Some one doesn't know how things work on ta interweb
Congrats on not having a clue. :)
Steam does not have to run in the background all the time... Only when you want to play a game. Don't like it running at startup.. simply stop it from running at startup.
Want to play a steam game, run steam, play the game.. close steam. It's really that simple.
Steam doesn't 'FORCE' you to be online all the time, it has an off-line mode too. Sure you activate the game online, heck.. you download the game from their servers... you get free updates and patches when required... and you don't have to wait for a game to be delivered or trapse around the shops to buy it.
Is it a perfect system... no. Is it an adequate system... kinda.
The only things that bug me about steam are the prices and no resale.
They're scared to compromise retail outlets by offering games cheaper and/or are ited to specific prices by the developers/distributors. This means games that have been reduced in the shops are still more expensive from Steam. So I never buy a new game from them, I stick to the slightly older and cheaper games that are usually less than £15.
The fact you can't resell games on that you own is a pain in the arse too... but as I only ever buy budget games from them, it makes no difference... I can't sell the large pile of games I paid full price for either, even when asking for a couple of quid each.
What Ubisoft are doing is just wrong... it's nothing to do with anti piracy... it's about moving their customers to a subscription based game model for everything. Forcing them to be online just to play an offline single player game is just pathetic, and whoever though up that idea should be fired... All that money will be wasted developing this system... I'm already boycotting Ubisoft games, and I've boycotte4d other companies for similar systems in the past (Ubisoft and Codemasters over starforce for example)... It makes no difference to my life if I buy a certain game or not. For the same reasons I won't buy another GTA game from Rockstar, whilst you can play offline... you cannot play the same game you've been playing for hours/days/weeks when you logged into your online account... and they also force their Rockstar social game client on you, as well as games for windows... All that for a badly coded bug ridden game that is virtually unplayable on high end hardware... and the reason for it is Rockstar made a game to run on hardware that didn't exist at the time... bullshit excuse to avoid addmiting the fucked it up... Crysis was another one that did a lousy coding job too.
I vote with my wallet... I can live without Silent Hunter 5... I still play III & IV and the mod community is alive and kicking for those.
Got DRM, Not getting my money.