「斎藤和英大辞典」(斎藤秀三郎著、日外アソシエーツ辞書編集部編)は、昭和3年に初版が刊行された和英辞典の復刻新版です。日本的な言い回しや慣用表現の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 日外アソシエーツ URL https://www.nichigai.co.jp/ |
斎藤和英大辞典 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- P
- PA
- PB
- PC
- PD
- PE
- PF
- PG
- PH
- PI
- PJ
- PK
- PL
- PM
- PN
- PO
- PP
- PQ
- PR
- PS
- PT
- PU
- PV
- PW
- PX
- PY
- PZ
- P(50音)
- P(タイ文字)
- P(数字)
- P(記号)
- popular feelings
- Popular feelings
- popular god
- popular hero
- popular hopes
- popular literature
- popular man
- Popular moral teachings
- popular name
- popular person
- popular rights
- popular saying
- popular song
- Popular style
- popular support
- Popular taste
- popular voice
- popular will
- popularity
- Popularity
- Popularity with the vulgar
- Popularization
- popularize
- populate
- population
- porbeagle
- porcelain
- Porcelain
- porcelain bottle
- porcelain spoon
- porch
- porcupine
- porcupine ant-eater
- pore
- pore over
- Pores
- Poring over a book
- Pork
- porker
- Porosity
- porous
- Porous
- port
- Port
- port of destination
- port-admiralty
- port-hole
- portable
- portable shrine
- portable tabernacle
- portable telephone
- portage
- Portage
- portal
- portamento
- portend
- portent
- portentous
- Portents
- porter
- porterage
- portfolio
- portion
- Portly
- portmanteau
- portrait
- portrait-painter
- portray
- portrayal
- Portugal
- Portuguese
- pose
- pose as
- poser
- position
- position between two
- position of affairs
- position of strategic importance
- position of trust
- position one holds for a time
- position or height of the sun
- positive
- Positive
- positive and negative
- Positive and negative
- positive assertion
- Positive electricity
- positive number
- positive person
- positive pole
- Positive proof
- positive quantity
- positive refusal
- positive sign
- positively
- Positively
- possess
- possess in full
- possession
- Possession