25 June 2024
In the case against the Mail on Sunday (Associated Newspapers) and Barney Calman, Health Editor of the Mail on Sunday.
I have written nothing on this blog for a while, because of my on-going legal case. Now we have a judgment, part one.
Step backwards for a moment. Zoë Harcombe and I are suing the Mail on Sunday and Barney Calman for libel. This goes way back to March 2019, yes over five years. The Mail on Sunday published article(s) that we felt were very damaging and defamatory.
In short, we were effectively accused of being liars, and ‘purveyors of misinformation’ about statins (drugs that lower LDL/cholesterol). Because of our lies hundreds of thousands of people had stopped taking statins, resulting in (potentially) many thousands of heart attacks, strokes and deaths. Which, as a doctor, is the worst ‘crime’ it is possible to be accused of.
There was much discussion, in the articles, of this being far worse that the MMR scandal involving Andrew Wakefield. You may remember that he was stuck off as a doctor for his papers and articles on the MMR vaccine. This could obviously have happened to me. If what I did was worse. This threat has hung over me for over five years.
In his judgment I think that the following statement was the most powerful
There is perhaps a palpable irony in the fact the Defendants, in Articles that so roundly denounced those alleged to be the purveyors of misinformation, so seriously misinformed their own readers
The Judge has basically ruled that the Mail on Sunday misinformed its own readers. And as he also said.
I have found that Mr Calman did not believe that the Claimants were dishonest, yet this is the core allegation that the Articles made against them, as Mr Calman must have known (or a reasonable journalist in his position would inevitably have realised).
We were not dishonest, yet Barney Calman wrote articles where the core allegation is that we were. I will write more on this issue over the next few weeks and months. The legal issues were ridiculously complicated and so I include my lawyers’ statement below, which explains a bit more as well as a link to the judgment itself. The full judgment – all 255 pages of it – can be seen here.
High Court dismisses Mail on Sunday’s public interest defence in “statin deniers” libel case
In a major Judgment delivered on 25 June 2024, Mr Justice Nicklin has dismissed a public interest defence advanced by The Mail on Sunday in a libel claim brought by Dr Zoë Harcombe and Dr Malcolm Kendrick. The decision follows a preliminary trial last year in what the Judge described as “the most significant piece of defamation litigation” that he had seen in a very long time.
The case relates to articles published in March 2019, which contained allegations that the Claimants had made knowingly false statements about the cholesterol-lowering drug, statins, causing a large number of people not to take prescribed statin medication with the harm to public health that flows from this (allegations which Dr Harcombe and Dr Kendrick assert are both highly defamatory and false). The Mail on Sunday refused to apologise or even remove or alter its articles. The Claimants therefore issued High Court proceedings in February 2020.
Dismissing the newspaper’s public interest defence, the Judge observed (at paragraph [457]) of his judgment) that:
“There is perhaps a palpable irony in the fact the Defendants, in Articles that so roundly denounced those alleged to be the purveyors of misinformation, so seriously misinformed their own readers.”
The case will now move on to its next phase, as the Court was not at this stage adjudicating on other aspects of the case such as the Truth defence which the Mail on Sunday is attempting to put forward, albeit the Court’s findings mean that the Defence as currently formulated, and subject to any appeal, “cannot be maintained” [562].
Dr Harcombe PhD, a writer and speaker on diet health and nutritional science, has said of the judgment:
“I am delighted by the findings of the court today, in what is a hugely complex case. I am grateful to the Judge for his detailed and careful analysis of all of the facts and pleased that he has recognised the enormity and unfairness of the public attack on our integrity.”
Dr Kendrick, a General Practitioner and author with a special interest in the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease, said:
“I am very pleased that the Judge has found in our favour, and that he has dismissed the public interest defence. It was always our position that we had not been treated fairly by the publishers, and the Judgment sets out clearly how badly we were in fact treated.”
Dr Harcombe and Dr Kendrick are represented by Claire Gill and Dominic Garner of Carter-Ruck, and by Adrienne Page KC and Godwin Busuttil of 5RB.
Many congratulations, Malcolm and Zoe.
Absolutely fantastic result. Eagerly awaiting full and final findings in your favour Malcolm!
Your books are brilliant, engaging, logical and entertaining. Many congratulations! A victory for the independent minds who have woken up!
Gratz. Hope the Daily Fail cough up now!
