* Posts by Maryland, USA

186 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Jan 2008


Microsoft Skype: How the VCs won and Ballmer overpaid

Maryland, USA

Heard that before

That's what the radio industry once said about TV, what makers of silent movies said about Talkies.

Maryland, USA

3-way videochats

Today, Skype charges $8.50 a month for the privilege of starting a group video chat. If Microsoft offers it for free--on any Skype platform--I'm all for it.

Apple 'outstrips' all brands at box office

Maryland, USA
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It seems everyone in movies uses a Mac

...even working-class stiffs who can't afford them. it makes the filmmakers look like idiots...just as it does when a starlet plays a working-class woman with perfect pearly-white teeth.

New auto-crowd tech writes better articles than pro writers TRUE

Maryland, USA
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Fine, if "good enough" is good enough

When I took a master's level class in Technical Journalism, our professor began by teaching the five Ws (Who, When, Where, What, Why). Your first sentence, he added, must summarize what your story is about.

I asked, "If you were to survey Pulitzer Prize-winning science articles, how many would obey these rules?" Our prof smiled broadly. "You're right, Maryland, USA. These guidelines will help you create serviceable writing. They're not what you'd folllow to pen great writing."

Mexico demands apology for Top Gear outrage

Maryland, USA
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reminds me of the Sarah Silverman shtick

American stand-up comic Sarah Silverman (I'm paraphrasing from memory): "Mexicans are upset that I said I thought they smell bad, So I gently explain to them, "You can't smell yourself."

Scotland bans smut. What smut? Won't say

Maryland, USA
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"I can't define it, but I know it when I see it"

A few years ago, in Virginia (USA), the Washington Post revealed that a boys' baseball league refused to let parents read the game's rules. The league's director claimed, "If we let them see how we make our rulings, they'll quibble with our calls."

Microsoft disputes Apple's 'App Store' trademark

Maryland, USA

Youth speaks

After reading about this yesterday, I asked my 20-year-old daughter. 'Let's do a word association game. When I say, "app store," what comes to mind?'

Without a pause, she replied, 'Apple.'

(Her computer is a MacBook, her MP3 player an iPod Touch.)

Microsoft sucks open source into its WebMatrix

Maryland, USA

Kinky name, don'tcha think?

WebMatrix = WebMistress + dominatrix...

Google founder sinks $45m in toy boat

Maryland, USA

tongue twister

Did you know that "toy boat" is difficult to repeat several times quickly without mispronouncing? Try it! (It will amuse your cubicle neighbor.)

Liverpool forward faces possible grilling over 'joke' Twitter pic

Maryland, USA
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The umpire strikes back

In the 1980s, at an American baseball game, the organ player was thrown out of the game for playing "Three Blind Mice" to protest a call.

DARPA, NASA team on '100-Year Starship' project

Maryland, USA

Beware the New Sovietsky

A colleague of mine commented:

'Actually, the original Heinlein multigenerational spaceship concept was found in "Orphans of the Sky" in 1941, but otherwise the article is right on target. "Time for the Stars" was published in 1956.

'Parenthetically, the Register's writer misses the biggest problem with an organization like the Long Range Foundation: how to keep it focused on technology advancement, instead of turning, over time, into a funding source for Marxist entities trying to create the New Soviet Man. The record of the Ford Foundation is illustrative in this regard.'

Tesla Motors: Our cars don't burst into flame, but our emails do

Maryland, USA

This isn't the first time she went after an unflattering newswriter

It's deja vu all over again. Check out the March 2009 Gawker.com post, Tesla Flack Bitches About 'Silicon Valley Gossip Blog'.

Too bad, 'cause she's kinda cute.

Samsung backs Windows Phone 7 for the duration

Maryland, USA
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Samsung feels the love for Microsoft's search engine

Samsung, Samsung....isn't that the phone maker that loads it Google phone with a Microsoft search engine (Bing), locks down that search engine so the user can't replace it, and fails to forewarn them?

