
「議長を務める」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 30



act as chairperson - Eゲイト英和辞典


one ranking below or serving in the place of a chairman  - 日本語WordNet


a book of rules for presiding over a meeting  - 日本語WordNet

我々は、フランスが2011 年の議長を務めることに合意した。例文帳に追加

We have agreed that France will chair in 2011.  - 財務省



We agreed today that South Africa will chair the G-20 in 2007  - 財務省


(a) 議長を務める特許登録官及び例文帳に追加

(a) the Registrar of Patents, who shall be Chairman; and2 - 特許庁

2006 年にはオーストラリアが議長を務めることにも合意。例文帳に追加

We have also agreed today that the G-20 will be chaired by Australia in 2006.  - 財務省


The year 2010 when Japan will assume the chair is very important and will mark a milestone. - 経済産業省

彼の母親は 現在 マケドニア共和国の 議長を務める例文帳に追加

His mother is presently the speaker of parliament of the republic of macedonia. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


(5) 議長が不在の場合,予め議長によって指名された者が議長の役を務めるものとし,かかる者は当該会議において議長の一切の権限を行使することができる。例文帳に追加

(5) In the absence of the Chairman, a member nominated by the Chairman shall preside at the meeting and such member may exercise all the powers of the Chairman in respect of that meeting. - 特許庁



Afterwards, he resigned from his diplomatic position and served as Genroin gikan (Councilor of Chamber of Elders or Senate), Vice President of the Privy Council, and Privy Councilor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


the highest officer of the Crown who is head of the judiciary and who presides in the House of Lords  - 日本語WordNet


Russia will chair the G20 in 2013, Australia in 2014 and Turkey in 2015.  - 財務省


The East Asia Summit will be convened regular and will be hosted and chaired by ASEAN members - 経済産業省

我が国が議長を務める2010 年は、APECにとって重要な節目の年として位置付けられる。例文帳に追加

Chaired by Japan in 2010, APEC was regarded as an important milestone. - 経済産業省


In this respect, we note the report of the Social Protection Floor Advisory Group, chaired by Ms Michelle Bachelet.  - 財務省


In case of absence of the Chairman or his inability to attend the Vice-Chairman shall preside the meeting of the Administrative Council.  - 特許庁


Vice Commissioner Kono was already serving as the chairman of the Technical Committee, which has been integrated with other committees to establish the IOSCO Board, and he was appointed as the first chairman of the board.  - 金融庁


We supported Korea and China co-chairing the working group to explore ways to further enhance the regional credit guarantee and investment mechanism.  - 財務省


We instruct our ministers and officials to carry forward this work and to strengthen the economic foundation of our shared Asia-Pacific community. We look forward to reviewing further progress when we convene again during Russia’s hosting of APEC in 2012.  - 経済産業省


Chaired by Treasury Undersecretary John Taylor and Ministry of Finance Vice Minister for International Affairs Haruhiko Kuroda, the Financial Dialogue serves as a high-level forum for the Department of the Treasury and the Ministry of Finance and the Financial Services Agency.  - 財務省


In 1887 he served as an advisor to the Imperial Court, in 1888 he served as an advisor for state secrets, in 1891 became the vice-chairman of the Privy Council, and in 1892 served as Home Minister in the first Matsukata Cabinet.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Later he became Genroin gikan (councilor of Chamber of Elders or Senate) (Japan) where he engaged in discussion of Penal Code and Chizaiho (the Criminal Procedure Law of 1880 -1890), and filled posts of a minister to Russia, President of Decoration Bureau and the chairman of Genroin (the Chamber of Elders).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


I understand that the Growth Finance Promotion Council, which is chaired by Minister Furukawa, is considering specifics relating to dormant deposits, with Parliamentary Secretary Ogushi joining the council as a member from the FSA.  - 金融庁

我が国は、2010 年に15 年ぶりにAPEC議長を務める5 こととなっているが、この機会に、アジア太平洋地域の経済的安定と持続的成長の実現に積極的に貢献していくことが必要である。例文帳に追加

Japan will act as the chair5 in 2010 for the first time in 15 years. Thus, it is necessary for Japan, on this occasion, to actively contribute to the realization of economic stability and sustainable growth in the Asia-Pacific region. - 経済産業省


We expect the high-level commission chaired by former Mexican president Hon. Zedillo, in addressing such issues, to have discussions from a broad perspective, considering the future of the Bank, and to provide insightful suggestions, based on the Bank’s mandate as a development institution.  - 財務省


According to a newspaper article that I read today, a senior official of the Bank of Japan who chairs the Markets Committee of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has been appointed to this post upon France’s request, and Finance Minister Noda also mentioned this at an informal meeting of cabinet ministers. It was agreed at the G20 meeting that international debates will be conducted in order to identify the cause of the price upsurge. A global consensus has not yet been formed. Therefore, we must clarify the cause.  - 金融庁

我々は,ティジャン・ティアム氏(Tidjane Thiam)が議長を務めるハイレベル・パネル(HLP)に対し,インフラのための財源を拡大し多様化する方法を特定することを委託し,国際開発金融機関に対し,ボトルネックに対処する共同行動計画を策定するよう要請した。例文帳に追加

We commissioned a High Level Panel (HLP), chaired by Mr Tidjane Thiam, to identify measures to scale-up and diversify sources of financing for infrastructure and we requested the MDBs to develop a joint action plan to address bottlenecks.  - 財務省


For example, with regard to the Steel and Cement Task Force groups for which Japan serves as the chair country, Japan conducted the “Energy Conservation/Environmental Analysis Project” for factories in China and India, in which the experts on energy conservation and environment were dispatched to analyze conditions and provide advice. - 経済産業省



Also, we must keep a watchful eye on the upsurge in prices of commodities, as was instructed today by Prime Minister Kan. As the establishment of a comprehensive exchange is included in the New Growth Strategy, it is important from the perspective of Japan’s economic growth. Problems of commodities exchanges have become a globally important challenge as they were taken up at the G20 meeting. Therefore, I believe that the establishment of a comprehensive exchange has grown in priority in my eyes as a politician. In that sense, although I understand that each ministry has its own tradition and history, we must study this matter. That the Prime Minister issued an instruction regarding this and it was discussed at the G-20 meeting means that it has paramount political importance globally. Therefore, we must study this matter while maintaining appropriate cooperation with relevant ministries and agencies.  - 金融庁


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