* Posts by I Like Heckling

222 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Jan 2010


Wetsuits, sunshine, bikini babes and a competitive streak: Epyx California Games

I Like Heckling Silver badge

The memories come flooding back.

I too have fond memories of this game, and others like it on the C64. Both of the Summer games, Winter games, Track & Field and Hyper Sports and of course the one everyone seems to forget about Daley Thompsons Decathlon... which was one of the best sports sims around in my opinion... Sure it was a total joystick killer, I must have gone through 4 or 5 on that game alone... But it was the first game I ever saw that had a loading graphic that drew a picture on the screen as it loaded from tape... Stunning for the early 80's.

But then I have very fond memories of the C64 and the hundreds of games I accumulated between 84 and 91 when i finally sold it on and replaced with an Amiga and an Atari ST.

Cheap games like Kickstart I & II which cost £2.99 and provided hours and hours of entertainment, creating your own scramble courses and so forth.

It's one of the reasons I have a MAME setup. :)

Google's driverless car: It'll just block our roads. It's the worst

I Like Heckling Silver badge

Re: Platooooooon - HALT!

JustWondering "How about everyone in the queue pay attention to the light, and also the car in front of them?"

Well that's obvious... I said focus on the car in front, not 'devote 100% of your time to the car in front'

In the same way that you focus on the road ahead whilst driving, yet are able to flick your eyes to mirrors and your speedo... At least that's what I do, along with every other person who can drive properly. It's about being aware of what's going on around you... and if your focus is not on the car/road in front of you... that's when accidents happen.

Or were you just being pedantic?

I Like Heckling Silver badge

Re: Platooooooon - HALT!

Anyone who starts to move when the light turns green without checking to see if the car in front has begun to move is an idiot who shouldn't be driving in the first place. It's simply basic common sense, and it's morons like this who cause shunts at lights and then try to blame the person in front for not being quick enough to move when the lights changed colour.

Drivers should be focused on the vehicle in front at lights, it's down to the person at the front of the queue to be aware of when the lights change... everyone else in the queue can see the car in front move and follow accordingly.

It's basic common sense that people seem to have either forgotten or simply ignored because they feel more entitled to be on the road that others... A tone that this entire article is dripping with.

Apple: You're a copycat! Samsung: This is really about Google, isn't it?

I Like Heckling Silver badge

Re: Meh

I still have in my drawer next to me, a Sony Ericsson P990i that I used up to 2011 (because I don't give a crap about changing my phone every 12-18 months and on average make them last 3-4yrs).

I never upgraded because it wasn't needed... The iphone always seemed like a fashion statement rather than a desirable piece of tech and the early android phones were much the same with both sides having underdeveloped operating systems that in some cases couldn't even do things my aging P990i could.

When I did upgrade in 2011 I went for the HTC Desire HD, which even then was considered 'old' technology... But when you realise what it cost me and was unlocked and contract free... and came from a friend who got it as a free upgrade for peanuts.

I'm still using it, and although I do wish I could upgrade the OS to 4 and above (but HTC have a habit of screwing over owners with a lack of upgrades).. But when I upgrade to a new phone... it won't be an Apple and it won't be a Samsung... because I for one am sick and tired of the fanboy behaviour on both sides and want no part of it.

I think I'll get a pure Nexus direct instead... for a lot less than either of the others charge.

BT scratches its head over MYSTERY Home Hub disconnections

I Like Heckling Silver badge

Sky Hub does something similar too.

Almost every night between 2-3am (if I am up, which is quite often) I lose internet access for a few minutes. It normally comes back up right away, occasionally a reboot of the router is required.

Sky are of no help at all, they replaced the router about 6 months ago but the same thing happens.

It's no big deal, unless you happen to be in the middle of a live stream of the Nye vs Ham debate like I was a few hrs ago or if you're in a video hangout with friends in the US as I often am.... But the frequency of it does get annoying.

University boffins build snoop-spotting snitch app

I Like Heckling Silver badge

This is why....

I only turn on my GPS when I'm actually using the GPS functions like navigation.