I was only thinking of you yesterday, wondering whether I would ever read another of your marvellous blogs and now here we all are. I am so pleased and relieved to read this. I can only say from my personal point of view that when I took advice from your book I began to feel better almost immediately and have never looked back. I am GRATEFUL.
I hope all goes well in the next stage.
Well done for persevering! And on a quick read a positive result. Rather stressful I imagine. Looking forward to future blogs. Allan Pollock
great news Malcolm – and I hope the next phase exposes that the truth( defence being inapplicable shows that there re genuine concerns about statins effectiveness and negligible effect on overall mortality.
Fantastic news. You both deserved to win.
Congratulations Dr Kendrick in this court ruling. I hope you will soon share the other information you had hinted at in past interviews.
Robert MacGregor
thank you. there is much to digest from the judgement and the case could, possibly, go on. Almost certainly not, but it is highly complex. We await response from the defendants. The law does not move fast.
I am thrilled for you – congratulations. What a wonderful result, and it’s of course as it should be. I continue to benefit from your excellent work, as do many of my friends. I hope we will hear more from you soon!
Congratulations Malcolm and Zoe. I, like many others follw you both anb have enormous respect for your knowledge and integrity. Kepp up the fight and thank you.
both of you!
Thank you. There is still much to be said, but there are still many legal processes to go through depending on the basta.%&*, sorry dependents, decide to do. Appeal and drag heels and suchlike.
you’ll win like Noakes & Fettke!
yes. I’m proud of you Zoe and Malcolm❤️🇨🇦
WOW! Congrats on the wonderful win! I have to say, that I am happily surprised!
Congratulations Dr Kendrick! This is a very good decision and I hope the next phase will see you fully vindicated.
“I have written nothing on this blog for a while, because of my on-going legal case. “
Yeah, we know, and many of us have been highly irritated atbeing deprived of your insights by the many goon squads extant, and what a blessing that you had the fortitude to endure and to return!
Welcome back, fine Sir and may your wisdom continue to flow rampant and long!
Very good news and I hope that it continues in that direction.
I think I am going to enjoy the next six months. So many, many, targets now in full view.
Congratulations- vindication of the highest order! We eagerly await learning of your new targets.
Congratulations – well deserved vindication of the highest order! Eagerly awaiting learning of your targets, as so much misinformation is being bandied about in the compromised press.
It seems to me that there are, indeed, many lusciously juicy targets. For years the bullies who run theings and their media assistants have been bluffing hard – and their bluff has rarely been called. Now the “man behind the curtain” is in full sight.
Just one note of caution, Dr Kendrick: you and Dr Harcombe must be cautious, and avoid overreaching. The consequences would still be calamitous.
Another book?
I am considering writing a book about the trial, and all the things around it. The power of the pharmaceutical industry, the loss of objectivity in, medical, science. The fact that ‘experts’ are often simply singing the song of whoever pays them the most. The attacks on those who dare question anything. We have a terribly broken system which I do not believe can be called science anymore.
The age of enlightenment is slipping from our grasp, I fear. ‘Experts’ whatever an expert may be, control the agenda, and they in turn are, far too often, controlled by money, or the temptation of power, control and status that is dangled before them. To quote Richard Feynman. ‘Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.’
Similar to Tim Noakes “Lore Of Nutrition”? Though in your more chatty style.
I think a joint authorship by Zoe Harcombe & yourself would fly off the shelves.
And with Covid – you’ve probably enough material for TWO books!
Good to hear the news
So very pleased to hear this – it must have been very stressful for you and your families and like others commenting here I look forward to reading mire of your blogs very soon.
Delighted for you both and for the truth. I thank the lord that you don’t appear to have had a political judge.
Rest easy for a while and then back to work.
We have been waiting patiently for the verdict to arrive, but it was well worth the wait. Many congratulations from The Netherlands!!!
Carter Ruck are never knowingly cheap. Did you have a crowdfunder I can contribute to?
Wonderful news! If nothing else this should give your own, and Zoe’s health a mighty boost!! Take care!!!
This has made my day – thank you 🙂
Good heavens has common sense prevailed at last. Great books by the way. One day Homeopathy will get a clean name as well, it’s been brilliant for my 80 years !
Great news, a victory against the drug pushers
Great news, congratulations.
Congratulations to you and Zoe.
Hope all is well
The Mail on Sunday is not unique in giving the impression it’s wholly captured/bought by big pharma and thus enthusiastically publishes screeds paying homage to their benefactors.
