IT・コンピュータや生命科学など、幅広い分野の専門用語を英語で調べることができます。 提供 日中韓辭典研究所 URL http://www.cjk.org/cjk/indexj.htm |
日英・英日専門用語辞書 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- H
- HA
- HB
- HC
- HD
- HE
- HF
- HG
- HH
- HI
- HJ
- HK
- HL
- HM
- HN
- HO
- HP
- HQ
- HR
- HS
- HT
- HU
- HV
- HW
- HX
- HY
- HZ
- H(50音)
- H(タイ文字)
- H(数字)
- H(記号)
- HA
- Haab's magnet
- haar
- Haar measure
- habeas corpus
- Habel test
- habena
- habenula
- habenular
- habenular commissure
- habenular nucleus
- habenular sulcus
- habenular trigone
- habenulointerpeduncular tract
- Haber process
- Haber-Bosch process
- haberdashery
- habit
- habit plane
- habit scoliosis
- habit spasm
- habit tic
- habit-forming
- habit-forming drug
- habitability
- habitable area
- habitant
- habitat
- habitat factor
- habitat isolation
- habitat niche
- habitat segregation
- habitat selection
- habitation
- habitual
- habitual abortion
- habitual constipation
- habitual criminal
- habitual dislocation
- habitual luxation
- habitually
- habituation
- habituation effect
- habitus
- habitus enteroptoticus
- haboob
- habromania
- Habronema
- habronemiasis
- habu
- habu venom
- habutae
- hachimycin
- hachure
- hachures
- hack
- hack watch
- hack writer
- hack-saw blade
- hack-sawing machine
- hackberry
- hacker
- hackie
- hacking
- hackle
- hackle sheet
- hackled band
- hackling
- hackling machine
- hackling of barley
- hackmanite
- hacksaw
- hadacidin
- hadal zone
- Hadamard codes
- Hadamard matrices
- Hadamard matrix
- Hadamard transform
- Hadamard transformation
- Hadar
- haddock
- hade
- Hadley cell
- Hadley circulation
- hadopelagic
- hadron
- hadronic atom
- Haeckel's law
- haem
- haemacytometer
- haemadsorption
- haemagglutinating virus of Japan
- haemagglutination
- haemagglutinin
- haemal arch
- haemal system
- Haemamoeba
- haemangioblast
- haemangioendothelioma