School caretaker jailed for fitting up colleague

Maryland, USA

Error 404?


Here in the colonies, your URL is a link to nowhere. Can you double-check it?

Moms stand firm against antenna madness

Maryland, USA
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When those kids apply for college...

...the admissions officer will glance at the kid's address and think, "He's from that town of morons!"

Moses' parting of the Red Sea: New sim explains whole thing

Maryland, USA
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But according to Jewish tradition, there were 12 splits

According to Jewish oral tradition (Midrash), the river split in 12 tunnels--one for each tribe. There were other features that the simulation would not account for. For details, Google ""further thoughts on beshalach".

Second SMS Android Trojan targets smut-seeking Russians

Maryland, USA

The exploit preys on Androiders' dismal sex life

...since several articles last month reported (wrongly) that Android users get less "action." (Actually, they've had fewer partners.)

iPhone users get more sex than Android fans

Maryland, USA
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Then you independently parrotted CNET's and OK Cupid's' unfounded inference?

that more partners = more sex? Though CNET readers had pointed out the fallacy? The more's the shame.

Maryland, USA

Don't blame Reg; they got it from CNET (USA)

And CNET drew the same asinine conclusion:

"Study: iPhone grippers have more sex than Android clutchers"


AOL sales drop by a quarter, reports billion dollar loss

Maryland, USA

AIM isn't bad

When they go, I hope they don't kill AIM, their instant message program. It federates with iChat and Gmail Chat; and it now lets you chat with your FaceBook friends.

Mozy insists: It's not a bug...

Maryland, USA
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If I'm on a 5GB/month data plan...

...and Mozy's unpredictable ways bust the budget while I sleep, without prompting me to approve, will Mozy pay my overfee?

Mozy users caught in repeat backup hell

Maryland, USA
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Mozy on over to Box.et

Recently, Box.net began to provide free synchronization for users with business accounts. In August, the company will let all paying customers synch. I love Box.net; it integrates with LinkedIn and many more sites. I can't wait for synching. With Box, I pay more, but I get more.

Office 2010 retail sales shaken, not stirred

Maryland, USA
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Even better than Open Office is the German-made...

SoftMaker Office 2010. Test after test finds it more compatible with MS Office. I find it the easiest to use. Ever since I switched to it, my blood pressure has gone down. At about $80 U.S. for 3 licenses, it's not free, but it's a terrific value.

Maryland, USA
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still no support for nonmodal headers and footers

After, what, 15 years? MS Word still won't show headers and footers in full color. Nor will it let you edit the header or footer without switching into header/footer mode. WordPerfect does. FrameMaker does. OpenOffice does. Softmaker Office's TextMaker does. Why, oh why, doesn't MS Word?

Adobe's second AIR defies Jobs' Flash iPhobia

Maryland, USA

I just installed it on my work PC...

Oops! No I didn't: I don't have admin rights. I can't even upgrade Flash.

Motorola punts mega huge Droid phone

Maryland, USA

Take it from a science & technology writer...

Rik can write! Great article--a worthy rebuttal to those who sniff, "Readers want just the facts; context and tone don't matter."

Zappos.com's little sister loses $1.6m in pricing cockup

Maryland, USA
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Contrast Zappos's response with Chrysler's

in the 1980s, when minivans ruled, Chrysler was giving away a Dodge minivan to whoever bought a cereal box with the winning ticket inside. By mistake, 12 winning tickets found their way into cereal boxes. Chrysler refused to honor any claims but the first, missing a chance to gain favorable publicity.

Lenovo ThinkPad Edge

Maryland, USA
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ThinkPad vs. MacBook

I'm a ThinkPad fanboy; my 21-year-old daughter is strictly MacBook. Ironically (for her), at the medical school she hopes to attend, every student is issued (and must use) a ThinkPad. Guess which med school Dad is rooting for?

