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該当件数 : 14



On the other hand, companies also highly assess the occupational skills possessed by the people of the older generation. - 経済産業省


People in the older generations are still eager to work, and their knowledge and skills are highly valued. - 経済産業省


In particular, it is useful for judging the ingestion/swallow function in an aged person and a patient having the ingestion/swallow difficulty caused by cerebral function disturbance irrespective to their ages. - 特許庁

その中で、高齢就業率向上のために総合的な取組を行い、1998年~2003年の高齢就業率が13.4ポイントの伸びを達成する等、一定の成果を収めたと評価されているフィンランドの「フィンランド高齢就業全国プログラム(FINPAW:National Program for Ageing Workers, Finland)」を紹介する(第3-2-10図)。例文帳に追加

Against such a backdrop, we will introduce in this section the "FINPAW: Finnish National Program for Ageing Workers" of Finland that has been assessed to have achieved a certain level of results, such as recording an increase in the employment rate of the aged population by 13.4 points between the years 1998 and 2003 through conducting comprehensive measures to improve the said rate (Figure 3.2.10). - 経済産業省



Against such a backdrop, we will introduce in this section the "FINPAW: Finnish National Program for Ageing Workers" of Finland that has been assessed to have achieved a certain level of results, such as recording an increase in the employment rate of the aged population by 13.4 points between the years 1998 and 2003 through conducting comprehensive measures to improve the said rate (Figure 3.2.10). - 経済産業省



To provide a program contributing to the health promotion by evaluating the basic motion such as moving the body regardless of the kind of sports or exercise performed by the middle-aged and older in the aging society. - 特許庁


To provide a physical strength measuring apparatus and a physical strength evaluating system, which consistently process the health examination of the physical strength (grip, one leg standing, walking speed) of the aged from the measurement thereof to the formation of a result table safely and efficiently by a group health examination system. - 特許庁


An evaluation system based on ability and performance, not on personal attributes, which is now spreading, will also help produce a workplace more acceptable to the elderly and women - 厚生労働省


To provide a foot-part balance evaluation device, and a training unit and a training method that are useful for health maintenance and care including balancing ability of a subject and fall prevention by evaluating foot-part balance correcting ability and performing training with subjects of all the ages from young people to aged people as a target. - 特許庁



To provide an insurer function third party evaluation system capable of enhancing the transparency of a public revenue source and attaining protection of service users who are the aged and the weak and explanation accountability to tax payers by enhancing an insurer function of a ward/city/town/village (insurer) which is a main operation body of care insurance business. - 特許庁



Furthermore, the survey conducted in 2003 targeting companies showed that the companies assessed the knowledge and skills possessed by the older people highly, with positive responses for employing them like: "to ensure specialized human resources such as knowledge in certain areas, etc." and "to pass down the skills and techniques" outnumbering those responses dealing with "cost control" or "social request and responsibility." These were also the top two reasons why the companies implemented the continued employment system for older people after their retirement (Table 3.2.4). - 経済産業省

「Active Aging1」をテーマに2013年12月3日から5日まで東京において開催された第11回ASEAN・日本社会保障ハイレベル会合で、ASEAN+3各国の保健、社会福祉及び労働分野の参加は、今年がASEAN日本友好40周年であり、我が国とASEAN各国の間でこれまでの友好的な関係を想起し、今後のさらなる協力関係の強化と戦略的なパートナーシップを目指し、ASEAN・日本社会保障ハイレベル会合を2003年より開催している日本政府のイニシアティブに感謝するとともに、第11回会合は、保健、社会福祉及び労働分野におけるActive Agingに関する情報共有と意見交換のための有効な場であることを認識し、また、本年11月に日本政府がジャカルタにおいてASEAN地域における高齢化に係る国際貢献に関する講演会(ASEAN-Japan Seminar, The Regional Cooperation for the Aging Society)が行われたことを評価しつつ、地域協力に関する努力の継続とさらなる連携の促進を期待し、世界の高齢化は急速に進行しており、2050年には60歳以上の人口が20億人に達することを留意し、ASEAN諸国においては今後急速に高齢化が進み、高齢の健康保持や、福祉及び社会保障ニーズへの対応、高齢の孤立・貧困防止などの対策が急務であることを認識し、保健・福祉・労働分野における高齢化の現状及び対策の推進に際して、ASEAN諸国は多様であり、また、ASEAN諸国と日本では置かれている状況や文化・社会的背景が異なること、それゆえ現在直面している課題が異なることを考慮し、さらに、「国際的なActive Ageingにおける日本の貢献に関する検討会」での議論成果に留意する。例文帳に追加

