back to article Lindsay Lohan's Grand Theft Auto V cartoon case kicked out of court

Hellraiser Lindsay Lohan has had her case against Grand Theft Auto developers Rockstar Games, for allegedly basing a character on her image, thrown out by a New York court. The actress claimed that her image was used as the basis of one of the game's characters, Lacey Jonas. The Jonas character allowed players to rescue her …

  1. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    "a woman holding a mobile who, it was argued, looked remarkably like Lohan"

    Sorry, I see no resemblance between that mobile and Lohan. It looks like a mobile to me.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: "a woman holding a mobile who, it was argued, looked remarkably like Lohan"

      Thin and plasticy?

      1. TeeCee Gold badge

        Re: "a woman holding a mobile who, it was argued, looked remarkably like Lohan"

        Two-dimensional and only has a predictable set of pre-programmed reponses?

      2. gcla72
        Paris Hilton

        Re: "a woman holding a mobile who, it was argued, looked remarkably like Lohan"

        ...with rounded corners™

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: "a woman holding a mobile who, it was argued, looked remarkably like Lohan"

          The phone has rounded corners, a fruit logo on the back, and she's holding it all wrong ... and even Apple have managed to keep quiet. She's just attention seeking.

  2. Alan J. Wylie

    Original model whose image was used for the artwork

    It's Shelby Welinder whose photo was used for the artwork

    1. toxicdragon

      Re: Original model whose image was used for the artwork

      Wait that's who it was? I always thought that was supposed to be Micheals' daughter.

  3. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

    Aggrieved cat sues 4chan for unapproved use of lolcat images

    "That image looks EXACTLY like me, falling down stairs" says aggrieved cat.

    Lawyers say this lawsuit could take some time but expect millions in payout.

    Meanwhile, it is reported that aggrieved cat is on rehab again. "I haven't been sniffing at glue tubes all that much" was the only statement that could be obtained before we went to press.

  4. J. R. Hartley


    The comment is required.

    1. Ian Michael Gumby

      @J R Hartley Re: BAN THIS SICK FILTH

      Were you talking about the game, or the lawsuit?

      Personally I wish the US would adopt more of the loser pays mentality because that would put a freeze on a lot of these dumb suits. But then again... we'd have more lawyers on the dole.

      1. John G Imrie

        Re: @J R Hartley BAN THIS SICK FILTH

        But then again... we'd have more lawyers on the dole.

        And the problem with that is?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: @J R Hartley BAN THIS SICK FILTH

          Sadly, it means less jobs for honest workers.

        2. Tom 7

          Re: Lawyers on the dole

          And the problem with that is?

          Well imagine your are in a minor disagreement with someone at , say a football match, and they get involved in and take the discussion off on a sidetrack in tort law. You have no-one to get the judge to stop them and millions of lives will be ruined.

          Far better to pay them too much and keep them away from the public as much as possible,

  5. GreggS

    Lacey Jonas or Andrea Bottino?

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "...accepted the challenge of turning on Kettering for Christmas..."

    Oh boy, that'll be an interesting performance. Does she need to have everyone turned on or just the majority?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Paris Hilton

      She's going to wear a Paris Hilton costume, no one want to see her in a bikini these days.

      In throwing the case out, did the Judge give a snort of derision??

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Cant be her,

    2 nostrils and no needle track marks anywhere to be seen.

    Vacuous bitch being vacuous.

    1. Spanners

      Re: Cant be her,

      It's not so much the nostrils as the septum (the fleshy bit between them).

      Mine's a deviant...

  8. Fred Dibnah

    That looks like Alexis Texas to me (whoever she is, no idea, honest)

    Mine's the dirty mac with a rolled up copy of Men Only in the pocket.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Great. Now I have an image of Fred Dibnah, perched on top of an industrial chimney with a copy of Razzle.

  9. Katie Saucey

    Truly a wonderful time to be alive

  10. Sitch

    Looks like Lohan?

    Not at all.

    1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

      Re: Looks like Lohan?

      Can't unsee

      1. bombastic bob Silver badge

        Re: Looks like Lohan?

        that picture looks like one of those ladies that hangs out on skid row... sure it's Lohan? [enough makeup to cover the meth-wrinkles, heh]

        1. kain preacher

          Re: Looks like Lohan?

          So you mean you would not have sex wit that women in that picture ? She is smoking hot. Of course I'm drunk. Smoked a pound of weed. Just downed some molly and xtc plus Vicodin lsd, pcp, shrooms and shit load of phyc meds

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Looks like Lohan?

