About Dr. Malcolm Kendrick

malcolm mckendrickI am a GP living in Macclesfield, having graduated from Aberdeen medical school many moons ago.

This blog is my best effort at providing some balance to the increasingly strident healthcare lobby that seems intent on scaring everyone about almost everything. Is there a foodstuff that is safe to eat anymore? Is there any activity that does not cause cancer or heart disease?

Sausages… get thee behind me Satan.

This constant haranguing about health has had an impact. It was first noticed by a US doctor called Clifton Meador.

‘Nothing has changed so much in the health-care system over the past twenty-five years as the public’s perception of its own health. The change amounts to a loss of confidence in the human form. The general belief these days seems to be that the body is fundamentally flawed, subject to disintegration at any moment, always on the verge of mortal disease, always in need of continual monitoring and support by health-care professionals. This is a new phenomenon in our society.’

Just as I was writing this introduction, a story about cervical cancer screening appeared on the BBC website.

‘Women diagnosed with cervical cancer as a result of a smear test have a far better chance of being cured than women who do not go for tests, a Swedish study suggests. The researchers found a 92% cure rate after a smear test diagnosis, compared with 66% for symptoms-based diagnoses.’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-17221910

So, there you go. Women, you must get screened, or you are going to die of cervical cancer. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! YOU MUST BE REGULARLY CHECKED.

But what does those figures actually mean. One thing I can guarantee you is they do not mean what you first thought. It could mean that cervical screening is a good thing. It could mean that screening is a bad thing. Stay posted.

This is a common finding. Things that look like clear cut benefits turn out to be something else completely, as beautifully highlighted in a book on mammography screening by Dr Peter Gotzsche ‘Truth, lies and controversy.’

In a world where the truth can be, literally, turned upside down, how can you know what to believe, and who to believe? This blog will represent my attempt to dig down to find the meaning behind the headlines.

‘We must remember this, in spite of the blandishments, threats, warning and various campaigns by governments to make us eat this eat or that, to forgo a familiar habit or to exercise ourselves until we drop. It is a sobering though, first expressed by John Locke in 1689 in his treatise ‘A letter Concerning Toleration’: ‘No man can be forced to be healthful, whether he will or no.’ In a free society, individuals must judge for themselves what information they choose to heed, and what they ignore.’

Stanley Feldman, Vincent Marks Panic Nation

432 thoughts on “About Dr. Malcolm Kendrick

    1. smartersig

      I had a heart attack 7 months ago after returning from one of my regular 3 mile runs. The angiogram showed my main arteries to be OK but a slight narrowing of a minor artery which they suggested should be stented. I had to make a decision laying on the op table so I agreed. I was given the usual dose of 5 drugs to take which I took for a month but after careful research decided to follow a dietary regime (no dairy no sugar and no meat). I have lost 2 stone and I am now the weight I was 25 years ago. However I ran into problems with my Cardio. He did not like what I was doing as I had taken myself off all but aspirin and Tacigrela (spelling?). He did however think it useful to refer me to the lipid clinic for an MRI stress test to see where I was in condition. I thought this an excellent idea. On arrival the chief doctor at the clinic berated me for not taking statins and when I was unrelenting he discharged me from the clinic and the next day I received a letter stating that the stress test had been withdrawn and was no longer available. This has made me quite depressed and has caused great stress to me and my family. I wish I could find a doctor who at least has sympathy and knowledge of a dietary approach to heart health instead of being constantly as some sort of crazy Google obsessed person. Do I have to go to America to get the test and service I need ?.

      1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

        This is a depressing little tale, but I hear such things all the time. Doctors should not refuse treatment to people who refuse to follow their ‘orders’. Indeed it is against the Geneva Convention, and should result in action by the medical authorities – but it does not.

        1. Marcia

          “Against the Geneva Convention”?! Omg thank you for the laugh “Dr” Kendrick 😂
          The only people we are at war with are idiots like you.

          1. 005lesfrenes

            And who exactly are you to be putting Dr in quotation marks? And why be so insulting of a man, with medical qualifications and tons of clinical experience, who tells it like it is, based on years of research, and saves lives? What, pray tell me, is your achievement in life? And if you so dislike what Dr. Kendrick writes, why do you bother reading his blog?

      2. Katie

        Smartersig would be hard pushed to find a doctor to support his need for knowledge of a dietary approach, to his health problems. One of the most destructive issues in doctor training, which has had a catastrophic effect on how doctors diagnose, is the ignorance of how the systems work, especially the digestive system. If GP’s had this information, they would know, for example, diabetes is a result of damage to the digestive system. With a proper assessment and subsequent treatment, this condition is entirely curable. Yet here in the UK it has reached epidemic proportion???! Are doctors not questioning issues such as this ? It would seem not.

        1. Jennifer Ben-Hamid

          Totally agree with that. UK Medicine is pre-historic and out of date. All disease starts in the gut. You can cure yourself by detoxing the body and taking herbs. Not an easy root but it’s natural and you end up feeling fitter than ever and look younger than ever after it. Now that is what you call healing. Stop the drug pushing and start working with patients in a holistic way. Probiotics should be prescribed to take straight after any antibiotic, if they have to be prescribed. That is a no brainer. If you wipe out all the good bacteria along with the disease how will your stomach digest food properly?

          1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

            I would agree the microbiome is important. However, to state that all disease starts in the gut is, I am afraid, simply wrong and undermines everything else you say. Just to give one example, Huntington’s Chorea. This is a purely genetic disease (as are many others e.g. sickle cell anaemia). I could provide hundreds of others, but I wish to make the point that to say ‘all diseases start in the gut’ can be disproved very rapidly. If you claimed you could, for example, cure Huntington’s Chorea with herbs you would be dismissed as a crank. As, I fear, you will be

          2. smartersig

            Dr Kendrick would you agree/disagree (forget the difficulty with compliance) that if we radically changed all UK’s diet and you can take your pick here whole food plant based, Paleo, low carb WFPB or paleo etc, that our disease burden would drop to an extent that drug companies could only dream about or perhaps nightmare as they see there customer base disappear

          3. smartersig

            Thanks, I think we tend to get too involved in this Paleo v WFPB war when neither is the Elephant in the room. When I spout the last statement I posted I still get loads of people who deny that food is the main driver of our chronic disease burden. They still think its a statin deficiency or older ages or genetics, take your pick but just give me a pill so I can get back to my Pizza and Ice cream

          4. ann thomas

            i cant make any sense of these emails. i cant find the original email to the Dr and when i read what i have got i dont know what it relates to

      3. bill

        ah rell them what they want to hear and get checked! When the results come back then tell them you aint taking their poisons!!!!!

      4. Liz

        I recommend looking at the Institute for Functional Medicine website and finding a doctor who has trained with them. Hopefully there maybe someone near to where you live. They are doing a great job in working with traditionally trained doctors to educate them in preventative medicine. Based in the USA but do offer training in the UK usually annually. I attended last year and was heartened to see some G.Ps there.

      5. Shona B

        I am self medicating on Natural Dessicated Thyroid & every time I see my GP or Endocrinologist it ends up in an argument. I am informed & choose a better health option, & they do no like it one bit
        Good luck to you Smartersig 👍🏻

      6. Bill In Oz

        Something very similar happened to e here in South Australia with a cardiologist from Bangladesh. If I would not take statins ( Crestor ) he ‘referred’ me back to my GP. I think he was ignorant and arrogant. As an Aussie I could express this is far more ‘interesting & forthright’ way. But as this site is primarily for UK & especially Scots folk, I will not say it here.

      7. Dr. RM Fleming, PhD, MD, JD

        I published in JACC that the visual reading of coronary angiograms are flawed. Qualitative interpretation is misleading.

        See Fleming RM, Kirkeeide RL, Smalling RW, Gould KL. Patterns in visual interpretation of coronary arteriograms as detected by quantitative coronary arteriography. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1991;18:945–51.

      8. sam

        look for a doctor in Harley St. Private doctors are more likely to help. Also read Dr Mercola web site as there’s load of useful info. For blood thinners try arginine and proteolytic enzymes to break down plaque

        1. smartersig

          Thanks Sam I am familiar with all those
          I take daily Kyolic aged garlic, Vit B12 & Folate and Krill oil
          I also top up on Vit C
          My diet ash switched to generally whole food plant with fish although on the odd occasion I have meat if for eg at a friends house and there is nothing else
          The change in eating was a revelation. Eating as much as I wanted I dropped from 14st to 11st 8lbs in 4 weeks (the weight I used to be in my twenties)
          I try to consume fermented veg as well now eg Kimchi and sourkraut and avoid bread although the odd slice is hard to avoid eg beans on toast or mackrel on toast
          One of the main problems I find with some supp’s is that they can upset your stomach so for example Arganine does that as does CoQ10
          If I could sum up my eating in a sentence it would be I used to eat a main course and a desert, now its a starter and a main course

      9. Martyn Sinclair

        I had an identical story .. luckily I came across Dr Ford Brewer who is going great great work in the area of “ new cardiology” .. check out his many you tube videos and highly recommend his eeekly live podcasts where you can actually ask specific questions to him live .. I’m well on the path to recovery and reversal ( yes it is possible ) of my atherosclerotic plaque… low carb , low bmi , healthy lifestyle ! Good luck

      1. Maureen Berry

        Smartersig, thank you for your account. It is interesting and the response from your Cardiologist is disgraceful, I hope your MP is supporting you. I thought that we, as patients, had the right to ‘Choose and Book’. Isn’t it time that somewhere, somehow, there should be a database of Statin sceptical doctors – and especially Cardiologists, surely they can’t all ‘believe’. Even an open minded one would be good. What do you think, Dr Kendrick, does such a list exist?

    2. Katie

      Today with the NHS in such a state of disarray, it is heartening to hear how yourself and group of fellow GP’s, are finally questioning certain aspects of your profession, in relation to what works (for the benefit of the patient) and doesn’t work. It’s obvious to most of us, there are some seriously flawed measures masquerading as trusted treatments, which have helped to bring the NHS to near bankruptcy, while causing unspeakable, chronic suffering to so many. Turning patients into “customers” is a prime example of this. Perhaps this is where the changes need to start. It is fair to say, if the necessary changes are not made by GP’s, the already massive number of ill people who inhabit our shores, can only worsen. Who would want an island that is so full of sick people ( without drastic changes this is where we are going) the affects will encroach on every aspect of all of our lives . What a thought ! Is this really what we want for the future?
      Not to mention the terrible (all too often unnecessary ) suffering, loss, poverty, family strife etc inflicted on these individuals, through ill thought out, and often dangerous, routine medicinal intervention.

      Trying to turn the tide could be seen as a mammoth task. But with such tasks, it only takes a few to start the process. So this has got to be good news.
      In time the results could be awesome.

      Good health is not everything,but without good health,
      Everything is nothing.

    3. Katie

      Malcolm in his latest missive, highlights the catastrophic errors which run thick and fast through the UK health system. CFS and it’s many other names, is not a disease, it is a label. When doctors label ill patients instead of identifying the root cause of their presenting signs and symptoms, they are a thorn in the flesh of so many individuals, whose chances of living a normal pain free life, has been taken from them.

      The fact that so many doctors, throughout the system, appear to be on the side of the “labellers” is cause for deep concern.
      Thankfully there has been a massive wake-up call and people see doctors as pill pushers, more interested in swelling their coffers, than doing the right thing by the patient.

      The pharmaceutical industry could not have swelled to the colossal business present state it is today, without the full and willing co-operation of GP’s GP’s………………they need, collectively, to examine their conscience.
      They sold us all down the river for their thirty pieces of silver…………….and so it continues.

    4. Mr. I Prior.

      Hi…sorry if this is in wrong place. I am reading Doctoring Data”…..pg 44 stats at the top…0.0025% of people die from mouth Ca. Further down the page…”0.0048% die???..I must be missing something. thanks.

      1. Mr. I Prior.

        Hi…thanks for taking the time to answer. I can’t seem to get the working out.
        Absolute risk of oral Ca…0 .0025% Increased absolute risk 0.0048%…..Don’t worry …I’m sure it’s my old brain!. I’ll keep at it. Regards.. Ian

    5. joe

      Thanks so much for this blog and especially the math error article l% — .1%. the numbers have never supported the fear or policy. This explains to me the feeling Ive had all along that something is simply wrong . Thanks from everyone for publishing these errors. Lets hope that correcting them won’t take long. Lives are at stake.

  1. Susan Allen

    I have recently been told that I may have fh I am a woman of 55 not over weight or high blood pressure – the Dr at the Lipids dept wanted me to go onto Satins – I said I did not want to go on I mentioned your book – and of course she said all the negatives – my total cholesterol is 7.3 but when broken down the LD is 5.4 which i said to her is not that high – she nearly hit the roof – so i am now having a genetic blood test – but I have read so much about statins i do not what to go on these and other research i have read says that it is better to have high cholosterol if you are a women? Should I keep to my beliefs.

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      As you probably know, it is difficult for me to give any individual advice, as much as I would wish to. Yes, your GP will think that an LDL of 5.4mol/l is very high. It is higher than average, and would generally be considered to be within the realms of familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH), so your doctor will put you under great pressure to take statins – as this is what the guidelines say. I did, however, write an article/debate in the BMJ where I make the case that in primary prevention (for women who have not have a stroke, heart attack or suchlike), that statins do not provide any benefit on heart disease reduction, or overall mortality. Therefore, clinically, there is no indication to take them. The data would support this position.

      1. Paula Roughton

        Dr Malcolm Kendrick, I am a very scared lost 42 year old female, never smoked, never been overweight, normal blood pressure but high cholesterol which I believe is FH was on statins 4 years with no significant change I LDL. recently had typical angina pain after recent stressful period I did not think anything too serious. 5ft 4 and weight 9st 11 32% body fat. However recent CT angiogram showed moderate LMS and moderate proximal LAD stenotic disease, I worried which probably making myself worse. Due to have further evaluation with catheter. Any advice greatly received

      2. Jo

        Dr Kendrick can you give any advice as to what can help with FH since it does tend to lead to heart disease as mentioned in your cholesterol con book? I don’t want to take statins either after reading your interesting book but feel this is the only piece of advice GPs are willing to give??
        Many thanks

    2. smartersig


      It strikes me that when we are faced with he decision over drugs or not drugs we should first look at lifestyle and then perhaps resort to drugs if changes have not worked. Of course in chronic cases we may not have the time for this. My preference is to look at populations that have little or no heart disease and try to adopt their habits as much as possible. I am currently reading a book about a study done on the people of Okinawa. Their diet and lifestyle seem to be the obvious answers to their longevity and health. In a nutshell it revolves around little or no sugar, little or no dairy and little or no red meat. Lots of veg and some fruits. They also value exercise, such as Tai Chi (I would recommend Yoga). They also have strong social support networks. In other words, the usual suspects. Of all the above I personally think sugar is the big culprit. Hope this helps

      1. Afifah

        Hi Smartersig, I think you have to be pretty careful when reading things like the Okinawa stuff. Turth is, you can not be Okinawan, however much you’d like to be, so any attempts to be like them are probably going to end in failure. However, you are right to check out their dietary norms and see if they stack up with evolutionarily probable food choices: sugar is a relatively recent phenomenon so has to be ditched, as new fangled and therefore not likely to have a plce. Dairy products, likewise, although these foods are not essentially alien to us as milk is part of every mammal species’ earliest experience. Red meat… well that was almost certainly part of our distant ancestros’ diet, as evidenced by the cave paintings in Lascaux and other palaeolithic sites, do don’t knock the red meat. It cannot possibly be ‘bad for us’ as we have always eaten it, obviously. However, what the Okinawans don’t appear to eat is processed and packaged foods, such as ‘ready meals’, biscuits, sauces in jars, packeted and tinned foods, or ‘the displaceing foods of commerce’ to quote Weston Price, that astounding researcher in the 1930s and author of ‘Nutrition and Physical Degeneration’ revealing the fruits of his phenomenal tour de force in actually visitin and examining tribes around the world before and after they were introduced to such commercial ‘food-like substances’. Current processed foods are so dead that if anyone ate them as they are, without being embellished with sythetic flavourings and preserveatives, they would simply spit out the cardboard that it is nearer to, but their tongues are tricked by these clever manufactured chemicals, and they even get addicted to them, eating more of them than they would proper foods, in an attempt to actually gain nutrients, which are so diluted with highly refined grains and industrially extracted vegetable oils (both of which are totally toxicand have no place in our evolution)so they ge tall the harms and none of the nutrients that they were seeking. )
        Ooh, the page is jumping around such that I can not continue this post. I wonder how it will come out. I hope people will be able to read it, but I can’t now, and have therefore lost my thread entirely.

    3. Maria

      My goodness. You make the decisions for yourself. You are in charge of your body. No one else really cares. They only want to sell their wares. Stick to what you have researched and learned. The more you learn the better your decisions. Be your own advocate. Stick to your guns!

  2. Susan Allen

    Thank you for your answer – they are also my thoughts I will try and get a copy of that article and take it along next time when I get my results of the Genetic Blood Test.

    Keep up the good work

    Sue Allen

    1. Susan Allen

      Hello Malcolm

      I wrote to you in April and I have just had my appointment at a London Hospital Lipids Dept – I had a test for Familial Hypercholesterolaemia – and it came back that it was not confirmed. my TC of 7.5mmol/L and LDL-C of 5.3mmol/L. As you can immagion they wanted me to take statins – I told her about your book and other reserach that I had read regarding woman and Statins – she said that people jump on the bandwagon and they have no science background. I kept my ground and said No due to having nothing wrong with my heart and being well otherwise blood pressure and weight all fine. The Dr said she did not know what to do with me and suggested seeing me in a year. The Dr then said to me – why did you have the blood test in the first place? I said I did not know that this is the road that I was going to go down – I had the initial blood test in a Library!!! So I do understand what you must battle against in the world of medicine as from just my few appointments you feel very wrong if you have any information outside the usual box. Kind regards Sue Allen

  3. David Morris

    Dear Dr. Kendrick,
    I am by profession what is called a Cardiac Physiologist, previously know as a Cardiac Technician. I am currently reading your book “The Great Cholesterol Con” which is at the very least fascinating. I don’t like taking drugs of any description myself and am being forcefully pursuaded to take Statins by my GP. I do in fact have a so called high TC at 6.9 with high LDL and low HDL so a ticking (no pun intended) time bomb apparently. My father died at the age of 63 from an anterior MI and my maternal grandfather at 67 also from an MI. My paternal grandfatherblived to a ripe old age. I have for many years had difficulty with current mainstream thought on what causes heart disease and so your book is a breath of fresh air to me. My reason for writing to you today is to ask, if I may, one question. Will you be producing a response to the news yesterday of a paper published in The Lancet that Statins are wonderful and should be given to everyone over the age of 50 (OMG, and I am 60 this year)? The news of this paper increased both my systolic and diastolic blood pressure to “real” unhealthy levels. If you will, and I do hope so, be publishing a response, would you be able to let me know when and where I might be able to read it?
    Thank you so very much for sticking your neck out.
    With very best wishes,

    David Morris

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author


      thanks for your message. I am looking through the Lancet paper at present. It is written by one of the usual suspects, Professor Colin Baigent, who works at the CTSU with Rory Collins and the rest of the crew who run major pharmaceutical trials – mainly on LDL lowering and/or HDL raising. This group receives tens of millions in pharmaceutical funding and thus, I suppose, I would consider them financially conflicted.