It seems that, anyone who isn’t a keen and repetitive drug taker is not only a dangerous crank, but an anti-science, anti-life-saving traitor.
Well done you! All this and Julian Assange freed, if destitute!
Enjoy your summer!
Dear Malcolm
Many thanks indeed for this email – that is great news and I am delighted for you both.
Coincidentally, I was thinking about you just the other day when I went for a routine cardio-vascular health check (as an oldie of 63) at my GP surgery. After testing a blood sample the nurse informed me that my cholesterol was a bit high, at 5.5, though with no reference to “good” or “bad” cholesterol. She advised me to improve aspects of my diet to reduce it, told me to come back again in 3 months for a retest, and said that if it’s not lower then statins might be the next course of action.
I didn’t think there was much point getting into a debate with her as it would be fruitless, but when I do return in 3 months I might have my copy of The Great Cholesterol Con with me!
Best wishes – and good luck with the ongoing case.
Chris Trickey
Chris – I saw my diabetes specialist nurse a while ago. She looked at my Cholesterol results (I refuse statins) and said they were high, but then she looked at the breakdown and saw that trigs were very low and HDL was high. “Well done,” she said, “carry on doing what you’re doing.”
I’m so lucky to have such an on the ball nurse.
As a retired GP, I am dismayed that GPs are still so ignorant of the proven facts concerning diet and heart disease. I have followed Malcolm’s insightful work for over a decade and have spoken with him about the general ignorance regarding statins and cholesterol in Primary Care. As well as taking a copy of Malcolm’s book(s) you might like to consider presenting your GP with the equally enlightening book by Dr Catherine Shanahan: Dark Calories.
Best wishes, and good health.
Talk about dismayed! I have doc friends including an infectious disease
man and all of them still believe in the safety and efficacy of “vaccines!!!”
Send them this link https://jermwarfare.com/conversations/roman-bystrianyk-vaccine-history There is a video on the page if they get interested.
They could then read Dissolving Illusions
That is an excellent book. It sure dissolved my illusions!
Well, why shouldn’t they? It does one no good to have a powerful intellect and good education if one refuses to use them.
Congratulations! I have books written by both of you and have followed your guidance on diet and statins for a few years now and am relieved I have nothing to worry about!
I am absolutely delighted for you both. Congratulations!
Malcolm, it is thanks in large part to people like you and Zoe that my passion for General Practice has reignited in the past few years. I spend many happy hours educating my patients on how to reclaim their health with lifestyle change and cut down long lists of drugs they have been prescribed with, I believe, criminally overstated benefits. I never doubted that you had a cast iron case but confess I was anxious that the establishment might conspire to silence you. I am delighted you are showing them up to be the bought and paid for mouthpieces for the Oligarchs they so undoubtedly are.
I wish to all the gods that I could find a GP in Melbourne who is as sensible as you, Beverley !
Good news. Perhaps when it is all over, some light might fall upon the journalist’s motivation …
Bloody good point !!!
Congratulations Malcolm, 5 years, Wow! How ironic that during that time many more medics have expressed the same concerns as you about Cholestrol and Statins. Hopefully this will benefit you in phase 2 to help counter the stress you must have felt. All the best.
Mark White
Get Outlook for Androidhttps://aka.ms/ghei36
Superb vindication!
Dear Malcolm,
I am so pleased for you and Dr Harcombe about the outcome.
Fingers crossed for the next part!
Kind regards,
Adrian Torson (Macclesfield)
Wonderfull news. Best wishes to you and Zoe.
A victory for you both and for Truth. Well done for having the courage to fight on, knowing the consequences of the judgement going against you. And on the day Assange is released too!
Absolutely made my day . . . I say this as someone who took simvastatin for around 4 years : I developed T2D (push back by low carb diet) and suffered muscle and nerve damage in the arms. 15 years on I still have a weak right arm
Great news! Isn’t Dr Malhotra going through something similar?
Very pleased to see the judgement and relieved on your behalves. I enjoy the books you have written and feel sure there is substance in your arguments. Regards Teresa
Very pleased Malcolm . Now to Part 2. Must be terribly expensive process and the press has deep pockets.
Congratulations Dr Malcom. 🙂
I think that calls for a large glass of red this evening (plus Zoe’s) since she doesn’t drink !
Great news.
Hey Malcolm, that’s incredible news, good traction! Would love to do a catchup interview with you at some phase that’s convenient for you.
