"We're just passing the tonsils. Nothing to report yet."
Posts by Paul Hovnanian
2169 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Mar 2008
American search team fails to find women's G-spot
MIT boffins devise faster Fast Fourier transform
Apple wants to OWN YOUR VERY SOLE

Unauthorized Clothes?
"In Cupertino style, users would be prevented from putting their sensors on unauthorised clothing. The patent application complained that people were in the habit of removing spy circuits from authorised trainers and putting them in unofficial items. Apple doesn't like that."
I propose a system of sensors that can freely be relocated to whichever brand or style of clothing you desire. Since this represents new and novel functionality that Apple does not claim, my patent trumps theirs.
US military access cards cracked by Chinese hackers

It sounds like what they are doing is capturing PINs and for use in a Trojan process that can then log into remote resources. So when you plug in your card to perform some (authorized) function, the trojan begins accessing other resources in the background.
"By capturing the PIN for the smartcard and binding the certificate, malware can silently use the card to authenticate to secure resources, so long as the card remains physically present in the card reader."
So they aren't stealing the card's credentials for future use. They are using your card in real time to access servers and other resources. A bad situation, since when security gets an alarm and comes over to your workstation to see what's up, you'll actually be sitting there with your card in the reader. You might only be playing Solitaire, but the logs will show data being copied to a server in China.
1TB USB stick shoved into Swiss Army knife
Duff Russian Mars probe spotted flying in reverse

Its a Ruskie plot, I tell ya'
"its atmospheric reentry is currently scheduled for mid-January," a reference to reports that the failed Mars mission should rain hot chunks of itself onto terra firma on or around January 15."
They're just cultivating a sense of complacency in us about having stuff fall on us from space.
Arctic freshening not due to ice melt after all, says NASA
Boffins glue self-righting ROBO-VELOCIRAPTOR tail to car
Paul Allen latest plan: Space rockets on MEGA PLANE
Microsoft gives up on proprietary 2D barcode, accepts NFC

Still the middleman?
"So Microsoft has extended its platform to use QR Codes like everyone else, and added support for URLs embedded in NFC tags too. Redmond will still host a redirection server (so the encoded URL points to Microsoft, who forwards the request while accumulating usage statistics)."
It sounds like Microsoft's app will still funnel reads of the various tag formats through the mother ship in Redmond. That's not something I'd be happy turning over to The Borg. So, sorry Microsoft. I won't be inviting you into the middle of my transactions.
Microsoft seeks to woo developers with Windows 8 store
New species of dinosaur discovered... in museum
Man's phone burns, toasts trouser region
James Bond savages the Kardashians
Toshiba readies zero Watt standby mode telly
US Martian nuke-truck launches without a hitch, but...
Boffins reckon Mars quite blustery actually
Google flings Bing into search engine bin
US doctors demand right to advise on gun ownership
Boffins build electric car from a single molecule
Is the electromagnetic constant a constant?

Red shift?
But looking at stuff with extreme red shifts means they are at extreme distances. And so we are looking at events in the Universe's distant past. Back then, alpha may indeed have been different. But it could very well have been different in the vicinity of the Earth as well. Back before the complex molecular interactions we depend upon were important. So it might be more accurate to say that we (and those distant aliens) happen to live in a time that is conducive to life. Not a region.
Some alien astrophysicist on a planet orbiting that distant star with (what we observe to be) anomalous red shifts doesn't see them now. But when he (I know, presumptuous of me to apply our gender specific pronouns to aliens) looks toward earth, he may observe the same differences from what he presumes to be essential for life. In our distant past. And writes our end of the Universe off as uninhabitable. And he thanks his local God for blessing his race as special.
RIM backdoor access for Indian probers
Uncrackable quantum crypto undermined by new attack
Reg hacks confront really wide Oz load terror