I also check permissions and if an app wants too many of them, I won't install it.

'F-CK YOU GOOGLE+' ukelele missy scoops BIG WAD of $$ - for Google

I Like Heckling Silver badge

Think of it from the other side

Instead of looking at this from the youtube side of things, take a moment to look at it from the G+ users perspective.

Most of us don't want comments from our shares of YT videos posted to that site, conversations on shares often digress and having them posted on YT isn't wanted. So a lot of G+ users are pissed off about that, because not only are your public shares now posted on YT... it's retroactive, so all of your past shares are on there now.

But the worst part is that those trolls, spammers and so forth that remain posting now show up as comments in your G+ posts... A lot of use don't like that either and wish there was an option to turn it off.

I actually went back through my past shares and deleted all YT videos I had shared, which is a lot.

There is a simple way around it though, don't share public, just share to your extended circles.

But there is a good side to this change that I completely understand, forcing users to use real names (like they can't just make up a fake name ffs) is an attempt to limit the trolls and spammers... If it helps get rid of the 12yr old bigots and other idiots then I count that as a good thing.

As for the lady in the vid, she isn't looking at the wider picture... G+ is a perfect platform for people like her, it's full or artists and musicians and is the perfect place for her to expand her limited view of social media. I have personally seen talented people go from doing crappy jobs to becoming artists full time because of the people and support they found on G+.

I know... a post telling you about the virtues of G+ will go over like a lead balloon on a forum that allows anonymous comments, so I fully expect the downvote fairies to do their worst. But FB and G+ are different types of social platforms. FB is for connecting with people you already know and slowly expanding that, but you have to friend people in return. G+ is for connecting to new people who have similar interests and you can circle who you like without the need for them to circle you back... There's no 'Like this page before you can view it' mentality... sure the data mining still goes on, but without intrusive ads, which is a much better way of doing it that FB in my book.

There's a reason I left FB and moved to G+... and it's not because it's a ghost town, I have friends who have hundreds of thousands of followers and the latest statistics show in excess of 300 million unique users using it daily.

HTC woes prompts 'leave now' tweet from former staffer

I Like Heckling Silver badge
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Once Bitten... and so forth.

Like others I'm a current HTC owner... Desire HD that I've had for almost 2yrs now.

I'm happy with the phone, it does everything I need it to and reasonably reliable and battery life can last me around 20-30hrs.

Last year they announced that the Desire HD would be getting ICS... then they backtracked and wouldn't update it, in spite of the fact the lesser spec Desire S was going to.

That annoyed me because they then push out another version of their sense overlay... but not ICS.

Because of that, when I change my phone I shall be looking elsewhere I think.

BSkyB punters drown in MASSIVE MYSTERY Yahoo! mail! migration!

I Like Heckling Silver badge

Nothing wrong with the ISP - However....

Been happily using sky for an ISP for 7 years or so, it's truly unlimited, speeds are good and uptime is excellent.... if you can find me the same level of service (18mb) with a true unlimited bandwidth for £7.50 a month... Please do.

But the snafu with the email was a nightmare to sort out. I got deluged with around 20,000 emails... duplicates and deleted... and it seems the junk filters aren't working very well either.

Just spent 2hrs going through and getting on top of it... not best pleased... but what can you do.

Hate being stalked by Facebook? Why not try Google+ stalking

I Like Heckling Silver badge

Tired of the G+ barren wasteland bullsh*t

Let's get one thing straight... G+ is not barren, it's not a wasteland... it's the fastest growing social platform at the moment and has achieved far more than facebook had in the same amount of time. It's grown to about 50% of the size of FB and has a higher number of active daily users (people spend more time on G+ than they do on fb).

On G+ you are not bombarded with ads, the look is cleaner and easier to manage... and it doesn't require you to friend everyone. I've got several thousand people following me, and less than 500 that I follow... In that regard it's like twitter.

But what's different about G+ is that it's more about creating new connections instead of trying to reconnect with old ones that you probably lost touch with for a reason. It's about content creation and sharing.