We, the participants representing health, social welfare and labour sectors of the ASEAN plus 3 countries at the 11th ASEAN & Japan High Level Officials Meeting on Caring Societies (hereafter referred to as the Meeting) held in Tokyo, Japan, on 3-5 December 2013, which carried the themeActive Aging”;Remembering that this year marks the 40th year since the relations between ASEAN and the Japanese Government began, and that we have kept cordial relationships throughout this time, aiming to further enhance our cooperations and build strategic partnerships in the future;Acknowledging with appreciation the initiative of the Government of Japan to convene the ASEAN-Japan High-level Officials Meeting on Caring Societies since 2003, particularly this 11th Meeting as an effective platform of information sharing and exchange of views on the health, social welfare and labour aspects ofActive Aging”;Also, acknowledging with appreciation the active initiatives by the Government of Japan for holding the “ASEAN-Japan Seminar, The Regional Cooperation for the Aging Societyin Jakarta this November, with hopes that these efforts will continue and promote further collaborations in the future;Noting that aging is progressing worldwide, and by 2050 the population of age 60 years and over will reach 2 billion;Recognizing that ASEAN countries will experience rapid aging in years to come, and face new challenges such as maintaining health, responding to welfare and social security needs, prevention of isolation and poverty of the elderly that require urgent attention;Considering that the current situation of aging in the health, labour and welfare sector and the promotion of measures related to aging in ASEAN countries vary, and that cultural and social backgrounds differ between ASEAN member states and Japan, therefore the current issues that are faced by each country may not be the same;Also, noting the results of the discussions made by the “Study Group for Japan’s International Contributions to Active Aging.” - 厚生労働省


In present-day society, self-employment has much to offer-its ability to balance family life and work and meet the demands of a society whose birthrate is falling and population is declining, its recognized strong affinity with social life in terms, for example, of enabling women and the elderly to remain in employment and contributing to the local community, its provision of diverse employment opportunities close to home, and its formation of a broad base among SMEs translating into improvements in economic structure and growth potential-and it is hoped that knowledge of these facts will be broadened. - 経済産業省


しかしながら、感染症のみならず、がん、認知症等に対するワクチンへの期待が寄せられ、世界のワクチン需要は向 10 年で現在の 3 倍以上と予測される中、このままでは日本は世界の競争に乗り遅れてしまう。「ワクチン産業ビジョン」を強力に推進することにより、ワクチン開発の新しいターゲットを、アルツハイマー等の疾患の予防・治療、がん等の疾患の予防・治療、新たな小児・成人・高齢感染症の予防、新型インフルエンザ対策等とし、これまでの注射による古典的な予防接種技術のみならず、効率的培養法、抗原タンパク製造法等の新しい生産・製剤化技術の開発及びその臨床評価により、経鼻等の新投与経路によるワクチンやさらに効果的なワクチンとしてDNAワクチンの開発につながる次世代ワクチン開発研究を推進する必要がある。(2008 年度~)例文帳に追加

Nevertheless, hopes are gathering for vaccines for disorders such as cancer and dementia as well as for infections, and the global demand for vaccines is estimated to at least treble the current level in the next ten years. If this situation persists, Japan will be left behind in the global competition. The 'Vaccine Industry Vision' should be pushed ahead to allow new vaccine development targets to be set, including the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's and similar disorders, the prevention and treatment of cancer and similar disorders, the prevention of new infectious diseases in adults and the elderly and the fight against new types of influenza. Second-generation vaccine research should be promoted whereby, in addition to conventional injection-based inoculation techniques, the development and clinical evaluation of new production and pharmaceutical techniques, such as efficient culture methods and antigen protein manufacturing processes, leads to the development of vaccines with transnasal or other new routes of administration and also of effective DNA vaccines. (Fiscal 2008 ~ ) - 厚生労働省


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