Let me know your thoughts.
Kindly, Jan
No probs
Good for you and Zoe! Perhaps the manufacturers of statins should now be put under the spotlight for their misinformation. I was at the ihcan summit on Saturday and very much enjoyed your talk. Thank you for all you do. Best wishes Tina
What a relief for you and Zoë. Sometimes the good guys win!
And also a relief for we your readers who have missed your insightful comments on medical matters.
I am not one for coarse triumphalism but in a word
PS this is the tip of a proverbial iceberg and statins are not the only sucker drug paricularly for post ACS regimes.
Lord luv a duck! And God I love you Malcolm Kendrick – for speaking truth to power.
This is excellent!
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
Well done! I hope it continues to go well. I came off statins and other medications and am fitter and happier. At 74 I’m walking and weightlifting to keep fit and have lost weight. Thank you so much for opening my eyes. Best wishes to you both!
Richard Twiddy
Congratulations Doctor. Love your books, and opinions.
Congratulations to you and your team. I think in this context the words ‘hasta la victoria siempre’ are very appropriate.
Please pursue and get hefty compensation for what they have done. Shameful.
Rooting for you.
Mary Spillane
[email protected]
Business & Leadership Development
Sent from my iPhone
Thank you, Dr Kendrick for posting this. Believe it or not, I have read it all, neither the Mail on Sunday nor Matt Hancock come out of it well, to say the least. Very best wishes Rosemary Wellman
Well done both of you.
We haven’t heard from you for a while Doc, hope this means you are back in the driving seat!
You’ve been missed!
Excellent news and well done you and Zoe.
Many, many congratulations to you both. Hopefully, you can now get on with your lives and do what you do so splendidly – telling it how it is! I greatly look forward to reading more of your very readable, interesting and educational writings.
Hello – I’ve been wondering why I hadn’t seen anything from you for soooo long! Have missed your insights & humor. So far, I’ve been able to keep hubby from being on these deadly drugs & their terrible side-effects! May God continue to impress truth upon those who have the power to make or break this case! You must be weary of having to defend against these journalists who declare themselves experts without training or experience! Keep calm & carry on!!
Warmest congratulations to you both, Dr Kendrick and Dr Harcombe, and to your legal team upon this thoroughly well-deserved judgement. You’ve both shown immense courage in going forward with this legal challenge. Dr Kendrick, your writings have done so much to help a beloved family member: thank you for your wonderful work.
Thank goodness.
Congratulations to you both.
All this must be eye-wateringly expensive – have you got funding from somewhere? if not, something must be set up for you. And I guess much depends on whether you can get all your expenses paid by the paper etc
Hooray! So good to hear from you, Dr. Kendrick. In a world consumed by madness, there is still sanity present in the judicial system.
Some good news to skim through on a different subject – another side of the same corrupt medical paradigm. Have been reading Malcolm Kendrick’s occasional newsletters for years, and his exceptional book ’The Clot Thickens’ that proposes an entirely different theory for the development of heart disease. In a nutshell – cholesterol is the innocent, trying-to-be-helpful, bystander in heart disease; like blaming firemen because they are always present at a house-fire.
Thank you for taking a stand. It must have been very stressful. So glad you’ve been vindicated.
Hooray! A crumb of sanity at last. Please keep up the excellent work. I have recommended your super books to many of my friends.
Thank you for your extraordinary courage, humor, integrity and curiosity. And for writing THE CLOT THICKENS, which is laid out with such clarity, cutting through jargon and billions to make cardiovascular illness and health an enjoyable read. Kudos to you! BJ Fleming D.C. LAc.
Congratulations on part one. Here’s to continued justice for you both and significant recompense from the other parties. 👍
Many thanks to you and Zoe for your patience and stamina in staying the course.
Justice Nicklin seems to be a paragon amongst judges. One who has genuinely taken the trouble to understand the issues involved and make sure that justice is served. and congratulations to you and Zoë for your strength and determination to start this and see it through.
What a treat to hear this great news!! Congratulations to you both, and many thanks to your legal team. Looking forward to reading Part 2, and future articles on this Blog. Also many thanks to you both for all that you are doing for us.
Yvonne Beran 🙂
Thank God that it is going in the right direction. Cannot wait until you are back and giving us your wisdom.
Very well done. Keep fighting the good fight.
Yep, indeed truly happy for you and this judgement.