It's obvious to anyone who has taken the time to actually use G+ and discover it's merits... but instead you still get sloppy attempts at journalism that can only regurgitate tired and inaccurate bullsh*t that was only true when it launched.

I've made so many new friends n G+, some of them i've met in real life and others I plan on travelling half around the world to meet at some point.

The killer app for G+ is the hangouts... up to 10 people at a time video chatting and having fun. In almost 2yrs using the site (I joined in beta in July 2011) I have met some amazing people, I'm now friends with people who are celebrities in their fields... beit tv, music and the arts. I've become friends with scientists, chemists, biologists. The people I've become closest too have been the ones I've met through hangouts.

So please stop suggesting G+ is barren, a wasteland, a ghost town... You will get out of it what you put in... and the problem is that most people are too lazy to put in the effort and discover how much better than fb it really is.

If you needed any indication of how worried fb is about G+... you only need to look at the changes they made in the last 12 months to copy features from G+, they're even starting to copy layout ideas too.

Amazon yanks SimCity download from store

I Like Heckling Silver badge

Voting with my wallet

I've been burned before by some of this DRM crap masquerading as 'good for the consumer' when legit customers are penalised whilst people who download it for free can play hassle free.

Anyone remember the starforce cluster f*ck of the early 2000's... the one that killed dvd burners. Because of that I vowed never to legitimately purchase another codemasters or ubisoft game again unless it was free from such drm/protections.

The ubisoft went along the always online drm route a few years ago, and had to backtrack due to that being a clusterf*ck too.

Now ea want to try the cluster f*ck approach... and when it affects sales and a drm free version becomes available online... they'll use that as an excuse for the poor sales.

I like Valves approach to it though... they have a 'city sim sale' going on as I type this and the excellent Cities XL is part of it... Been playing it for a few weeks now and it's great.

F*ck ea and their crappy business practices... it's why I've not legitimately bought an ea game in years... Yet I will gladly buy games from companies that don't treat their customers like crap.

'Quantum fridge' gets close to absolute zero

I Like Heckling Silver badge

Re: But - is it as cool as....

But what if it's the Fonz jumping the sharks with frickin lasers on their heads?

BSkyB to flick switch on network-level smut-'n'-violence filters

I Like Heckling Silver badge
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Re: another reason

Worst ISP... not by a long shot. Been a Sky broadband subscriber for at least 6yrs now and very happy with the service.

As line speeds have increased, so have mine... always been on the top package which is truly unlimited. I currently get around 18mb of the 20mb and my download speeds hit close to that... In fact I throttle downloads to 1000kB/s to avoid swamping my connection. So Right now I am downloading at 1000kB/s, watching youtube vids in HD and surfing the net quite happily.

I know I can get faster speeds elsewhere... but can anyone say for certain that I can get close to 20mb for £7.50 a month elsewhere?

Hard drive sales to see double-digit dive this year

I Like Heckling Silver badge

Needs to happen sooner

I've been holding of buying new drives since the floods a few years ago... Prices should have dropped back to pre-flood levels last year, but thanks to a lack of competition, they've remaind higher than they were when sellers started price gouging customers. As soon as the forecasts for higher prices were announced, online sellers immediately hiked their prices on existing stock.

I have an 8TB media server, I want to rebuild it and place all but 1 drive with all 3TB (currently a mix of 2 and 1.5) and make use of a much more effective raid setup... which I can't do at the moment. 3TB drives are still in excess of £100 and 4TB well over £200

Even 1TB drives are more expensive than the two 1.5TB drives I purchased 3yrs ago.

On the plus side, SSD's are dropping to a more affordable level... But I need storage capacity more than I need speed.

Belkin Power Pack 4000

I Like Heckling Silver badge
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I cannae give you any more power cap'n

I don't want to have the need to buy one of these, especially an overpriced one like this. I've seen larger capacity ones on amazon for less.

What I do want is a phone that doesn't need to be charged up every 18hrs if I decide to use it in the manner it's supposed to be. Instead I have to flaff around with apps to turn off everything that drains power, and then flaff around turning it on to do specific items whilst out and about.