      The research grant from Merck/Schering for the Study of Heart and Renal Protection
      (SHARP) was about £35M, to be paid over the period 2001- 9.Since 1997, Merck has also provided
      grants for three other major independent CTSU trials, the Heart Protection Study (HPS, 1993 – 2007),
      the Study of the Effectiveness of Additional Reductions in Cholesterol and Homocysteine (SEARCH, 1997 – 2009)
      and Treatment of HDL to Reduce the Incidence of Vascular Events (THRIVE/HPS2,
      200513) plus genetic analyses of stored samples from those trials, which total about £70M. http://www.ctsu.ox.ac.uk/news/press-releases-archive/response-to-your-letters

      These people also hold the data for all statin studies, as part of the Cholesterol Triallists Collaboration, and will not let other see it. The Cochrane Collaboration reviewed statins in primary prevention, and were not allowed access to ‘confidential’ study data. Here are there words from their review:

      A limitation of our analysis is that we could not get total SAE data from all the included RCTs.’ http://www.ti.ubc.ca/letter77

      In short, we are all rather hamstrung in replying to such a study, because the authors have access to data that the critics cannot see.

      1. Bill In Oz

        Let’s consider that this was happening in a legal setting. The judge presiding would I think treat a witness withholding of evidence as ‘contempt of court’. In the health context it amounts to contempt of the general public : ‘we are the experts I we will only give you such information as we think is good for us, so you believe us. “

      2. robert lipp

        Bill in Oz
        and between when Dr K started (2012 I think) and now (Aug 2017) the contempt (by the food and pharmaceutical industries with support from conflicted medical members [Collins]) of the tax paying health system supporting public is increasing as they endeavour to protect their turf.
        Have you seen the latest “research” concerning Dr Gary Fettke’s attackers?
        in summary
        “Western Nutrition Guidelines have become ‘vegetarian’ and been based on religious ideology and food industry sponsorship from their beginning. This ideology has resulted in a health, economic and environmental disaster.
        All dietetic associations and their advice is compromised by generational education and industry input.
        Understanding the influences on food guidelines creates transparency. ”
        source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWCQF-FFJYk&feature=youtu.be

        As the www makes it possible to disseminate challenging data, science, and contrarian views (advancing and publicising scientific thought) so there is less and less place for them to hide.

  4. David Morris

    Thanks for your reply Dr Kendrick, I hear what you are saying – the madness goes on. If we are not very careful we could end up with the ladies being advised to have mastectomies to prevent breast cancer and everyone being advised to have their appendix out to prevent problems there, where will it end? Perhaps what we need is a pill, or frontal lobotomies, to prevent this insane advice in the first place! But then, who am I?
    All my very best wishes with your endeavours.
    Kind regards

  5. Alex Carson

    Dear Dr Kendrick,

    I am a Personal Trainer from London and run my own website, part of my website is a blog on health topics. I am planning to theme weeks by certain topics and have scheduled to have “Fat awareness week” on the week beginning 9th July, where I have been writing about dietary fat and health and am inviting leading authorities and researchers on the subject of dietary fat to contribute a blog post or article that I can publish or republish on the site during that week. I was wondering if you would be interested in contributing something on fat and dietary cholesterol on serum cholesterol levels. I am hoping that having such themed weeks will spread the word of your work and those of others.

    I apologise I could not find a contact email.

    I look forward to hearing from you,

    Healthy regards,

    Alex Carson

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      If you let me know when you are thinking of doing it. I am writing another book at the moment, so I am a bit frazzled at all edges, but I am always interested in torpedoing medical dogma whenever possible.

      1. Andy Weatherburn

        Hmm … I found that it all started with being a bit frazzled at the edges and spiralled downward from there 😦

  6. idididididididid

    Hello Dr Kendrick,
    I am really glad to see you now have a blog. I am going to enjoy reading your entries when they occur. You have some good ones already.

    Currently I want to ask you to clarify one of the referances you made in The Great Cholesterol Con. On page 86 you mention the 15 yr Japanese study that was published in Stroke in 2004, but I have been unable to fish this off the internet to read in full. I need it for a presentation I am doing to GPs at my local hospital soon, so if you have a moment could you let me know the full ref details. I always prefer to go to the source materials, as otherwise it’s all a bit like hearsay.

    Could you email me back as soon as poss, and I will let you know when the meeting will be held, and give you a front seat! (And a huge acknowledgement of course).

    Looking forward to your response ~

    Afifah Hamilton ([email protected]).

  7. Alex Carson

    I had planned for it to be in about 2 weeks from now, but I think it would be best to postpone it to allow people more time to prepare something. I have two entries so far from myself and Zoe Harcombe and am still organising others. So I guess about a months time would be good? Let me know if that is ok. As I would prefer to be able to do it all properly and launch it as a big learning week for everyone.

  8. Arie Brand

    Dear Dr.Kendrick,

    I am trying to post something in your “losing faith” thread – but it doesn’t come up and when I try again my computer keeps saying that this is a duplicate post.

  9. Arie Brand

    Could it be that there is a length restriction on the posts? In that case the solution might be to send them as a series.

  10. Sue Edney

    Hi Malcolm. Your bok “The great Colesterol Con” is wonderful. My husband had a heart attack over 7 years ago and with the help of Afifah came off the pills he was given and has only had her mixture since plus a very hot meal at least once a week. He recently had a Cornea transplant and according to one of the doctors (possibly the aneathatist) the results of his ECG were very pleasing. Keep up the good work. Sue

      1. Afifah

        Hello Shona, I am Afifah. I am a Medical Herbalist and Nutritionist practicing in West Sussex, England. I have been in private practice for about 25 years and am a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists. I have organised a number of public talks, and at one of these the great Dr Malcolm Kendrick was the speaker. The video of this event is available on my blog, along with other videos of talks as well as a good many fully referenced articles on a variety of matters related to common health and science subjects. I also do a monthly round up of news items that take my fancy, health related that is, as well as some great recipes that can help those who are changing their diet from the current norms of cereal grain based foods to far more nutritionally dense and health promoting foods. You are welcome to visit my blog which is here: http://www.rosemarycottageclinic.wordpress.com or to investigate my clinic website, where the various aspects of my approach are described here: http://www.rosemarycottageclinic.co.uk.

  11. Arie Brand

    Dear Dr.Kendrick,

    I sent a letter with attachment (the blogpost(s) concerned) to [email protected], the email address attached to one of your online articles. It came back as undeliverable.

  12. Ian Barrow

    I have just read your book and believe what you say.
    Both of my sisters and myself have the telltale signs of FH in our eyelids.
    Being ignorant I have taken a months supply of statins. I dont want to take any more and my stress levels have escalated by this news of having a TC reading of 8.
    You do not mention very high TC levels in your book.
    Should I worry about a reading this high?
    I dont expect an individual reply but thought it was a significant variation to a previous post and am sure others may have the same concern.
    I dont do any of the naughty things like smoking and am of average weight.

  13. Jane Stocker

    I have a friend whose husband suffered a heart attack a few years ago. He was prescribed statins. No surprises there, then. However, she recently told me that his cholesterol levels are now too low to be measured, yet his consultant wants him to keep taking the statins. What is your view? I am a retired pharmacist, and am currently in the process of reading ‘The Great Cholrsterol Con’ which has me completely captivated! At last, the voice of common sense. Thank you.

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      Back on line again after a refreshing break. In my view….. if not having any side effects (unlikely) the benefits do exist. Whether or not they are worth taking…. I do not give direct clinical advice on-line. My medical defence union doesn’t like it, and there are lurkers out there, waiting for me to make a mistake.

  14. Jason Shaw

    Dear Dr. Kendrick,

    This may be the longest post yet…

    I have recently been informed by my GP that I have a cholesterol rating of 9.5 (!). He told me there was nothing I could do about it – diet/exercise/stress levels not mentioned – and that I must take Statins (40mg Atorvastatin/Lipitor). This worried me, as you can imagine. I’d gone in about a chest infection and had anti-biotics, followed by some steriods (neither worked, more on that later) and came out with Statins. I’m not one for taking pills without good reason and wasn’t keen on the long term prospect of Statins, even though I’d heard somewhere that they were a ‘wonder’ drug. I quickly noticed side effects that I now know are associated with Statins; muscles aches (counter productive as I started running every day to raise my ‘good’ HDL levels!), pins and needles, a strange feeling that I was now a 10 stone weakling, feeling fatigued in the morning (despite plenty of sleep) and the strangest one – forgetting things a few seconds after I had thought of them.

    After I read the first chapter of your book I threw them in the bin. The next morning my chest felt much better (Could the 3 weeks on the Statins prolonged the infection?), my muscles don’t ache, the tiredness is gone and I’m starting to feel stronger. I’ve no background of ill health and my weight is healthy (having happily followed a lowish-carb diet for 10 years). My only real problem is neck/back muscles causing tension headaches, for which I’ve popped far to many painkillers over the years. I’ve now had physio that’s helped and do yoga allowing me to wean myself off the painkillers.

    However, there’s still the nagging doubt about the 9.5 reading and I wondered if you may be able to shed some light on this? This is a higher rating than I’ve seen reference to and I don’t know of anyone else who I would trust to advise me. I’m 41, don’t smoke, moderate drinker, in shape but minimal exercise at present… am I likely to see 42? I might need some big balls in the stand-off with my GP, who wants it down to under 6.

    I’m so thankfully for your writings (and others like you).

    All the very best, keep up the good work.

    Jason Shaw

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author


      I think that if you are getting severe and debilitating side-effects you may feel that any benefit from statin is not worth the cost. In primary prevention the benefits are not great.

  15. jo young

    hey doc, am reading your book about cholestral, fascinating and brilliant. I am a type 1 diabetic and have been for 15 years. I am not yet statinated and after reading your book won’t be, although it is standard procdure now to statinate diabetics. I was hoping you might be able to answer a question for me. Do you know how diabetes is related to heart disease, I don’t think it’s cholestral anymore, ha ha. but I can’t understand the mechanism of how diabetes makes you a higher risk to heart disease. obviously everyone bangs on about it and if there is anything I can do to help my condition I will. thanks for opening my eyes to the colestral con, it’s helped alot. I had started taking plant sterols for my cholestrol which is not that high anyway, well, 5.8. Any info would be a great help. thanx again jo

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      Diabetes does increase the risk of heart disease. Most probably due to effects on blood clotting, endothelial damage/dysfunction (probably through high blood sugar levels) and a whole range of factors in the blood that are damaging. Nothing to do with LDL levels.

  16. jo young

    hey again, just doing a bit of a nose around the net. this is funny.

    ‘There actually isn’t an official cause of diabetes, but studies have shown that obesity and lack of exercise are major contributing factors to it.’

    Read more: How is Diabetes Related to Heart Disease? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how-does_4577502_how-diabetes-related-heart-disease.html#ixzz24BLUNhaI

    i am fit and not overweight, ha ha, jo

    and theres more

    ‘So how are heart disease and diabetes linked? By controlling your weight, monitoring your nutrition and increasing realistic exercise, you can manage both diseases well. For example, foods that are high in fat and starches can also be high in sugar and LDL, or bad cholesterol. Too much bad cholesterol in diabetics makes it even harder for the cells to receive insulin. Constantly eating such foods can cause a plaque build-up of the “bad” cholesterol in your artery walls. At the same time, you may be taking in more glucose than your diabetic levels of insulin can handle. By cutting out most foods with high levels of those bad actors, you control both diseases.’

    ooh er!!

    anyway thanx for your time jo

  17. Brian Kirman

    Dr Kendrick
    As a result of reading your book I stopped taking statins. I have resisted suggestions and maintained skepticism about high cholesterol wherever mentioned. I remain surprised at the level of acceptance of the theory you so vigorously question. This is even accepted as ‘given’ by media doctors.
    I corresponded with Dr mark Porter (Radio 4’s excellent ‘Inside Health’ programme) and even he – who regularly questions accepted ideas – responded with considerations of risk assessment of high LDL levels rather than the more fundamentl point of cholesterol being good/bad or irrelevant.
    In fact it is hard to find any balanced disussion of the ‘accepted opinion’. I think I, and probably many others, would feel more comfortable if doubts about statins were more widely published.
    Therefore I welcome your blog but only found it by chance and hope that you can publicise more effectively – then perhaps the debate can be more open.

    B Kirman

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      This research comes from the Clinical Trials Service Unit at Oxford who run the Cholesterol Triallists Collaboration, and who run clinical studies – mainly funded by the likes of Merck and Schering Plough. This unit is exceedingly pro-statin and do post-hoc analysis of all the cholesterol trials again, and again. They point blank refuse to release the data they have on adverse effects of statins, claiming it is commercially sensitive. Not perhaps as sensitive as the muscles of those who take these damned things. He states that only one in ten thousand people suffer serious side-effects. This must make me a most amazing doctor as I have seen two cases of rhabdomyelosis, three severe liver failures and umpteen problems with mood swings, depression, impotence, cognitive problems and one case of possible motor neurone disease. These drugs create a vast range of side-effects, some very serious. Yet, still, there is no evidence of any significant effect on overall mortality.

      1. Roseanne Lannigan

        Thank god someones honest regarding these dangerous drugs I have had a very severe reaction almost walked in front of an ambulance ironic couldn’t remember anything ruined my legs and knees now bother in my hands have a strange rumble or pulse and every time it goes somewhere I have a reaction now having bother with breathing asthmatic they say at fifty four but research shows it can cause ongoing health problems and this is seven years later we need help and knowledge because they ruin lives and they are putting money before people.No doctors seem to know much about this.

  18. David Morris

    Hi Dr Kendrick,
    Me again, sorry! What about Prof. Sir Rory Collins latest? How can taking toxic poison be good for anyone and everyone over the age of 50 regardless? I would love to see your response to his statement, will you be publishing one?
    Best wishes
    David Morris

  19. Brian Kirman

    The propaganda deluge continues. A professor this time. All quite scary to a layman, I also hope you can give a reasoned response to the latest.

  20. Arie Brand


    My additional comment to my blog post on the discrediting of unwelcome research has been awaiting moderation on the “main line” since August 8.

    Arie Brand

  21. Dunn

    Hi Dr Kendrick.

    On being diagnosed with DM2 almost three years ago I immediately started doing my research. I started by reading Dr Bernstein, Gary Taubes and your own Cholesterol Con.

    As a result of that reading I immediately started a VLCHF diet which has naturally resulted in normal blood sugar levels and HBA1C values not more than 5.4 all without the need for meds.

    More as a matter of interest than anything else, I am wondering why it is that, whereas all the literature would suggest that ones triglyceride levels should plummeted if one adopts a VLCHF diet, there are those of us for whom this does not seem to happen. Mine own has only dropped from 3.5 to the range of 1.9 to 2.1. I would be grateful if you could link me to any research of which you might be aware.


    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      Thanks for the e-mail. Yet more evidence that low carb dieting is the best way to control blood sugar levels. As to your question regarding VLDL/triglyceride levels. I don’t know. I know that you need a certain VLDL level as this is the lipoprotein needed to transport cholesterol from the liver to the rest of the body, so it could be a sign your body is using a lot of cholesterol to meet its needs. I will try and look into this area more closely.

  22. Dunn

    .Yet more evidence that low carb dieting is the best way to control blood sugar levels.

    For others that may read this, perhaps I should add these additional benefits : reversal of background retinopathy, reversal of NAFLD, reversal of mild neuropathy and weight loss of (currently) 50lbs.

    ….. so it could be a sign your body is using a lot of cholesterol to meet its needs.

    I’m not a biochemist but a computer programmer. After becoming aware of just how important cholesterol is within the body, this was the same thought that I had and which seemed to me to be the most logical conclusion, especially if one factors in the aforementioned reversals. I just haven’t seen anything in writing specifically on point although I continue to search.


  23. Maryanne Demasi

    Hi Dr Kendrick. I am a medical journalist doing a story on heart disease, cholesterol and statins. I have read your book. Please email me your contact so we can arrange a time to chat briefly. Many thanks, Maryanne

      1. James Alexander

        Dr Kendrick, when you get to dealing with this interesting link from Paul, I hope you will move it to “recent posts”, where a separate dedicated discussion thread can form – there seems to me to be much that arises.

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      Paul. Thanks. I am in pretty regular contact with Stephanie. She is very bright, and I like most of what she has to say. She is a bit fixated on suplphate, but we all have our cross to bear

      1. CJP

        I have just read Stephs essay on sulphur deficiency.

        Allied to the notion of methylation as a detox process. That’s to say when methylation is overworked – conditions under which homocysteine levels may rise – then more cholesterol molecules may converted to atherogenic oxycholesterols by the highly oxidising hcy.

        Look again at Stephs essay, she makes a pointed argument that sulphated oxycholesterols are not only rendered harmless by the addition of sulphate, but rendered healthful. This fair leapt of the page, it did, and had me go all peculiar, like.

        Basically homocysteine may convey oxidative stress the way of cholesterol, creating the stink that goes with cholestane triol, but then if present suplhur comes along like shake-n-vac and puts the freshness back. If right this is a BIG deal, one worthy of discussion.

  24. afifahhamilton

    I think Paul is talking about Stephanie Seneff. She is indeed brilliant. I love the way Mercola does his interviews, as it permits a kind of discussion, a dialogue an exploration of the subject, without interruption or argument, but two people endeavouring to get their heads round things. If you can, watch the long interview Mercola does with Dr Huber on glyphosate. He is a professor of soil science, and really knows his stuff, and although the interview is long (90 mins) it is due to this steady pace of unpacking the subject, in detail, that the listener ends up properly learning something of value, from a reliable source. Seneff is one of those gems who, without ego or vanity, but bags of brains, plugs away at things, essentially trying to find ‘what makes the nitty, gritty’.
    By the way, are you good people reading Petro Dobromylskyj’s superb blog Hyperlipid? It’s here at http://www.high-fat-nutrition.blogspot.co.uk

  25. Bernd

    Thank you for the auspicious writeup. It in truth was once a amusement account it.
    Glance complex to far introduced agreeable from you! By the way,
    how can we keep up a correspondence?

  26. Charles Fairweather

    Dear Dr Kendrick, my GP put me on simvastatin 4 months ago because my TC was tending towards 7 and my LDL count was about to become terminal. . About 10 days ago I suffered a severe bout of vertigo and went to see a specialist who declared my neurological responses normal. I then began a search to discover the cause and finally discovered that Adcock Ingram the drug company had a warning for vertigo and dizziness on their insert. I googled similar experiences and other people had experienced what I had and worse due to statins. I immediately stopped taking the stains and all symptoms have disappeared. Your book therefor was a godsend as I have been living in fear of the food police for 20 years and have fully expected sausages and fatty lamb chops to dispatch me to my maker. Now that the sentence has been commuted I intend to continue with my low carb high fat diet which suits me fine. I have also joined your crusade to expose the the groundless fears about cholesterol and I am going to try to get my doctors to report the side effects suffered by me and definitely recommend your book to all my friends. Thanks and regards Charles Fairweather

  27. James Mitchell

    PLEASE HELP! on page 25 of his book The Great Cholesterol Con”, the doctor says “you do not actually have a cholesterol level in your bloodstream at all”. However this isn’t quite the case. Please correct me but aren’t blood plaques made up of cholesterol itself and blood plaques are in the blood vessels via which the blood stream passes? Therefore HDL removes the Cholesterol FROM these plaques and thus from the blood vessels? if not, then where does HDL remove Cholesterol from??? I know it carries it to Liver but where does HDL load up with Cholesterol?

