Winners of the thirteenth edition of the yearly online js13kGames competition for web game developers building games that fit into a 13 kilobyte zip packages each were announced a few days ago. Beside the overall results, the best Mobile optimized entries were picked, and also WebXR ones where folks were…Read…
The js13kGames online competition is celebrating its thirteenth edition this year, as it started all the way back in 2012. You have a whole month between August 13th and September 13th to create a web game that fits into a 13 kilobyte zip package and follows a given theme: Triskaidekaphobia…Read…
It’s been almost two months since the winners of js13kGames 2022 were announced, but if you missed that for any reason, now is a good opportunity to catch up. Make sure to check the results of all the categories, from the standard ones like Desktop, Mobile, and Server, to the…Read…
The eleventh edition of the online js13kGames competition has started – you have a whole month between August 13th and September 13th to build an HTML5 game that will fit within 13 kilobytes zip package. As usual, we have a whole lot of prizes you can win (including a Game Boy…Read…
The tenth edition of js13kGames, a yearly online competition for HTML5 game developers, ended with the publishing of the winners at the beginning of October. The usual Desktop, Mobile, and Server categories were followed with WebXR, the third edition of Web Monetization, and a brand new Decentralized one. Participants got…Read…
The Mixed Reality team at Mozilla just updated the Unity exporter to the newest official WebXR specification, so you can be sure your VR games can run smoothly in the browser. Unity is a great tool for building cross platform experiences, and this plugin expands the list of available targets.…Read…
If you remember MozFest Arcade from October 2019, then it won’t be any surprise that Mozilla is joining forces with Coil and starting to openly experiment with Web Monetization via Coil accounts. After all, the three companies behind Grant for the Web are Coil, Mozilla, and Creative Commons. In the…Read…
There is a project called Retroarch that provides an emulator frontend to various emulator back ends. One of those back ends is Mupen64/Parallel N64. And retroarch and many of its cores are already compiled to WebAssembly, with a layer that binds to WebGL. When you’ve got that, anything can be…Read…

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