* Posts by bluesxman

461 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Apr 2007


Sprint boots 200 American patriots for using their phones


RE: Glad UK Is Not Like That...

Backwards indeed, last time I looked you have to pay to receive calls on your "home" network, just like we do when roaming abroad.

As for coverage, as you said, the place is just too damn big (why not given some land back to Mexico and Canadia?) with too many tin-pot providers offering half-arsed, often localised, coverage.

Nintendo yanks Mario Party 8 - offensive language to blame?


too late

Thankfully Amazon sent my disc to arrive on the release date, so it's already made it into my hot sweaty palms. Wonder how much these "banned" versions will go for on that there eBay.

Speedy evolution saves blue moon butterflies


@ Martin Yirrell

I can't begin to describe to how stupid you have made yourself sound. I sincerely hope what you said was tongue-in-cheek, otherwise you clearly have no concept of what evolution is.

EC wants to suppress internet bomb-making guides


to: amanfromMars

It's pronounced "nucular" ... nucular.

Iomega parades designer hard drive



Looks like a hip-flask.

Nintendo readies Wii game-making tool for all


good news

Nice work by Nintendo there, encouraging home-brew titles.

Hopefully it'll not be long before someone throws together (or ports) a competent media play which can stream content directly from a PC or NAS, thus making the Wii much more useful as a home entertainment device.

So what's in a URL? The Reg URL?




Eighties throwback worm spreads via memory sticks


Dubious Threat Level

Last time I messed with auto-run on a USB stick, I found the only OS supported method by which I could effect an auto-run (if memory serves) was to double click the drive in Explorer. Unlike loading a CD, simply connecting the device prompts Windows to display that annoying "you've got all sorts of different things on here, what the hell do you expect me to do with them?" pop-up.

Virgin throttles national cable network


Already throttling?

RE: Comment @ Tuesday 8th May 2007 11:56 GMT

You are aware that, regardless of any throttling policies they may or may not already have introduced on the sly, the speed you're paying for is subject to a contention ratio, right?

PlayStation pioneer hangs up his joypad


sorry to nitpick

"but as the home PC prices have dropped by over 100%"

Free PCs for the French?!?! no wonder consoles aren't selling!

Canada announces monster solar plant


reduced footprint?

"This is an exciting development in Ontario's quest for cleaner power and in our efforts to minimize our ecological footprint."

"covering 365 hectares with around one million solar panels"

That's a fair bit of flora and fauna that won't be able to see the sun ... >1.4 square miles is quite a "footprint", I'd say!