What I want is a decent sized battery in the damn phone to begin with... screw making the phone thinner whilst making the screen bigger... just make the battery twice the size so I can use the damn thing for 2 days without the need to buy expensive extra chargers or batteries so I can use the phone in the way it was designed to be used.

I would love to own a phone that just works as advertised... I actually miss my old Sony Ericsson P990i, because until that died a death last year (after 4yrs service) it allowed me to browse the net, make calls and txts and the battery would last for days... oh I wish I had something that reliable again... My current Desire HD can chew through a battery in 12hrs or so if I leave wireless, gps and bluetooth on... even if it's just sat there not making any calls.

My other half has the HTC Sensation, a battery that's about 40-50 larger capacity then the HD... and yet mine still lasts longer... something tells me it's going in the wrong direction...

Remember when phones got smaller and smaller and battery life got longer and longer... we're going in the exact opposite direction now.

Indiana Jones flicks out on Blu-ray this Fall

I Like Heckling Silver badge

Re: So....

"Will Indy be shooting first?"

He already does... they'll probably give the guy with the sword a walkie talkie or something else instead.

Facebook denies poaching your text messages on Android

I Like Heckling Silver badge

Excellent recommendation, now installed on my phone, can't uninstall the 2 FB apps that came with it though, one is FB and the other is FB for HTC sense, but at least I can force stop them.

Maybe it's time to look into rooting the phone.

Sky flaunts F1 app with split-screen functions

I Like Heckling Silver badge

I already had Sky+, as well as phone and internet with them... because it offered the best deal where I lived. I get close to the 20mbs, it's truly unlimited with no caps and I only call landlines on it (use the mobile for mobile calls). So upgrading to HD for the extra £10 and getting the box free and £100 in M&S vouchers was fine with me. It's effectively costing me £20 extra this year as I swapped the vouchers for cash with the folks.

If it goes on a pay basis next year, I won't be buying it and I'll be out of contract by then and will dump the HD pack. I can realign the dish and get a freesat box instead and get the RTL feed and use 5live as others will be doing.

I can then flog the HD box on ebay, they go for around £100 or so. :)

Of course... when I tell sky I'm cancelling... chances are I'll get the F1 for free to stop me leaving.

Not a fan of Sky at all, but I love the F1 and if there's a way to watch it that's not going to cost me loads of money I'll take it... if the price goes up, I'll look for an alternative way.

Facebook litters Timeline with apps

I Like Heckling Silver badge

I left facebook in Oct and now exclusively use G+, so far about 25 people I know have joined me but they tend to use both still.

But with each passing week, and each change on FB... they are slowly starting to prefer G+.

George Lucas: 'No more Star Wars'

I Like Heckling Silver badge

I'd like to see more Star Wars movies... just as long as GL wasn't calling the shots. It's time to hand over the franchise to new talent.

There are dozens and dozens of officially sanctioned books set in the world after RotJ and some of them have decent plots and deal with the aftermath of the Emperors death... or what about the 18-20yr gap between ep 3 and 4.

I'd like to see a new trilogy with a slightly darker tone to it, not so child orientated... leave that for the animated cartoons and TV and let the original fans having something they can relate to again.

As for Red Tails... is this telling the same story as the film 'The Tuskagee Airmen' starring Laurence Fishburn that's just getting it's bluray release this month.

I'm grateful for the memories George and I do understand that you think messing with the films 30yrs later is still ok, but don't whinge when fans of your original work complain that the 'additions' don't actually add anything and actually change the tone of characters... Han shot first... it's as simple as that... it explains exactly who he is in a split second and it's the change in his character over the course of the movie and it's sequels that makes you warm to him... and that's what good character development means... Making Greedo shoot first turns him into a pussy and makes Greedo look like a total moron (for not being able to hit his target at 3ft) rather than over confident and inexperienced who under estimates the true nature of his foe.

The Commodore 64 is 30

I Like Heckling Silver badge

So many good times

I sold my Atari 2600 and all my games to put the money towards a C64 for xmas, the folks chipped in the rest and on xmas morning I unwrapped it.