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      HDL does indeed ‘mop up’ cholesterol. As cell die around the body the debris needs to be cleared up. HDL takes up cholesterol from within the interstitial (between the cells) spaces, transfers it to VLDL, or LDL using LCAT (an enzyme), this cholesterol then ends up back in the liver via LDL and VLDL receptors. It is then recycled. HDL does not remove cholesterol from the plaques as this is a highly active process requiring cells that are capable of moving around independently. These cells are called macrophages which are complex single celled ‘organisms’ whose role is to attack bacteria, and viruses, and remove debris from larger areas of damage. Macrophages evolve from monocytes. Monocytes circulate around and can evolve into different types of cells depending on the messages that they receive. Monocytes, in turn, evolve from Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPCs). EPCs develop in the liver.

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      James. That statement assumes HDL picks up cholesterol found within arterial plaques. This is not true. Nor is it true that cholesterol picked up by HDL ends up in the bile. Some will, some will not. Some will be used to create new VLDL molecules. Also remember that most of the bile/cholesterol is re-absorbed, and used again. The body does not just throw cholesterol away. It is far too useful a molecule which is being constantly re-cycled and re-synthesized within the liver.

  28. James Mitchell

    Thank you! And thank you for saving the lives of millions! Just make sure no one funded by the drug companies drop a uranium pill into your tea! You cost them a lot of money 😉 It is said that when arteries become brittle Cholesterol is brought to “patch them up” and plaques are patches to help keep arteries going like glue where they’re damaged. is that not the case? and if HDL doesn’t “pick up” cholesterol from the arteries, where does it pick it up from and bring it to and are there any “studies or write up?

  29. James Mitchell

    Dr. Thanks in advance for answering my questions! on page 87 you state that Fat intake went up from 5% to 20%, Protein from 11 to 18% in Japan from 1958-99, and Carbohydrates down from 84% to 62%, yet cholesterol went up 20%. I could have sworn in the earlier pages you stated that Fat does NOT cause cholesterol increase, and Carbohydrates do. can you help clarify this?

  30. Afifah

    Can I answer this one Malcolm? Tell me if I get it right won’t you.
    When eating predominently a carb diet the LDL level and the triglyceride level will be proportionally higher, which is what you don’t want. When increasing fat and reducing carbs although total cholesterol levels might rise slightly the HDL will tend to be higher than the LDL, which is desirable, and the triglycerides will also be lower. Triglyceride level does indicate potential trouble, so a lower level is better.

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      I think this is about right. I find this whole are a bit of a mess, with so many agendas being pursued. In general a high carb diet will tend to raise VLDL (triglycerice) levels and lower HDL levels. This can seem to push down the ‘measured’ LDL level (in some people), as it will be lower as a proportion of total lipoproteins in the blood. Eating fat tends to lower VLDL levels, and raise HDL levels, and may seem to increase LDL levels. Howver, also, as people get older the LDL levels, and total cholesterol levels, tend to rise. So some of the rise in total cholesterol rise in Japan will be due to an aging population.

      1. James Mitchell

        Dr Thanks again. Why would it push down the measured LDL if it raises VLDL? I followed the Paleo Diet (carbs from fruits only, no grains) and high fat intake (non-processed) and my total Cholesterol and LDL dropped, while HDL rose. Why would that be? I also increased C and E intakes (1000mg & 200 UI respectively).

      1. Katie

        I agree with N Smith…………………..if you don’t say the ” right” thing, even if it factually correct, interesting, and adds to the debate, the Q is most certainly removed. The ” Moderator ” sees to that. ” Not good!

  31. n smith

    Dear Dr Kendrick

    No. I’m not being insulting..just my attempt at making a joke of something I did ask about.Sorry… but I know it was abit long winded, and I sent the question on here, and I saw my question then, on this thread. But when I checked again it had gone.. never mind I’ll try and ask again..

    Please could you say what causes furring up of the arteries that then causes myocardial infarction? I’m not really asking about the cholesterol question. Just that.

    It’s just that, 4 of my siblings,and my father all suffered from heart attacks ( 3 actually died from them ) and on their death certificates it said myocardial infarction caused by thickening and furring up af the arteries.

    Is there anything that I could do to avoid this. I have never smoked. I walk miles each day/week, I eat real food straight from the animal ( cooked first ) –sorry ! 🙂 and I avoid processed food.. Now and then I do like something of a treat though, ie cake, fruit, sandwich, ice cream, etc or something like that. I am fit, slim active, and 65 yrs of age.

    Can I avoid the fate of my family ?


  32. James Mitchell

    Dr. By the way, does your father in law still take statins or did you convince him to do otherwise? 🙂 and also is it a coincidence that there are two books exactly named the great cholesterol con, with one written by you and another by some American impostor? 🙂

  33. James Mitchell

    Quick question again. in your book on page 21 there’s a reference to a comment that there’s no connection in cholesterol in our food vs. in our blood. For what reason would you guess the doctors request that we fast 12+ hours before our cholesterol blood test or our test will be incorrect or skewed?

  34. Trish

    Hi Dr Kendrick

    My name is Trish and i live in NZ. One year ago I suffered a SCAD (coronary dissection of the OM1 artery). In NZ apparently there is only about 53 of us who have had these with there only being aprrox. 5-6 of us diagnosed a year. The majority of us a very fit, healthy and have good diets. Hormones, i believe play a huge part in this. They have standard procedures for treating us but as they say themselves they have no idea if they help. The standard procedure is beta blockers, aspirin, clopedogrel and of course statins. After 3 months you get taken off clopedogrel and in my case taken off beta blockers. I took myself off the statins. Now they want me back on beta blockers and statins to increase my chances of no further heart events. I have no bockages in my arteries, no heart disease and a cholesterol of 6.1. In the UK, Europe or other parts of the world how are SCAD’s treated. Is the use of statins and beta blockers encouraged or recommended? Many thanks.

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      Trish, I do not know enough on this specific issue to give you much help. Sounds like standard procedure for treating this is the same as standard procedure for treating all forms of CVD. Beta-blockers clopidogrel, aspirin and statins. As a wise man once said ‘If the only tool you have is a hammer, pretty soon everything starts looking like a nail.’ I suspect no-one has done a trial of SCAD, so you doctors are guessing as much as I would be in trying to give helpful advice.

      1. Trish

        Thank you for your reply. One can only hope that the Mayo Clinic who are currently conducting some studies on SCAD’s might come up with useful information, but I won’t hold my breath that it will involve anything BUT medication.

  35. Eddie Mitchell

    Looks like Malcolm was ahead of the game, again !

    Fasting cholesterol tests ‘not needed’

    GPs do not need to ask patients to fast before taking a cholesterol test as it makes very little difference to the results, a large-scale study has suggested.
    Canadian researchers found that mean levels of total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol varied by less than 2% among individuals with fasting times of between one and 16 hours.
    The researchers concluded fasting for routine lipid levels was ‘largely unnecessary’, contradicting best practice as recommended by NICE and the Joint British Societies.
    Their study looked at the laboratory results of blood samples from 111,048 women and 98,132 men in the community and cross-referenced this with the duration they had fasted before the sample was taken.
    The data was from a six-month period in 2011 and researchers controlled for the differing age of patients. They then estimated the mean levels of cholesterol subclasses recorded at different fasting times.
    The mean levels of total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol differed little among individuals with various fasting times, with variations of less than 2%.


  36. James Alexander

    Then factor in to your thinking the recognised margin of error in cholesterol measurement (14%!!!); the extent of variations in ‘level’ found in individuals throughout even a single day let alone a week; the difference made by posture in the minutes previous to or during the sample extraction; and the differences that arise from different sampling methods; the incidence of laboratory differences and errors in all such medical measuring procedures; and the absurdity of recording and reporting to two decimal places, given all these factors. Then do stop worrying, unless and until you’re getting results extreme and off-normal-range enough to be just possibly pointing to a just possible health concern. Numbers like 2, 3, 15? Then check the accuracy and consistency of the reading. Then consult a specialist physician, but essentially one of the Kendrick tendency, not a Autostatin Dalek.

    If it’s any help, I’ve just tried to pour some coolant over my own GP. He wanted to statinate me on the strength of 7. As a Kendrick student, I think 7 is perfectly OK myself, no cause for taking poison. But for my own interest, and to get him off my case, I said I’d prefer to try dieting it down. 3 months of no cheese. cream, and some of the other usual suspects, plus Benecol spread and a daily Benecol yoghurt (yes, I’m no fan of naturopathism, but Benecol claims to offer the correct dose of plant sterols, and something worked), and I was 5.4. But as said above, I don’t place any faith at all in either reading, or any.

  37. Maria

    Thank you for your book. My husband suffered a heart attack in September. He is well on the road to recovery. In trying to understand how we could improve our lifestyle I came across your book. It was the first one I came across that explained things in logical terms and with clear arguments.

    I am still trying to understand why the heat attack occurred, he has no traditional risk factors, AND he is pretty laid back, so doesn’t suffer from emotional stress and is only 40. However, he was diagnosed, after about 10 years of symptoms, of having gluten intolerance. Could those years of suffering be considered a possible cause of physical stress? (I now wonder if the gluten intolerance is a symptom of something else) I’m not asking with the expectation of getting a confirmation of the cause, but if you could point me forward further information I’ll be very grateful.

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      Maria. I don’t know. I suspect gluten intolerance creates a wide range of processes that could, perhaps, accelerate unstable plaque development. I may try searching for some research into this area

  38. Roseanne Lannigan

    so glad to read someone is agreeable statins are very dangerous i was on simivistatin reacted terribly immediately told to keep taking them took full cramps in legs thought i had bone cancer was forgetful delerious in agony fnally after one year nine months doc checked blood ck sky high now mobility problems memory loss muscl problems in bowel stomach now lungs low cholestrol dont know why i took it never had bloods done neurologist say i have muscle asting disease could be caused by statin i had no health issues before regarding muscles would love to speak to dr kendrick regarding this but cant find e mail

  39. Wayne Bryant

    Hello Dr Kendrick,
    Many thanks for all the wonderful work you are doing. I bought your book about 4 years ago and have found it very interesting. My brother was put on statins for total cholesterol of about 5.2 and they nearly crippled him and he came off them and returned to normal quite quickly. They also caused great leg pain and difficulty in walking for my uncle (and he had to stop playing golf in his retirement) who whilst on them died from a stroke. I was offered them (cholesterol of 6.8) but forcefully declined. In fact my then Doctor admitted they kept lowering the acceptable limit to increase the market for them. It seems that serious side effects are very common. I think it is scandalous and immoral that in the name of huge profits these things are foisted on the unsuspecting public. The Daily Express seem obsessed with promoting them. Their front page headline this week was”Proof Statins Save Millions” -Wonder pill halves heart attack deaths”. This was endorsed by Professor Peter Weissberg of the British Heart Foundation- very worrying! I also think the whole notion of treating symptoms with a drug and not doing something about causes is bizarre. (although a nice little earner of course!).Of course the whole notion of high cholesterol being a problem is a red herring. In fact I’m sure eating red herring would be far more helpful,
    many thanks
    Wayne Bryant

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      It is quite amazing how many people, when you speak to them, know someone who has suffered extremely unpleasant (in some cases crippling) side-effects from statins. Yet, doctors still refuse to believe that side-effects are common. It is a kind of barrier that people put up to believing anything bad of something they think of as ‘good.’ I had vaguely planned to talk about the delusion surrounding Jimmy Savile. A man believed by millions to be a kind-hearted philanthropist. In reality, a manipulative paedophile. Yet, even when the evidence was staring people in the face, the idea that he may be a highly unpleasant person jarred too badly. Ideas that jar too much are dismissed. Too painful otherwise.

  40. Afifah

    I would like to comment on Maria’s message above regarding her 40 year old husband and coeliac disease. Coeliac is very much on the rise and it does not only cause digestive tract disorders and symptoms. When I did my medical training, over 20 years ago coeliac disease was the only one mentioned as caused by gluten. Now there are 160 conditions known to be caused by gluten ingestion or inhalation! Very few doctors are looking into this, but the researchers are and if you read the papers they publish you find that the evidence is very strong. The cardiologist William Davis published a book in 2011 called ‘Wheat Belly’, but as he says he could have called it ‘Wheat Brain’ or ‘Wheat Skin’ or ‘Wheat Lungs’ or ‘Wheat Bones’ or even ‘Wheat Tumour’ because gluten (found in largest amounts and most commonly eaten in the form of wheat) causes trouble in all of these body parts/systems/conditions. In fact the physician Stanislas Tanchou in Paris back in 1843 was able to predict the cities of Europe that would have the most cases of cancer based on the amount of grain (wheat) that they bought in!! There is also a quote from him around the same time that goes “Cancer, like insanity, seems to increase with the progress of civilisation”, so he was aware of the mental health effects of grain use way back then. The earliest paper I have found on the matter was Singh et al in 1976 in a paper on schizophrenia, which was found to be entirely due to gluten eating. Yes, schizophrenia.

    So, books to read:
    1) ‘Wheat Belly’ by William Davis (fab read, if a bit American, but full of research)
    2) ‘Primal Body Primal Mind’ by Nora Gedguadas (Not a great writer as such but the information in the book is spot on and she knows lots about gluten).
    3) ‘The Vegetarian Myth’ by Lierre Keith. She’s an environmentalist who has realised that the growing of grains is devastating our earth, and our bodies.
    4) ‘Why We Get Fat – and what to do about it’ by Gary Taubes is also really fantastic, providing a whole new array of excellent studies to get your teeth into. I especially love his superb early chapters on the nonsense about excercise making you loose weight. It does the opposite!
    5) ‘Deep Nutrition – why your genes need traditional food’ by Dr Catherine Shanahan is an excellent in-depth walk through of the importance of real food (not grains, not sugars and not vegetable oils) for ones cells to rebuild tissue well. I highly recommend this book.
    6) ‘Put Your Heart In Your Mouth’ by the neurologist Dr Natasha Campbell McBride. She cites loads of great studies that confirm it all too.
    All these books in fact should be read by everyone. Then the world would be a better, healthier place, and the next generation would have a chance.

    Let me just add a warning: If you are gluten intolerant/allergic don’t be persuaded to eat all those ‘gluten free’ products. No one should be eating much from the grain department anyway, gluten containing or not. None of them have a place in our 8 million year evolution, being introduced only 10,000 years ago at the outside. Basically, leave the grass eaters to eat grasses, and birds, and be a top carnivore and eat meat. Look into the wonderful and highly intelligent Paleo Diet brigade, who are great fun too (people like Denise Minger and Chris Masterjohn and Free The Animal etc) and look at Dr Mercola’s site, he’s brilliant too, offering loads of great video interviews with superb people for free, and you will soon get the idea about what to eat.

    Just as our delightful Dr Kendrick has helped us all see our way through the statin and cholesterol nonsense in his fabulous book ‘The Great Cholesterol Con’ so these other people can enlighten you as to other areas of health truth and lies.

  41. gwanwyn thomas

    Am reading book great cholesterol con. It has frightened me. My husband is writing to the welsh health minister to ask whether statins is another way to cull the ageing population as we are becoming too expensive !!! this book 5 years old has dr kendrick changed his views

  42. Leon

    Dr. Hendrick,
    Perhaps you know one of the last article from the Oxford University:

    “Risk of hospitalization or death from ischemic heart disease among British vegetarians and non vegetarians: results from the EPIC-Oxford cohort study 1,2,3
    Francesca L Crowe, Paul N Appleby, Ruth C Travis, and Timothy J Key.”

    This study claims that vegetarians has 1/3 less risk to be hospitalized for heart disease than those who eat meat and fish.

    I would like to hear your opinion about this study.


    B. Leon

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      Not Hendrick, but Kendrick…… thanks

      The best response to this load of rubbish from Oxford is the following blog by Tom Naughton in the US:


      This was a highly biased study (those in the vegetarian arm were nearly ten years younger, on average, just for starters). It was observational, it was jam packed full of cofounders. It was nonsense. Read Tom’s blog

      1. Leon

        Sorry Dr, Kendrick, my apologies. It was just a misprinting.
        By the way, I am finishing to read your book(The great Cholesterol Con:…).
        I have never read a so scientific document that combines so well the most strict high level logic with a so highly refined sense of humor.
        Thanks for have written this document!

  43. Andy Griffin

    Dr Kendrick
    As a devotee of your work… and a satins victim of deep depression and serious memory loss, tell me, is the following garbage?

    Headline in MailOnline 3-2-2013
    The two-minute workout works wonders: Short, sharp bursts of exercise are just as good as a 90 minute run
    (Testees) had their blood tested to see how quickly the levels of fat in their blood fell – as fat lingering in the blood after eating is known to trigger the first in a series of steps that can lead to clogging of the arteries and heart disease.
    Another group revealed that walking for half an hour on a treadmill cut fat by 11 per cent, compared with not doing any exercise.
    But the short sharp bursts of exercise cut it by 33 per cent – the sort of effect expected from a 90-minute run.


    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author


      I think it might be true – at least as far as improvements in metabolic parameters go. I have been vaguely following this research for some time.

      I think high intensity exercise can be key to stimulating muscles to start using glycogen stores, and short burst exercise can do this very effectively. Once glycogen stores are reduced, skeletal muscle metabolism alters quite dramatically and insulin resistance falls. This reduces VLDL/triglyderide levels and increases HDL. So, in theory, this could be a very good thing – I think. As with most things beware the bandwagon, but I am comfortable with this research thus far. I am hoping to start some research on this shortly

      1. smartersig

        Hi Any opinions on the significance of vit D levels with regard to heart health and health generally. I had levels that were slightly under the acceptable border on two readings and was beginning to think that this was always to be the case. Having supp’d for about 4 months I got a huge kick in my Vit D levels to my great surprise. I have blogged about it along with LP(a) improvements at http://heartattackandthenhs.wordpress.com/

  44. pjt13

    Love your blog and eminent good sense. I’m a Paleo afficionado and eschew medics as much as I can and, barring unforeseen accidents, and creeping old age, am fit and well. Also increasingly better informed by the likes of your good self and others who similarly think rather than blindly follow.

  45. Az

    I just read your article “Why The Cholesterol-Heart Disease Theory Is Wrong” on CoconutOil.com. I’m a chemist and found you argumentation brave and undeniable… and laughed many times through it.

    Thank you, you’re making the world a better place…. “The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.” (Isaac Asimov)

    1. Katie

      This interesting comment “Science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom ” needs further assessing. There are volumes of knowledge yet to hit “society” which will rock a few boats, and rightly so! It is not always the case society is not gathering wisdom, but simply, due to the power of certain institutional structures, wonderful knowledge, which we could all ( and should) share is being systematically kept well and truly under wraps ?
      For example oncologists have known for a very long time, the molecular atoms used in chemotherapy, are too large to enter the cellular system. Yet on a daily basis this is still the main type of treatment for cancer, used the UK.

      This surely should be a wake up call to all of us.

