forget your original goal again.
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 26.ogg Yoimiya: *sigh* If we didn't do anything to help, I wouldn't be able to watch a meteor shower, even if it appeared right now.
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 27.ogg Yoimiya: And would the stars really want their caller to have such a heartless soul?
Icon Dialogue Talk I understand.
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't worry, I don't doubt your reasoning, it's just...
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 28.ogg Yoimiya: What are you trying to say?
Media:vo xglq202 13 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Because we can actually summon the Aranara.
Icon Dialogue Talk You're a good Nara, Yoimiya.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll apologize to them later.
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 29.ogg Yoimiya: R—Really?
Media:vo xglq202 13 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Just watch. We have some tricks up our sleeves!
You blow the leaf to call forth the Aranara...
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 30.ogg Yoimiya: Whoa... So this is an Aranara...
Arapurva: Very unexpected. The Lord of Dendro did not say that there would be strange Nara.
Arapurva: Aranara trust Golden Nara. If that were not so... I would not have appeared.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm sorry...
Icon Dialogue Talk There were circumstances, I'm afraid.
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 31.ogg Yoimiya: I'm the one who should be apologizing! Sorry, let me explain.
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 32.ogg Yoimiya: I know that you only want to be seen by people you trust. It's rash of me to butt in...
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 33.ogg Yoimiya: But this girl once had an Aranara as her best friend, and they haven't met in a very long time.
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 34.ogg Yoimiya: She's been quite ill, and her world has turned upside down. It's been so long since she's been able to see her friend that even her memory of him has become hazy...
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 35.ogg Yoimiya: Parting with a friend like that is too sad, and she never wanted that to happen.
Arapurva: I remember Nara Avin and Arashani.
Arapurva: All Nara grow up, and when they do, they will say goodbye to their young selves.
Arapurva: All Nara want to prepare for that, but the truth is... very few succeed.
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 36.ogg Yoimiya: That's why I want to help her. Her world is still very small — too small for all the sadness she has to bear.
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 37.ogg Yoimiya: As things are, all she can do is sit alone and think about how happiness is leaving her little by little, about how life has been so unfair to her...
Arapurva: I understand. Her world is very small, so disappointment is very large.
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 38.ogg Yoimiya: Yes. Maybe we're already used to bad luck, and we know how to deal with feelings of sorrow and disappointment.
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 39.ogg Yoimiya: But this is her first time dealing with any of this. Life can trip anyone up. What's most important in times like this...
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 40.ogg Yoimiya: Is for us to support one another.
Arapurva: Hmm...
Arapurva: It seems that Red Nara has not yet grown up.
Media:vo xglq202 13 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Eh? What do you mean by that?
Arapurva: Time is very important to Nara. Nara walk with time. They remember much, and they forget much.
Arapurva: But Red Nara is different. You know how young Nara think. The warmth in your heart is very pure, and it is fierce like the sun.
Arapurva: I believe you are a trustworthy Nara.
Media:vo xglq202 13 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: So, that means...
Arapurva: I can bring you all to see Arashani.
Media:vo xglq202 13 avin 21.ogg Avin: Eh? T—Thank you...
Media:vo xglq202 13 yoimiya 41.ogg Yoimiya: Thanks for trusting us!
Arapurva: Arashani is in Mawtiyima Forest. But Nara Avin might not be able to see Arashani unless she is prepared.
Arapurva: It is not very complicated or difficult, though. Let me lead the way.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
31Vagrant WanderingForest of Jnana and VidyaAll Things Flawless and Pure, Soloist's Prologue
Locations, Domains, Event Gameplay, Serenitea Pot
32A Drowsy SensationForest of Jnana and VidyaAll Things Flawless and Pure
Locations, Domains
53Transparent NightForest of Jnana and VidyaThe Samsara of the Sabzeruz Festival, The End of the Sabzeruz Festival, All Things Flawless and Pure, A Flower that Blooms Across the Sky
Locations, Serenitea Pot

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishAll Things Flawless and Pure
Chúnjìng Wúxiá zhī Wù
Chúnjìng Wúxiá zhī Wù
Junsui Muka no Mono
Korean순수하고 무결한
Sunsuhago Mugyeolhan Geot
A Pure and Flawless Thing
SpanishEl mineral más puroThe Purest Mineral
FrenchLe matériau le plus purThe Purest Material
RussianЧистейшая материя
Chisteyshaya materiya
The Purest Matter
VietnameseVật Trong Sáng Thuần Khiết
GermanDas Ding, das aus dem reinsten Material bestehtThe Thing, Made of the Purest Material
IndonesianBahan Paling MurniThe Purest Material
PortugueseO Material Mais Puro
TurkishKusursuz ve Saf Her Şey
ItalianTutto ciò che c'è di puro al mondoEverything in the World That Is Pure

Change History[]