I was 13yrs old... I set it up, plugged in the tape drive and opened the two games I had been bought. The Hobbit txt based adventure game (which came with the book too, and is my all time fave book) and Jeff Minters Hovver Bovver.

We read the instructions, set it up, plugged in the joystick, switched it on and loaded Hovver Bovver... 5 mins later we discovered the joystick was faulty... this has been a tradition in my family for over 40yrs... something gadgety/electrical would always be broken in some way when opened on xmas day.

So we loaded The Hobbit instead and aside from xmas dinner, the top of the pops special and a few movies... all 5 of us sat around playing the Hobbit.

I tried programming on it, but wasn't very good at it... But I kept the C64 until 1990 and had hundreds of games for it.

I discovered the joys of twin tape decks on my dads stereo, and me and friends would swap games, another friend got a cartridge (can't remember the name), load a game press a button on the back and record it back to tape or disk.

I've lost count on the number of games that cemented my love of video games... that as a 42yr old is only just starting to wane (mainly due to stupid kids, so I stick to single player and RTS type games now)... but I broke more than a few joysticks on Daley Thompsons Decathlon, perfected my skills on Summer Games I/II, Winter Games & California Games, pursued the llamas in Jeff Minters timeless classics,... Uridium, Paradroid... oh the memories have brought a smile to my face on a cold winters night.

I used to go to a computer club on a Monday night, and took my C64 with me... I saw kids with Atari 400's, Speccy 48k's and at the end of my time there a few speccy 128 and C128's.

But every week a crowd would gather around my C64 (or one of the others... depends who got in early and bagged the biggest colour TV (normally me :) )) and play the latest games... or simply load up the voice emulator (something none of us had ever seen or used before) and get it to say the things a group of 12-14yr old boys would. :)

I got an Atari ST 1080 in 1989 and had that for a couple of years, then got a couple of Amigas in the early 90's (one with the 1mb upgrade)... but they never held the same appeal as the C64 did, nor did my Megadrive, SNES... I guess it was my chipped playstation I got in 96 that reinvented console gaming and moved it back along to my age range (mid 20's by this time)... followed by my first CDRW in about 98.

I had a PS2 and an Xbox... but I skipped the 360 and PS3 and just have a Wii for when friends visit as even my 69yr old disabled dad can play the bowling on that... it's the first time he's ever been truly interested in video games in my entire life... same goes for my sister and mother, and if my brother was still alive... he'd have loved it too.

Strange... I'm not enjoying computer games much any more, as my eldery parents and older siblings were.

Happy birthday C64... you gave me and my friends many, many years of fun.

PC sales forecast slashed on back of disk drive crisis

I Like Heckling Silver badge

Over supply... great, I estimate I'll be needing to upgrade some of my drives to larger ones on the HTPC and NAS around the end of summer next year... I can stretch that out a little longer if needed.

With any luck prices will have fallen back to or be cheaper than before the hikes... a couple of 3TB to replace the 1TB and 1.5TB (my smallest drives) will see me well into 2014 before I need to consider upgrading the other 1.5TB and couple of 2TB drives.

Rainbow Islands

I Like Heckling Silver badge

Bubble Bobble is King

Whilst I enjoyed Rainbow Islands, it wasn't even close to competing with the king of all arcade games... Bubble Bobble.

I remember playing that game addictively in the 80's, found another guy who was about as good as me and we played together to get all the bonus's and records.

I still occasionally play it on my MAME install along with other classics like the Mr Do series.

Facebook now has 1,000 times the referrals of Google+

I Like Heckling Silver badge

it's easy

Upload the video to G+ and simply share it with a circle... if your family and friends want to view them, they already have a G+ account if they have a youtube one.

eBuyer £1 sale fail: Customers vent fury... on Facebook

I Like Heckling Silver badge

I have had no end of problems with ebuyer over the last couple of years... 50% of the orders have involved some kind of problem.

Like the wrong graphics card turning up and the problems I had getting them to accept it's return, and then the very long delay in refunding.