  46. gwanwyn thomas

    At 74 i am a bit confused about using these blog things…. in what order etc. This is what i want to say.I commented (found by accident ) on your book which i have just read and believe. My stubborn husband listened to me and has stopped taking statins. He was prescribed them when he was diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure, and his cholesterol was 4.9 at the time….reducing recently to 2.9 after use of statins. I could never understand why he was being treated for something he never had ie high cholesterol level. Your book does make it clear why he was. I still feel a bit scared as he says he has given them up because i am keeping on about them all the time. I told him to make his own decision and read the book, which he has not yet even started. I do believe what you have wriiten and would never take them. I hope this is in the right place. i am struggling a bit with all this blog stuff

  47. Paul de Rose

    Paul de Rose :
    It sounds amazing but simply eating an apple a day might be able to lower LDL levels by 40% according to a small but serious academic study in the US. Perhaps the saying was right after all? Now, if GPs suggested to patients with high cholesterol that instead of taking statins they simply ate an apple a day, that might not only benefit them with little or no adverse risk but cut a sizable chunk out of the NHS drug bill! Check out…

    Dear Dr.M, I’d be very interested to hear your considered views on this. Personally I’d rather eat an apple than take a Statin despite being a diabetic, after all humans have been doing just this since the Garden of Eden without any unwanted consequences!

    If such a simple and cheap regime were capable of altering oxidized LDL to the extent the US study showed then surely it should be looked into with more urgency. But then of course the drug companies can’t patent apples so where is the bottom line in it for them? Given they seem to fund most research, this discovery might wither on the branch!

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      It sounds amazing… it is amazing. Apples are not lowering LDL levels. They are lowering oxidised LDL levels. Some people believe that it is the oxidised LDL that causes atherosclerosis, but they are wrong. LDL has nothing to do with CHD, oxidised, or otherwise. Oxidised LDL is very rapidly removed from the circulation by the liver. It is also the preferred form of LDL for endothelial cells (cells that line the arteries). Endothelial cells have specific LOX receptors designed to take up oxidised LDL. So why, exactly, would this be an unhealthy process? People have found, what they believe to be, oxidised LDL in atheroscerotic plaques. It is oxidised here because it is being attacked by macrophages which first oxidise ‘alien’ matter before endocytosis. And it is isn’t LDL in atherosclerotic plaques anyway. It is mainly LP(a). In short, this study is bollocks. However, I await the new, GM apples, specifically bred for its amazing CHD preventing anti-oxidant properties. I give it two years.

  48. Paul de Rose

    Many thanks for shining your laser mind on this matter and the resulting direct and unequivocal debunking of this apparently bogus hypothesis. Bring on the GM apples!

  49. Ian

    I need some help, I suspect I have rhabdomyolisis after years of statin use. I had it before due to Dermatomyositis 18 years ago and have very similar symptoms now, but minimal skin problems. I can’t exercise and become very ill if I do, I cannot get any Drs to take me seriously, can’t get a private consultation with a consultant and my GP has disowned me because I refuse to take cholesterol meds, even refusing me a private referral. Can you recommend a Dr near Hampshire that would see me, I am desperate and have no worries paying a private consultant.

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      Sorry, don’t know of anyone in the Hampshire area. However, I would speak to your GP again, tell them you think you have severe muscle problems due to statins. Ask for CK test (may not show anything), but would probably insist on a referral to a rheumatologist. It may be dermatomyositis – I think – not sure. Could be statin related. Not sure how you could prove it one way or another, but you certainly need to push very hard for further testing, and a definitive diagnosis.

      1. Ian

        Thanks but my GP will not even refer me privately unless I resume cholesterol treatment – which I refuse to do.

        I suspect I have statin induced rhabdomyolisis and dermatomyositis as I have all the symptoms of a similar case I found on the internet.

  50. Afifah

    I just want to make a comment to Ian, above, needing help.

    In my experience autoimmune diseases respond well to removing all grains and sugars from the diet. Grains, i.e. grasses, are not the appropriate food for mankind and we didn’t evolve eating grass seeds. The use of them is relatively recent, and with their use came a great many of the diseases that fill the medical textbooks.

    Various researchers and academics (e.g. Jared Diamond who wrote ‘The World Until Yesterday’, and ‘Guns Germs and Steel’ and Loren Cordain in his 1999 paper ‘Cereal Grains – Humanity’s Double Edged Sword’) reveal some of the dire consequences of the adpotion of agriculture including the effects on health.

    So seek out a practitioner who is able to work with you shifting your metabolism from running on glucose (which is produced when any carbohydrates are eaten, inc grains, root veg, fruits and sugar) to running on fats, especially animal fats, which is where the majority of our energy/calories should come from according to our evolutionary development. This is also known as a ‘low carb high fat diet’, or even a ‘ketogentic diet’ (though it may not be necessary to take it quite that far). Look into the subject of GAPS also, a gut centred approach to restoration of health (you can read up on it on line). But grains, especially those that contain gluten, should probably be totally absent from the diet in people suffering from any auto-immune disorders. That is what I have clearly discerned anyway.

    I know nothing about rhabdomyolysis, and am not recommending you do any thing in particular, but I just wanted to give you some thoughts to follow up. I trust you regain your health soon.

    1. Ian

      Thanks, you are so right. I did have serious problems with eating before it dawned on me that exercise was the root cause. I’ve had this aspect of my problems dealt with really well at a clinic in Twyford.

      However the root cause of all these problems and many others remain with me. They are all being caused by exercise, even sitting for too long causes chest cramps, massive palpitations, stomach paralysis, electric shocks all over my body, chronic pain, migraines, high blood sugar levels, etc., etc. As long as I lay down all day, I’m absolutely fine, which is rather difficult, but does work 😦

      Any suggestions for some professional help for rhabdomyolisis/dermatomyositis would be very welcome!!

    2. Carol

      Hi I notice deal with herbs etc. I’ve been seeing a herbalist for 6 months to reduce my blood pressure but it’s not working. Should I continue

  51. kimyo

    now that advanced blood lipid testing is available, please consider a post to help us break down the results.

    i just had a ‘traditional’ cholesterol test alongside an nmr lipid profile. the total cholesterol level as well as the ldl were both 10% higher on the traditional test, which suggests that many are being treated based on inaccurate results.

    specific to the nmr test, please consider giving us your take on the ‘passengers vs. vehicles’ debate, as well as the relative importance of the measured values (ie: is the best indicator of heart health ldl-size, ldl-p or hdl-p?).

    i am always lending out my copy of ‘the great cholesterol con’, thank you very much for your efforts.

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      In my opinion, the entire lipid testing industry is complete nonsense. When a hypothesis undergoes constant change it is nonsense. We had total cholesterol, then LDL, then HDL/LDL ratio, then dyslipidaemia, then oxidised LDL, then..who knows, and in my opinion who cares. The entire hypothesis that lipids – of any sort – are causal agents in CHD is bunk. This always has been bunk, and always will. If you have high VLDL (triglcyerides) and low HDL, you are insulin resistant and this is a sign that your metabolism is knackered. However, neither factor is causal, it is a ‘sign’ that you are not in good shape. Association does not mean causation, association does not mean causation…rpt.

      1. kimyo

        so, of paramount importance is to avoid stress? and, beyond that, inflammation? (ie: grains and soybean/canola oil)

        in terms of health/vitality/longevity, are there any medical tests you recommend? bone density (as an indicator of proper calcium deployment)? carotid intima media thickness?

        i find it most ironic that without grains, ‘civilization’ as we know it would not exist, yet, it is grains which lead to everything from diabetes to tooth decay to schizophrenia and beyond.

  52. Hatty

    am reading the book. it’s brilliant. even if I were not enormously interested in the content (which I am), I would continue reading for the entertainment. Bone-dry humour gets me every time! 🙂

  53. Dr Peter Baxter

    Good morning Malcolm,
    You may remember me from Alness. I fully support your views on the con about the health care business frightening the public for its benefit! But at the same time care needs to ensure that the public is not only informed but is educated and can make both community as well as individual choice.
    Two obvious issues stand out for me. The concept of a blanket approach to the use of statins is unacceptable. Indeed the use of statins at all except where all else has failed (my total chol and LDL both fell dramatically with a carefully followed diet) is wrong. Similarly the poorly thought out regime of 5 fruit and veg per day is confusing and counterproductive (why can’t I eat 5 oranges; what constitues a portion of grapes etc etc?).
    Any way good to see you are still active. I’ve retired and am spending time sailing.
    Peter Baxter
    PS Went to school in Macclesfield

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      Peter…great to hear from you. Yes, still active, though frayed round the seams at times. I am currently writing another book that looks at a wider range of topics e.g. salt consumption, avoidance of sunshine, various dietary nonsense. The working title is ‘The dangerous book for grown-ups.’ It takes a long time to write a book when you are having to check everything you say about eighty times to make sure it is as true as possible.

    2. Wayne Bryant

      Hello Dr Hendrick, Just noticed your reply to Dr Baxter and am very much looking forward to your new book. Yes the salt issue!. I have a very good book called “Water and Salt- your healers from within” by Dr F. Batmangheldidj. I’ve noticed that “scare stories” in newspapers by “experts” very rarely differentiate between processed, heat treated salt with “additives” rather than health promoting, traditionally harvested sea salt crystals. (At least that’s my understanding) Good luck with the book and look after yourself (and your frayed edges). I hope you’re getting support from other Doctors and health professionals, best wishes Wayne Bryant

    3. Wayne Bryant

      Hello Dr Hendrick, Just realied that it was your seams that were frayed and not your edges, (look after them both!) best wishes Wayne Bryant

  54. Theresa Danezis

    Dear Malcom,
    I am reading your fascinating book at the moment, thank you:) May I ask what your view on the paleo/primal diet is?
    I am a 39 year old, healthy, fit and free of heath conserns mummy of two (7 & 5). We have all been on a sort of primal lifestyle for years now, but in the last 3 months we are eating fully primally as well (no grains no legumes, no sugar, healthy protein, loads of veg & fruit, nuts, selective full fat dairy). I had a check up and results came back at TC 233, LDL 163, HDL 70 and slightly low calcium. My doctor is conserned, said no saturated fats etc.
    Please, I would love to know your thoughts on primal.
    Many Thanks in advance,

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      I am not a great believer in any particular diet. My basic rules on food are 1: enjoy eating it, don’t be frightened by it. 2: Avoid (too many) highly processed foods containing a bunch of added chemicals e.g. pot noodles. 3: Eat natural foods e.g. butter, not margarine. 4: Reduce carbohydrate consumption and increase dairy products and saturated fats. 5: Keep omega-6 consumption down – it is bad for you. 6: Make sure you are not becoming vitamin deficient.

      As for primal/paleo. Most certainly pretty healthy I would think. Everything you have mentioned is healthy (Including your TC and LDL level).

      1. Theresa Danezis

        Thank you for your reply:) By the way I finished your book and I enjoyed it tremendously! It is very informative and a pleasure to read. It made me laugh out loud too:)) I plan to buy a few copies to give to friends and family, as they all consider me utterly insane for following such a diet and not listening to the advice of my doctor when it comes to cholesterol. Many thanks again! Theresa

  55. Andrew Langley

    In 1997 I had a Inferior MI and in 1998 a 2nd and possibly a 3rd that was undiagnosed (happened on a team building course), also in 1998 I underwent a triple bypass, during this period I was put on Simvastatin (Zocor) which I have been on till recently.
    During those years I have experienced some muscle pain and developed type 2 diabetes, in 2009 I was rushed to hospital suffering from Acute Necrotising Pancreatitis, diagnosed as probably caused by gall stones. my gall bladder was subsequently removed and I requested whatever stones it contained, interestingly it contained one large(2cm) Billirubin stone, my Bilirubin levels had slowly been rising year on year since the introduction of statins.
    I did a great deal of research into statins, bilirubin, MI’s etc. but failed to convince GP and Cardioligist that I was unhappy about statins however I did manage to keep on a low dose and not be put up to the standard 40mg tablet that GP’s prescribe.
    I then found your book via an article in a national newspaper and subsequently purchased it.
    I found it fascinating reading and have subsequently found others who are querying the use of statiins.
    The Pancreatitis left me an insulin dependant diabetic injecting 80units of Rapid insulin a day. I have recently weaned myself of statins (without GP approval) and subsequently my blood sugar levels seem to be dropping as well or maybe I am getting better control although i doubt that.
    I now feel that my Pancreatitis may be as a result of the long term use of statins.
    Many thanks for your book which has given me a far greater understanding of statins.
    Regards Andy

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      You can never say, for sure, that the statin causes your necrotising pancreatitis. But I guess it probably was. Statins do cause (increase the risk of) type II diabetes, and coming off the statin should help blood sugar control. I would also suggest a high fat, low carb diet, as this will improve blood sugar control as well. Thank you for reading my book, I continue to try and spread the truth, and I am writing another book at present.

  56. Liz Roberts

    Hello Dr. Kendrick,
    I’m in the middle of reading your book, “The Great Cholesterol Con”. I’m 73 years old, had a TMA on Hogmanay – was duly taken to hospital by my son – and had scans and blood tests. I was, of course, prescribed statins and aspirin, which I have not taken – unbeknowst to my sons and daughter and their spouses. I don’t want to worry them as they are of the great cholesterol brigade So thanks for the book. I’m trying to finish it before I see the consultant on Thursday for the results of my tests, so that I can tell him why I’m not taking the medication, and hopefully be able to suggest other treatments.
    P.S. Thanks for telling me to drink alcohol – I do like a wee dram.
    Yours sincerely,
    Liz Roberts

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      Thanks for your comment. Good luck with your consultant! I guess you mean a TIA? I am not sure what a TMA is. Did anyone say why you may have had a TIA? There are some causes e.g. atrial fibrillation, that have effective treatments e.g. warfarin.

      1. Liz Roberts

        Thanks Doctor Kendrick,
        I did try to reply the other day but it got lost in space somewhere. Thanks for replying to me.
        I saw my connsultant yesterday and everything seems to be OK apart from some plaque in the carotids.
        My cholesterol level is at 4 which pleased the doctor but I think according to your book is on the low side.
        Wasn’t brave enough to tell him that I wasn’t taking the medication. He was such a nice man and I didn’t want to have a confrontation. Plus, my daughter was with me!!!
        Thank you so much. Looking forward to your salt book.
        Yours truly,
        Liz Roberts

  57. Leon

    Dear Dr Kendrick,
    The research for telomere behavior is gaining more and more relevance in these days, perhaps for the supposed link to life span. I would like your opinion about this study appeared recently in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition:

    “Leukocyte telomere length and its relation to food and nutrient intake in an elderly population.”
    Shorter leukocyte telomere length (LTL) is associated with several chronic diseases, but only a few studies have assessed the association between dietary factors and LTL. Our objective was to study the association between fats, fruits, vegetables and LTL in a cross-sectional study design. We hypothesized that intakes of fruits and vegetables would be positively associated with LTL and that intakes of fats, and especially saturated fatty acids (SFAs), would be negatively associated with LTL.
    LTL was measured by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction in 1942 men and women aged 57-70 years from the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study. We assessed the whole diet by a validated semiquantitative 128-item food-frequency questionnaire.
    In general, there were only a few significant results. However, total fat and SFA intake (P=0.04 and 0.01, respectively) were inversely associated with LTL in men adjusting for age and energy intake. In women, vegetable intake was positively associated with LTL (P=0.05). Men consuming the most butter and least fruits had significantly shorter telomeres than those consuming the lowest amounts of butter and highest amounts of fruits (P=0.05). We found no association between LTL and body mass index, waist-hip ratio, smoking, physical activity or educational attainment.
    In this cross-sectional study of elderly men and women, there were only a few statistically significant effects of diet, but in general they support the hypothesis that fat and vegetable intakes were associated with LTL
    Source:”European journal of clinical nutrition 66:12 2012 Dec pg 1290-4″

  58. Charles Fairweather

    I encouraged my wife to go off statins and as a result her LDL cholesterol went from 1,6 to 4,7 but HDL increased from 1,1 to 1,26. The ratio went from 4,9 t0 4,7 and lastly S-Cholesterol from3,5 to 6,5. Her GP prescribed Coratin , a red yeast, rice and plant sterol to lower the LDL component as he says her risk of coronary heart attack is increased by the fact that she is on hormone replacement pills. It seems very doctor has a favourite theory. HDL is key and LDL should only be measured if particle size is also measured. Or its the ratio that counts etc. What’s your view on her lipid profile. Isny this whole business of measuring cholesterol a giant waste of time and money?

  59. Mark Edwards

    Hi Dr. Kendrick.
    I have read your book, The Great Cholesterol Con twice now.
    You mention in the book that ‘Social Dislocation’ can be a large contributor to heart disease, and i think you are right because of the effects it is having on me at the moment, and has in the past.
    I started with acute depression, anxiety and insomnia in 2003 and had to sell my business, and my house and I ended up homeless for 2 years. I don’t come from a close family.
    I tried Pharmaceutical drugs, but they made me feel suicidal, so for most of the next 6 years or so I drank alcohol at the end of the day to calm me.
    I had to stop this before it killed me, so now I follow a strict organic diet, and I go to the gym as much as possible to stay mentally and physically fit.
    This has helped me greatly over the last year, boosting my confidence, and improving my central nervous system and internal organ function.
    Recently though, my health has been suffering, and it all started when i received a letter from the Department for Work and Pensions after my Atos medical examination. They deemed from the interview that I am no longer ill, and have cut off my Employment and Support Allowance, which I am now appealing, because I still suffer from the mental illness mentioned above.
    This has also been compounded by the bedroom tax, because i live alone in a 2 bed multi-storey flat. It also seems that I will have to start paying a proportion of my council tax as well.
    These stresses are now taking their toll on me, and I am experiencing shortness of breath, while at the same time experiencing an achy pain where my heart is located. The ironic thing is that the last time I experienced this, was back in the 90’s when I was homeless the first time. One night my heart actually stopped, and I collapsed in a heap on the floor, just as I felt it kick back into life. When it stopped, I started to feel numb from the center of my chest spreading outward to my neck and arms until it started beating again.
    This same occurrence has also happened in a hospital after a friend drove me there because I was having the same feelings. So two of the times I have experienced problems with my heart, I have been homeless, and this, the third time it is happening, I am having similar problems, and could end up homeless with no money again. At no other time in my life other than the times mentioned have I ever had any problems with my heart.
    My biggest problem now, is going to my local GP to see what they diagnose. Your book will be in my bag just in case they bring cholesterol up. I was in the same practice last night with my friend who was dropping off a script, and concerned about my health she got me to do a blood pressure test on the portable machine they have. It was perfect.
    I woke up this morning at 4am stressing about my health and my benefits and housing situation. I had nothing, but a cat to calm me down, which worked a treat, but I need something to take that’s natural to calm me down. Any ideas would be appreciated. I’ve never been able to smoke but I was wondering whether I would benefit from medicinal cannabis used in a vaporizor?
    Regards, Mark

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      Thanks for your very frank e-mail. For calming down I would suggest finding a local teacher on transcendental meditation, as they teach techniques that can be very effective. If not, exercise is good, as are simple methods to control breathing

  60. Eddie Mitchell

    Challenge patients to persevere with statins, GPs urged !

