back to article You blithering Ajit! Huawei burns Pai for FCC sh*tlist proposal

Chinese telco giant Huawei is hitting back at America's comms watchdog, the FCC, over its proposal to ban the telco from key US markets. The hardware vendor has filed a response to the regulator's proposal that Huawei, ZTE, and other China-based vendors are banned from doing business with any US telco that wants to get funds …

  1. Ole Juul

    101-page filing

    I hope Fox News does a 30 second story on it so Trump will get it. Though, perhaps not.

    1. Claverhouse

      Re: 101-page filing

      @Ole Juul

      I hope Fox News does a 30 second story on it so Trump will get it. Though, perhaps not.

      He's not going to sit through something that long.

  2. DCFusor

    I'd pay

    to see thunderdome style match between Ajit Pai and Lennart Poettering...

    The only trouble is that one is allowed to leave.

    1. Stevie

      Re: I'd pay

      Allowed to leave via the Australian desert, securely bound and wearing an oversized papier-machè carnival head while sitting backwards on a donkey.

      There's precedent.

  3. Kev99 Silver badge

    Welcome to the dictatorship of the oligarchies.

  4. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

    Cute little communists

    Filing a constitutional complaint with the government......

    Don't they understand that in a democracy the way around this is to fund the re-election campaign of a couple of senators and then hook a few regulators up with some hookers - that's the American way

    1. Youngone

      Re: Cute little communists

      Although you jest, that's exactly what is happening in the US.

      Everything is for sale, although characterizing the US as a democracy might be a bit steep.

      1. Colabroad

        Re: Cute little communists

        The US currently has the best government money can buy.

        If you have enough money, you can buy it!

        1. Stevie

          Re: Cute little communists

          Not new, not insightful, not clever.

          No upvote for anything 10cc said better in the early 1970s.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I never thought I'd say this but...

    I agree with Pai on this one.

    I've been doing research on Android for some time now and I can honestly say that these inexpensive Chinese mobiles are a security/privacy nightmare.

    The only way to get them to behave is to flash a different OS such as Lineage and create a massive HOSTS file, disable 80% of the Trust certificates and run extensive testing with LogCat, Netstat, TCPDump,various Linux terminal commands and take bug reports to quell any memory leaks. And never install anything from the Play Store!

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: I never thought I'd say this but...

      But they still all have ARM processors which are now Japanese - remember Pearl Harbor?

      Ban ARM cpus now !

      1. P. Lee

        Re: I never thought I'd say this but...

        I think Huawei is talking about carrier class kit, not phones.

        In which case, yes, the allegations don’t appear substantiated.

        All android phones snitch - that is their purpose. Carrier kit, not so much. Even so, if you aren’t securing your data from your carrier, you aren’t doing it right.

        It’s just protectionism. It breeds inefficiency and increased costs for the protected side. You’re welcome to your Cisco sfp and ram prices.

    2. EnviableOne

      Re: I never thought I'd say this but...

      But most of your iPhone is built in china

      1. Stevie

        Re: But most of your iPhone is built in china

        Most of our everything is built in China.

    3. JohnFen

      Re: I never thought I'd say this but...

      So, they're no different than any other smartphones, then. I don't see why Chinese companies should be singled out when everyone else's hands are just as dirty.

      1. Mark 85

        Re: I never thought I'd say this but...

        So, they're no different than any other smartphones, then. I don't see why Chinese companies should be singled out when everyone else's hands are just as dirty.

        Well.. the difference is that with a Chinese company phone, your data all goes to China instead of American companies. Then when the data is sold to advertisers, China gets the money instead of American companies.

        I do note that it's a thin murky line as to which is worse and since American companies just rebrand the Chinese stuff, data still flows.

        1. JohnFen

          Re: I never thought I'd say this but...

          "the difference is that with a Chinese company phone, your data all goes to China instead of American companies."

          I see that as a distinction without a real difference. As to who gets the money -- it doesn't matter one bit. None of these companies should be making money through spying on us. A sleazy business practice is sleazy no matter what nationality the business is.

          Singling out Chinese companies as bad for doing this is unsupportable if you aren't including the companies in all other nations, including the US, in the "bad" group when they're doing it.

  6. I3N

    DATELINE: May 35 - ZTE still in business? ...

    Oh there it is, fourth post down, working on 'large' scale integration ...

  7. Long John Brass

    *Evil thought for the day*

    If the US FED won't subsidise various ISPs if they use Chinese gear; Then maybe the Chinese Govt/Manufacturers should! I would *LOVE* to see the look on the US politicians faces :)

    Especially if those ISPs suddenly offer better services for lower prices!

    1. Chozo

      Re: *Evil thought for the day*

      Just keep peeling the stickers off while I put them into boxes that say Made In Mexico

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: *Evil thought for the day*

      "Then maybe the Chinese Govt/Manufacturers should! "

      IIRC China is the major holder of the USA national debt - not to mention significant assets.

      1. kain preacher

        Re: *Evil thought for the day*

        "IIRC China is the major holder of the USA national debt - not to mention significant assets."

        Man that is just wrong on so many levels. China is the largest foreign holder of US debt followed by Japan then the Belgium. The Largest hold of US debt is Americans. Only 34% of the US debt is own by foreign entities.

  8. GreggS

    unverified and unsupportable factual allegations

    Can a fact be a fact if it's unverified?

    1. Jeffrey Nonken

      Re: unverified and unsupportable factual allegations

      It's lawyer-speak. Don't try to use logic on it.

    2. JohnFen

      Re: unverified and unsupportable factual allegations

      Of course it can. Facts are facts, whether or not anyone has verified them. Verification helps us determine which statements are facts and which are not, but whether or not a statement is true (therefore a fact) is unrelated to whether or not anyone has confirmed that it's true.

  9. Chris G

    Pai must be getting a good slice of corporate pie when he finishes his current job.

    1. Cardinal

      @Chris G

      "Pai must be getting a good slice of corporate pie when he finishes his current job."


  10. adam payne

    and relies on unverified and unsupportable factual allegations,

    Would that be the kit phoning home allegations?

  11. EnviableOne

    This is going to cost them

    The largest manufactures of Tellecoms equipment are:

    Huawei, Erricson, Nokia(Alcatel-Lucent,) ZTE, Cisco, samsung

    By excluding Huawei and ZTE they are unfaily discriminating, Nokia has large holdings in china and joint ventures with state owned companies, the same with Erricson.

    Samsung manufactures a lot of its kit in china, as does cisco, and neither produce as good carrier grade as Huawei

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