Dragonsweeper – a minesweeper and RPG hybrid

Created by Daniel Benmergui, Dragonsweeper game is a hybrid of Minesweeper and fantasy RPGs where players navigate a grid-based map while avoiding hidden dragons instead of mines. A minesweeper game that requires observation. Make sure to read the monsternomicon. Each revealed tile provides clues about nearby dangers, requiring strategic deduction…

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Fyrox – Rust based game engine

A modern, open-source game engine written in Rust, Fyrox is designed for 2D and 3D game development. A feature-rich, production-ready, general purpose 2D/3D game engine written in Rust with a scene editor. Formerly known as rg3d. It focuses on ease of use, performance, and safety, leveraging Rust’s memory safety features…

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Publishing web games on Steam with Electron

Jack Le Hamster, who have both The Test of Insanity and The Supernatural Power Troll available on Steam, wrote a detailed blog post on how he managed to publish those web games using Electron. This guide walks you through the steps needed to package your game as a desktop app,…

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Hammer Time – smash your enemies

An outstanding entry to the recent Pirate Software – Game Jam 16, Hammer Time by Drewhjava lets you smash enemies and collect powerups making you even stronger. Survive as long as you can. Don’t let your stamina bar reach zero or you start over. Enemies will deplete it as well…

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Code Europe 2025 discount code

One of the biggest tech festivals in Poland, Code Europe, will be happening June 30th and July 1st in Cracow, and since we’re partnering with the event we can offer you discounted tickets. During Code Europe Tech festival you’ll get a massive number of lectures, workshops, networking opportunities with peers,…

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The King’s Crowns – making of a WebXR game in 13 kilobytes

Samuel van Egmond published a lenghty blog post explaining in detail how he managed to create such a wonderful WebXR game using the A-Frame library and squeezing his own source code into a 13 kilobyte zip package for the js13kGames 2024 competition. Everything in the game is procedurally generated at runtime,…

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Web Game Developers at GDC 2025

Game Developers Conference 2025 in San Francisco starts today, and in the next few days thousands of game developers will showcase their creations, including web based companies and communities. Over the past 30 years, GDC has brought thousands of developers together to learn, grow, and connect. Our agenda is curated…

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Daily Dungeon – new maze every 24 hours

Vijay Pemmaraju is the author of the Daily Dungeon game where each day brings new dungeon with keys unlocking doors that have valuable artifacts behind them. Daily Dungeon is a project that I’ve been working on for about a month or so. After playing Wordle and many of its variants,…

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Nanojet – micro WebGPU game engine

Philippe Vaillancourt, inspired by participating in the js13kGames competition, decided to build his own WebGPU game engine that would fit in the 13 kilobyte zip size limitation – that’s how Nanojet was born. A lightweight, modular game engine built for modern browsers using WebGPU. Designed to be small enough for…

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Little Ski – LittleJS game tutorial

Eoin McGrath, long time participant of both js13kGames competition and Gamedev.js Jam, released his LittleJS tutorial where you can learn how to build an example game, Little Ski. Have you ever wanted to make a game but didn’t know where to start? Well, today is your lucky day. Because, we’re…

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