    Patients who discontinue treatment with a statin because of mild side effects should be encouraged to try again, as most will find they can take one of the drugs in the longer term, suggest researchers.
    US researchers found most patients who stopped treatment because of a presumed statin-related event were then prescribed the same or a different statin – and nine out ten of these were still taking it a year later.
    Few patients experienced another statin-related event and rhabdomyolysis was rare, while patients who had creatine kinase (CK) elevations were also able to continue statin therapy long term.
    The authors said their findings suggested many statin-related events are either caused by something else, are in fact tolerable, or are related to a specific statin rather than the class of drugs as a whole.
    In the study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, the researchers used specially designed software to analyse the text clinicians had entered in electronic medical records for 107,835 adults who received a statin prescription between January 2000 and the end of December 2008.
    They found 18,778 (17%) of the patients had a statin-related event documented, of which less than a third were clearly categorised as such. Most of these were myalgia or myopathy.
    Of all the patients with a statin-related event recorded, 11,124 (59%) discontinued the drug at least temporarily. Over half – 6,579 – of these patients then tried taking a statin again and 6,064 (90%) were still taking it 12 months after the original statin-related event.
    This included nearly half of the 2,721 patients who were given the same statin they were taking to begin with, of whom over one third were taking it at the same or a higher dose.
    In addition, of 122 patients who had a CK level three times or more greater than the ULN but were rechallenged with a statin, less than 10% discontinued statin treatment long term.
    The authors concluded: ‘Our findings indicate that patients who had statin-related clinical events may frequently be able to tolerate statins in the long term. Permanent cessation of statin therapy under these circumstances could lead to many preventable cardiovascular events and deaths.
    ‘Providers should consider rechallenging patients who report statin-related events to identify those who can continue taking them.’


    What’s the message here, if you don’t cripple your patients with useless statin drugs on the first attempt, please try again.


    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      I presume patients, after being ‘forced’ to re-start another statin just say they are find and don’t bother taking it. that is the best way, I find, to reduce side-effects. I would like someone to explain to me how changing from one statin to another can make the slightest difference. The side-effect are a direct result of their known actions – and they all act the same way.

      1. Eddie Mitchell

        The more you look into the murky world surrounding cholesterol numbers, and the $30 billion a year statin industry, the more you are amazed how a fraud of such gigantic proportions ever got off the ground. One reading of Dr. Malcolm Kendrick’s book The Cholesterol Con is enough to convince any straight thinking person, statins are the very last thing you need if you want to stay healthy. A few years ago after reading the book, my first thoughts were Malcolm is right, swiftly followed by how come he is still allowed to practice as a GP, how come he had not been struck off. The trouble is, especially in the world of medicine, if you go against the mainstream of medical opinion and especially against the monumental power of big pharma, you can rapidly become a marked man. Malcolm has not been struck off, could it be many others believe he is right, could it be the MONICA study proved he was right, could it be NICE knows he is right. Here is what NICE say about cholesterol levels in relation to clinical events.

        “The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) does not recommend the use of target levels of cholesterol for people taking statins for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. This is because it found no clinical trials in primary prevention that have evaluated the relative and absolute benefits of achieving different cholesterol targets in relation to clinical events”


        The last word to Dr. John Briffa.

        “Sometimes when talking to someone about their cholesterol, I ask them to ask me what my cholesterol is. Then I answer: “I have no idea, because I never have it checked.” That’s not because I take an ostrich-like stance on matters that relate to my health – it’s because the great likelihood is that knowing my cholesterol numbers would not lead to me having a different view on my health or have any bearing on how I live my life. End of.”

  61. Wendy Drane

    My brother was prescribed statins two years ago as part of his treatment for atrial fibrillation. With two weeks he developed considerable muscle problems and was taken off statins. His muscle weakness continued but he was told it was a myopathy and would go eventually. It didn’t! He eventually paid to get the opinion of a top neurologist who organised tests. They have established that he has tubular aggregate myopathy but are unable to give a definitive diagnosis. Two years later he is now only able to walk a few metres and cannot stand up straight. He will probably be completely wheelchair bound soon. He is 63 and his prospects poor. Given that the doctors have said he is unfortunate in that he had a genetic disposition I am now wondering what to do. I started statins 5 years ago after a minor stroke . I already have considerable health problems as I have had rheumatoid arthritis for the last 20 years . I have been researching statins for some months now and have read as much as I can. A few days ago I discovered “The Great Cholesterol Con” and I am now part way through it. I am 66, female and my cholesterol was 5.2 when I had my stroke (blood clot) . It is now usually about 4.5 . I stopped statins a month ago but have not told my GP yet. I hope the argument about the genetic side will be enough to convince her. Any thoughts?

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      The genetic side will be ignored, you will be pressurized to take a statin. Doctors, in this area, are no longer interested in the evidence. They are now true ‘statinators.’ Zealots where doubt cannot be allowed.
      You may be interested to know that there is no association between cholesterol levels, and stroke.

      1. Wendy Drane

        Many thanks for your reply to my email. I wonder if you can answer another question. Following my mini stroke in 2008 I was given simvastatin and blood thinners/anticoagulants. Two years later I was told I should have a vitamin d test . The results showed I had very low levels of under 10. I was given an injection and put on a course of Adcal-D. After two months my level was 65 and I was told that was ok and continue on the Adcal-D. Could the low vit d levels have been caused by statins ?

  62. Roger G. Perkins, Ph.D.

    Dr. Kendrick, I am currently facilitating a Life Long Learning Institute class at Bradley University in Peoria, ILL, USA on the book by Fred and Jean Kummerow, “Cholesterol Won’t Kil Youl, But Trans Fat Could.” Fred Kummerow, Ph.D. was my graduate school advisor at the University of Illinois and remains active in research in this subject area. I consider myself as redirected versus retired because after a career as a toxicologist, I am now “preaching Dr. Kummerow’s message” as well as your message on the cholesterol con. Thank you for your efforts. Best wishes, Roger G. Perkins, Ph.D.

  63. Charles Fairweather

    Dear Dr Kendrick, in this weeks economist there is an article on red meat under “High Steaks” which states that a” big recent study” shows “no connection”between saturated fat and heart disease so something else must be involved. Dr Hazen who is organising the trial thinks he knows what. The blame actually lies with the microbiome and by a complicated manoeuvre a molecule called carnitine transforms the steak into a lethal killing device that results in atherosclerosis. We always knew that red meat kills now we know how. Brilliant isn’t it? Regards Charles Fairweather

  64. Mike Brampton

    Hi, aside from giving him your book, how would you go about convincing my GP that whilst every other parameter including lipids are “normal”, there is nothing to worry about regarding my cholesterol of 12+. Help required here as I am coming under the collective conventional “wisdom” cosh from the hospital, no doubt backed by NICE.
    Is there a particular study that you are aware of other than the York study I can use to help persuade him?
    Weight 75kg, BP 105/60, still racing my bikes and beating kids younger than 30 and I can cycle for 9 hrs on half a cup of water if low enough intensity. I follow a “Primal” sytle diet, fats and protein, green veg and some fruit, nuts etc
    I am personally more worried about my reducing testosterone levels (Dad, prostate cancer) as I approach 54

  65. Maureen Berry

    Good morning Dr Kendrick, I have just come across your blog when checking the title of your book to recommend to a friend. I have very high cholesterol (or I had last time I had it checked a couple of years ago). As I refuse to go on statins my doctor and I have jointly agreed that it’s a waste of NHS money to have my cholesterol checked again. Thank you for standing alone (or so it seems) against the weight of the lumbering medical profession. My doctor is quite young, seems up to date and totally knowledgeable on most things, but seems 100% committed to statin therapy, I have been on a low carb diet for 3 years, I have lost 40lbs, my blood pressure has gone down from very high to about 110/70 (I am still on Ramipril, 5mg but am planning to ask to go down to 2.5mg and hopefully stop it altogether after that). I know longer require GERD medication, my funny ‘heart flutters’ that my doctor thought was possibly atrial fibrillation – but I never got an ECG when it was actually happening, has disappeared totally and I feel fit and well. Your book, along with the New Atkins New You, Gary Taubes and ‘The Art and Science of Low Carb Eating’ have been a life saver for me, I am sure.
    Thank you for your work.

  66. Wendy Drane

    I would be grateful for your opinion on whether someone with relatively normal cholesterol but raised CRP levels would benefit from taking statins.

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      Wendy. I would probably, as a GP, investigate why the CRP levels are high in the first place. CRP is a relatively non-specific market of inflammation (anywhere in the body). If it is very high I would suggest an investigation, or two. (any inflammatory disease e.g. rheumatoid, SLE, Chron’s will get it high, as will low grade infection, broken bones etc. etc.). if it is a bit high e.g. twice normal, I would not worry about it.

  67. David Bailey

    I am fascinated by your discussion of statins and cholesterol in general. Very many years ago, I took Chemistry to PhD level, before moving into software development. That exposure to science made me aware that science wasn’t always as honest and careful as is often thought!

    Three years ago, at age 60, I was put on simvastatin (40 mg) and all went well for about 3 years, after which I suddenly got severe cramps, followed by extra weakness in my polio leg. I had lived with my polio leg since age 7, and generally managed pretty well, and I assumed I was getting Post Polio Syndrome(PPS). Fortunately, at the time this started, I decided to stop taking my statin as a precaution – and by the time I visited a polio specialist, the symptoms were diminishing, and she decided I didn’t have PPS. I discussed this with my GP, and we agreed that I should resume the simvastatin. Within a week, the same symptoms started to return, and you will not be surprised that no more statin tablets have crossed my lips! By now, about 5 months later, the problem has almost gone, except for a little residual pain. At its worst, this problem reduced me from someone who roams the pennine hills, to a state where walking from the car to the supermarket was an effort!

    Although I am, of course, only one data point, my experience suggests several things:

    1) Statins can bite some considerable time after starting them – contrary to what I was told.

    2) Polio muscles seem to be more susceptible to statin problems (my other leg, and the rest of my body was not affected).

    3) I wonder if some people with polio (or maybe other damage to parts of their bodies) are suffering from statin side effects without realising the source of their problems because the problem seems focused on a previous injury.

    1. Karen M

      Very interesting. I have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and when I came off statins the pain eventually diminished in the areas around the affected limb (my left leg) when I am resting. However, the fat and muscle atrophy in both limbs has not resolved nor has exertional and post-exertional muscle pain. The pain is high intensity burning and is stressful. Is this similar to your experience David?

  68. Pat Watson

    I stopped taking statins about 3 weeks ago because of muscle pain and burning in my arms. Also a very painful elbow, Doctor said tennis elbow although I had done absolutely nothing that would cause tennis elbow and the other elbow was staring to hurt. I am now reading your book which is making me feel a lot better about stopping taking something a doctor has told me I must take. Muscle pain has eased off a lot. Elbow is feeling a lot better. Thankyou so much for writing that book. It’s so interesting

  69. boobs

    Hi there I am so delighted I found your webpage, I really found you by error, while I was searching on Bing for something else,
    Nonetheless I am here now and would just like to say kudos
    for a fantastic post and a all round enjoyable blog (I also love the theme/design),
    I don’t have time to read through it all at the moment but I have book-marked it and also included your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read much more, Please do keep up the superb work.

  70. Candice Ellisor

    Hi Dr. Kendrick,
    All I can say is thank you! I am so glad I found your blog as I will be following it. You are right on target with so many things so keep sharing please! You are a bright star in the medical world!

  71. Dr AshMash

    Dr Kendrick…I am in awe of you and have been ever since I read your book. As a GP (but also a non traditional Nutritionist) and active follower and promoter of the Paleo or Primal lifestyle, I would love to pick your brain about one thing….

    How in Gods name do you change your colleagues perceptions about all this nonsense that has been fed to us throughout med school/ training and subsequent jobs…In the UK, I struggled a lot…With massively incorrect guidelines advocating all sort of ridiculous medications and flawed methodologies to help with the prevention of CHD as well as obesity.

    As a result of constantly tearing my hair out, I have now moved to Sydney where patients seem a lot happier to listen to my advice and there are no such ridiculous guidelines. I hope to have my own practice one day, but in the meantime—any suggestions on how to combat the walls being built by my own medical brothers and sisters…

    Yours respectfully

    Dr Ashvy Bhardwaj

  72. Jane

    Hello Dr Kendrick,

    I first read your book a few years ago when my TC was about 7 and have enjoyed watching your lectures on youtube and now reading opinions on this forum …

    I notice that in April a cyclist called Mike wrote that his TC was over 12. I’m currently searching without success for more information on the function of cholesterol as my TC has been steadily creeping up and is now 9.2 – albeit with a high HDL to LDL/TG ratio.

    I’m a homeopath and therefore a charlatan and lunatic anyway so when I refuse statins doctors are irritated rather than surprised but I’m ashamed to admit that they’re almost wearing me down. Occasionally, though, and privately, I do wonder what the reason is for this steady increase in my cholesterol. My diet has always been low in animal fats but I don’t eat processed foods or a lot of carbs. I walk daily, play tennis.

    Is a high total cholesterol count, in your opinion, a symptom of some other condition and should we be vigilant for reasons other than CHD?


  73. Teresa

    I’m really hoping you can help.
    I had a mini stroke this February and my cholesterol was 5.9 and was offered statins which I politely turned down.
    I had my cholesterol taken again in may which turned out to be 8.2 which I thought was a typo if I’m honest.
    I follow a high fat low carb diet (Harcombe) and this suits me really well and am losing weight.
    After another trip to the GP today he’s insisting I go on statins and at 8.2 its worrying that its so high or is this again just a number.He says I’m in the high percentage of stroking again because of the number but I feel fit and well.
    When I argue my case all I get are “are you a doctor” or where did you read that statins don’t work on women”
    Any advice would be welcome as I’m not sure where to turn next as it is an obvious worry unfortunately I don’t know the break down of the LDL etc

    Kind regards


    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author


      I cannot give specific medical advice in this format. I can only make general points – as I hope you understand (because the GMC certainly does). Strokes have different causes. A high cholesterol level has never been associated with increased risk of stroke. Some strokes are crypotogenic (fancy name for, we don’t know why it happened). I would suggest that you find out exactly what caused your stroke – sometimes a small ‘hole in the heart’ can do this. If so, that is what needs treatment. essentially, you need to find out a bit more about why your stoke occurred, what your other risk factors may be e.g. high BP. A bit more discussion with GP would be good to start with.

      1. Teresa


        They have said that the level of one of my epilepsy tablets was too high in my bloods as its never checked for liver function etc.I have had all the test known to man for holes in heart etc and everything is normal and BP is perfect.
        The only test left which they are doing is thyroid which I’m led to believe if this is low or not functioning properly can elevate cholesterol that quickly.
        My first thought is not to give statins a try at all but when I broach this with my GP they just think I’m being silly and know nothing.

  74. j.catterson

    I am 50 year old male.5ft 9,12 stone.never smoked.Had an Nstemi MI one year ago.Been on Clopidigrel,losartan,bisoprolol,atorvastatin aspirin and lansaprazol ever since.Had more cramp than in my whole life.Some days I feel completely whacked out as soon as i get up.Other days I can cycle all day and still be full of beans..Cholesterol level down from 4.2 to 3.2.Im self employed,married and only 50.I want to spend my days working,cycle touring and dancing!.However,I am paranoid about stopping any pills,cardio rehab drummed into us about fat,cholesterol etc.

    1. j.catterson

      I have just read your book.All in all a fascinating read.I think your humorous lines detract a little at times,but very illuminating. Thank-you.

  75. Maureen Berry

    Teresa, he /she may be your doctor, but it is your body and you have the right to choose what drugs you put into it, remain polite but steadfast and if your doctor does not respect your opinion, change doctors. He is a doctor, not a God. I believe (though I am certainly not a doctor) that total cholesterol can rise when you go on the low carb high fat diet and lose weight, as cholesterol is released from the fat stores of the body and this should ‘rectify’ itself over time, (if it was ever a problem in the first place). I think I read this in Phinney and Voleck’s ‘Art and Science of Low Carb living’, though I’m not sure as I have lent that book to a friend.
    I am greatly saddened that most doctors do not take the time to read around subjects more widely – particularly the statin debate. I suppose that they have so much to read that is ‘approved’ by their masters that there is little time left for wider reading, particularly the opposing view.
    My doctor and I have jointly and amicably agreed that I will no longer have my cholesterol checked as I am so convinced (largely by Dr Kendrick’s book, a copy of which I provided for my GP practice) that it is, ‘simply a number’.
    1 year into a low carb high fat diet, my Total Cholesterol was 8.6, gone up from 5.9 pre diet and 3 stone weight loss. I have never had it measured since. I must confess that I am a little curious about whether it has gone back down, but to have it checked again would risk opening the debate again, so I don’t. On the rare occasions I consider it, I simply remind myself, it’s only a number.
    One last thought (I haven’t read extensively about this because I don’t suffer with the condition). But in my reading about hypertension / cholesterol / low carb / ketongenic diets I have frequently read about them being used successfully to treat epilepsy that does not respond to drugs. I am not familiar with the Harcourt diet, but if it is ketongenic, maybe your requirement for drugs for epilepsy is diminishing naturally.

  76. boreal

    Hi Dr!
    Could you please make a comment on the following article?:
    Atherosclerosis. 2012 Oct;224(2):469-73. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2012.07.032. Epub 2012 Aug 1.
    Egg yolk consumption and carotid plaque.
    Spence JD, Jenkins DJ, Davignon J.
    Stroke Prevention & Atherosclerosis Research Centre, Robarts Research Institute, 1400 Western Road, London, ON N6G 2V2, Canada. [email protected]
    Increasingly the potential harm from high cholesterol intake, and specifically from egg yolks, is considered insignificant. We therefore assessed total plaque area (TPA) in patients attending Canadian vascular prevention clinics to determine if the atherosclerosis burden, as a marker of arterial damage, was related to egg intake. To provide perspective on the magnitude of the effect, we also analysed the effect of smoking (pack-years).
    Consecutive patients attending vascular prevention clinics at University Hospital had baseline measurement of TPA by duplex ultrasound, and filled out questionnaires regarding their lifestyle and medications, including pack-years of smoking, and the number of egg yolks consumed per week times the number of years consumed (egg-yolk years).
    Data were available in 1262 patients; mean (SD) age was 61.5 (14.8) years; 47% were women. Carotid plaque area increased linearly with age after age 40, but increased exponentially with pack-years of smoking and with egg-yolk years. Plaque area in patients consuming <2 eggs per week (n = 388) was 125 ± 129 mm(2), versus 132 ± 142 mm(2) in those consuming 3 or more eggs per week (n = 603); (p < 0.0001 after adjustment for age). In multiple regression, egg-yolk years remained significant after adjusting for coronary risk factors.
    Our findings suggest that regular consumption of egg yolk should be avoided by persons at risk of cardiovascular disease. This hypothesis should be tested in a prospective study with more detailed information about diet, and other possible confounders such as exercise and waist circumference.

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      this was discussed by those of us in The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics (THINKS) last year, and the full paper was circulated – most of the details escape me, but I would say few things. Firstly, it is an observational study, and these are incapable of proving anything – for sure. Association does not mean causation. Secondly, if memory serves, they could find no association between egg intake and cholesterol levels. So, what was their proposed mechanism of? Eggs contain cholesterol, your cholesterol levels don’t go up, but eggs caused CHD anyway? How, exactly. The evil power of eggness. In addition, plague volume has shown little, or no, correlation with CVD mortality/morbidity. It is a measure invented by Steven Nissen at the Cleveland Clinic as a way of rapidly assessing the effect of various CVD interventions. As far as I know, it has not been verified as having a close correlation with anything very much. I could go on. Personally, I dismiss these type of studies mostly without reading them.

