the "wtf?!" diss.
1) aside from the fact why the HELL you'd bring such an amount of gear with you to an event.. With the general jostling to get close to *anything* you're looking at a couple of star-endowed screens if you wear Stuff in the designed places. Let alone a decent mosh pit. +500% on the "I'm a twat" front though. (Which in and of itself is an open invitation to said event-enhanced screens if you're even thinking of coming close to anything)
2) you can get a decentish foldable water-tightish dome for about € 10-15 for 2 + luggage. That should save you enough dosh to actually spend cash at the event, *and* avoid the peeps with fibulas/pins/pocket knives.. And the beauty of it is.. at the price of two burgers ( and a fraction of admittance..) at the festival, you can *afford* to write off the Cheapo at the close..
3) Might come in handy, if alone because of northwestern european weather nowadays. This is not really festival gear, but could possibly be a worthwile expenditure.... If you start with not taking € 500+ equipment to Mudfest. If you got to call Mum/mates/the BeerGuy, a simple prepaid brick for the occasion will do, and can be had at less than half the price of the cover.( I am , possibly mistakenly, assuming you're there for the actual event..)
4) It's funny that the article marks the only thing of sensible equipment as "Knobbish". Or is escaping the torture ( of quality and pricing) of Festival Food seen as Not Done nowadays? That being said, at 4 kilo + this simple device already weighs more than my medieval shoulder armour ( I do full-contact medieval combat re-enactment...) and I can point you to several setups that weigh less, have more Late-Night Campfire potential *and* BBQ useability... oh at half the price..
5) srsly... pewter. mug.. on belt.. on a handforged hook if you want to be posh. Learn the damn ropes already...
6) By all means, buy this.... It's immense fun to be able to immedeately spot the camps that used Amplified Shyte for their party last night. Especially if they're also in the previously featured inflatable tent...
7) wait a moment... even the most basic mobile brick has built-in radio nowadays. so that's covered.. The previous part already had bloody speakers for the more advanced models of dumbphone to whatever-flies... If you want tinny mono from a crank radio, a couple of quid gets you the Third World Model ( along with the warm fuzzy feeling of Supporting the Cause..) so why lay out 60 quid? At All?
8) Really.. if you do want to sport a multitool ( and get the thing cleared past "Security" nowadays...) you pay a bit more than 20 quid. It will also not eat your fingers, fail after first use, and, y'know, work as a tool. Really, by not buying *any* of the above, you will have the means to shell out, even Splurge, on a proper multitool *and* be able to afford the local catering at Carnival Prices at leisure and zero twinges of conscience.
9) Oldie, goldie.. but the same amount gets you a proper flashlight, a flood for your tent, and enough burn-once fake tealights to survive a fire ban due to drought. It's not that it's *bad* ... It's simply too easy to think of cheaper alternatives that do the same thing, or don't fall into the quadruple backup category.
10) So your stuff is clean and dry.. Now try taking stuff out and change into them.. You're either camping out in a dustbowl or a swamp, the local amenities are , oh right.. Dixies ( or local variety), if there *is* a shower, it's either Backstage, or the line is longer than the one for the original Ark... The backpack you need anyway to get your gear onsite works just as well, y'know?
But maybe I *am* becoming a Fossil nowadays..