It’s all very well winning people over to your beliefs (as have I been won), but leaving them in a position of having no doctor to turn to is not much fun.
I agree with you completely.
My site is downtoearthmedicine.org I have an article on it about statins
I am praying for you.
Remember it is all about the money. They do not care about health, just writing more rx’s
Dr. Ure
Sometimes the good guys win. Wonderful news and best wishes from California
Great news and congratulations.
Please keep up your amazing work.
Congratulations, hope you both are fully vindicated and compensated.As with Dr Tim Noakes and Dr Fettke it taken time but you’ll get there.Its an uphill battle but you have to fight back.In Australia cardiologists are still largely prescribing statins to everyone so there’s a long way to go.Even diabetes associations are recognising the value of a low carb approach now. There’s still a long way to go before it becomes mainstream but it is happening
I am so heartened by this verdict and I know there must be some weight lifting from both your shoulders. This outcome is part of what I’m calling ‘The Great Unravelling’ ©️ — the beginning of the end of poor science, perpetuated rhetoric fuelled by Big … Pharma/Food/Ag/Gov’t whose sole aim is profit over humanity. We are no longer sheep and we will not go quietly into that good night.
I’m sure there is more to all this and your victory will remain bittersweet for a time – I’d encourage you, Zoë and Tim Noakes to get on a Zoom call and share a dram of Scotland’s finest.
I don’t know whether “congratulations “ is the right word to use in this circumstance however, it is extremely pleasing to see that the judge ruled in your favour and, although he said the Calman hadn’t acted maliciously, we all know that’s exactly what he did! Well done guys. Keep on keeping on! 😊
Congratulations, good news indeed – a massive relief, I’d imagine……..a massive relief for everyone
Delighted to read this. Well done for taking them on and persevering. It is not easy to fight such a case. I hope your victory will be widely publicised.
Wow! Wow! Wow! I;ll read it all this afternoon. Wonderful. Kindest regards, Robin. . . . . . . . . . .
Robin Hull 15 Horsell Road London N5 1XL 020 7609 2764
That’s great news!
This is such welcome news! And now we can look forward to more Kendrick writing, which has been sorely missed.
Well done Malcolm, from a retired GP
Good luck!
Great news and good luck with the next part of this crazy process. Why can’t there be debate about science anymore, without people being called deniers. Manmade C02 being the thermostat for the world’s climate is another nonsensical thesis that never gets a proper debate, and if we persist in the NetZero dictat will cause millions more deaths than high cholesterol!
Keep up the good work.
Warmest congratulations.
“Dr Harcombe and Dr Kendrick are represented by Claire Gill and Dominic Garner of Carter-Ruck, and by Adrienne Page KC and Godwin Busuttil of 5RB.“
It’s pity, mind, that Sir Keith Strimmer, Shadow Minister for Open Spaces and Grassy Verges, wasn’t representing The Mail.
Excellent news, Malcolm. You and Zoe are absolute heroes. The tide is turning in this country in many ways. Common sense is breaking out, even in the ‘ corridors of power’! Big Pharma, MSM and wokeist politicians had better wake up. We are coming for the lot of you!
An unexpected Birthday Present – Thank You!
I am so grateful to hear there is some sanity left in the world. Keep up the fight for free exchange of ideas.
The good thing about the legal system is that they remain completely unconcerned about ‘status’ and ‘reputation’ of those involved. I think they have seen to many VIPs acting like petulant children, and lying though their back teeth to pay much attention to the ‘do you know who I am’ brigade.
The system is not perfect, or course, but it is our only real defense against the rich and powerful getting their own way, on everything. See under Russia and China and other such dictatorships. If we lose the objectivity of the courts, and the primacy of the law, we lose everything….really.
My main issues are that it is all far too costly, and slow. So many are put off by the threat of losing everything to go to court.
You say that , Malcolm, but look what the legal system has done to Lucy Letby.
Not perfect, indeed….
As with so many matters today, we can get a bit out-paced in world suffering from a landfill of utterly specious MSM copy-cat grifters forever spewing out their double-edged garbage-verbiage, and much of is unhelpfully brought about by a deluge of joined-up asymmetric bullshit that terrifyingly folk seem happy to go along with. Americana-type Big Pharma/Monster Ag snake-oil could indeed destroy us all. However, it might all be what ‘they’ want.
congratulations, well deserved.