    2. CJP

      Cholesterol in eggs should not be cause for concern because the process of atherogenicity is invited when cholesterol is subjected to oxidative stress and is converted to oxycholesterol. Cholesterol in eggs is generally protected from oxidative stress subject to how they are prepared. The business of manufacturing powdered egg and powdered milk opens up scope for oxidation avoid these where you can.
      In the body an inadequate availability of B6 B12 and folic acid can open avenues via which cholesterol may become oxidised, and if you smoke or leave yourself working or living under stress you make matters worse.
      Under certain circumstances any cholesterol (good) that gets converted to oxycholesterol (bad) then be converted to sulphated oxycholeterol and here it gets interesting. Stephanie Seneff directs sulphated oxycholesterols may be involved in healthful process and eggs are a good source of sulphur.
      Eggs have been around for a long time, the basic design is much the same between species. They seem like a well-rounded meal to me.

  77. Seán

    Dear Dr. Kendrick,
    My mother was prescribed statins for high cholesterol. She was in her late 70’s at the time. I tried hard to convince her that her cholesterol level was a sign of likely longevity to no avail for some time. The doctor asked where did i get my medical degree from?? In the end she became uneasy about statin side effects and the doctor then put her on Ezetrol (Ezetimibe).
    My question is whether this is also an undesirable and useless medication???

      1. Afifah

        A patient of mine was put on Ezetimibe as her total cholesterol was about 12 and she had severe liver distention and pain when some years earlier she had followed her doctor’s orders and taken a statin (this was when I first started treating her, with herbs to get her liver back to normal, which worked beautifully). However, the doctor once again had impressed upon her his frears about her high total cholesterol (no breakedown of LDL: HDL or tryglycerides offered) and she succumbed to pressure and took the dratted fibrate, Ezetrol/Ezebimibe which resulted just a week or so into its use with her having a heart attack alongside extreme emotionality, which was very unlike her, as she was normally a pretty placid person. I sent in a yellow card to the MHRA, which they responded to by sending me a lot of sheets of paper about this drugs other reported side effects. So I agree totally that it is a very unwise thing to take, but I wouldn’t say it does nothing! It nearly killed here. Fortunately she came back to me and I put her right, again, which doesn’t mean that I got her cholesterol lower, I tried that years ago and it didn’t work. It means that I got her heart far happier and her emotions back on an even keel. I don’t fret at all about her cholesterol because the numbers are irrelevant to her health. I bumped into herthe other day and she is fine and dandy, drug free.

  78. David Morris

    Hi Dr Kendrick,
    Me again. Have you seen the news that “Pfizer bets big on PCSK9 with massive phase lll Study – Tantalised by various megablockbuster projections for the PCSK9 field of cholesterol drugs Pfizer has mapped out one of the most ambitious late stage programmes in the industry for RN-316. The pharma giant spelled out plans for a massive cardiovascular outcomes trial to prove to regulators and payers alike that the drug not only works as advertised, but delivers real value to patients”. And so it goes on the full article is on fiercebiotech.com
    I just hope that their study will be properly constructed and be peer reviewed before during and after. It would also be good to think that they would involve THINCS. I know, I know i’m in cloud cuckoo land.
    Not only that but some professor, who’s name escapes me was apparently on TV recently stating publicly that those who should be on statins and aren’t along with those who have stopped taking statins will die!! And also what about the trust me i’m a doctor series on TV currently. The presenter on such poor argument decided to start taking his statins again. Is there no hope? Please, please keep doing your all important work.
    Very best wishes
    David Morris

  79. smartersig

    Hi Dr Kendrick

    I need a contact or list of contacts of doctors or cardio’s who are interested in the nutritional approach to heart disease and are not tunnel visioned by the dogma of big parma and their research. How can I get hold of such a list or even single contact.

    Hope you can help

  80. smartersig

    Thanks Malcolm, I tend to agree with the meat opinion you express but I think todays meat is not the same as paleolithic meat unless you can source organic produce. My advice to anyone would be to give up red meat and if you can’t do without a bit of white meat make sure you buy organic. I sent you a private email asking about doctor lists and whether there are any seminars/conferences on the topics we are discussing. Hope you can help

  81. Maureen Berry

    Dr Kendrick
    I am intrigued on your opinion of the other ‘Mavericks’. Do you regard yourself as a Maverick by the way? I started my reading with Dr Atkins, progressed to Vinney, Pholeck and Westerman, you, Dr Curtis, Taubes, then took a little sidestep to Carolyn Dean, Dr Bernstein, Dr Brownstein. I find that all of these people have a lot of interesting things to say, we currently low carb / high fat, with Magnesium, Iodine, Selenium etc supplementing. I have to say we are very well, my BP has reduced from 200/140 to perfectly normal and I am now totally drug free (I have lost 40lbs). I am intrigued to know what you (my favourite) think of these other doctors who are flying in the face of conventional medicine.

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      Where conventional medicine is wrong, I like people who fly in the face of it. The problem, of course, is correctly identifying where it is wrong. I am sure I am wrong about some things…many things. But I cannot know what they are – for sure. In general I am all in favour of anyone who stirs things up, because only be challenge can we truly establish which ideas are right, and which are wrong. My greatest problem is the current tyranny of conformity. Few dare to step out of line. Anyone that does, gets my vote.

  82. Pingback: les bottes

  83. Roger G. Perkins, Ph.D.

    Dr. Kendrick,
    Recently I received the honor of being invited by Uffe Ravnskov, M.D., Ph.D. to join THINCS, The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics. I am not involved in research, but am attempting to tell my primary care physician and friends about the “Cholesterol Myth.” In the course of this effort, I discovered a Face Book forum with a title the same as Dr. Ravnskov’s book, “Cholesterol and Fat are Good for You.” I have noticed on the subject forum, that one participant’s post attempt to perpetuate the myth and that he is attempting to sell some sort of miraculous curative product(s) to lower cholesterol. I have challenged his posts within the forum. Another skirmish in the battle against the myth. Thanks for your work.

  84. kimyo

    in case you haven’t seen it, this study may support your view that it’s stress that causes heart attacks:

    Stress reaction gene linked to death, heart attacks

    “Using a large database of heart catheterization patients at Duke who were studied over several years, the researchers ran genetic analyses of more than 6,100 white participants, two-thirds of whom were men, and one-third women. About 13 percent of this group had the genetic variation for the overactive stress response.

    Patients who carried the genetic variation had the highest rates of heart attacks and deaths over the median follow-up time of six years. Even adjusting for age, obesity, smoking history, other illnesses and the severity of their heart disease, the genetic trait was associated with a 38 percent increased risk of heart attack and death.”

      1. kimyo

        and another:

        (in mice)

        They found that excess white blood cells produced as a result of stress accumulated on the inside of arteries and boosted plaque growth.

        “Here, they (the cells) release enzymes that soften the connective tissue and lead to disruption of the plaque,” said Nahrendorf.

        “This is the typical cause of myocardial infarction (heart attack) and stroke.”

        and in humans:

        To find the link, Nahrendorf and a team studied 29 medical residents working in an intensive care unit.

        Their work environment is considered a model for chronic stress exposure given the fast pace and heavy responsibility they carry for life-and-death decisions.

        Comparing blood samples taken during work hours and off duty, as well as the results of stress perception questionnaires, the researchers found a link between stress and the immune system.

        Particularly, they noticed stress activate bone marrow stem cells, which in turn triggered overproduction of white blood cells, also called leukocytes.

        another write-up here:

  85. Maria

    I first read ‘The Great Cholesterol Con’ just over a year ago after my 40 year old husband (slightly overweight, no high blood pressure, ‘normal cholesterol’) had a heart attack (he’s fine now, thanks.) We went through the NZ health system and the immediate treatment he had was great. The follow up care consisted of going to group counseling and the usual rounds of drugs.

    I immediately began to take on all of the standard diet advice: low salt, low fat, increased vegetable intakes and funnily enough I became more and more ill with stomach complaints (diagnosed: possibly FODMAPS intolerances). I also needed to know the reason WHY cholesterol was so bad, and the only place that actually explained the role of cholesterol in the body was your book.

    Roll froward 18 months and a lot of reading and thinking…. we have all adopted a primal/paleo lifestyle of no processed food/sugar, lots of yummy fat and meat and low/moderate exercise. Our bodies are getting trim and we have more muscle, more energy. AND it feels very natural! We’ve never been ‘dieters’ but this lifestyle suits us.

    My husband has almost dropped off all of the drugs due to mild-side effects, and yesterday we worked all day in the yard, building and DIY-ing- the amount of activity was probably double what we could have achieved 2 years ago.

    Thanks Dr Malcolm Kendrick, without your book, your blog and your readers’ feedback, our family would not be where we are today. I hope I make your day.

  86. Afifah

    Hi Mary, briefly I have to say that your sister should get herself off cereal grains asap. All grains contain glutens, which are the proteins (prolamines) that they need to grow and reproduce. These glutens can be very neurotoxic, as well as toxic to other tissues. Look into the work of the British neurologist Dr Marios Hajivassiliou at Sheffield Hallamshire Hospital. He is brilliant and takes people off glutens all the time. Don’t be tricked into thinking it’s just wheat though, or into eating ‘gluten free’ this that and the other. Get off cereal grains altogether. Eating these damaged humanity right from the earliest era of agriculture, and it is getting worse and worse, especially since the modern hybridised wheat has become the norm. Also read the new book by neurologist David Perlmutter called Grain Brain. He knows a thing or two.
    Good luck ~ Afifah

  87. Paul Mather

    Hi Dr. Kendrick,

    I have found your website and book ‘The Great Cholesterol Con’ extremely useful in getting some perspective on my supposed ‘condition’. I have been diagnosed with suffering from familial combined hyperlipidaemia by my local lipid clinic. My total cholesterol is 6.6mmol/L (it was at 8.2), my triglycerides are 3.2mmol/L and my HDL is 1.09. I have been aware of my high cholesterol for around 10 years and am now aged 37. My weight is normal.

    I tried to take statins a few years ago but suffered from aching muscles so I am very reluctant to take them again. Before my diagnosis I felt in good shape; I felt healthy and strong. Since attending the lipid clinic, however, I have found it difficult to sleep. I have been suffering from anxiety attacks and am constantly worried about ill health and the impact that a heart attack could have on my whole family. Aches and pains that I would have otherwise dismissed seem to have taken on great significance. My stress levels have increased 10 fold to the point that I now wish I hadn’t bothered to get my blood lipid levels checked at all.

    So the question is how can a layperson possibly negotiate all of the information out there to make an informed decision? How can a person feel comfortable with a view on heart disease or statins with when so much of the information is false or misrepresented? Even though I know that statins provide little primary protection against heart disease it is very hard to ignore the incessant drum banging from my GP, lipid clinic and the media.

    I will continue to look at your site and wish to say a big thank you for all of your hard work in this area. Your voice stands out as being coherent, strong and informed and I am very much looking forward to reading your next book.


    Paul Mather

  88. smartersig

    Hi I have mentioned elsewhere that I got a 25% drop in LDL readings through taking Krill oil tabs and of course eating a lipid friendly diet although I am sure it was the Krill that put the boot in. If you try it make sure you get a high quality one with good levels of DHA and EPA. Read everything you can on diet and your condition, I am convinced taking some control yourself is empowering and hence helps with the stress. Your Doc may not like it as in my experience they prefer you simply listen and do as you are told but I would strongly advise against this.

  89. smartersig

    I would welcome such a list or at least one which points you in the direction of holistic GP’s who really understand nutrition as well as pharmacology. Thanks for the response regarding the blog, I may well add some more information now I know that there is at least one reader out there 🙂

  90. David Morris

    I am confused (not difficult). I thought that the theme was that the cholesterol issue was a big con and that we need not worry about our so called cholesterol levels? I thought that in reality there is no evidence to show that there is any correlation between diet,cholesterol and heart disease. This being the case why are people still obsessed with lowering their cholesterol as seen in comments in this blog?

    1. smartersig

      Would it be reasonable to say that if one has poor levels of inflamation due to a bad diet and lifestyle then Cholesterol levels may well be elevated, doing their best to cope with the problem. Cholesterol could therefore be looked upon as the canary in the mineshaft. I know that when I modified my diet to a lower carb and wholly non processed diet my cholesterol levels dropped although my HDL went up. If cholesterol are the ‘firemen fighting the fires’ then less fireman in the neighberhood has to be a good thing ?. Opinions ?

      1. Maureen Berry

        We should not presume that, for everybody, following a blog is an ‘easy alternative’. For me, since the ‘anti-statin’ argument is like a life’s work, following the arguments is easy. For others, maybe new to this whole principal, it’s very difficult. Because of replies to comments, the blog is not in chronological order. We should not presume that everybody has the time, inclination or energy to read back hundreds and hundreds of posts. I don’t know what the solution is, but Dr Kendrick, I know that for me, statins, artificial foods (margarines, vegetable oils and even worse, benecol etc) are bad, real food is good, try to cut down processed foods, fresh is good, processed is bad. It’s very hard to get the message out in a clear, consistent manner.

  91. Afifah

    Hi Mary, I have only just seen this, months on. Hope things have not deteriorated too much. Antara is one of the ‘alternatives’ to statins, called Fibrates. They are, in my experience, dangerous, as a patient of mine promptly had a psychotic episode and a minor heart attack within weeks of taking it, with no evidence of either before or after. I sent in a Yellow Card to our English MHRA with these adverse effects, in response to which they sent me reams of other similar cases and other dreadful side effects that had been reported.

    So, not a wise choice, especially when cholesterol is, as Dr K knows, a red herring in virtually all cases. However, if anyone has any sort of neurological tremor such as you have described in your sister, the first and easiest thing to do is to GET ENTIRELY OFF ALL CEREAL GRAINS. There is very strong evidence that glutens, gliadins, albumins and globulins in all cereal grains, including those described as ‘gluten-free’ can seriously damage the nervous system. And since NOT eating cereal grains of any sort cannot do anyone any harm, this would be the first and most sensible measure to take. So, no wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn/maize, rice, sorghum, amaranth, buckwheat, millet, quinoa or chia, or anything else that comes from a grass or grass like plant. Look into the superb work of Dr Marios Hajivassilliou from Sheffield Hallamshire Hospital to learn more about Gluten Ataxia. However not all specialists realise that it is ALL grains, not simply those containing classically described gluten that can have these horrendous effects. The excellent website http://www.glutenfreesociety.org run by Dr Peter Osbourne, is virtually the only place where you can learn about the many negative effects of all these substances, apart from a public presentation that I am giving on this vexed subject on Friday July 11th 2014 at 7.30pm at The Bassil Shippam Centre, Tozer Way, Chichester, PO19 7LG. Yup, just 2.5 weeks away. The whole subject in all its diabolical nastiness will be explained in a way that laymen and specialist medical consultants will appreciate, learn from and be able to run with. All welcome, but please give me a shout ([email protected]) if you are going to be there so that I can get refreshments right for the numbers. There will also be a demonstration at the end of ways to make fabulous grain free, low carb genuinely nutritious food without having to be a chef.

  92. Jayne Morrison

    my 80 yr old dear mum has been in Macclesfield DGH for 40 nights
    She’s been in health decline since being put on Statins when her cholesterol measured 4 in 2012
    Her symptoms are memory loss , high blood sugars, nausea , weight loss , nightmares
    Day 30 in hospital we managed to convince doctors of her side effects and her dose was halved , she started to show improvement after 5 days but then she was put back on them before discharge last Friday. Her side effects are returning especially the nightmares
    I feel shattered but determined to fight for her to have a chance without them Please help me with my next step
    Yours in hope
    Jayne Morrison 07962067732 mobile

    1. smartersig

      Hi If you mean her total Cholesterol was 4 then even by the Cholesterol Zealots standards that pretty good. I presume therefore that you mean her LDL was 4. As I have mentioned before on here the one thing that made a dent in my Cholesterol readings was Krill Oil Tablets. A Canadian study showed that they can lower Cholesterol by 30% and that is pretty much what I experienced. Two or three other people I have suggested them to have also reported favourable results. My 87 year old mother was put on a 80mg full strength statin for no good reason. I have now persuaded her to reduce down to the point where she is biting a 20mg Statin in half once a day. She is also now on Krill oil. Best of luck.

      1. smartersig

        Fish oil has a good research profile in connection with heart disease and I suspect that the Astaxathin in Krill coupled with its easier absorption makes Krill just if not more effective. Whether this has any connection with Cholesterol levels is debatable I agree, which is why I take greater notice of Triglycerides and LDL particle size. The trouble with these readings is in this country you have to spend serious money to get hold of them so it is not surprising to find the general public clinglng to Cholesterol readings. What do you consider to be essential parameters to monitor ?

        1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

          I am of the build it and they will come variety of doctor. If you do the right things, the measurements should head in the right directions. If you find ways to artificially ‘optimise’ the measurements, this is very unlikely to have any effect on the underlying abnormality. if you eat food that is as non-artificial as possible, relax, take exercise, build up a good circle of friends, have a good family life etc. etc. you don’t really need to measure anything. You are doing what you can to be healthy. The current obsession with measuring everything you can, and sub-dividing those measurements ever further is – in my opinion – the pathway to hell.

      2. smartersig

        I am afraid your suggestion is build it but don’t bother to see if they come. Good advice though it may be in the first part I see no problem with monitoring certain body measurements to see if things appear to be as they should. There is also the added psychological comfort of knowing that any measures you have taken have had some sort of positive effect eg lowered Tri’s

        1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

          Yes, of course, most people need the reassurance that they are doing the right thing. Few are bold enough to say – stuff it, I know I am doing the right things, I don’t need to measure it. I wish however, that more would be so bold. Yes, if my triglycerides were going down I would be happy. But do I really need to now this. I know if I cut down on carbs and eat fat, my trigs will drop. I know if I take exercise they will drop….. those are just facts.

    2. Maureen Berry

      You need to have the confidence to just do it. You don’t need anybody’s ‘permission’ to stop taking a drug. Doesn’t your mother trust you at least as much as the doctors – if her side effects reduced markedly when she was on reduced statins and have returned now that she is back on full dose, it’s a no-brainer – isn’t it? Have you actually read Dr Kendrick’s book, if you haven’t, go out and buy it today. Read it quickly, and if she still has the mental capacity after years on statins, give it to your mother. Then you’ll both have the confidence to ditch the statins.

  93. Malcolm Lewis

    Dear Dr Kendrick,
    I found your book The Great Cholesleterol Con thought provoking and I am trying to put together your ideas with other equally alternative ideas on diet and lifestyle in order to improve my own health. I have two questions. The first is why is the atherosclerosis only produced in the arteries and not the veins and why only next to the heart. The second is my total cholesterol reading is 3.9 mmol/l which according to your book means the grim reaper is not far away. I have stopped having porridge for breakfast and now eat more meat and butter. Will this help to raise my cholesterol to a healthy level of 5.5 mmol/l even though your book indicated cholesterol and diet are not linked. You may have done further research on this subject since the book was written. I am male, 63 years old and slim.

