意味 | 例文 (76件) |
該当件数 : 76件
a radical reform - 研究社 新英和中辞典
The social welfare system is in bad need of renovation. - Tatoeba例文
The social welfare system is in bad need of renovation. - Tanaka Corpus
Fundamental tax reform for ensuring reliable source of revenue - 厚生労働省
By that, did you mean that you should take advantage of this opportunity to carry out fundamental reform? - 金融庁
The second challenge is to undertake a comprehensive tax reform. - 財務省
大胆かつ抜本的な IMF の改革パッケージが必要。例文帳に追加
We agree to push forward the ambitious package of bold and fundamental reforms in order to retain the IMF's relevance and legitimacy. - 財務省
At the same time, we will launch fundamental reform of electricity system. - 経済産業省
We would like to promote a nationwide discussion on the prospective comprehensive tax reform as well, as a part of "integrated expenditure and revenue reform." - 財務省
Along with the Comprehensive Reform of the Tax System, the social security reform will sequentially be implemented without delay in each area, according to the schedule. - 厚生労働省
The premier announced his intention to undertake drastic reforms in parliament. - Tatoeba例文
The premier announced his intention to undertake drastic reforms in parliament. - Tanaka Corpus
The meeting adopted a resolution calling for a drastic change in the labor law regarding temporary workers. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
We remain committed to achieving an ambitious package of fundamental reforms. - 財務省
To tackle over those issues, comprehensive and drastic reform of social security system and its finance is necessary - 厚生労働省
To that end, the government will make every effort with a view to drawing up the fundamental and integrated tax reform including consumption tax by around the end of Fiscal Year 2007, through substantive and concrete discussions after early autumn this year. - 財務省
Following the announcement of the drastic financial regulation reform plan, Congressional procedures will have to be followed before the plan is implemented - 金融庁
Following the announcement of the drastic financial regulation reform plan, Congressional procedures will have to be followed before the plan is implemented. - 金融庁
英国政府は、1998年以来会社法の抜本改革に取り組んでいるが、改革の柱の1つとして検討されているのが、新たな株主価値概念(「より進化した株主価値(Enlightened Shareholder Value)」概念と呼ばれる)の導入である49。例文帳に追加
The UK government has been addressing drastic reform in corporate law since 1998, and one of the pillars of reform under consideration is the introduction of the new concept of shareholder value (called the concept of "Enlightened Shareholder Value"). - 経済産業省
In the Kanpyo to Engi eras, that is to say, from around the end of the 9th century to the early 10th century, the national administration was reformed drastically. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In 1857, fraud committed by an officer of Sakuraidani jinya (a regional government office of a detached land) caused a commotion and demands for drastic financial reform. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro will need to show strong leadership to set forth a radical reform plan. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
Ministers also welcomed their commitment to continued deep-rooted structural reforms which are necessary for sustained growth in the region. - 財務省
変化する世界経済の中で IMF が信頼性・有効性を維持するためには、抜本的な改革が必要であるとの我々の信念を再確認。例文帳に追加
We reaffirm our strong belief that fundamental reform is necessary for the IMF to maintain its credibility and effectiveness in the changing global economy. - 財務省
At the same time, the government decided to promote the drastic precedential domestic reformation to strengthen the competitiveness necessary for economic partnership such as, agriculture. - 経済産業省
At the same time, we will promote radical domestic reforms such as strengthening the competitive edge that is necessary for high-level economic cooperation and so on. - 経済産業省
– To reduce business costs by identifying appropriate effective corporate tax rates that are in line with the drastic tax reforms. - 経済産業省
Upon the implementation of the Comprehensive Reform of the Tax System, we will formulate an arrangement that can flexibly respond to unpredicted economic fluctuation. - 厚生労働省
In the FY2011 revision of the tax system, we will make it our particular priority to tackle issues such as economic revitalization, the recovery of tax redistribution functions, and global warming countermeasures, in response to the current harsh economic and employment situations. This will be done under a framework of concerted efforts to promote economic revitalization and fiscal consolidation aimed at achieving radical reform across all areas of taxation, including income, consumption and assets. At the same time, we will approach reforms from the perspective of taxpayers and consumers, etc. , and will implement reforms with a high level of urgency, as part of a radical reform of the tax system. - 財務省
