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any political orientation favoring aggressive policies - 日本語WordNet
A positive attitude parlays itself into business success. - Weblio英語基本例文集
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We consider willingness to make comments more important than what is commented. - Weblio Email例文集
Childcare participation by husbands is slowly increasing, and a positive attitude of the young generation about the issue is providing hope. - 厚生労働省
I believe the Bank Group is expected to take a more proactive stance to utilize its strengthened financial resources more effectively. - 財務省
Companies tend to show better business performance if their employees take more active stances on working overseas. - 経済産業省
According to Fig. 2-2-30, the stance toward overseas operations in the medium term (i.e., over the next three years or so) remains positive, with almost 80% of enterprises responding that they intended to reinforce or expand them. - 経済産業省
If you have a positive attitude, you are looking for ways to solve the problems that you can solve, and you are letting go of the things over which you have no control. - Tatoeba例文
If you have a positive attitude, you are looking for ways to solve the problems that you can solve, and you are letting go of the things over which you have no control. - Tanaka Corpus
It is said that such an aggressive attitude like MITSUZAKI aroused opposition from Todo-za and he was expelled from Kyoto, but it is no longer sure. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
And the living bases of Soshin and Yangban moved from cities to local manors and they started to show aggressive management. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
I appreciate and support the Managing Director’s strong leadership in presenting us with his Report on Implementing the Fund’s Medium-Term Strategy, which exemplifies his proactive stance toward implementing the reform of this institution. - 財務省
On the other hand, while more SMEs with improving profit margins tended to reply that the financial institutions’ lending attitude was positive, a certain number of SMEs with improving profit margins replied that the lending attitude was turning negative. This shows that some SMEs are feeling that the improvement in the companies’ business results is not leading to an improvement in the lending attitude of financial institutions (Fig. 1-3-15). - 経済産業省
On the other hand, China had maintained until the Arrow War its solipsistic diplomatic attitude based on Sinocentrism and would not adopt vital notions indispensable for modern international relation such as international law and treaty. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide an inverted two-wheel traveling robot realizing an intuitive interface for causing autonomous operations by positively utilizing compliance of a machine body to posture change. - 特許庁
However, Tamekane's individualistic character made many enemies and together with Fushimi's progressive governing stance, it led to confrontation with Sanekane SAIONJI and called attention from the bakufu. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In the US where people have a high propensity to consume, in particular, easier fund raising owing to low interest rates and positive loan attitudes of financial institutions directly stimulated consumption and investments by families and companies. - 経済産業省
An active business stance which tries to incorporate the vitality of high growth markets such as East Asia into the company’s business strategy is also seen in this kind of foreign business strategy of European and U.S. service companies. - 経済産業省
Article 32 of the Goseibai shikimoku (code of conduct for samurai), established by the bakufu in the early 13th century, specified that concealment of thieves and akuto in the territory was a crime, but bakufu was not active in suppressing the akuto. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a bottle carrier which can maintain the carrying posture of an empty vessel by making a positive use of the fact that the empty vessel is lightweight, and to prevent the empty vessel from being blocked or fallen in a carrying passage. - 特許庁
In doing so, the EU is adopting a positive stance of making its internal systems and rules accepted as international ones in order to develop the global market to its advantage, instead of a passive stance of harmonizing its internal systems and rules with international ones. Such a positive stance by the EU will serve as a good model for Japan in creating future markets. - 経済産業省
The programmatic approach is expected to translate such a perspective into the Bank's operations. In this context, we welcome the Bank's renewed commitment to supporting the reform efforts of developing countries through such an approach. - 財務省
Since the steering operation by the driver is positively assisted, it is possible to correct a vehicle behavior while effectively coping with a slip generated when the vehicle stopped on a slippery road starts running. - 特許庁
Similarly, 71.2% of SMEs said that they were approached by a financial institution with which they had not previously done business (Fig. 1-3- 10), which provides further evidence of financial institutions’ positive stance toward lending to SMEs. - 経済産業省
Companies have shown a willingness to actively enter next-generation industries and expand their business operations in light of the potential of new markets and the need to utilize business resources available in existing businesses. - 経済産業省
In fiscal 2008, corporate research expenditures declined slightly (from ¥13.8 trillion to ¥13.6 trillion), marking the first decline in nine years. However, companies have shown a willingness to continue to actively conduct R&D. - 経済産業省