    Malcolm Lewis

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      I wouldn’t worry about 3.9. I would worry below 3. The research on diet and cholesterol is so contradictory and impossible to follow that I have given up – frankly. I just stick to health outcomes. There is no evidence for, or against, any particular diet with regard to heart disease (regardless of what might happen to your LDL/cholesterol levels)

      1. smartersig

        So are you saying Doctor that there is no evidence to support the Med’ diet or indeed the diet of say the Okinawas’s?

        1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

          The diet of the Okinawan islanders and the diet of the Seventh Day Adventists in California are very different. They both live a long time, as do Sardiniams, who eat something completely different again. I cannot see any consistent dietary pattern that is associate with longevity. I suspect highly processed foods are unhealthy, I avoid margarine (mainly because it tastes horrible), I drink alcohol, I take potassium and one or two other supplements. But you will struggle to convince me that there is any such thing as a Mediterranean diet (if so, what is it – exactly), or that it is uniquely healthy. Nutrition is an area of scientific endeavor that is so full of absolute junk science that I content myself with the thought that no-one has, as yet, disproved the null hypothesis.

      2. smartersig

        I do not see why there needs to be a consistency between diets that are good for you. It is perfectly possible that two diets with little in common could both be very healthy for your heart. On the other hand there is research that has isolated certain food substances eg tomatoes and shown that they have positive effects on blood circulation. Should we not take note of these tests and integrate foods such as tom’s into our diet. Your reply is in danger of giving the impression that beyond processed food we might as well take a ‘sod it’ approach and eat anything. Surely this is a dangerous path for many already with heart disease ?.

        1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

          Well if different diets are perfectly healthy, which ones are not? One of my central drivers is not to bombard people with advice to this, or do that, unless it is absolutely clear that there is good evidence. Medicine is littered with activities and advice that has turned out to do far more harm than good. Also, get tomatoes have positive effects on blood circulation. But what does this mean. That eating tomatoes is proven to increase life expectancy? Where is the evidence. I am sure they cannot do you any harm. Eat them if you want, but in general don’t base eating habits on surrogate end-points.

      3. kimyo

        >> I cannot see any consistent dietary pattern that is associate with longevity.

        one pattern that seems to matter is the consumption of fermented foods. okinawans: natto, french: brie, sardinians: casu marza (fermented once as a sheep’s milk pecorino, then again by larvae/maggots)

        ‘real’ brie and natto contain lots of vitamin k2.


        They found that each 10 microgram increase in daily vitamin K2 consumption was associated with a 9% lower incidence of heart attack. Participants consumed an average of 29 micrograms K2 per day, with a range of 0.9 to 128 micrograms. That means that participants with the highest intake had a very much reduced incidence of heart attack on average. Vitamin K2 comes from animal foods (especially organs and pastured dairy)and fermented foods such as cheese, sauerkraut, miso and natto.

        paleo man would have had limitless access to fermented foods. a favored food of the inuits was fermented fish.

      4. smartersig

        I agree that some dietary tests based on recollection can be dodgy but that does not change the fact that certain populations have remarkably low levels of heart disease. We have to examine and pull apart why that is and diet seems the obvious candidate.

        1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

          Diet is a possible candidate. One of many. diet has been studied again and again and again and again and still, no definitive conclusions. As Albert Einstein said (sic) ‘the definition of insanity is doing the same things again and again, and expecting different results.’

      5. smartersig

        I do not think it s impossible to draw out some evidence about certain food types. Lets take the example of tomatoes. If a group do not generally eat tomatoes and you then split them and ask one to eat generous doses whilst the other do not and you then find that the first group have significantly lowered CRP and/or Trig’s than the second group you can suggest that tom’s are producing this result. Now should we ignore this result because it might just be that the first group did not actually bother to eat the tom’s as much as they said they did and perhaps their lowered readings are due to some other chance intervention. These kinds of analysis are about suggesting the chance that in this case tom’s are the reason. As patients we then have to make our bets based on this element of chance. Knowing that I may just be boosting tom growers profits only but at least not incurring side effects makes it worth the bet. This is quite different from sending out questionnaires and asking people what they ate for the last 5 years.

        1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

          I am possibly not making myself clear. Altering blood test measurements is one thing. Knowing that those alterations result in less heart attacks, strokes etc. is another. For example. We know that a raised blood sugar level is associated with high rate of cardiovascular disease and premature death. If we give (type II diabetics) insulin, their blood sugar levels drops, their rate of death from heart attacks and strokes goes up.

  94. Maureen Berry

    I think that avoiding processed foods is indeed the biggest factor. Personally I follow the Atkins Diet, eating moderate protein, high natural fats (grass fed butter, olive oil, lard) and lots of green veggies, but very often the common factor in ‘healthy’ diets is the lack of processed foods. I don’t touch any wheat or grain products and no margarines or industrially manufactured oils. I buy my olive oil direct from the press in Southern Spain. Virtually all research on diet is by observational study, and it’s fatally flawed. People have poor recollection of what they have eaten, if they are supposed to be following a diet they don’t adhere to it. You can’t keep people incarcerated for years in a secure place, to ensure compliance. People lie, just like I tell my doctor I drink 14 units a week! I have far more heart healthy red wine than that! And the animal studies are worse. Denise Minger describes in great detail why all these studies aren’t worth the paper they are written on. http://www.rawfoodsos.com

  95. Teresa

    I had a stroke early last year in feb and refused statins as my cholesterol was 8.2 I just eat real food absolutely nothing processed following the Harcombe diet and the dissident diet and managed without pharmaceutical help to get that down to 5.8!!
    Nobody needs statins to get their cholesterol down and if you think you do you need to read the good Drs book
    The cholesterol Conn
    I have had allot of GPs Rudely ask me what medical school I went to to come to this conclusion.

    1. Paula Roughton

      Hello Teresa, I think we have communicated on FB THD. I am due to undergo further tests ‘re ?2 blockages in my heart mechanisms. I too have a supposedly sky high cholesterol level. But refuse statins. I am going for repeat bloods today to see if any changes since THD for 3 months. Scared & confused Paula (min)

  96. roisin costello

    Malcolm I am a GP in Ireland .
    I reread THE CHOLESTEROL CON over the last 48 hrs. I only reread stuff that hits a chord big time first time around.
    I emailed you ecstatically last time .
    This time I stand and applaud you.
    A brilliant pierocentre of work and a testament to your intelligence , humour, common sense and courage. Not to mention the fact that you can actually write !
    I’ll say it again
    Well done.
    Thank you
    And keep on trucking

  97. cheap hcg

    Hi there! I could have sworn I’ve been to this web site before but
    after browsing through a few of the articles I realized it’s new to
    me. Anyways, I’m certainly delighted I stumbled upon it and I’ll be book-marking it and checking back frequently!

  98. kimyo

    n. smith’s question is listed immediately below. another commentor has helpfully answered.

    i’ve followed this particular page by email for more than a year now and i’ve never seen a comment deleted.

    n. smith asked about the necessity of fasting before a cholesterol blood test. eddie mitchell was kind enough to provide the results of a canadian study saying:

    Canadian researchers found that mean levels of total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol varied by less than 2% among individuals with fasting times of between one and 16 hours.
    The researchers concluded fasting for routine lipid levels was ‘largely unnecessary’, contradicting best practice as recommended by NICE and the Joint British Societies.

      1. smartersig

        Its a testimony to how well we have been hijacked by the medical profession. Having said that I don’t think we should just ignore cholesterol and enjoy life as it tends to suggest we forget about any markers and simply party on until we die. I am more interested in finding out what we should be looking at and also how we should be living in order to maximise health. There is a mode of thought at the moment that LDL particle size is more important than the simplistic LDL count. I have had no luck finding a test centre for this in the UK (you can get it for 80 dollars in the USA) until last week when my blood test provider informed me that they are about to introduce it. I do not want to be accused of spamming but if you want further details than please ask or check my blog at http://heartattackandthenhs.wordpress.com/

  99. DrStephenGascoigne

    Fantastic work and great resource for people, I thoroughly recommend your book and your website.
    A word of, not advice exactly, but caution to people in this situation when dealing with medics. If you expect them to approve of what you do, think again.
    Try to be as informed as possible. Don’t have an investigation unless you are considering a different course of action from the one you are currently following.
    Dealing with medics about cholesterol or statins is like discussing the Middle East solution in the same room as Bashar Al-Assad, Benjamin Netyanhu and Mahmoud Abbas.
    We have to be very skilful when dealing with doctors. Telling a conventional doctor that we don’t intend to take a statin is tricky – particularly if we are in a vulnerable position. This is not easy. However, being forewarned is being forearmed and the clearer we are about what we want to happen, the better.

    1. Afifah

      Have you read Dr Kendrick’s more recent book? It is even better than the first, and absolutely worth you reading and sending to friends, especially those in the medical profession. It is called Doctoring Data and it is the best book of last year, for sure.

  100. Cath Bruzzone

    Hi Dr Kendrick
    Are you no longer involved with the private GP practice? I was looking for the link to its website tonight as I wanted to pass on the very useful ‘tips for a healthy life’ that were on the site but I can’t find it any more. Maybe you could post the list of tips on another blog?

  101. Cath Bruzzone

    Thanks for your prompt reply re the clinic. I’m nowhere nr Macclesfield & (thankfully) rarely go to my GP but thought your tips for healthy living were great. Happy New Year & keep on campaigning! (PS Ordered your new book. Looking forward to reading it.)

  102. Jean

    well i enjoyed the book about cholesterol, and I learned a few things and loved your writing style and humour. I think the best thing that comes from blogs like this is that people are talking. There is some movement stirring in the Heart foundation’s tired low fat message and stupid tick programs (I think they are reviewing it), and I hear murmurs in the Diabetes front finally accepting low carb diets are worth looking at. The best thing is people are questioning and talking and not accepting junk science and power and politics influencing the truth (although a long way to go). Unfortunatey the truth is still out there given that no one can agree on anything but at least we can say ‘hey, stop that low fat rubbish!’ I’d love to put a dietician, a biochemist, a scientist and a doctor in a room and not let them out till they agree on something.

  103. Mike Henley

    Hi Malcolm,

    Great book, really enjoyed it. I am a urologist who loves lateral thinking, lateral thinkers and those in general who dare to be heretics (one of the reasons why the Governments introduction of a GMC requirement to promote ‘public confidence in doctor’s’ is so worrying).

    My question is however around the books assertion that there is no overall survival benefit for primary prevention. Does this meta-analysis change that assertion?


    Comparative benefits of statins in the primary and secondary prevention of major coronary events and all-cause mortality: a network meta-analysis of placebo-controlled and active-comparator trials

    I’ve not got access to the full article and I note that the abstract doesn’t split primary and secondary prevention but it looks interesting none the less.

    Yours, open mindedly!

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      Will have a look. But these things take time. The statistical manipulation is usually complex, hidden in various ways, and incredibly difficult to interpret. Since there have been no new studies in the last ten years, since JUPITER anyway, this must just be a re-re-re-hash of the same old stuff

  104. Pingback: 963: Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Sorts Out Medical Advice From Medical Nonsense | The Livin La Vida Low-Carb Show

  105. gabklein

    Thank you, Dr. Kendrick, for this blog (“found” you via your interview with Dr. Mercola! He’s soooo good!).

    Having scanned many of the comments, it must be scary to have a high LDL relative to the HDL. What I understand about this is that the ratio is what matters, not the actual levels (I can not now remember what is the healthy ratio). I manage to keep my HDL levels high by supplementing with a good Omega 3:6:9 oil, eating sardines and saturated fats (coconut oil and butter), eating lots of vegetables (raw and cooked), and basically a Mediterranean diet with no red-meat (because I can not buy organic red meat in my country). I do yoga and meditate, I walk outside in the daylight every day, and I try to limit how much I sit. When I am sitting, I get up every ten minutes or so and do some squats. I eat almost nothing sweet (only a little fruit and very dark chocolate), and very little dairy (Parmesan cheese, occasionally some goats’ Feta). I am also active in social activities (choirs, folk dancing, volunteering) , and I do believe all these really help to keep my cholesterol ratio healthy (LDL on the high side, but HDL also very high) and blood pressure at 120/80 (I am 65). They also help me to feel emotionally balanced – never too high or too low.

    I’ve had CFS – I say had, because I have recovered – yes, it can be done. True, I have remained vulnerable to stressors, but I do not get major relapses, and I recover from them. So how did I do it? Through a combination of Osteopathic treatments, Mindfulness Meditation (was referred by my GP to the Homeopathic Hospital in Glasgow – maybe available in other places?), dietary changes, and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) – this last one being the most effective method (learn how to do it for free by doing an Internet search). I also followed a programme for recovering from CFS which I purchased on-line, but I suppose I can not name it on here as it could be construed as marketing. It re-programmes the Amygdala so that it stops firing fight or flight messages to the Hypothalamus, which are what trigger the ME/CFS symptoms. So, to anyone who is suffering from CFS/ME/Fibromyalgia, which can be a life sentence as described above by Katie, the good news is: you can recover from it. I did, seven years ago (and I know many others who also recovered using the re-programming methods above). I got my life back.

    Oh, and I forgot to say that I avoid my GP. I go to her for blood tests twice a year (to monitor the hypothyroidism), then take the results to a Naturopath, who keeps me on an even keel. By the way, the GP is OK about my high LDL because the HDL is also high, and respects my interest in nutrition and Naturopathy. She tries to persuade me to go for Mammograms, but accepts my reluctance when I point to studies from Scandinavia that challenge their effectiveness. I guess I am lucky.

    I hope this post may encourage readers.

    Thanks again to Dr. Kendrick

  106. Allan Mitchell

    The Japanese eat very little fat and have fewer heart attacks than the American, British and Australians. The Inuit eat lots of fat and have fewer heart attacks than the Americans, British and Australians. The French drink lots of red wine and have fewer heart attacks, People in the middle of Africa have never even seen red wine and have fewer heart attacks The Germans drink lots of beer and eat lots of sausages and have fewer heart attacks.
    The moral is eat and drink whatever you want. It’s speaking English that kills you.

    1. 005lesfrenes

      Dr. Paul Sherwood, sadly now deceased, treated tens of thousands of people for chronic back pain in his clinic in Devonshire Place, London, curing them of debilitating conditions, that were caused, he believed, by neck and spinal injuries, traumatic falls, whiplash, etc., which, to sum it up briefly, bruised the facet joints in the spine, causing inflammation and swelling in the nearby muscles, blocking lymphatic flow, eventually, after many years, leading to chronic pain. However, he also linked this understanding to CFS/ME and to heart attacks, due to the impact on the nerve ganglia, especially those in the Thoracic area, which affected the sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems. His explanation of how this affected the blood vessels is more complex and I would not do it justice by trying to summarise it here. Suffice to say, that Dr. Sherwood understood the body in a way that did not chime with the medical establishment, and he told me the BMJ refused to publish his papers because he had not carried out double blind testing/research. He said to do so would be unethical as it would deprive some of those being researched from receiving the help they needed. He published two books, “Your Back, Your Health” and “Get Well, Stay Well” which are a treasure chest of new and effective ideas on many health issues. His thinking was “outside the box”, which made him so special. If I was to summarise his thinking I would say his focus was on lymphatic drainage. Thus, for example, in Get Well, Stay Well, he writes in a most fascinating way about ear, nose and throat problems in children, and the link between ear infections and behaviour problems. He offers instructions to parents on how to massage their children’s necks to encourage lymph drainage and consequent relief of symptoms.

      I was lucky to have “found” Dr. Sherwood when I was ill with CFS (I had, indeed, many falls during my childhood and also during my adult years, some of them falls directly onto the coccyx which jolted the whole spine). His treatment went a long way to helping me overcome that dreadful condition, so much so that I was able to return to work within six weeks of starting his treatment.

      If you can find a copy of Dr. Sherwood’s books, grab it, you’ll be amazed by his thinking.

      1. 005lesfrenes

        I forgot to mention that Dr. Sherwood’s treatment completely cured me of the chronic back pain I had endured for 35 years, which had become an intolerable burning pain with the CFS!!!

    2. Andrew

      Not quite. It’s eating fructose/sugar that kills you. Traditional Japenese don’t, Inuit don’t, traditional Africans don’t, the French much less and the Germans still less than the British, Americans and Australians.

  107. Joseph Spicer

    Dr Kendrick,

    Read your book, excellent read. Recommended it to others. I wrote an essay for publication on the CIP website and quoted your work as a similar example of cognitive dissonance.

    I would like to send you a copy if you had the time?, but would need a contract email address.

    Anyhow, all the best

    J. Spicer

  108. Andrew

    The bihormonal hypothesis is of course 50 years old. It is correct almost by definition, as interactions between BG, insulin and glucagon are so strong.

    Yet as we all know, the pharmaceutical industry is by no means interested in actually “solving” a disease (which would destroy their business model), but instead aims at maximizing revenues by treating a disease, if possible life-long. The insulin-based approach suited that puropose perfectly, which is why any other explanation was soon “forgotten” by sponsored research.

    But even in a bihormonal framework, the key to diabetes is probably the same: fructose.

    Fructose not only drives overconsumption, mutes satiety, raises uric acid, induces insulin resistance, chronically elevates blood sugar, boosts gluconeogenesis and de novo lipogenesis in the liver, drives inflammation and protein glycation, increases sLDL, but also interferes with glucagon thresholds. Especially in the form of sucrose or HFCS (one part fructose, one part glucose), this is the perfect storm. Note that weight gain and chronic low-grade inflammation are themselves closely correlated to glucagon levels.

    Only in a high-fructose culture does it matter to control carb intake (because fructose blocks the effects of insulin). In a low-fructose (i.e. low-sugar) culture, you can eat as much rice, potatoes etc. as you like and stay healthy. Which is of course exactly what you see in many traditional diets (Japanese: rice, Indian: rice, Arab: bread, African: couscous etc., Latin American: quinoa etc.). “Low-carb” therefore misses the point somewhat and eliminates too much of a good thing: while the real problem is fructose/sugar, it throws out all carbs.

  109. kimyo

    aside from amazon, is there a bookseller in the u.s. which carries ‘doctoring data’? i’ve checked the strand, powell’s, barnes and noble, and a handful of others without joy.

  110. Jean

    Dear Dr Kendrick. I have written before about a friend who suffered terrible side effects on statins who is now just shy of 80, off statins and loving life!

    I now have a male friend who has been on statins for two years, not for cholesterol (4.4) but because he had a leaky heart valve. he has recently had open heart surgery and the valve replaced with a pigs valve. He is recovering well, but is very depressed, anxious, no appetite and the only drug they have asked him to keep taking is Lipitor!! I have sent his partner articles about depression and anxiety caused by statins, but he thinks because the cardiologist thinks the statin is good for him, he must take it. His BP, weight etc is all good and no cardio disease.

    would welcome any comment?


  111. Tracy Mansfield

    Hi Dr kendrick, our family started lchf 4 months ago and have lost 5 stone between us and never felt healthier. I’m like a sponge when it comes to gathering information about this, research everything I can. Just watched the al-jazeraa show about sugar. I’m delighted that we actually have someone like you along with zoe harcombe and dr asheem malhotra to push this message across in the uk

  112. Linda Pennykid

    Dear Dr Kendrick
    It was very sad not to be able to meet up with you again at Cockenzie House at the end of August where you were one of the speakers at the Health Fair, only a family wedding that day down in Dunbar! took precedent. But that connection from your blog led onto Chris being seen and continuing to be helped in his diabetes by Core Health who were hosting the event.
    So happy your presence is creating worthwhile communications.

