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英訳・英語 Reform and open door policy
該当件数 : 19件
The Chinese economy has been scoring an impressive 9.6% annual growth on the average since the country adopted a market-opening reform policy. - 経済産業省
He also said, "The success of the Expo has strengthened China's confidence and resolve to pursue reform and opening-up."発音を聞く - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
But in the course of the implementation of the reform and market-opening policy, households as parties which had redundant funds and business corporations as parties which were short in funds emerged. - 経済産業省
Brazil made a policy shift in the 1990s to open up to the global economy. As a result of structural reform and trade liberalization, the economy recovered to an export-led growth path. - 経済産業省
China has steadily achieved its economic growth by accepting direct investment by foreign companies since it adopted the "Reform and Opening-up" Policy in 1979. - 経済産業省
While little more than a decade has passed since the opening up of China’s markets began in earnest, rapid economic growth has generated a deep economic divide between urban and rural areas, and the Chinese government is presently pursuing a grand strategy for development of the west of the country in order to close this gap.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
中国は、1978 年以降の改革開放政策のもと、いわゆる「先富論」に基づき、沿海部を中心に経済特別区を設けて対外開放と工業化を進め、成長を遂げてきた。例文帳に追加
Under the reform and opening-up policy from 1978 onward, based on the theory of allowing individuals to grow rich first, China set up special economic zones centering on coastal areas, moved forward with opening up to the outside and industrialization, and achieved growth. - 経済産業省
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to initiate a reform―inaugurate a reform
to effect a reform―effectuate a reform
to initiate a reform―inaugurate a reform
該当件数 : 19件
Seeing the developing reform and liberalization policy as an opportunity, it expanded the business through intensive investment and, at the same time, spent on advertising largely in the Shanghai area to establish its brand in China. - 経済産業省
At the National Congress of the Communist Party of China in the autumn of 1987, it was clarified that the reform and open-door policies would be further promoted, which led to a huge expansion in fixed assets investment and a hence double-digit economic growth rate. Since then, although the economy fell into deep recession due to the Tiananmen Square Incident in 1989, the - 経済産業省
Particularly since the introduction of China’s reform and open-door policies, the area absorbed foreign investment to develop into a huge, world-leading electronics industry agglomeration, producing copiers, printers and computer parts. - 経済産業省
従来の「改革・開放」政策は、経済成長に重点を置いてきたところ、所得格差の拡大(都市と農村住民)といった歪みも生じさせている(第1-2-3-21 図、第1-2-3-22 図)。例文帳に追加
China’s “economic reforms” have focused on economic growth, and are causing distortions in society such as a widening income gap between cities and rural areas (see Figure 1-2-3-21 and Figure 1-2-3-22). - 経済産業省
But the Chinese Government later changed its economic policy and adopted one aimed at promoting reform and market-opening, clearing the way for companies other than state-owned enterprises - private-sector companies and foreign-affiliated companies ? to enter the Chinese market and intensifying competition between state-owned companies and these new entrants. As a result, earnings conditions of state-owned companies deteriorated. - 経済産業省
Nevertheless, as a result of its policy shift to open up to the global economy from its import substitution policy so far (industrialization strategy to nurture domestic industries by restricting imports of items for which the country is highly dependant upon foreign countries), together with advancing such measures as resolute implementation of structural reform and market reform through the 1990s, the economy has returned to a growth path from the latter half of the 1990s. - 経済産業省
Looking at the degree of contribution by type of demand to real GDP after the 1990s, it is clear that growth had been driven by fixed capital formation reflecting the investment boom caused by the surge of foreign direct investment into China and other factors, which had been prompted by the acceleration of reform and open-door policies in the first half of the 1990s. - 経済産業省
This vitality in the stock market can be attributed to two factors: the increase in the level of household financial assets (Fig. 1.2.25) and changes in the structure of financial asset savings (Fig. 1.2.26). - 経済産業省
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