IT・コンピュータや生命科学など、幅広い分野の専門用語を英語で調べることができます。 提供 日中韓辭典研究所 URL http://www.cjk.org/cjk/indexj.htm |
日英・英日専門用語辞書 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- H
- HA
- HB
- HC
- HD
- HE
- HF
- HG
- HH
- HI
- HJ
- HK
- HL
- HM
- HN
- HO
- HP
- HQ
- HR
- HS
- HT
- HU
- HV
- HW
- HX
- HY
- HZ
- H(50音)
- H(タイ文字)
- H(数字)
- H(記号)
- hardgrass prairie
- Hardgrove index
- hardhead
- hardiness
- Harding-Passey melanoma
- hardmetal tool
- hardness
- hardness anisotropy
- hardness change
- hardness difference
- hardness factor
- hardness meter
- hardness number
- hardness of coke
- hardness of hearing
- hardness penetration
- hardness profile curve
- hardness scale
- hardness sensory scale
- hardness test
- hardness test of anodic oxide coating
- hardness tester
- hardness testing
- hardness transition curve
- hardness-testing machine
- hardpoint
- hardship
- hardstand
- hardtop
- hardware
- Hardware Abstraction Layer
- hardware algorithm
- hardware assembler
- hardware associative memory
- hardware break point
- hardware cache
- hardware check
- hardware circuitry
- hardware compatibility
- hardware compiler
- hardware configuration
- hardware control
- hardware description
- hardware description language
- hardware design
- hardware error
- hardware failure
- hardware floating point instruction
- hardware handshaking
- hardware interface
- hardware interrupt
- hardware interrupt facility
- hardware key
- hardware language
- hardware logic simulator
- hardware merge sorter
- hardware monitor
- hardware monitoring
- hardware pipelining
- hardware platform
- hardware register
- hardware reliability
- hardware representation
- hardware requirements
- hardware resources
- hardware security
- hardware simulator
- hardware store
- hardware supplier
- hardware system
- hardware technology
- hardware trap
- hardware unification unit
- hardware verification
- hardware virtualizer
- hardware work
- hardware-based language
- hardware-dealer
- hardware/software co-design
- hardwood
- hardwood bearing
- hardwood forest
- hardwood pulp
- Hardy-Weinberg's law
- hardystonite
- hare
- hare's eye
- harelip
- harem
- harlequin fetus
- Harley-Davidson
- harm
- harmala alkaloid
- harmaline
- harmalol
- harman
- harmattan
- harmful
- harmful aerosol
- harmful chemicals