What happens ...
... when one of these double wide houses meets a mining vehicle or something of similar size going the other way?
The simple solution for the Solar Challenge would be to get a couple of military surplus armored trucks (ala Mad Max) to run interference for them.
No.... You move the house!
Pumped-up radio telescope seeks new moniker
Silicon Valley's social tech formula doesn't add up
C and Unix pioneer Dennis Ritchie reported dead
Chaos feared after Unix time-zone database is nuked

Time Zones are Laws
Or, more accurately, established by laws in various jurisdictions.
Some of those jurisdictions place restrictions or conditions on the publication of their public laws and the subsequent rights to that information, even when published 'for profit' . All it would take is for one small town to set its time zone and then attach some sort of viral 'open source' condition to the subsequent compilation and publication of its ordinances.
Lady Gaga loses squatting complaint
Windows 8 secure boot would 'exclude' Linux

Will it exclude Windows XP as well? If so, this will not sit well in the corporate world (where XP is king).
Try telling your corporate customers that they've got to rebuild their legacy apps for Windows 8 and there will be dark muttering. Mention Metro and they'll be marching on the castle in Redmond with pitchforks and torches.
Feds probe naked Scarlett Johansson outrage
Aussie Sex Party takes the whip to .xxx domains
9/11: The day we lost our privacy and power
UK.gov coder defines open standards: 'A lot like porn'
Court bans man called Peter from calling himself Peter
Chic USB drive leads double life as personal vibrator

Better yet ...
... a BlueTooth storage device for your pr0n. No need to 'unplug' it just to plug it into your laptop USB port.
BlueTooth control makes for some interesting applications (remote control toys have already been developed for this). But the ability to join the vibrator to one (or more) mobile devices running remote control apps (possibly anonymously) could make for some interesting party games.
Scottish TV news pumps goatse link
It's official: IE users are dumb as a bag of hammers
Lost 1967 spacecraft found crashed on the Moon
Bill seeks to decriminalise pianos in pubs and schools
Hacking Baseball
Taxman recruits fricking tax-collecting robots
Plague of US preachers falsely claim to be Navy SEALs

Supreme Court Descision
I understand why the USSC found the Stolen Valor Act to be unconstitutional. Its the threat of the government control of speech and suppression of dissent by labeling it as lies.
On the other hand, there is no restriction on civil suits being brought for anything from fraud (misrepresenting ones credentials for the purpose of personal gain) to trademark violation. I can't stick a Rolex logo on a cheap watch or sell knock off products as name brands. I'd hope that the Navy (and other military branches) have groups dedicated to pursuing and bringing such abuses to court. I'd be happy to see such activities funded by us taxpayers.
Sadly, our military forces have a number of people who sympathize with religious nut cases and are more than willing to look the other way to support their fellow travelers' riding their coattails.
Revealed: Secret security plan should Kate leave Wills at the altar
Google Linux servers hit with $5m patent infringement verdict

Time for Google to go
I envy you people who live in countries with more reasonable approaches to patents (software in particular). I wouldn't be surprised to see outfits like Google more their engineering and operations to these locations should this sort of nonsense continue.
Sure, the use of the patented technology would still be prohibited within US borders. But the servers would be beyond the reach of the trolls. And good luck suing every Google user for their share of a $5m penalty (a fraction of a penny apiece).
Health experts flip over McD's burger-flip toy
Park the Mario Kart, and throw your keys in the bowl
Dear US gov: Stay the hell out of Silicon Valley
Survey sets out to pin down nation's pr0n habits

Kinsey v2.0
This could be a valuable study. If the data is suitably anonymized*, it could show the extent of pornography use by "normal" people who do not subsequently become the subject of law enforcement or mental health intervention. So far, we've got a pretty good idea about porn use among various classes of offenders. And this has led (through faulty logic) to linking porn with the propensity to commit such offenses. A good baseline or control group will go a long way to possibly disproving such links.
*Both the survey participant and the sources (URLs, newsgroups, etc.) need to be kept confidential so that this study can't be used to "clean house" or generate blacklists.