Fujitsu president was sacked, not sick

Maryland, USA
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We understand, Fujitsu

"Fujitsu asked for understanding as to why it did not reveal the full facts at the time. Nozoe has also been sacked as a senior adviser."

We understand that the next time your PR people issue a statement, it may not include the whole truth.

Microsoft delivers official Word on Office 2010 'tech guarantee' plan

Maryland, USA
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If you like Office 2007, you'll love Office 2010

Yawn. I paid $20 for a plugin that lets Office 2007 look and feel like Office 2003. Now I use SoftMaker Office 2010, a David to Redmond's Goliath. Bye-bye, MS Office.

Windows Phone 7 blocks out popular HTC model, blames buttons

Maryland, USA
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Upward compatibility is overrated

I've been using an HTC 6800 for 2 years, running Windows Mobile 6.1 (originally 6.0). But I don't begrudge Microsoft for refusing to shackle progress to the ghosts of smartphones past. Nor do I begrudge them for failing to provide a clean upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7. Nor did i begrudge Apple when the company broke clean from the Motorola CISC CPU to migrate to an IBM RISC CPU. Nor...

Google Buzz leaves privacy concerns ringing in ears

Maryland, USA
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It's the only social media service I can use at work

Here in the offices of the U.S. Federal Gummint , Facebook is blocked. All chat programs are blocked. Twitter is blocked. But wonder of wonders, Buzz is not.

Arab conned into marrying bearded lady

Maryland, USA

In Jewish tradition, the groom lifts the bride's veil...

...ever since Laban pulled a switcheroo on Jacob, substituting older-sister Leah for her sister Rachel.

Office 2010 Release Candidate taps small pool of testers

Maryland, USA

I've been happily using Office 2010 retail

SoftMaker Office 2010, that is. No more crashes, no more freezes, no more ribbons--just complete compatibility (are you listening, Open Office?) at about € 23 ($27) a seat for a 3-license pack. Try it for free and compare it to Open Office; for me, it was no contest. http://www.softmaker.com/english/ofw_en.htm

US CIOs say the work is piling up

Maryland, USA

Companies should give overworked workers a daily bonus...

...for doing the work of 1.7 workers.

Offline Gmail kisses up to attachments - at last

Maryland, USA
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It's about time

At work, I connect to the Web by tethering my PC to my smartphone. It's embarrassing to think you've sent the client a file, only to be asked, "Where's the attachment?" because my phone tether had disconnected. I'd rather Gmail had not sent the message at all than sent it without the attachment.

Fring brings Skype video calls to mobile

Maryland, USA

OctoTalk has been developing this for other platforms

OctroTalk 2.0 with Video Calling doesn't use Skype, but competing IM programs whose desktop versions support video. And it's not free.


MS says so sorry to Sidekick users

Maryland, USA
Gates Horns

a "system failure"?

Excuse me: It was a a human failure of colossal proportions...attempts to depersonify it notwithstanding.

Seagate reveals 1TB FreeAgent

Maryland, USA
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could be useful in the right external backup drive case

These might fit the external cases available from Other World Computing's (OWC's) Mercury On the Go portable backup drives; I know that these cases can hold 12.5mm disks; that's how they now are able to be sold with 750GB capcacity:


Axeman cometh: Microsoft lays off 27 staff

Maryland, USA
Gates Horns

overpaid, clueless PR hacks

"...we are taking these necessary actions to realign our resources against our top priorities."

Do these Public Relations people have any idea how wording like this comes across as slick, evasive, and unsympathetic? Can they adduce a shred of evidence to demonstrate that such sterile wording, devoid of humanity, makes their company look better off, not worse off?

PS: When you realign something, you move it, or its parts; realigning is not about subtracting.

Hitachi factories punch out 500GB, 7200rpm laptop HDD

Maryland, USA

Nice to see Seagate get some competition in 500GB 7200rpm

Notebook power users, rejoice! Too bad it came too late for back-to-school installations.

