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該当件数 : 46件
prepare by drying, salting, or chemical processing in order to preserve - 日本語WordNet
Set forth below is the explanation about tarako of the narrow sense which means 'salted mako.' - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The method for producing pickled plums comprises salting plums 1 followed by drying the plums in the sun in midsummer, and putting the plums 1, salt 2 and charcoal 3 with its surface cleaned into a vessel 5. - 特許庁
Persimmon leaves are pickled in salt to soften the leaves or to heighten its antibacterial effects. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
of meat and fish, the action of making preserved food items by smoking the salted meat and fish and then drying it out - EDR日英対訳辞書
The fruits are edible and the blossoms and leaves pickled in salt are also used as food. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Also, spawned eggs are called kaitoge ("sea wisteria flower") from their shape, and these are soused. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The shell is removed with the use of a shell knife carefully so as not to hurt the abalone, and the meat is salted. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The method comprises the following process: salting a preprocessed food material such as fish and shellfish or meat in a seasoning mixture containing at least table salt and carbon powder via a sheet-like material having liquid permeability and air permeability; and continuing the salting process over a predetermined period of time so as to simultaneously carry out both of seasoning and drying, and thereby resulting in substantially adding no water content during the salting process. - 特許庁
Therein, the salting treatment is carried out by sequentially immersing the leaves in salt water prepared in at least two concentrations. - 特許庁
After preserving in salt for approximately three months, remove funa from the barrel, wash salt off with water and soak in water to remove excess salt. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
This method for producing Narazuke comprises the following process: a salted material is soaked in a mirin-based desalting liquid and desalted prior to pickling it in a sake dregs bed so as to reduce its pickling frequency. - 特許庁
The pickle 11 is loaded in the container body 2, and the salted chopped leeks 15 are loaded in such a way as to cover the upper surface of the loaded pickle 11. - 特許庁
Pickled cherry blossoms in salt give a unique aroma and they are added on Japanese sweets and bean-jam buns as a kind of herb. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The seasoning containing the ripened Sake lees used for pickling the Ume pickled in salt is also provided. - 特許庁
The Nemacystus decipiens collected from the sea is directly frozen without being salted and the frozen Nemacystus decipiens is used and dried in the new technology. - 特許庁
To provide a method for taking out pickled culm (Japanese plum) enabling automatization of work for taking salted Umes out of a pickling tank for solar drying or the like to eliminate heavy work. - 特許庁
The pickled vegetables are produced by treating the fermented solution for pickled vegetables and vegetables or pickled vegetables in salt with a seasoning solution comprising using the fermented solution. - 特許庁
Shiokara is a preserved food made from flesh of seafood, salted mostly with the guts in order to prevent rot, fermented and matured with the aid of enzymes (an autolyzed enzyme and ones possessed by the internal microorganisms). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In the method for producing the packaged pickle, the salted chopped leeks 15 including the liquid portion are stored in contact with the pickle 11 in the container body 2, and the opening of the container body is closed. - 特許庁
Stone is removed through the peduncle of a salted Japanese apricot fruit 11 after the separation of Japanese apricot vinegar and a skewer 12 is thrust through the Japanese apricot fruit 11 in the direction perpendicular to the axis of the fruit 11. - 特許庁
To classify more specifically, shioyaki is the one in which fish is pickled in salt, after which its surface salt is washed away, then the fish is sprinkled with salt again and broiled, whereas shira-shioyaki is the one in which fish is simply sprinkled with salt before being broiled. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
When drying salted Japanese plums B by sunlight, a cloth C formed so as to have a size larger than the bottom part 1 of a tray A is spread over the bottom part 1 of the tray A. - 特許庁
The method enables production of fermented soybean 12 having little stringiness and reduced in smell by wrapping the steamed soybean and the bacillus natto 11 with the salted bract leaf 1 to be fermented. - 特許庁
