眼科の診療現場などで使用頻度の高い単語を英語で調べることができます。 提供 医療法人社団医新会 URL http://www.ocular.net/ |
眼科専門用語辞書 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- W
- WA
- WB
- WC
- WD
- WE
- WF
- WG
- WH
- WI
- WJ
- WK
- WL
- WM
- WN
- WO
- WP
- WQ
- WR
- WS
- WT
- WU
- WV
- WW
- WX
- WY
- WZ
- W(50音)
- W(タイ文字)
- W(数字)
- W(記号)
- W-plasty
- W4D
- Waardenburg syndrome
- Wagner's disease
- Wagner's syndrome
- wall eye
- wallenberg syndrome
- Wallenberg syndrome
- wandering fixation
- warfarin potassium
- washout
- water content
- water drinking provocative test
- water drinking test
- watery eye
- wavelength discrimination
- waxy exudate
- weakness of convergence
- wear comfort
- wearing schedule
- wearing time
- web eye
- Weber's syndrome
- Weck cell vitrectomy
- wedge
- wedge resection
- WeillMarchesani syndrome
- Weiss'sring
- welding arc maculopathy
- Welpas
- Wernick's encephalopathy
- Wessely's phenomenon
- wessely's ring
- wet field coagulator
- wettability
- wetting solution
- wheel rotation
- Wheeler method
- Whetnall's sling
- whipkash maculopathy
- white blood cell
- white patch
- white pump shunt
- white pupil
- white vision
- white without pressure
- whitnall ligament
- Whitnall ligament
- Whitnall's sling
- wide field ocular
- Wieger's ligament
- Wies procedure
- Wildervanck syndrome
- windishield wiper syndrome
- window defect
- wink
- wink reflex
- wipe-out syndrome
- with cc
- with correction
- with motion
- with movement
- without correction
- without sc
- withthe-rule astigmatism
- Wolf's syndrome
- Wolfring gland
- word blindness
- working distance
- Worst goniotomy lens
- Worth four-dot test
- wound
- wound closure
- wound dehiscence
- wound healing
- wound leak
- wrist rest
- WTR astigmatism
- W形成術