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英訳・英語 market‐opening measures [policies]
該当件数 : 18件
The government unveils market-opening measures to reduce account surplus. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文
中でも中国は、1979 年以降の「改革開放」のもと、資本主義の要素を積極的に取り入れた市場経済化および、経済特区の設置や外資企業への優遇策等の対外開放を図り、高い経済成長を遂げた。例文帳に追加
China, one of these countries, after the reform and liberalization in1979, started actively including components of capitalism such as a market economy, established economic zones and an open door policy to give favorable treatment to overseas companies, and this helped them achieve a higher rate of economic growth. - 経済産業省
The United States Government is firmly committed to policies designed to: ensure steady noninflationary growth; maximize the role of markets and private sector participation in the economy; reduce the size and role of the government sector; and maintain open markets.発音を聞く - 財務省
But the Chinese Government later changed its economic policy and adopted one aimed at promoting reform and market-opening, clearing the way for companies other than state-owned enterprises - private-sector companies and foreign-affiliated companies ? to enter the Chinese market and intensifying competition between state-owned companies and these new entrants. As a result, earnings conditions of state-owned companies deteriorated. - 経済産業省
This vitality in the stock market can be attributed to two factors: the increase in the level of household financial assets (Fig. 1.2.25) and changes in the structure of financial asset savings (Fig. 1.2.26). - 経済産業省
〔2〕NIEs やASEAN がいち早く経済開放を推し進めることにより高成長を果たす中、チリ・メキシコ・ペルー等の新興国が貿易・投資の自由化や市場メカニズムの導入へと経済政策を転換させ、その中でFTA/EPA を活用する戦略を採ったこと、さらに、例文帳に追加
[2] While NIEs and ASEAN have achieved high economic growth by opening up their markets ahead of other countries, emerging economies, such as Chile, Mexico and Peru, have changed their economic policies, liberalizing trade and investment and introducing market mechanisms. In doing so, they have adopted the strategy of utilizing FTAs /EPAs; - 経済産業省
NIEsや ASEANがいち早く経済開放を推し進めることにより高成長を果たす中、チリ・メキシコ・ペルー等の新興国が貿易・投資の自由化や市場メカニズムの導入へと経済政策を転換させ、その中で EPA/FTA を活用する戦略を採ったこと例文帳に追加
while NIEs and ASEAN were achieving a high rate of growth at a fast pace through promotion of economic liberalization, emerging countries including Chile, Mexico and Peru strategically used EPA/FTA as a means to shift their economic policies toward liberalization of trade and investment as well as introduction of market mechanism - 経済産業省
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Weblio例文辞書での「市場開放策」に類似した例文 |
a market
the spot market
The market revives.
a market that allows free trade
The market is glutted.
該当件数 : 18件
Because of the Reagan administration’s emphasis on “small government” and its preference for policies using the US’s overwhelming political and diplomatic weight to force trading partners to open their markets rather than on more stolid efforts to boost competitiveness, the recommendations in the Young Report were initially shelved without being reflected in policy. However, in the last days of the Reagan administration, a number of these recommendations were included in President Reagan’s State of the Nation addresses. - 経済産業省
Nevertheless, as a result of its policy shift to open up to the global economy from its import substitution policy so far (industrialization strategy to nurture domestic industries by restricting imports of items for which the country is highly dependant upon foreign countries), together with advancing such measures as resolute implementation of structural reform and market reform through the 1990s, the economy has returned to a growth path from the latter half of the 1990s. - 経済産業省
We will keep markets open and free and reaffirm the commitments made in Washington and London: to refrain from raising barriers or imposing new barriers to investment or to trade in goods and services, imposing new export restrictions or implementing World Trade Organization (WTO) inconsistent measures to stimulate exports and commit to rectify such measures as they arise.発音を聞く - 財務省