Ieyasu TOKUGAWA adopted the posture of actively promoting trade with Spain, and sent Shosuke TANAKA, a merchant in Kyoto, to Nueva Espana (present Mexico) that was a territory of Spain at that time. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
As for product buyers, sales to companies in all categories, except domestic group companies having capital affiliations, are expected to rise, attesting to Japanese companies' policy of aggressively expanding marketing channels. - 経済産業省
As a result, it can be said that 'a dispute on wives and concubines' raised questions about the equal between men and women at a private space between husband and wife, but that it was passive against the equal of political and social rights between men and women. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Fig. 1-3-16 confirms the extent of adoption of quick loans by financial institutions. This illustrates the stress placed on quick loans by financial institutions, with around 60% of the total showing a positive interest: as well as 37.7% that are ready for their introduction, 23.6% say that introduction of quick loans is “under consideration.” 6) - 経済産業省
In relation to that, there are hopes for a recovery in financial institutions' financial conditions following the stock price rebound. However, Minister Yosano said the other day that as a recovery in financial institutions' financial condition will not necessarily lead them to show a positive stance on lending, it is necessary to continue inspection and supervision concerning their lending stance. Could you tell us about the relationship between the stock price recovery and financial institutions' financial conditions and lending stance? - 金融庁
To prevent the operation of giving the brake pressure from becoming complicate, while giving positively a brake pressure to each of both right and left wheels so as to get a turning performance, especially properties of turning head, meeting a driver's request. - 特許庁
今後については、ジェトロのアンケート調査(平成23 年度)の結果をみると、「輸出の拡大を図る」と回答した企業が全体の 50.3%を占め、「現在輸出を行っていないが今後検討する」と合わせて 60%の企業が輸出に積極的な姿勢を見せている。例文帳に追加
According the findings of JETRO's questionnaire survey (FY2011), for the future, 50.3% of all enterprises responded "expand exports," and when combined these replies with those of "not exporting now but consider in the future," 60% of enterprises show an active attitude about exports. - 経済産業省
さらに、5月のOECD 閣僚理事会の際にドーハ・ラウンドについて閣僚級の会合や二国間協議が行われ、我が国も、G6 閣僚会合や主要発展途上国との会合を主催し、交渉の早期妥結に向けて貢献する我が国の真摯な姿勢を示しており、積極的に参画している。例文帳に追加
The Doha Round was furthermore deliberated at the OECD Ministerial Council Meeting (MCM) in May as a theme for ministerial-level talks and bilateral discussions. Japan actively participated in these moves, hosting G6 ministerial meetings and discussions with major developing countries as part of its sincere commitment to achieving an early agreement. - 経済産業省
Female participation in the labour force in Japan is particularly low compared tothe USA and Europe in the 30?34 age group, when many women are facing marriage and childbirth(Figure 45). - 厚生労働省
By steering the plurality of the flaps 13, force or moment in vertical and lateral directions is generated. - 特許庁
Starting with the 2002 graphite electrode cartel, followed by the 2003 vitamin cartel and the 2009 marine hose cartel, surcharges were imposed on overseas corporations, including Japanese corporations. KFTC has shown its determination to aggressively crack down on international cartels. - 経済産業省
With these efforts aimed at tourism industry promotion in other countries, Japan is also focusing its attention on the diverse significance of the tourism industry, including its direct effect of improving the balance on service, the strong economic ripple effect and the promotion of international mutual understanding, and is establishing a position aimed at actively working to promote its tourism industry. - 経済産業省
Regarding the FSA's stance on dormant deposits, it is somewhat unclear what you meant when you said it is necessary to conduct deliberation while taking account of the various circumstances. Does that mean that the hurdle for utilizing dormant deposits is high, or that you have a positive stance on the idea of utilizing dormant deposits? - 金融庁
However, encouraged by the aggressive attitude of Imperial Japanese Navy and in order to secure rights and interests in the territories under Japanese occupation: the leased territory of Jiaozhou and the South Sea Islands, it dispatched successively, since February 7, 1917, the first special duty fleet of Imperial Japanese Navy to the area around Indian Ocean and the Cape of Good Hope, the second special duty fleet to the Mediterranean, and the third special duty fleet to the area around the South Pacific Ocean and the east coast of Australia. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The prolonged brake on capital investment among enterprises since the collapse of the bubble economy appears to have resulted in plant becoming outdated. And increased investment in replacement, maintenance and repair, along with increasing positive investment, such as investment in expanding capacity and investment in new products, new fields and research and development, contributed to the recent growth in capital investment. - 経済産業省
