* Posts by I Like Heckling

222 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Jan 2010


Microsoft discovers disposable email

I Like Heckling Silver badge
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It's nothing new

I've been doing this for years, my current ISP allows me 10 email addies and I normally have 4 on the go at any one time.

If I want to do something new, or a short term thing.. I create a new one specifically for that task... it only takes a couple of minutes.

If that email addy then starts getting spam, not only do I know that the company in question is passing my details on and not to be trusted... But I can simply delete the account when I'm done and replace it with something else if needed.

So I can hardly congratulate MS for figuring out something that I've been doing since the 90's.

Keira Knightley, Jessica Biel eye Batman

I Like Heckling Silver badge

I'd rather see....

Kate Mara for one of the roles please... She's not that well known and is certainly a thousand times more capable than the likes of Holmes and Gyllenhaal... whilst looking a thousand times more attractive at the same time. :)

But let's face it.... TDKR (aside from sounding like a brand of recordable DVD) needs a supporting actor capable of equalling or coming close to the performance of Ledgers Joker.

I can't see any of the names mentioned being able to do that... and to be honest, I'd rather see Stoya in any role instead of Hathaway. :)

Spanish fascist decries Franco Eurovision slur

I Like Heckling Silver badge

@ A.Cotsworth

"You can say "VIVA..." just anything, alive or not: a place (¡Viva España!), a date (¡Viva el 15 de setiembre!), an event (¡Viva la Revolución!) a sports team, a person, etc, etc."

** VIVA Vauxhall :)

** You'd need to be over 30 and aware of UK cars to get the slight attempt at humour there. :)

Apple in 873-page legal claim to word 'Pod'

I Like Heckling Silver badge

Is "Pad" next?

I think Apple would have a hard time convincing anyone that word 'pad' is in anyway only attributed to them... can anyone else "think" of a product from IBM for example. :)

World's first pedal-powered ornithopter takes flight in Canada

I Like Heckling Silver badge
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Listen to the naysayers

I think this is brilliant... another first for the history books and another one of Da Vincis ideas brought to life.

The tow cable from the car is released and the flapping begins, the vehicle shows no signs of slowing down nor of falling. Gliding loses height with forward momentum and there is not enough lift at ground level to provide anything. To maintain the same height at such a speed at that low a level.. lift *IS* being generated.

This is a proof of concept vehicle, and it's done it's job. Expect the design to be improved upon in the years to come.

Apple crushes Quattro as RIM hot-wires own ads vehicle

I Like Heckling Silver badge
Jobs Horns

@ Obviously

"Just who are those people who rush out an buy stuff just because thye saw an ad?"

Is that a rhetorical question?

These are the same muppets who rush out to buy the latest hyped up piece of apple crap, they love being bombarded with adds that want to sell them things they don't need, they're probably the same type of people who buy penis enlargement products because they see an add saying it works, or buy cheap Viagra because they got an email.

Owning an iphony doesn't make you smarter, just more gullible. :)

People have no bloody idea about saving energy

I Like Heckling Silver badge

Use an energy monitor

If you really want to see just how much energy you are using, then get one of the free energy monitors that many supplier are now giving away for free.

I was shocked at how wasteful I was, and at how much energy certain appliances use, I now juggle the use of certain things and restrict the use of others... and my bills have dropped by almost 25% without any impact on the daily routines.

If everyone did that... 20 millions homes using 25% less power... I can't even figure out the savings they're so huge.

Fanbois love sex toys: Official

I Like Heckling Silver badge

What was that?

Sorry.. I've been to busy having sex to take any notice of ta intaweb or any silly little gadgets that aren't gonna enhance my love life more.. I can barely keep up with it in this heat as it is. :)

Perhaps apple users have all that extra time on their hands to shop for such items because they're 'not' getting any... or perhaps they simply like to go fuck themselves... they already like getting fucked by apple anyway.

Diary of a somebody - life in iPhone 4 land

I Like Heckling Silver badge

Crap joke alert

Does the author of this article work at an iPhonesnot4U store?

I did warn you it ws a crap joke... you've only yourselves to blame for reading it.

Intel delays USB 3.0 chipset until 2012

I Like Heckling Silver badge

Opportunity for others

This is the perfect opportunity for AMD to roll out some chipsets that include it and for board makers to adopt them.

Mind you... having USB3 and then sticking a slow drive on the end of it is pretty pointless and most of the offerings on the market are just that.

Until all external storage devices are using USB3 and SSD;s it's a pointless exercise.

McAfee offers cash for clunkers

I Like Heckling Silver badge

AVG no better these days

I too would have recommended AVG in the past... in fact I have installed the free edition on dozens on systems for friends and family.

But the latest incarnation is nothing more than bloatware too... I upgraded from 8 to 9 and it was uninstalled within 48hrs. in excess of 12 background processes running constantly, not to mention the fact it disables parts of windows and supplants itself in it's place without permission.