Thank you. You both changed my life, and perhaps others I know, for the better. I’ve lost count of the number of people I’ve mentioned your work to. What you did for me, as a reasonably intelligent but accepting person, was to take control of my own health and start to question everything.
I have noticed some changes in our local practice suggesting that GPs are beginning to listen and advise – rather than direct; your championing work and advances in medical education are hopefully changing practice for the better everywhere.
Thanks again and many congratulaions.
Good for you! Thank you for all you do.
My husband, after suffering many mysterious muscle aches and pains and feeling tired all the time, has stopped taking statins; against doctors advice. He’s now a different man. Plus he’s stopped taking blood pressure medication as his blood pressure has now returned to normal. So very pleased for this result, so far. Thank you for all the work that you have done and all the informative articles you have written. Please keep up the good work.
Dear Dr Kendrick This is great news. Your silence has been causing us increasing concern. We hope you are in good spirits and can shrug off what must have been an extremely stressful time. Best wishes for the future. Charles Pullar Until Covid we used to visit Macclesfield from Surrey every 3 months for dinner with a group of friends.
Dearest Malcolm,
I can’t begin to tell you how moved Glynn and I are at this wonderful news. We know only too well the strain of standing your ground and going to Court to prove to anyone with even the smallest grain of intelligence, what is true and what is fact!
It was only recently that our plumber popped in for a cup of tea and complaining about the terrible aches in his legs and the fact that he found it hard getting out of his chair and was hobbling, rather than walking. He is about 11st wet through, built like a greyhound, only in his late 50’s but looks younger and is usually brisk and breezy and fit as a flea. He went on to say that his GP was going to make him an appointment to see a vascular surgeon!!! We asked the question! “Has your Dr., by any chance put you on statins?” “Yes!”, he replied. We then suggested he stop taking them and that it wouldn’t be long before he’d know if these were the cause. He called in to see us a couple of weeks later to let us know that after he stopped the statins, within days, he was feeling his normal self again and now he felt fine. He said he was going back to see his Dr., and we suggested that he should not allow his Dr., to try and fob him off with trying to get him to take a different kind of statin.
You are a hero and Zoe too. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for standing up for the truth and the facts. Your work and books have saved countless lives.
Corinna & Glynn
Absolutely brilliant news for you both. They will not stop trying to label people anti-this or this-deniers to sell copy whilst perhaps ignorantly endangering the lives of their brain washed readership. Hope part 2 etc go just as well and your libel case is successful and you hurt them in their pockets !!
First and foremost Malcolm, I like to say you deserve NONE of the vitriolic bullshit you’ve received over the years from the likes of those “Career building Thugs”. How you (and, sadly many others) have tolerated this invasion and in many cases destruction of careers, is beyond me. Thank you for having the courage and guts to not bend the knee to these purveyors of lies, and not forgetting their “Masters” Big Pharma. I’ve followed your journey now for almost ten years, since my At Home Cardiac Arrest, and subsequent dealings with Heart Medication. Your courage knows no bounds, and I hope you can now feel SOME gratification after the recent Judgement. NEVER EVER give in to those Greedy for Power and Money. Thank you for everything! You helped me make some very sensible decisions over the years. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 ❤️
Well done the both of you. Integrity
Nice to have you back, Doctor.
And brilliant, brilliant, brilliant.
Maybe, just maybe, the days of my doctor, for the umpteenth time, reminding me that they have just noticed that my cholesterol is high and that I should…… .
Congratulations Malcolm. Well done. I greatly admire you.
We are blessed to have you, Zoe and a few other doctors courageous enough to put their heads above the parapet and tell the truth about what’s going on.
You are a true doctor (as you know the word ‘doctor’ came from the Latin ‘to teach’) and your works have informed & positively impacted the lives of tens of thousands. A sincere thank you for all your great work.
Must have been awful having had that hanging over your head.
Wishing you good health & longevity.
Congratulations! Let’s hope the rest of the case is quickly and successfully resolved.
Congratulations. I hope that the rest of the case goes in your favour too. As someone that has a deep loathing/scepticism of both Big Pharma and the mainstream media, I can’t tell you how pleased I am that you have been able to stand up to them both.
I congratulate you on this judgement, Malcolm. I also bought Zoe’s book a decade ago and I had no idea you had been defamed in this way. I got offered statins yet again today and am confident I will turn them down again. You are a scholar and a gentleman and I salute you. I hope you get massive damages as the result of this.