Ume salt is produced without throwing away the "undiluted solution of Ume salt" produced in the pickled Ume producing process, and the mackerel is pickled in salt and in rice bran using this Ume salt to eliminate a fishy smell and to bring out good taste and mildness. - 特許庁
If foodstuff is directly soaked in sake lees, the water would ooze out from the foodstuff and make the sake lees acidify; so it is better to pickle the foodstuff in salt beforehand, or sprinkle a dash of salt on it and leave it for a while, or dry it in the shade beforehand. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
A method for producing the pickles includes salt-pickling in nisin-containing salt, vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, cucumber and radish, and fish egg such as herring roe, washing the product in water followed by dehydrating, pickling the product in pickle paste such as salt, soy sauce, fermented soybean paste, sake lees, malted rice, mustard powder, rice bran, unrefined sake and vinegar, and preserving the product. - 特許庁
In the packaged pickle, salted chopped leeks 15 including a liquid portion 14 are stored in contact with the pickle 11 in a container body 2, and an opening of the container body 2 is closed. - 特許庁
The method for producing fermented soybean comprises performing a fermentation process after a packaging process where steamed soybean and bacillus natto 11 are disposed on the side of the back surface 4 of a salted bract leaf 1 and are packaged. - 特許庁
This non-heated meat product intended for persons with chewing/swallowing distress is obtained by the following process: salted livestock meat is smoked or dried until its water activity is sufficiently lowered, the resultant meat is chipped and then admixed with oils and fats. - 特許庁
The fermentation liquid for pickling is obtained by treating vegetable extract liquid with immobilized lactobaccillus. - 特許庁
The Ume pickles are obtained by pickling Ume pickled in salt in ripened Sake (rice wine) lees. - 特許庁
There are various theories about the origin of the name and two are widely accepted: one says that the verb 'Heshikomu' describes the action of fishers' salting fish in a barrel and the word 'Heshikomareta mono' (things salted in a barrel) was abbreviated to 'Heshiko' whereas the other says that 'Heshiko' is a corruption of 'Hishio,' the name of the juice which comes out when fish are salted. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The meat processed product using cherry leaves is obtained through adding fresh cherry leaves, salted cherry leaves or treated material thereof into a meat processed product such as ham, sausage, bacon or seasoned raw meat so as to get in contact with fat in the food processed product to stably maintain its flavor even during long preservation (at ≤10°C for 30-90 days). - 特許庁
The method for producing seasoned pickled ume comprises drying salted ume fruits followed by soaking the ume fruits in a seasoning solution comprising water, salt and citric acid, wherein the water added to the seasoning solution comprises mineral component-enriched water which is subjected to contact treatment with charcoal such as bincho charcoal to be enriched with at least potassium. - 特許庁
When the doctor had wormed this secret from him on the afternoon of the attack, and when next morning he saw the anchorage deserted, he had gone to Silver, given him the chart, which was now useless--given him the stores, for Ben Gunn's cave was well supplied with goats' meat salted by himself - Robert Louis Stevenson『宝島』
The method for producing cucumber pickles comprises the following process: cutting a cucumber peeled and pickled in salt into a size to be eatable by a person; washing the cut cucumbers with water to desalt it followed by smoking the cucumbers at about 65-80°C for about 20-30 min; and thereafter soaking the cucumbers in seasoning liquid to season the cucumbers. - 特許庁
ラ 非加熱食肉製品(食肉を塩漬けした後、くん煙し、又は乾燥させ、かつ、その中心部の温度を摂氏六十三度で三十分間加熱する方法又はこれと同等以上の効力を有する方法による加熱殺菌を行つていない食肉製品であつて、非加熱食肉製品として販売するものをいう。ただし、乾燥食肉製品を除く。以下同じ。)にあつては、非加熱食肉製品である旨並びにpH及び水分活性例文帳に追加
(v) For unheated processed meat products (meaning processed meat products which are smoked or dried after salting and have not been sterilized by heating the center part at 63 degrees centigrade for 30 minutes or by any other equivalent or more effective methods; excluding dried processed meat products; the same shall apply hereinafter): the fact that they are unheated processed meat products and their pH and water activity (Aw); - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
例文 (46件) |
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