Can it translate Trump's meanderings into English?
Posts by Maryland, USA
186 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Jan 2008
Google Translate now fluent in 110 additional languages from Abkhaz to Zulu
Creating a single AI-generated image needs as much power as charging your smartphone
Firefox 106 will let you type directly into browser PDFs
Serious surfer? How to browse like a pro on Firefox
AI-created faces now look so real, humans can't spot the difference
You'll never guess what US mad lads Throwflame have strapped to a drone (clue: it does exactly what it says on the tin)
Has NASA's Mars Insight lander hit rock bottom? Heat probe struggles to penetrate Red Planet
Frustrated Brits can dump mobile providers by text as of today
Silicon Valley doesn't care about poor people: Top AI models kinda suck at ID'ing household stuff in hard-up nations
NASA 'nauts do what flagship smartphone fans can only dream of: Change the batteries
Linguists, update your resumes because Baidu thinks it has cracked fast AI translation
The last phablet? 6.4in Samsung Galaxy Note 9 leaves you $1k lighter, needs 'water cooling'
Yahoo! Kills! The! Messenger!
Donald Trump whines and dines Oracle co-CEO Catz – reports
Boeing ships its 10,000th 737
FYI: There's now an AI app that generates convincing fake smut vids using celebs' faces
Disk drive fired 'Frisbees of death' across data centre after storage admin crossed his wires
Bloke fesses up: I forged judge's signature to strip stuff from Google search
UK regulator set to ban ads depicting bumbling manchildren
Class clowns literally classless: Harvard axes meme-flinging morons
Love bots lecture thrills room full of Reg readers
Ad men hope blocking has stalled as sites guilt users into switching off
TV anchor says live on-air 'Alexa, order me a dollhouse' – guess what happens next
Icelandic Pirate Party sails away from attempt to form government
User needed 40-minute lesson in turning it off and turning it on again
Not the same at all
Your printer was 'newly installed.' The caller was already familiar with turning her computer on and off. Here in America, Consumer Reports famously faulted the original Macintosh computer because it's tester could not figure out how to turn it on (by pressing a certain key on the keyboard) without reading the instructions.
HP Ink COO: Sorry not sorry we bricked your otherwise totally fine printer cartridges
Forgive me, father, for I have used an ad-blocker on news websites...
T-Mobile USA leaked free access to sites with '/speedtest' in the URL
Ad agency swipes 'unnamed bloggers' for calling out its cynically fake 'save a refugee' app
Abort, abort! Metal-on-metal VIOLENCE as Google's robo-car nearly CRASHES
Japanese female fish in sperm-producing strangeness
INTERNET of BOOBS: Scorching French lass reveals networked bikini
Virtual reality pr0n on the Rift? 'Why not?' says Oculus founder
Bigotry posted by your Facebook account? Use this, Mister UKIP MP wannabe: 'I was hacked'
T-Mobile US preps for $43 MEEELLION shower of gold on cram victims
Listen: WORST EVER customer service call – Comcast is 'very embarrassed'
Maybe one of these excuses would work
1. My parents hate Comcast so much that they've put in writing that if I don't cancel my account, they'll cut me out of their will.
2. My wife hates Comcast so much that if I don't cancel our account, she'll divorce me. She doesn't bluff.
3. My child is dying and canceling our Comcast account is her fondest wish.
Come off it, Moon, Earth. We know you're 60 million years older than we thought
Clingy fondleslab owners TORPEDO industry forecasts
London cabbies to offer EVEN WORSE service in protest against Uber
HTML is a sexually transmitted disease, say many Americans
T-Mobile US: Our dump-your-network drive is doing SO WELL (PS: We lost $20m last quarter)
Hey 4G bods: We need to make 'phonecalls' with our 'voices', too
This article was well-written
It was so well-written that when I glanced at the byline I fully expected to see the name Ray-something or something Ray, the chap who usually writes the RF-related articles in which an abstract concept is clearly explained. Simon Rockman, eh? That's another name I'll gladly look for. Paul