That must have been stressful. You have been in mind a lot over this blank writing period. It’s cheering that the British legal system is not bought by those with the most money.
Congratulations, Dr. Malcolm and Dr. Zoe.
A long awaited decision but it was worth it 😊.
Excellent decision
Je vous lis depuis au moins 25 ans. Votre rigueur, votre clairvoyance, votre honnêteté et votre humour m’empêchent de désespérer de la profession médicale ! Quelle belle victoire sur l’ignorance et la stupidité.
Merci beaucoup.
Congratulations and thank you from across the pond!
I suffered some mini-strokes recently and spent the night at the world renowned Mayo Clinic. Long story short … they tried to put the fear of God into me that without statins I would suffer another stroke, probably worse and probably sooner rather than later. I knew I couldn’t win the debate so took the prescription home and chucked it because I had read your book “The Clot Thickens” Almost a year later after using a holistic approach I am feeling great – and no side effects unlike so many family and friends on statins.
I have recommended your book to many – a few takers but most are still caught in the pharma web so much work still to be done. Thank you for speaking truth to power at I’m sure great cost to you and your family – you are courageous and through your writings you pass that courage along to many, myself included! You are storing up treasures in heaven!
Excellent news from Dr. Kendrick. In the past six months while this blog was suspended I’ve read his book ‘The Clot Thickens’ plus books by three other doctors:
‘How to Stop Your Doctor Killing You’
Covid and the Global Predators’
‘Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime’.
To anyone who used to believe in ‘modern medicine’ such books are a revelation.
The past four years seem to have woken many up to the extent of the fraud and fakery in many fields, not just ‘medicine’ but ‘climate science’ and more.
Agree on all points. The dam has broken. There are now so many well known doctors that are telling the same story about statins being useless if not outright harmful to many people.
Well done Dr. Kendrick
Congrats Dr. Kendrick.
Wins like this help to regain a small bit of my lost faith in humanity.
Congratulations. Strike one for the good guys.
Assange released. Dr Kendrick vindicated (Part 1). I am beginning to have my faith restored in the British injustice system.
Peter. Re. Assange, nothing to do with the British Judiciary. He was essentially released/extradited to the USA where he pled guilty to one charge, was sentenced to five years, which he had served in Belmarsh, and then released.
The UK effectively held Assange captive for 13 years for the USA, without any criminal charges against him. His crime: highlighting USA criminal activity.
If you think the treatment of Dr Kendrick or Julian Assange or countless others shows we have a fair, honest and open judicial system, you are sadly mistaken.
For sometime now I have been unable to open your website. I don’t know whether google and safari have some kind of block.
I am glad to hear the good news.
Do you know how I may be able to access your website? Something in settings? A different browser, in which case which? Sneaking past the AI in a Trojan horse (original not code)?
I only post. here. I have no real ability to sort out settings and suchlike. Maybe a tech savvy relative can help. I use my son as tech support.
I suggest try clearing the browser cache. You can look up online how to do that for safari.
Congrats Malcolm! The Great Cholesterol Con literally saved my father’s life and I hand it out to anyone on statins who has not lost the ability to read more than 140 characters in one sitting. It’s truly shocking to witness what the Establishment is doing to its clueless citizenry—and what it will do to anyone trying to help us wake up. Onward!
well done Dr Kendrick, good luck in the ongoing action, more power to you and your colleague.
Dr Kendrick, i’m so happy yo hear that you got justice…finally. Cheers from a faithful italian follower.
Excellent news. Happy for you Malcolm.
Best wishes
https://apps.fliplet.com/perfect-health https://apps.fliplet.com/perfect-health
YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@PerfectHealthwithElaineGodley
Health Website https://discplus.health/
Website for Professional Service Firms and Practices https://elainegodley.com/
Looks like a bit of blatant advertising to me. You could have posted your six relevant words without all the links to your businesses.
Well done. Professional integrity in medicine and law defeats unprofessional journalism and unscrupulous Pharma.
Congratulations!!!!! Please note my email address is now [email protected]. I will soon be deleting my google account.