The Ministers agreed that establishing more widely strong, noninflationary domestic growth and open markets will be a key factor in ensuring that the current expansion continues in a more balanced fashion, and they committed themselves to policies toward that end. In countries, where the budget deficit is too high, further measures to reduce the deficit substantially are urgently required.発音を聞く - 財務省
2009年4月に取りまとめられた経済産業省「アジアPPP政策研究会」報告書によると、PPP(PublicPrivate Partnership)とは「経済成長の源泉として「市場」と「競争」を通じ、公共サービスの効率性を向上させるとともに、新たな雇用を創出し、新たなサービス産業を創出する公共サービスの民間開放」とされる。例文帳に追加
“Report of Asia PPT study group” consolidated by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in April 2009 defines Public-Private Partnership (PPP) as “a partnership for allowing the private sector to participate in providing public services, which aims to improve efficiency of public services through market and competition mechanisms and create new jobs and new service industries, thereby promoting economic growth.” - 経済産業省
The United Kingdom Government, noting that the British Economy has been experiencing steady growth of output and domestic demand over the past four years, will continue to pursue policies designed to reduce inflation; to promote sustained growth of output and employment; to reduce the size of the public sector; to encourage a more competitive, innovative, market orientated private sector; to reduce regulation and increase incentives throughout the economy; and to maintain open trading and capital markets free of foreign exchange controls.発音を聞く - 財務省
その背景としては、①欧米諸国が経済的関係の深い近隣諸国との間で貿易・投資の自由化・円滑化等による経済連携を図る動きを活発化させたこと(例:米国及びECがそれぞれNAFTA(1994 年発効) 及びEU(1993 年発足)への取組を加速させる等)、②NIEs やASEANがいち早く経済開放を推し進めることにより高成長を果たす中、チリ・メキシコ・ペルー等の新興国が貿易・投資の自由化や市場メカニズムの導入へと経済政策を転換させ、その中でEPA/FTAを活用する戦略を採ったこと、さらに、③我が国を含む東アジアがEPA/FTAに積極姿勢に転じたことなどが挙げられる。例文帳に追加
As background, the movement that 1. Western countries with strong existing economic ties were actively promoting economic cooperation, trade, investment liberalization and facilitation among neighboring countries (i.e.: U.S. and EC respectively NAFTA (entered into effect in 1994) and EU ((established 1993) and efforts to accelerate), 2. Meanwhile, NIEs and ASEAN pushed to achieve high growth through faster economic liberalization, and economic policy, and emerging economies such as Chile, Mexico, and Peru, will shift with the introduction of market mechanisms to trade and investment liberalization in which they took on strategy adopting EPA / FTA, 3. East Asia, including Japan, became positive towards EPA / FTA. - 経済産業省
背景としては米国、ECがそれぞれNAFTA(1994年発効)、EU(1993年発足)への取組を加速させるなど、欧米が経済的関係の深い近隣諸国との間で貿易・投資の自由化・円滑化等による連携を図る動きを活発化させたことや、NIEsやASEANがいち早く経済開放を推し進めることにより高成長を果たす中、チリ・メキシコなどの新興国が貿易・投資の自由化や市場メカニズムの導入へと経済政策を転換させ、その中でEPA / FTAを活用する戦略を採ったこと、さらに我が国を含む東アジアがEPA / FTAに積極姿勢に転じたことなどが挙げられる。例文帳に追加
Factors behind this include: both the United States and Europe accelerated their moves of tie ups with economically close neighboring countries through liberalization/facilitation of trade and investment activities, reflected in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA; formed in 1994) and the European Union (EU: established in 1993), respectively; amidst fast growth being achieved by countries of the new industrializing economies (NIEs) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) through their swift promotion of economic liberalization, emerging countries such as Chile and Mexico actively sought the advantage of EPA and FTA schemes as they shifted their economic policies to liberalizing trade and investment and introducing the market mechanism; and East Asian countries including Japan also shifted to active promotion of EPA and FTA schemes. - 経済産業省
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