Then there was the monitor I ordered last xmas, delivery set for before xmas... never turns up, they stop replying to emails and won't answer the phone from the 23rd Dec onwards and I finally get hold of some one on the 28th to find it's not even been sent, although their site says it has and I even got sent a tracking number. By this time I was a little peeved, and after a quick call to another online etailer, I purchased the identical monitor for £3 more and it was delivered the following day. The order was cancelled with ebuyer, but they still decided to send it out a week later, I refused delivery and had to call them again to complain... it took a further 2 weeks to get a refund.

and that's just 2 things in the last 12 months... I've not used them since. I don't care how good the prices are, I'd rather pay an extra couple of quid if I know I'll get good service and that if I need to call due to a problem... it will be resolved quickly.

That's why most of my tech stuff comes from aria... everything else now comes from Amazon.

iPhone 4S is for failures who work in coffee shops - Samsung

I Like Heckling Silver badge

"But it looks the same

so how can anyone tell it's a Samsung?"

Because it has the word 'SAMSUNG' written on the bloody thing... or are Apple fanbois so 'creative' they can't friggin read and can only understand fruity shaped symbols.

Breaking news: Man lands on Moon!

I Like Heckling Silver badge

....... and this is why I got rid of my facebook account and moved to G+ in Oct.

Floods really will bring armageddon in 2012, insist resellers

I Like Heckling Silver badge

I started seeing the price gouging start almost immediately, online retailers pushed the prices up immediately the news started suggesting shortages.

One website was showing existing stock of hundreds of units, and still jacked the prices from around £75 to £125 for a 2TB drive... just another reason why I never use this particular buyer of e.

Another retailer that I use that rhymes with 'barrier' did exactly the same thing at the same time as the others.

They saw an opportunity to jack up prices and get more profit from their existing stock before buying in at higher prices.

Thankfully I won't be needing to expand my storage any time in the next 4-6 months, by which time prices should be back to normal.

The fail icon... for all those retailers who are price gouging opportunistic scumbags.

Go back to the future with Red Dwarf

I Like Heckling Silver badge


I've both excited and have a deep dark sense of impending doom.

I love the show... well, I love the first 5 series, like the 6th... think the 7th was a huge steaming turd and that the 8th if condensed into 3 episodes could be be quite good.

But I refuse to accept that the 'Back to Earth' series ever happened... it's a total... total... a word has yet to be invented to describe what it is, but it is one and a total one at that.

The good episodes were written by Doug Naylor and Rob Grant... once that partnership ended after series 6... it's been all downhill.

So this news comes with a deep dark sense of foreboding... a feeling that this could very well kill my fondness for the show entirely.

Nintendo adds Wii U support for second controller

I Like Heckling Silver badge

The Wii was the first console that ever made my dad want to play games, he's now 69 and suffers from Parkinsons... and yet he loves the bowling games, it's about the only ones he can play (when his illness allows him to).

To get my dad interested in a gadget, let alone a games console is nothing short of miraculous. I bought the Wii because I loved Mario Kart on my original SNES (because I'm a 40yr old gamer and remember the original) and the number of games I have can be counted on 1 hand (I game on my PC).

But the Wii allowed my dad to play with the rest of us, and it's appeal goes a lot further than that. My 76yr old Aunt went and bought one, and she loves to play table tennis. Neither her not my father are in good health.

So the Wii U raises a couple of concerns for me... holding the larger pad with touchscreen could be difficult for them, making controlling things more difficult will stop them being able to join in... it was the simplicity of use that made the Wii such a massive hit... I hope Nintendo don't lose sight of that. I was telling my folks about the new Wii U the other week and I could see gleams of interest from both of them... but if it's too complicated it's going to be a waste of time buying it.

Manufacturers testing wider cars for swingbellies

I Like Heckling Silver badge

I imagine the bigots will be posting on this soon... seems like fat people are the last legitimate target left... can't get done for slagging of the fat people like you can other groups.