Thank you Sheila Taylor
I had no idea that you were going through this – I have often wondered what was going on as there was clearly something …. I met you and saw you lecture several years ago and you have remained one of my go-to sources for honest, clear opinion and reporting. I have always disbelieved (malbelieved, misbelieved, whatever) anything that I have read in the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday and despite two of my oldest friends reading these papers, I would also pretty much dismiss those who read them. I am more than sorry that you have been so tainted by their crap journalism – it was clearly intended to do what it did and thereby it is a lie – and I have no doubt that Mr. Calman knew it to be so. The damage that has been caused worldwide by dishonest journalism is to be on a par with governmental lies – dear God, and I say this as a patriot who tries to stay away from ‘conspiracy’ theories – trouble is nearly every single conspiracy has a kernel of truth at the very least.
Is there anywhere I can contribute to a fighting fund?
With my very warmest wishes for you and your spirit ….(and of course your friends and family too) …
Thanks. At present we are waiting for the Mail on Sunday (Associated newspapers) to respond to the judgement. They may appeal, they may not. The case may go on to a second hearing on ‘facts.’ This seems unlikely The law grindeth on at very slow speed. If this does go on, I may take up various people’s offer of a fighting fund.
Anna de Buisseret used giftsendgo after having problems with gofundme. If you start a fund, count me in.
PS You could use a direct payment method such as a bank account to which we transfer funds, but you need advice from someone who knows the pitfalls of that. Wouldn’t surprise me if your son could advise.
Go for it. Please. You have helped so many, and if not because of that, because of this. It can only help move the needle.
Thank you, I know you fight primarily for yourself but ultimately you are fighting for humanity. I appreciate what you are doing and I hope this trial get the media it deserves so that many many others can learn and appreciate too.
Dr. Kendrick,
There was no guarantee that truth and rightness would prevail. I am so glad that it did!!
I am also relieved to know that your silence stemmed from the legal case and not from your health! The world needs your voice more than ever!
How can we donate to your legal defense fund? You’ve given us so much
Thank you to Malcolm and Zoe for being beacons of truth , and upholding the real science and countering the profit generated nonsense they’ve been fighting against ! I bet there’s been no spike in heart attacks since their spreading of ‘misinformation’ , in fact it’d be v interesting to see the figures !
A relief indeed. So many thanks to you two and I hope you are both feeling you are getting your lives back. Would that you could say it’s all finally over.
The trial was about the defamation of Malcolm and Zoë, not the value or otherwise of statins, (the elephants in the room). The third hero is Judge Nicklin; the fourth, Malcolm and Zoë’s legal team. My unending thanks to all of you therefore; it was a privilage to sit in court each day following this trial and now to be wreathed in smiles.
While the judgement is cautious about the role of the case ‘Curistan -v- Times Newspapers Ltd’ [2009] in respect of reporting privilege, Judge Nicklin seems to have trodden very carefully, very completely and surely enough for Malcolm and Zoë to feel confident that their complaint of defamation will hold regardless of what Associated Newspapers Ltd. may choose to do next. What could they possibly hope to achieve? I have yet to see any report of the judgment in a national newspaper but technically I suppose the case is not yet over.
Still, much cork-popping is in order. My very best to you. Robin.
Another blatant advert, this time for a £494,000 house. Deceitful or what?
Very pleased at this news. You’ve been missed! More power to your and
Dr H’s elbows!
The accuser doing what he accuses you of doing, according to the judge. Good case to give to people who can’t contemplate the reality of tainted mainstream messages on health
excellent result and sorry to hear that you’ve had to go through what must have been a very tough time
Reading your first book many years ago I had the thought that you were too much of a threat to the Statin gravy train to be ignored so, like you, couldn’t have been altogether surprised by Calman’s attack.
Some of his journalism is actually quite good, so what surprises me is that he didn’t study your material in depth and at least engage in an informed debate before sounding off (assuming he is qualified to do so).
Unfortunately ad hominem attacks where fact based issues are are involved are ultimately sterile, as Mr Calman will find out when he has to to pay the price for his sloppiness.
So glad to see the judgement in yours and Zoe’s favour. Sad for what ye have had to endure. Grateful to be able to benefit from your work.
Massive thanks.
Many congratulations on your victory, I hope ALL your criminal detractors fall like ninepins, they should all be in jail getting regular doses of the poisons the pushed on vulnerable, trusting people who in most cases were not suffering from anything serious. Your colleagues should be ashamed of themselves together with the B.M.A., W.H.O. etc.
I was so lucky to be watching Sky News when you appeared to speak about your book but wished to speak to camera first. You have been my hero since. If there were more like you the world would be a far better place.
I understand that ‘First do no harm’ has been consigned to the bin.
Regards, Dave Mulvaney, Ireland