So I no longer recommend AVG to anyone at all, but I do recommend Microsoft security essentials... and I can't believe I'm promoting an MS product... but as far as free AV software goes, this is tough to beat. I am now upgrading everyone I can as 99% of them are getting sick and tired of the nearly full screen ADs from AVG trying to get them to pay for an upgrade... another reason to ditch it.

Apple in shock public attack on Adobe

I Like Heckling Silver badge
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Only 2 more to go

Who cares... they're both closed and proprietary systems and I'm honestly sick and tired of reading about them. Both companies are only interested in cash and exploiting customers to get more of that cash.

So thanks for posting yet another apple related story... it's gotten so bad in recent months that we actually have a little pool each week in the office to see who can get closest to guessing the number of apple articles each week.... In the last 4 weeks I've won £25 because I guess high.

So only 2 more articles this week.. and not only do I win, I get the exact number right... which means a bonus payment of a free coffee from the coffee shop across the road from each pool member, and that's 10 free coffees next week saving me an extra £20.

But if I'm honest... I'd rather be losing this pool than reading another little lapdog article.

Microsoft slams coffin lid on Vista

I Like Heckling Silver badge

@Peter Page - Who Likes Helping

"now my fine OS will no longer be supported" - Only if your fine OS is Vista without service packs. Read the article again."

Yeah, I read that... but it's a given that support for Vista will be cut short even with SP, XP support is almost 10yrs old, Vista isn't going to make 5. Expect support for SP2 to be gone next year.

Cutting of support for Vista early because it tanked is not the consumers fault, MS are actually encouraging me to seek out alternative sources for an upgrade... when I've actually started buying their OS's :)

I Like Heckling Silver badge

I own both

About 18 months ago I built a new PC after my old one died (5yrs being overclocked took it's toll and the MB failed but everything else was fine and sold to fund the new one). I bought a copy of Vista 64... the first time I have ever bought a copy of windows that wasn't preinstalled on a machine... So the first one in at least 10yrs. :)

Once you get by the few annoying little quirks, the side bar, UAC and such... it's actually a very stable system. The problem has been that it was released without the support of the hardware and software... lack of drivers, lack of compatibility and heavy ram use all took it's toll and the vista ready campaign was a huge mistake that backfired... and as a result it got crucified... media slammed it, people were put off and it tanked.

But underneath it, when you actually got the driver and hardware support... it's a very good and very stable OS. I like it now, hated it when my BIL bought a laptop with a 64bit CPU and crippled with a 32bit OS... stupid, stupid, stupid.

A couple of months ago, I built a high powered HTPC and bought win7 64... and once I tweaked that to get around a few annoying things (sound familiar), like putting the quick launch bar back where it should be and disabling a few things that I don't need to constantly be told... it's a decent OS.

When win7 came along... the support was already there.. if win7 had been released instead of Vista it would have received the same slating that vista did. Sure 7 has a few extra things that raise it above Vista but that's evolution of an OS, not a revolution. I prefer the media centre in 7 to Vista, but that's because I can tweak it more... but MC could still be a lot better and MS should hire the guys who created the Media Browser plugin http://community.mediabrowser.tv/ to write the next one.

So Vista is fine... unless you run it on hardware that can't cope... and they sold it preinstalled on exactly that... and it backfired... but the OS itself is fine once you know how to use it... now my fine OS will no longer be supported and I can't afford to upgrade it to 7... so my alternative is to suffer or find an alternative way to.

Nuclear synthi-jetfuel plants wanted for US Afghan bases

I Like Heckling Silver badge
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So the whole process creates a methane by product, and methane is a viable alternative to fuel cars (will fuel LPG conversions for example).. ok so you won't get great MPG's using it, less so than LPG at present (although tweaks to systems could probably improve it). But it creates a potential new fuel source that the military can sell to help pay for it's own upkeep... Want new planes, sell the fuel so the taxpayer doesn't have to foot the bill.

Imagine how worried the oil industry would become if the military suddenly started making fuel for 'General' consumption (no need to salute, it's just a Major pun)... No chance of a price war with the US military because those guys actually have guns. :)

I'd gladly buy my fuel from them if it helped fund proper equipment for the troops being put in harms way by govts scrambling to secure (irony alert) oil supplies.

Your internet policy sucks, US tells Aussies

I Like Heckling Silver badge

Not quite accurate

Lewis Hamilton was in fact stopped for doing what is usually described as a 'power slide' which whilst some would argue that given his abilities and choice of job... is nothing to worry about.

However, he did this on a public road when he should be acting more responsibly... add to that he's pissed of the Aussies last year by lying to the race steward and this year acted like an idiot by trying to play head games with Mark Webber, insinuating he would retire this year... You don't go to the Aus GP and take a pop at the only Aus driver on the grid.

LH seems to be growing more and more immature as he gets older, and I don't think being totally outclassed by the team mate who every was writing of just a few weeks ago is helping.

As for the great Oz firewall... I think some there has forgotten the date and seems to think this is puritanical times... Does anyone have a time machine handy so these muppets can be sent back to a time they obviously wish the lived in.

Facebook gives you the clap: Official

I Like Heckling Silver badge

Self fullfilling prophecy

Syphilis can also cause heightened pleasure and arousal... thus increasing an infected persons desire for sex... which thus increases the chances of passing the infection on to some one else.