3. We intend to promote drastic reform of the tax system, while presenting a clear path toward the reform, based on the outline of tax reform announced recently by the ruling parties, in order to realize a fair and vigorous economy and society by tackling various challenges, such as establishment of a sustainable social security system and promotion of decentralization. - 財務省
In line with the direction described above, we are engaging in urgently required reforms as part of the drastic reform of the taxation systems, under the taxation system reform of 2010 and 2011. We will continuously aim for the earlier realization of the taxation system revision in 2011 as currently deliberated in the Diet. - 厚生労働省
In the light of the concept of securing stable financial resources under social security reform this time, we will comprehensively sort out the entire picture and estimated costs of the social security benefits including the local independent projects and implement the reform of local tax systems etc. in the comprehensive reform of the tax system in order to secure the necessary and stable financial resources for local independent projects. - 厚生労働省
The purpose of this trip is to visit Washington D.C. and New York to meet with a variety of people, including leading U.S. government figures and market players, to exchange views on issues like the financial regulatory reform, financial and economic trends and the U.S.'s postal reform. I have already had the Public Relations Office explain the purpose of the upcoming trip, which relates to the current situation where, in the U.S., its financial regulatory reform bill—the first such fundamental reform in 80 years – has just been passed and, on the international front, a general agreement has been reached on the proposed revisions to capital adequacy (ratio) or liquidity requirements. - 金融庁
In the meantime, Masayoshi MATSUKATA, from Satsuma Domain, discontent with Okuma who would not carry out a radical financial reform, left the Ministry of the Treasury to take the position of Minister of Interior to replace Ito at the occasion of Sano's assumption of Minister of the Treasury. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
As you know, the reform of policy-based finance is intended to drastically revise the functions of the existing policy-based financial institutions and realign them. - 金融庁
This program is to include an outline for a fundamental reform of the tax system, which will lay the foundation for increasing the share of government contribution to the basic pension funds to 50 percent. - 金融庁
Regarding earthquake insurance, debate on fundamental reform has started. While I suppose that the debate will proceed under the leadership of the Ministry of Finance, how will the FSA approach this issue? - 金融庁
Under a new management team, Ashikaga Bank has promoted drastic management reform, provided assistance for the rehabilitation of small and medium-size enterprises and made various efforts to improve its own business operations. - 金融庁
Given that several insider trading cases occurred in succession, it has been pointed out that it may be difficult to prevent this problem through efforts by securities companies alone and that a new fundamental reform may be necessary. What would you say to that? - 金融庁
Today, we hear many observations indicating that the Fund and the Bank need to be fundamentally reformed or that they should do much more to cope with the current new environment. - 財務省
We took steps to fix the broken regulatory system and started to implement sweeping reforms to reduce the risk that financial excesses will again destabilize the global economy. - 財務省
Today, we hear many observations indicating that the Fund needs to be fundamentally reformed or that it should do much more to cope with the current new environment. - 財務省
The government will also address comprehensive tax reform from a medium-term perspective, with the aim of re-invigorating society as well as the economy, and of regaining the confidence of the people. - 財務省
The Japanese economy is in a difficult situation. - 財務省
Therefore, we will endeavor to realize fundamental reform of the tax system, including consumption tax, at an early date, in line with the government's reiterated policy agenda and "the Basic Concept" of the Outline for Tax Reform compiled recently by the ruling parties. - 財務省
Progress is being made in reducing budget deficits in deficit countries, and fundamental tax reforms are being introduced to improve incentives, increase the efficiency of economies, and enhance the prospects of higher growth. - 財務省
On the other hand, the Philippines’ indirect financing was not affected by the Asian currency and economic crisis but the country came to lag behind other countries in drastic reform of its banking system. - 経済産業省
意味 | 例文 (76件) |
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