Not that it makes those types of bigots any less twatish. :)

I've hired a focus and insignia, both 2011 models and the Focus was not the most comfortable thing to drive, the seats were too hard and narrow... I drive a coupe with more bucket like seats that hug you, the focus's seats dug into the outside edge of your thigh because the seating position doesn't suit a tall person like me, with the seat right back, I still have to bend my legs slightly, which means my knee is against the door... Didn't have to do that in the insignia, nor do I in my own car.

Why not design them for taller people too... I wanted an MX5 at one point, until I realised that with the roof up I cold get in, but not out unless I crawled. :)

Shock movie upset - Daniel Craig still James Bond 007

I Like Heckling Silver badge

I loved the last 2 films... I think they've brought the character bang into the modern era and given the character a more human and darker edge.

I pretty much love all of the Bond films, each one was fitting for it's time and each one doesn't hold up today.

I would prefer to see some remakes, but only if they were to put them back in chronological order so to speak. In the books On Her Majesty's Secret Service comes before you only live twice and deals with the events of OHMSS, giving a much harder and darker version of JB... Personally I'd love to see Daniel Craig given the opportunity to make those two... although they did touch upon the subjects in CR and QoS.

I was also under the impression that there was going to be a 'trilogy' story with the 3rd taking the underlying story to it's conclusion... no idea if this is still the case or not.

Grand Theft Auto V trailer drives onto interweb

I Like Heckling Silver badge

I'll be waiting to buy this one a few weeks or more after release on the PC... GTA IV was a turd, badly ported and lacking in almost every area.

If they can make this one as good as GTA SA... I'm in, visuals are nothing if the gameplay is lacking. SA had so much more to offer than IV.

I'm alsos till sore that I built a new system in preparation for GTA IV and it ran like a bag of sand on a high end system in 2008... because as Rockstar claimed... it was made for hardware that didn't exist yet... I think that's a f*cked up statement worthy of the late Steve Jobs.

It was only 2yrs later in Nov 2010 when I built another new system, that I found I could play the game with an acceptable frame rate of 40fps... but still couldn't turn everything to max, even with 2 video cards in Xfire mode and 2GB of vram. and a quad core CPU running at close to 4GHZ and 8GB ram.

If they make that kind of screw up again... I won't be buying it.

How Jobs bent reality with LSD, Apple hype

I Like Heckling Silver badge


I'm going to steal the book... well actually I'm going to infringe the copyright of this book by acquiring it without actually physically touching it.


I guess that makes me great too. :)

I Like Heckling Silver badge

"Diet cures cancer. WTF? → #"

macrobiotic foods have been used to battle cancers for a long long time, they can help reduce the spread of certain types and prolong the life of sufferers.

A cousin of mine is currently using a combination of macrobiotic foods and chemo to deal with an inoperable brain tumour. For some one who was given 4-6 months... 28 months later she's still fighting it.

Steve Jobs named most influential game guy – ever

I Like Heckling Silver badge


dumbest list ever


This pandering to a dead man needs to stop now... it's getting beyond pathetic.

Apple gets patent for ‘unlock gesture’

I Like Heckling Silver badge

It seems like companies are trying to get through as many of the 'silly' patents as possible before the changes to the USPO come in.

When that happens, there is a 9 month window for objections to be made against any patent. With any luck it will allow them to be shot down before any litigation can be started.

Dubstep ringtone wins Nokia compo

I Like Heckling Silver badge

There are a couple of brief moments within the ringtone that are ok, and that I'm pretty sure I heard in other ringtone entries.

But the overall effect is one that repulses me, and the two teens I played it too.

Well done Nokia... dropping the ball still.

Steve Jobs: The Movie in the works

I Like Heckling Silver badge

Let the Disney animation dept make it, they're good with fairy tales.

45% of Android users to upgrade to rival phone OSes

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Biased reporting?

The entire article is flawed... so flawed that it's entire argument is utterly pointless.

Dyson spouts hot air

I Like Heckling Silver badge

I've used their hand driers in some motorway rest rooms, and they're brilliant... so much more efficient than the old style hand driers.