      Man she looks fresh out of one of those benefits programmes.

      The cartoon is much better looking.

  11. a_yank_lurker

    Lindsay Who?

    I thought she died, disappeared, or been abducted by clueless aliens. She has to remind us we still have to put up with her gross stupidity.

  12. MT Field

    He chaps lay off LL she's just this girl you know...

    1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

      @MT Field

      "He chaps lay off LL she's just this girl you know..."

      Are you her brain care specialist?

  13. William 3 Bronze badge

    The never ending hypocracy of the progressive liberal never ceases to amaze.

    Isn't it humorous the amount of hatred for this Woman simply because she had the tenacity to file a court case.

    The hypocracy stems from the hive mind mentality where the progressive left selectively excuse their own hatred towards a group or individual so long as all the other hive members are engaging in said activity.

    No doubt tomorrow it will be standard practise of screaming "hate crimes", "sexist pig", and the usual PC crap that they themselves are guilty of when the progressive hive mind says it's acceptable.

    Such as today.

    Sorry Linds. The Hive Mind has spoken, so it's not a hate crime, or sexist, or any other label why the progressives are attacking you en masse, it's because they have collectively decided your fair game, it's them who also decide what is and isn't sexist.

    Sorry about that hun. Yes, they're a bunch of pious hypocrites, we know, that's why the majority of the population have nothing but contempt for these loud mouthed opinionated hypocritical pricks.

    1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

      Re: The never ending hypocracy of the progressive liberal never ceases to amaze.

      Proud member of Alt-Right checking in (well, not fully, but, you know...)

      Who you calling "Progressive", bub?

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

      2. kain preacher

        Re: The never ending hypocracy of the progressive liberal never ceases to amaze.

        Wait when did Destroy All Monsters become a liberal commie bastard ? oh wait my both Liberals and Conservatives both can see a bullshit law suit a mile away. All of my democrat and republicans friends would love to see the end of bullshit lawsuits.

    2. bombastic bob Silver badge

      Re: The never ending hypocracy of the progressive liberal never ceases to amaze.

      "Isn't it humorous the amount of hatred for this Woman simply because she had the tenacity to file a court case."

      I don't think that's it, though I agree with the premise in the topic.

      It's more like "the sue-ers" (pronounced 'sewers') in our society that *FEEL* (the 'F' word that causes SO many problems) they have a right to tie up the civil court systems with their frivolous claims and trivial 'personal drama' issues. "Your dog barks too loud. I'M GONNA SUE!" "I spilled hot coffee in my lap because I was a klutz but it's YOUR fault for making it too hot."

      And of course THIS one, "your animated game character looks and acts like me, and you did this without my permission aka 'paying me a confiscatory sum of money'."

      'better things to do' comes to mind...

    3. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: The never ending hypocracy of the progressive liberal never ceases to amaze.

      "Isn't it humorous the amount of hatred for this Woman simply because she had the tenacity to file a court case."

      On the whole, you are correct about the result, but the cause was Lohan filing suit in the first place. Maybe if she or her lawyer had simply asked, they could have been shown the photos which lead to artwork and that would have been the end of it. Of course, neither side would have got the publicity they crave without a stupid, frivolous and easily resolved lawsuit being dragged out through the media.

    4. dol

      Re: The never ending hypocracy of the progressive liberal never ceases to amaze.

      The hypocrisy of those damned hypocrats knows no bounds.

  14. Stevie


    If your lifestyle looks like a ridiculous video game, time to change something. Hint: not the video game.

    If you don't like what documentary people are going to say about your lifestyle, time to do something about it. Hint: not try and suppress the documentary.

    If you are famous, or want to be famous, expect to be held up to the light and judged harshly by the lumpen masses when they Do Not Approve. That's what fame is.

  15. Herby

    And I thought this was about...

    The Register's Special Projects Bureau. Isn't it the Low Orbit Helium Assisted Navagator??

    Then again, just about anything about Lindsay Lohan is a joke these days. We all need comedic relief.

  16. tweell

    /emo kid

    Channeling Chris Crocker...

    Leave Lindsey Alone Please!

    Leave Lindsey Lohan alone!�right now!�.I mean it.!

    Anyone that has a problem with her you deal with me, because she is not well right now.


  17. PhilipN Silver badge

    Bad publicity?

    No such thing as ....

  18. x 7

    "turning on Kettering"

    thats easy..........a girl just needs a couple of turnips shoved down her shirt to do that.

    Turnips, yum yum

  19. ZootCadillac

    Down with this sort of thing.

    The skank Lohan wishes she ever looked this good.

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