In addition, the results shown by Figure 2-2-2-6 suggest a downward trend in commitment to human resources investment. However, the number of companies that answered they would strengthen sales and marketing in terms of medium- to long-term investment strategies marked 62.4%, which was the largest ratio, followed by those that answered “human resources development and vocational training” (50.0%) and “development of new technologies, products and services” (46.8%). The above results show the eagerness of Japanese-owned companies in terms of medium- to long-term commitment after the financial crisis, including medium- to long-term strategy for human resources investment. - 経済産業省
背景としては米国、ECがそれぞれNAFTA(1994年発効)、EU(1993年発足)への取組を加速させるなど、欧米が経済的関係の深い近隣諸国との間で貿易・投資の自由化・円滑化等による連携を図る動きを活発化させたことや、NIEsやASEANがいち早く経済開放を推し進めることにより高成長を果たす中、チリ・メキシコなどの新興国が貿易・投資の自由化や市場メカニズムの導入へと経済政策を転換させ、その中でEPA / FTAを活用する戦略を採ったこと、さらに我が国を含む東アジアがEPA / FTAに積極姿勢に転じたことなどが挙げられる。例文帳に追加
Factors behind this include: both the United States and Europe accelerated their moves of tie ups with economically close neighboring countries through liberalization/facilitation of trade and investment activities, reflected in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA; formed in 1994) and the European Union (EU: established in 1993), respectively; amidst fast growth being achieved by countries of the new industrializing economies (NIEs) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) through their swift promotion of economic liberalization, emerging countries such as Chile and Mexico actively sought the advantage of EPA and FTA schemes as they shifted their economic policies to liberalizing trade and investment and introducing the market mechanism; and East Asian countries including Japan also shifted to active promotion of EPA and FTA schemes. - 経済産業省
The major reasons for such an increase in EPAs/FTAs include the following: (1) Moves have accelerated in the United States and Europe toward economic partnerships with their economically-linked neighboring countries through liberalization and the promotion of trade and investment, such as efforts for the NAFTA (enacted in 1994) by the United States and efforts for the EU (established in 1993) by the EC, (2) Newly emerging countries, such as Chile and Mexico, have changed their economic policies, liberalizing trade and investment and introducing market mechanisms, while NIEs and ASEAN have achieved high economic growth by opening up their markets ahead of other countries. In doing so, they have adopted the strategy of promoting EPAs/FTAs, and (3) East Asian countries, including Japan, have changed their stance in favor of EPAs/FTAs, etc. - 経済産業省
その背景としては、①欧米諸国が経済的関係の深い近隣諸国との間で貿易・投資の自由化・円滑化等による経済連携を図る動きを活発化させたこと(例:米国及びECがそれぞれNAFTA(1994 年発効) 及びEU(1993 年発足)への取組を加速させる等)、②NIEs やASEANがいち早く経済開放を推し進めることにより高成長を果たす中、チリ・メキシコ・ペルー等の新興国が貿易・投資の自由化や市場メカニズムの導入へと経済政策を転換させ、その中でEPA/FTAを活用する戦略を採ったこと、さらに、③我が国を含む東アジアがEPA/FTAに積極姿勢に転じたことなどが挙げられる。例文帳に追加
As background, the movement that 1. Western countries with strong existing economic ties were actively promoting economic cooperation, trade, investment liberalization and facilitation among neighboring countries (i.e.: U.S. and EC respectively NAFTA (entered into effect in 1994) and EU ((established 1993) and efforts to accelerate), 2. Meanwhile, NIEs and ASEAN pushed to achieve high growth through faster economic liberalization, and economic policy, and emerging economies such as Chile, Mexico, and Peru, will shift with the introduction of market mechanisms to trade and investment liberalization in which they took on strategy adopting EPA / FTA, 3. East Asia, including Japan, became positive towards EPA / FTA. - 経済産業省
Statements in the Communique, as listed below, indicates China’s active stance towards climate change. ① China recognizes Japan’s proposal to at least halve the world’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, and it will study the means and measures required to achieve the ultimate goal of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which is to stabilize the atmospheric concentration of the greenhouse gases at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. ② Both parties share the common understanding that Japan and China will actively participate in talks to increase the effectiveness of the process and the framework until 2012 and beyond 2013, and contribute to attaining beneficial results at the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP) and the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP/MOP), scheduled to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, at the end of 2009. ③ China regards the Japanese sector-based approach in setting and implementing emissions reduction targets and cutting emissions as an important idea. - 経済産業省
その背景としては、①欧米諸国が経済的関係の深い近隣諸国との間で貿易・投資の自由化・円滑化等による経済連携を図る動きを活発化させたこと(例:米国及びECがそれぞれNAFTA(1994 年発効) 及びEU(1993 年発足)への取組を加速させる等) ②NIEs やASEANがいち早く経済開放を推し進めることにより高成長を果たす中、チリ・メキシコ・ペルー等の新興国が貿易・投資の自由化や市場メカニズムの更なる導入へと経済政策を転換させ、その中でEPA/FTAを活用する戦略を採ったこと、さらに、③我が国を含む東アジアがEPA/FTAに積極姿勢に転じたことなどが挙げられる。例文帳に追加
The major reasons for such an increase in EPAs/FTAs include the following: (i) Movements have accelerated in the United States and Europe toward economic partnerships with their economically-linked neighboring countries through liberalization and the promotion of trade and investment, illustrated by efforts for the NAFTA (enacted in 1994) by the U.S. and efforts for the EU (established in 1993) by the EC; (ii) Newly emerging economies, such as China, Chile, Mexico and Peru, have changed their economic policies, liberalizing trade and investment and introducing market mechanisms, while NIEs and ASEAN have achieved high economic growth by opening up their markets ahead of other countries. In doing so, they have adopted the strategy of promoting EPAs/FTAs; and (iii) East Asian countries, including Japan, have changed their stances in favor of EPAs/FTAs, etc. - 経済産業省
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