If that was the case, then this could be a lot worse than reported... and wouldn't be restricted to just facebook but would in fact be happening in real life. The relatively low numbers being reported could simply be the actions of 1 or 2 untreated individuals.

Shame on the Telegraph for stopping to Daily 'Hate' Mail reporting standards... and a total non story that the Reg should not be spreading unless taking the piss out of such bad reporting standards.

UK.gov urged to slash DNA retention plan

I Like Heckling Silver badge

It's Not Accurate Anyway.

Fingerprints are not 100% accurate... never have been, but it's only in the last 20yrs that this has become more apparent as the database grows, so does the false positives being recorded.

The exact same thing applies to the DNA database, the larger it becomes the more likely a false positive becomes. They could end up shooting themselves in the foot when DNA evidence is challenged and found to be false... could render DNA evidence useless... at least as useless as the coppers who only target easy arrests for non crimes.

But try getting them to deal with the scrote next door who's been driving a car with no tax or mot for 12 months and suddenly they are no where to be seen... But god forbid I forget to put my seatbelt on when returning from the garage to my home which is all of 500 yards.

Ubisoft undone by anti-DRM DDoS storm

I Like Heckling Silver badge

Some one doesn't know how things work on ta interweb

Congrats on not having a clue. :)

Steam does not have to run in the background all the time... Only when you want to play a game. Don't like it running at startup.. simply stop it from running at startup.

Want to play a steam game, run steam, play the game.. close steam. It's really that simple.

Steam doesn't 'FORCE' you to be online all the time, it has an off-line mode too. Sure you activate the game online, heck.. you download the game from their servers... you get free updates and patches when required... and you don't have to wait for a game to be delivered or trapse around the shops to buy it.

Is it a perfect system... no. Is it an adequate system... kinda.

The only things that bug me about steam are the prices and no resale.

They're scared to compromise retail outlets by offering games cheaper and/or are ited to specific prices by the developers/distributors. This means games that have been reduced in the shops are still more expensive from Steam. So I never buy a new game from them, I stick to the slightly older and cheaper games that are usually less than £15.

The fact you can't resell games on that you own is a pain in the arse too... but as I only ever buy budget games from them, it makes no difference... I can't sell the large pile of games I paid full price for either, even when asking for a couple of quid each.

What Ubisoft are doing is just wrong... it's nothing to do with anti piracy... it's about moving their customers to a subscription based game model for everything. Forcing them to be online just to play an offline single player game is just pathetic, and whoever though up that idea should be fired... All that money will be wasted developing this system... I'm already boycotting Ubisoft games, and I've boycotte4d other companies for similar systems in the past (Ubisoft and Codemasters over starforce for example)... It makes no difference to my life if I buy a certain game or not. For the same reasons I won't buy another GTA game from Rockstar, whilst you can play offline... you cannot play the same game you've been playing for hours/days/weeks when you logged into your online account... and they also force their Rockstar social game client on you, as well as games for windows... All that for a badly coded bug ridden game that is virtually unplayable on high end hardware... and the reason for it is Rockstar made a game to run on hardware that didn't exist at the time... bullshit excuse to avoid addmiting the fucked it up... Crysis was another one that did a lousy coding job too.

I vote with my wallet... I can live without Silent Hunter 5... I still play III & IV and the mod community is alive and kicking for those.

Got DRM, Not getting my money.

Belkin preps SuperSpeed USB 3.0 adaptors

I Like Heckling Silver badge

What's the point?

Super speed USB... what's the point when the choke point of any data transfer is the hard drive itself. USB2 speeds would rarely ever get above 20mb/s when using read/write to my external HD... regardless of IDE or SATA drive. Even internally SATAII drives don't get about the 80-90mb/s mark (standard drives not the 10k/rpm raptor types).

Unless devices are going to be using SSD drives over a 6gb/s ... then it's a pointless exercise in my opinion... Because the majority of devices offered as USB will still be crippled by slow hard drives.

For storage devices.. it's a waste of time trying to fool people with hype about it being so much faster... it will be only if the internal workings of the devices using the bus are capable of keeping up.

eBay cans free P&P requirement

I Like Heckling Silver badge

Anyone spotted the problem...

There's a flaw in ebays scam.. I mean plan.

If you look at those prices... then try actually sending them for that price (including purchase of packaging materials) for anything other than the cheapest, most basic postage... which doesn't include recorded and so forth... then it leaves the door wide open for scammers to claim they never received it.

I never send anything through ebay that isn't recorded... too many thieves pulling that kind of scam.

It's not worth selling anything on ebay any more... you pay them twice, you pay paypal and you are at high risk of getting scammed now over the new postage limits.

I'll stick to buying cheap items and get decent stuff from proper shops.

British poshos outdrink chavs

I Like Heckling Silver badge

I don't believe it....

People spend less on alcohol in a severe recession... next they'll be telling us people have less money to spend, can't find work and can't afford the latest piece of crap from Apple.