If these work on a similar principal I can imagine they'd be quite effective... but those rest room ones are rather on the noisy side... quieter than the old hand driers, but still noisier than I'd want in my home.

I do like their vacuum cleaners though.

Would you be seen dead with a shopping computer?

I Like Heckling Silver badge
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I wouldn't be seen with any product that tried to tie me to a single source... no matter who made it.

Official: Samsung spurns WebOS

I Like Heckling Silver badge

warning... incredibly bad joke ahead.

Are Samsung going to join forces with Microsoft and offer their 'Bing' search platform with Bada?

I said warning... do you not read the subject. :)

Sid Meier's Civilization

I Like Heckling Silver badge
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Serriously addictive

I discovered a demo of the game on a PC magazine freebie disc in 92, and bought the game so I could play it on a computer at work out of hours.

I've never been so addicted to a game series, and I've bought them all... playing Civ V right now, even tried the knock off clones like call to power 1 & 2, tried Alpha Centauri but didn't enjoy it as much.

The down side is losing so much time on the game... I remember waking up one Sunday morning, making a cup of tea and sitting down to play the newly released Civ III, and then realising that it was 12hrs later and I'd not showered, eaten or moved from my chair at all... and there was a cold cup of tea still sat on the desk. That's a little scary, and so I now limit myself to sessions no more than a couple of hours long... which means playing a marathon game from start to finish can take a couple of weeks.

Can't wait for Civ 6 in about 3-4yrs time.

Will the looters 'loose' their benefits?

I Like Heckling Silver badge

doesn't wlways work like that

A Non e-mouse wrote

"I think a far better solution would be to get them to make good the damage they've caused whilst wearing, say, bright pink overalls.

That way society

- sees them being punished for their actions

- gets some free labour to help clean up the mess

- the public humiliation will help deter them in the fututre

- and maybe they learn some new skills in the process."

Community service has been around for donkeys years and this is what can and does often happen...

I ran a childrens centre, the community service offered to come in and redecorate and duly turned up every morning for a week with some crimis doing their bit to redeem themselves... who then jimmied a window lock, and came back over the weekend and stole all of the kids toys, videos, games and so forth.

Yeah... that'll work.

BBC bigs up iPlayer for TVs and consoles

I Like Heckling Silver badge

Does this mean the Wii is getting an update?

Yes... unfortunately as the Wii only supports up to 480p... it'll probably come with the Wii U next year.

Nice to see the PS3 is still playing catchup with the Wii,.. but still not worth the purchase price (nor is the 360)... when they drop below £125 I might consider it... and I don't mean the budget model that's not worth having at all.

I Like Heckling Silver badge

So what?

I've had the BBC iplayer on my Wii for around 2 years, it works fine... my only gripe is the poor bandwidth which makes for a poor quality picture.

Marathon for iPad

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I remember...

Whilst not a Mac fan, my friends worked in a graphic design office in the 90's and I had my first taste of multiplayer gaming on Marathon 2... a couple of times a week, we'd gather in their office at the end of day and play the sub games like 'kill the man with the skull' and so forth.

I soon moved on to PC multiplayer games, but never enjoyed them properly until getting DSL 10yrs ago... But that 1st multiplayer experience had me hooked right away.

It's just a shame that the gaming community is now full or moronic teenagers and bad losers... and I no longer enjoy playing with such childish people.

Facebook closes today ... NOT!

I Like Heckling Silver badge


I know some people who do fall for this and just about every other scam on facebook... in spite of my attempts to educate them, they persist in trying to find out 'who has been viewing their profile' and so forth...

It's got to the point where I've told some of them if it happens again they're on their own and off my friend list.

I can only tolerate stupidity so many times, at least my family eventually got educated enough to stop...

But at least it's a great way of weeding out the utterly inept from your life. :)

Bloke with hammer fixes London's Olympic clock

I Like Heckling Silver badge
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It's true

I did an engineering apprenticeship when I left school... and one of the priceless bits of information that was offered was.

'If the spanner doesn't fit... get a bigger hammer'

It's as true today as it was then.
