back to article Biz quadruples value overnight by adding 'Blockchain' to name

How do you increase the value of your business by 300 per cent overnight? Simple, add a buzzword to your name. As spotted by the Financial Times, AIM-listed company On-line did exactly that and quadrupled its share value by including blockchain in its name. The spike in value immediately followed this stock market statement …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    AiBM - Artificial Intelligence Business Machines.

    I might trademark that one myself.

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      If only Watson had suggested that - they might have a business .

    2. thomn8r

      Artificial Intelligence Blockchain Machines - FTW

  2. Adair Silver badge

    Hooray for algorithms!

    [see title]

  3. Hollerithevo

    This goes on my name-tag at conferences

    I feel I would be more successful if I were Joe BlockChain Bloggs.

    1. blockchain

      Re: This goes on my name-tag at conferences

      Don't be soft. Why would changing your name make you more successful?

      1. Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

        Re: Why would changing your name make you more successful?

        Prince Rogers Nelson might disagree with you, if he were still alive.

    2. Chemical Bob

      Re: Joe BlockChain Bloggs

      But wouldn't having 'Danger' for your middle name be more fun?

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I've compressed big log files using gzip before. I think this makes me a blockchain expert.

    1. Martin Summers

      "I've compressed big log files"

      A.K.A a techie description of constipation?

  5. Oh Homer

    Let's superameliorate our memeableness!

    How about...

    • The Co-Op Deathmatch (Co-Op Funeral Care)
    • Das Capita
    • BitTorrent Communications (let's be honest!)
    • Überworked
    • Gobble (Google)
    • Haz Printa (HP)
    • id IoT Software (Microwave Doom!)
    • [insert here]
  6. Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

    The UnblockChain

    The new name for DynoRod

    1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: The UnblockChain

      ...and their new advertising jingle, UnBlockedChained Melody

  7. MiguelC Silver badge

    I'm gonna go for VC cash now

    With my new company "VR DevOps 4DPrinter Neuromorphic SelfDriving BlockChain 5G, Plc"


    1. Robert Moore

      Re: I'm gonna go for VC cash now

      With my new company "VR DevOps 4DPrinter Neuromorphic SelfDriving BlockChain 5G, Plc"

      I am buying stock in that company.

      Then selling about a week later.

    2. abedarts

      Re: I'm gonna go for VC cash now

      Like it, but you missed out 'Agile'

      1. K

        Re: I'm gonna go for VC cash now

        Nah... DevOps is the successor to Agile... Its bullshit factor really is on another level.

  8. Robert Moore
    Thumb Up

    International BlockChain Machines

    That should pump the stock values up a bit. :)

  9. Dwarf


    What goes up must come down.

  10. Sierpinski
    Big Brother


    Real courage would be doing it a second time to see if the stock price jumps again. Search Engine Optimization at the stock market level would be an amusing way to drain some value out of other people doing high-frequency trading.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    we couldnt affort it so its crap

    Interesting for what it tells us about a financial sector made up of the odd whizzkid and an army of clueless public school educated gumbys.

  12. Stratman

    Working on a Blockchain Gang

    Sorry Sam

  13. Roj Blake Silver badge


    If only the video rental people had changed their name to Blockchainbuster they might still be s thing.

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Blockchain chain...

    ... chain of fools

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