PCI organisation confirms PCIe 3.0 delay

Maryland, USA

a pox on backward compatibility

I'm in the minority here, but too much goodness is sacrificed on the alter of backward compatibility. It was a mistake for CD-ROMs to be bare (unencased), subject to scratches and fingerprints. Pity that that mistake was repeated, first with DVD and then with Blu-Ray.

Man blames cat for child porn downloads

Maryland, USA
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Reminds me of the U.S. school principal...

...who, after inserting his memory stick into a school PC, watched in horror as Google' Picasa swept the stick for images and thumbnailed naked babe after naked babe onto the auditorium screen as the entire school looked on. The principal explained that his son must have been using the memory stick.

Samsung samples 500GB laptop HDD

Maryland, USA
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Its precedessor used one more platter

This 2-platter drive replaces the 3-platter 500GB SpinPoint M6 released in 2008:



It was Hitachi that released a 2.5-inch 500GB hard drive that, at 12.5mm, was too tall to fit a standard laptop, no doubt making life miserable for its public relations folks:


DHS offers glimpse into life of its top snot'n'slobber expert

Maryland, USA
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Enough with the Snotty remarks...

May I remind you, dear readers, that it was the Reg who ridiculed DHS's LED Incapacitator (dubbing it the Puke Ray). That device went on to win one of Time Magazine's 35 Inventions of the Year, for its ability to spare lives.

Sun confirms second round of layoffs

Maryland, USA

Stupid PR-speak

"Sun continues to make important choices to streamline operations and align resources to best address market opportunity and position the company for improved financial performance and long term growth."

As a technical write who works among "writers" in pubic-relations--oops, I mean public affairs--I ask once again: Can anyone show me statistical or clinical evidence that this sort of unctuous PR writing (especially, "We are committed to...") actually works? That it persuades readers to nod their heads in agreement? That it changes hearts and minds? That the folks who write it are worth more than, say, double the minimum wage?

Yeah. I thought not.

Nortel staff sacked without redundancy payout

Maryland, USA
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Severence pay is a privilege, not a right.

I've been caught in the layoff net at least six times. The last time I received any severance pay was 1981.

But I'll tell you what's disturbing: As reported by the Washington Post, more and more U.S. companies that lay off staff are trying to get out of paying penalties into the state's unemployment fund, by claiming that the employee was fired for cause...even if the employee had recently received nice raises and kudos for a job well done.

Pirate Bay prosecutors get jiggy with charge sheet - again

Maryland, USA

Tim Shears got it right: "It's pick on David, not Goliath"

A woman I know once was pulled over for speeding on the highway. "Everyone else was going even faster," she said; "Why didn't you stop them?"

"Because I could catch YOU," answered the cop.

Tim Shears Posted Wednesday 25th February 2009 17:22 GMT:

"All of those have a better search at torrents then PBT do and yet none of them are in the case....maybe it should be "let's pick on the little guy"

Verizon preps LTE rollout for 2010

Maryland, USA

Pssst! Consumers: Let 4G wireless be your home Internet gateway

With the U.S. economy in shambles, customers are abaondoning cable--or at least premium cable--like rats on a sinking ship. Millenials are so savvy, I can see an entire generation deciding, "Why should I subscribe to ANY landline hgh-speed access when I can connect my computers to the Internet through my my 4G phone?" That would be cable and DSL's worst nightmare.

Boffin: Lost Stradivarius violin tech reverse-engineered

Maryland, USA

So it's NOT the varnish?

I'm humbled by Rick Stockton's erudite post, but I'll post what I was planning to post: Decades ago, PBS's NOVA did an episode called something like, "The Secret of Stradivarius." According to that show, tests revealed that the special sound owed itself to a special varnish. If memory serves, NOVA revealed the varnish's formula.

Then again, Rick's argument--that varnish is just a minor factor--sounds sensible.