  113. Nick

    Hi Dr Kendrick,

    just wondering what your advice would be to someone who is 28, has familial hypercholesterolaemia (heterozygous), and significant family history of premeature ACS? However note that this family history is 3 generations ago; the parent/grandparent level who have HeFH haven’t been affected and take high dose statins.

    The family history seems to show a benefit to statins (sample size of only half a dozen people though). I’ve been taking statins for 10 years, side effects have been minor muscle pain and I feel a bit mentally slower than I would like.

    Would you recommend continuing taking statins in this case? if not, what alternative would you suggest?

  114. Bernard Toews

    I have read your book, The Great Cholesterol Con, and read most of your comments on the Net about statins and the effects of same on the body. One of your commentaries states that someone with no CHD will not benefit from the use of statins. Do you know of any studies which show that a person (healthy in every way except for plaque in the arteries) in the early 70’s with several stents will not benefit (and may be harmed) by taking statins. Do you know of any studies showing that such a person will or might benefit from the use of statins.

  115. mikecawdery

    May be of interest

    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(15)00727-8
    The Lancet $31.50 to read???
    Revascularisation is recommended for most patients presenting with acute coronary syndromes,[1,2] with percutaneous coronary intervention the most common procedure. Besides dual antiplatelet treatment with aspirin and a platelet P2Y12 blocker (eg, clopidogrel, prasugrel, or ticagrelor), parenteral anticoagulation is mandatory in patients undergoing this procedure. Heparin, low-molecular-weight heparin, and the specific thrombin (factor II) blocker bivalirudin are currently used for anticoagulation.
    To read this article in full you will need to make a payment No Open Access here; $31.50 for two pages.

    And from the Lancet paper

    Odds Ratio Confidence Interval Calculation For 2×2 Contingency Table
    The Lancet13 August 1988, Vol.332(8607):349–360
    S + A = streptokinase plus aspirin as decribed
    S + A Placebo

    Dead 343 568 911

    Alive 4292 3732 8024
    Check 0
    Total 4635 4300 8935 0

    Odds ratio 0.525083
    95% confidence interval from 0.456018 to 0.60461
    p = 1.63E-19

    Paper simply ignored but 1987-88 was the time that statins were starting to be used.

  116. Steve Walsh

    Dear Dr Kendrick, following an episode in the summer when I felt unwell for a few days, I was attended by paramedics, blood pressure was very high 200 ish over 140ish can’t remember the exact numbers, I was also getting a lot of uncomfortable feelings of missed and very heavy fast heart rate, I was released the next day as everything has gone back to normal. I saw a consultant cardiologist and he sent a letter to my GP saying that he wanted to put me on statins, aspirin and ramipril 2.5mg and also suggested a angiogram, I refused statins as I’m not worried about my cholesterol 5.1. I stopped the Ramipril as I thought it was affecting my eyesight and I also developed a dry cough. On the day of the angiogram the consultant decided not to carry out the procedure after going through my symptoms. He has suggested 24 hr heart tape, 24 hour blood pressure echocardiogram and an exercise stress test. At that time I was 21st 7.75lbs and drinking one bottle of red most nights, he suggested total alcohol abstention, more exercise, cut out salt and for me to lose weight. I had the 24 heart rate monitor after I had stopped the ramipril and aspirin. The readings on average for the blood pressure were 165/95mmHg, the cardiologist has now suggested to my doctor to up my ramipril to 5mg and start Amlodipine 5mg. Christmas Day I had a back problem that was so severe that my back was going into spasm any time I moved after three very uncomfortable days where I was taking morphine, gas and air etc courtesy of paramedics I have decided a better lifestyle is the way forward. I take my blood pressure twice daily this morning 133/86, last night 139/91, I have reduced my wine intake to half a bottle each night and now exercise with my very young Golden retriever, normally one or two walks each day for anything up to two hours each and that’s raising my heart rate walks over fields, I try to always eat as suggested by Zoe Harcombe (I met you at the Birmingham conference two years ago), so that’s carb free and fresh food only, we never have bought ready meals, I don’t like anything sugary and eat very little in the way of carbs in any case. I don’t want to take the drugs prescribed by the cardiologist mainly because of the potential side effects, I don’t want my body to adapt to the drugs plus I would rather not take drugs for symtoms but rather treat the cause, so the halved rate of alcohol consumption is a lifestyle I can sustain, the exercise is something I can also sustain, since Christmas Day I have dropped my weight to 19st 13.5lbs and will continue. After all of that I arrive at my question, what is acceptable blood pressure? I am 55 and I understand it was once meant to be 100 plus age, so for me that would be 155, I am recently always well under that, my nurse friend says 140/90 and my cardiologist wants me to be closer to 120/80, with all the ‘stuff’ about statins, I am completely happy thanks to you about my cholesterol now I am in a quandary about blood pressure and wondering if the drug companies are also pushing drugs into this market acting like sheepdogs directing the direction that the medical opinions should go like sheep. I know you can’t give a specific answer to my conditions etc but I would greatly appreciate your views on current thinking on the effects of blood pressure on CVD, the specialist has suggested I may have ischemic heart decease and in the same letter state my symptoms where indicative of Hypertensive Heart Desease.
    I believe in you as a Doctor and trust your opinion.
    Kind regards

    1. Maureen Berry

      Hi Steve
      Doctor Kendrick cannot reply to queries like this, I’m sure he would like to, but this is exactly what the ‘Medical Police’ are looking for, examples of him (or any of the doctors offering other than mainstream advice) acting in an inappropriate ‘doctor/ patient relationship’.
      I just saw your post while looking for something else.
      So, as a complete lay person, based on my own personal experience, this is what I think. You are doing exactly the right thing. If you want to research about High BP and medication, there is an excellent earlier blog by Doctor Kendrick that will set you on the right track. Your increased exercise and LCHF diet will, very likely, sort your BP out on it’s own. In my case my highest reading was 200/140 (I get very stressed and definitely have ‘white coat syndrome’, now, having followed LCHF for 4 years my BP averages 115/75. Buy yourself a meter, they are quite inexpensive, but be sure to get an upper arm one. I got an Omron one from Amazon, with a memory function, which is very useful, or the Boots own one is very good, if you don’t Internet Shop. (neither Boots nor Amazon pay their Corporation Tax, but sometimes, needs must!) Only take your BP once a week, make sure you are good and relaxed, an hour after you get back from walking the dog would be good. Record it (pen and paper will do) I use an app called iBP, only cheap and it’s excellent and easy to use. My doctor whizzes through it, finds out all sort of averages and transfers the info to my computer records on my annual MOT.
      If you haven’t found any good LCHF info (although if you’ve heard Zoe Harcombe speak, you’re on the right lines) for clarity and solid information, I like Tim Noakes’ food lists. Google Real Meal Revolution Food lists. The green list is eat freely (I would stick to this, plus your half bottle of red wine while you still need to lose weight) and the Orange list when you are down to your target weight.

      Good luck. I am sure that by now you will have made more significant progress, I hope your doctor is supportive of your efforts to improve your health by adapting significant lifestyle changes, but even if he is not, keep on keeping on. We need to reclaim our own health, not rely on the over medication alternative.

      1. steve walsh

        Hi Maureen,
        Many thanks for your lengthy reply, very interesting, I have bought an Omron upper arm blood pressure monitor and take my blood pressure first thing in the morning before my black coffee, BP average over seven days has been 139/91, I do it again at five-ish and its normally a little higher, I have found my heart pulse rate has dropped to around 55 sometimes less one morning being 47, that does worry me slightly, I still can not find anywhere a good reference for a healthy BP, I have found out that 140/90 is only just above average, average being the mean line bang in the middle for everyone, it would be good to know what is still acceptable at both ends of the spectrum only because IF the average blood pressure is now the new high then at what point do I subconsciously start to create stress hormones because I’m told something that is wrong.
        I’ve sacked the Cardiologist at my local hospital after the advice he was giving me, when asked why by his secretary I just said that I didn’t trust his advice and trust is important, I’m due to go to Nottingham in April to start again, my issue is why I get the symptoms that I get, so we will see. weight last week 19st4lb

  117. Anna

    It’s so nice to have found you Dr Kendrick, I’m so bored of being manipulated, I’ve been trying to change my mind about illnesses and meds for over three years now, I decided not to go through x-rays anymore. I just want to thank you for opening my eyes

  118. dylandonmel2015

    Dr Kendric has found a nice little earner for himself and it looks as if it works! Not for the patient, but to stuff his bank account……………. patients health problems are just a side issue…………… the cause and how to cure the problems? Who knows…………..who cares!

    Kendric fails to even notice, that Scottish trained doctors, have the lowest level of training in the UK.
    While Scotland has the unfortunate accolade of having so many people with health problems, there are steps being taken to give them more money than the patients in England. While the GP;s are forever being given higher salaries ? Any old fool could see through the idiotic nonsense of such a move. But the general trained doc. lets such information slide over his head like water off of a duck’s back!

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      Yes, well, the name is Kendrick, not Kendric. I have no real idea what your comment is about. Although I would say that when I went to Aberdeen University it was ranked number one in the UK. Of course, currently I do not live, or work, in Scotland. Which would be clear from reading what I write. So, perhaps you would like to turn your rant into something that a: is true b: gets my name right c: makes a clear cut point and d: is not an attempt at personal insult. I would also like to point out that in the UK GPs are not, generally paid salaries. They are partners in a business, and draw profits. Also, GPs have had a reducing income for the last five years. In fact, I don’t think anything in your comments is either true, or makes sense.

      1. 005lesfrenes

        Dear Dr. Kendrick

        The post from dylandonmel 2015 sounds like gibberish but it also shows the writer’s ignorance. He or she does not have a clue what you are about. I think you are wonderful and thank goodness for people like you. If I lived in the UK I would want to live in your catchment area so that you could be my GP. If you do decide to take on private patients, I will be in touch.

        Thanks soooooo much for all you do. I hope you publish your findings regarding Heart Disease.

        I will add to Maureen Berry’s words that you are an international hero.

  119. Maureen Berry

    Don’t feed the trolls – you have a delete button and you should use it. You have your band of loyal followers here, many of us eternally grateful for your honesty, integrity and intellect – you work things out that are highly complex and manage to explain in a simple, blindingly obvious way.
    I have been watching the hearing of Tim Noakes with huge interest, it is now adjourned again, you brave doctors who choose to have the courage to speak out against the nonsense that pervades our NHS (and health systems throughout the English speaking world) are to be treasured. So there you are, Dr Kendrick, a national treasure. Keep doing what you do.

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      I put such comments up, and sometimes reply to them. If only to remind readers that there are a large number of people out there who just enjoy writing stupid and insulting things.

  120. Ivor Mitackis

    Hallo Dr Kendrick,
    As an average layman, I understand a limited amount about medicine and am lost when it comes to the dark arts of spinning and manipulation in the world of clinical trials and data.
    However, there have been quite sufficient scandals over recent decades to leave no doubt in any reasonable mind that the pharmaceutical industry in general is little more than a money generator for shareholders and certainly not a collective of high-minded altruists devoted to the health of humanity.
    Unfortunately, their immense wealth also affords them enormous political, legal and media clout which they are only too prepared to deploy against ‘dissidents’ – like yourself – along with systematic ridicule, dismissal as cranks, rubbishing of qualifications, professionalism and motives and, whenever possible, questioning of integrity.

    As I’m sure is the case for all too many, I believed happily in the wonders of modern medicine and was prepared blindly to give my trust to those bodies (NICE, AFSSAPS, FDA etc) which supposedly guard our interests and protect us from all harm… until, in 2012 and aged 57, I had my OWN experience following an MI, had a stent fitted and ended up on 80mg Atorvastatin daily. It was 30 months before a friend suggested that various ailments I complained of were, in her opinion, all caused by the statin. She recommended research on the internet, in particular, the work of Dr Michel de Lorgeril of Grenoble. I bought (and devoured) his book ‘Cholesterol and Statins: Sham Science and Bad Medicine’, along with much online material and found myself much enlightened – as well as disillusioned.
    I have also just bought your own book, ‘The Great Cholesterol Con’.

    However, the ‘great lie’ persists, the overwhelming majority of the medical establishment continues to condemn satanic Cholesterol (as if it served no useful purpose) and to prostrate itself before the altar of Statins – and the whole debate is largely kept from the wider public and stifled. And statins, even though their largest money-spinner, are far from being the only cause for concern over the claims, activities and power of the pharmaceutical industry.

    On the internet, I’ve come across many respected names in various fields, from across the world, who are on the same side of the fence as yourself and Dr de Lorgeril, each able to bring their own brand of credible fire to bear on these issues.
    However, unless I’m mistaken, there seems to be no cohesive professional group, organisation or ‘coalition of the willing’ able credibly to confront the ‘establishment’ and to provoke the storm which is surely needed.
    500 professionals and experts arguing and publishing independently don’t have a fraction of the potential influence between them that a single organisation to which they all subscribed or belonged could command. Conferences may unite these worthy individuals for a few days and even manage to attract the passing attention of our fickle media – but this very soon fizzles out and any pustules left on the shiny face of the pharmaceutical industry are soon neatly airbrushed out of the popular consciousness.
    Each voice in isolation is far too easy to discredit, to dismiss as that of just another crank or disgruntled mediocrity – and big business goes on, drowning any doubts among its corporate and governmental clients with yet more champagne, false propaganda, disinformation, patronising blandishments, generous grants… and, dare one suggest, outright bribes.

    Is there such a body? If not, is there no possibility of creating one?
    It’s hardly original but I feel it’s not overly dramatic in this context to quote: ‘all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing’. One something which might be done is to organise those voices into a force which can’t simply be brushed aside with smug contempt and which just could begin to prise open the bunker door.

    I’d appreciate your comments. Please accept my apologies for being so long-winded.

  121. smartersig

    Hi, Your case sounds very similar to mine. I had a similar event and dumped all meds after 6 months. It became clear to me that heart disease is a food borne illness and yet the medical profession do not treat it as such. After much reading and research I decided to follow my own path with the help of like minded others. Initially simply to document my readings for my own purpose and reference I started a blog pretty soon after my MI and have been doing so for 3 years. I have also recently formed a Meetup group around nutrition and heart health here in Leicester. If anyone is interested in my ramblings please ask for details.

  122. Jean

    Having mentioned a female friend of mine who had debilitating side effects on statins and came off them, is now 80, very fit etc, I have now heard the experience of another friend’s partner, who was put on statins a year ago. He has had a leaky heart valve replaced, but no CVD. They had a visit to the cardiologist the other day and my friend was ready to say that her partner was no longer the man she knew. He is severely anxious, depressed, forgets things and also cannot sleep with restless leg syndrome. He was so sure that he had to be on these pills that he was not going to say anything. My friend said that he was just not himself and the doctor said immediately “just come off them then!” Rather took the wind out of her sails. She had been ready with reduced serotonin levels due to low cholesterol (his cholesterol had never been above 4.9 anyway) et. etc. The doctor said “oh we are given all these drugs to give to people and cannot know all the side effects, just come off”.

    What I do not understand is why he was on them. He has not had a heart attack or stroke, has had medicals all his life as a pilot. I wonder how long it will take for his symptoms to subside and get back this highly intelligent, funny man that we all used to know?

  123. Teresa Murphy-Swann

    My mother was also put on statins and suffered terribly with hip pains due to the statins and her levels were not high at all.
    She was told everybody over the age of 40 was told they should be on them,for her he said it would help with the loss of my father and grieving! Just shocking!!
    She’s now 77 with no problems what so ever now she’s been off of them for over 5 years.
    I had a stroke a few year ago and told the specialist absolutely no on statins and have worked on a healthy diet and fitness regime

  124. Angela

    Six months ago I posted here. I was very confused, distressed and just plain angry to be told in no uncertain terms at the hospital diabetes clinic that it was essential for me to start taking statins. I was diagnosed with late onset Type 1 diabetes in November 2014, and statins hadn’t been suggested either at the time of diagnosis or at previous clinic visits over the year.

    As I also have fibromyalgia and restless leg syndrome to manage, the idea of forever taking a drug with such potentially harmful side effects wasn’t something I could easily accept. Daily life can be quite a struggle as it is!

    I met with my GP to discuss this and when she printed off the letter sent to her by the hospital doctor I was furious to see that he was basically telling her that she had to “put this patient on statins”. I felt I was being allowed no say at all in how my own body should be treated.

    She said we should have a discussion about it and ordered another blood lipids test, which came back at 6.5, with a ratio of 4.6. We met again and I was braced to tell her I was not going to take statins whatever the result. However she said she that though my cholesterol was “above target” she had to look at the whole picture and didn’t feel statins would be of sufficient potential benefit for me to warrant my taking them.

    So far so good, but this week I had to return to the diabetes clinic, again braced to say NO! To statins. This time I saw a consultant, and mentioned straight away that I didn’t want to take statins. To my amazement and delight he didn’t think I should to take them either. Partly because he felt fibromyalgia was a perfectly valid reason to avoid them, but also because he said that taking them is precautionary rather then preventive. An interesting distinction.

    He also queried the usefulness of using QRISK when someone with diabetes is basically given the same risk factor as someone who has already has CVD. Especially so in my case as my diabetes was only diagnosed when I was 62 and because it is very well managed. QRISK still automatically triples my risk from 8% to 24% just because I have diabetes. Add my postcode and it raises the figure to 27%! I gather too that it can be routine to prescribe statins for anyone over the age of 40 with diabetes.

    My consultant thought that a family history of no CVD whatsoever and the fact I have never smoked are much more significant factors when it comes to calculating risks. The impression I got from both GP and specialist was that they didn’t place too much faith in how risk was being calculated.

    In any case I would have refused the statins, but it was good to know that in my case I won’t be treated like a recalcitrant child for not wanting to take them. Is it too much to hope that this is a sign of a change in how statins are being prescribed?

    1. Afifah

      Great comment on the ridiculousness of the ‘guidelines’ and ‘risk calculations’, all clearly are just guff. However I just want to let you know, Angela, that your late onset type 1 diabetes can almost definitely be treated MUCH better by you without your doctors help, than with them. Sounds sacrilegious doesn’t it, but by now you should know that I might just be right.
      So, the first thing you should do is stop eating any form of cereal grain. These are well known for causing all forms of autoimmunity, and T1D is in that category. Here are three recently published papers on this very subject, so have a read: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26293006;
      http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26343710; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26430419. However, all these paper have focused on ‘gluten’ with an assumption that gluten is only in wheat, rye, barley and possibly oats. I can, however, assure you that gluten, which is a prolamine, is in ALL the cereal grains, including oats, corn, rice, sorghum, millet, teff, spelt etc. So, don’t be fooled by the word ‘gluten free’ on products in supermarkets etc, just avoid the lot.
      Secondly, helping your pancreas recover from the damage it has had will best be done by keeping to a very low carbohydrate diet. Carbohydrates are, by definition, starches and sugars, so that means potatoes, sweet potatoes and parsnips, as the main vegetable starches (once the grains are out of your life, as already suggested, as they contain a lot of starch along with their noxious prolamines/glutens, so that is gives you twice the reason to avoid them totally), and it also means ditching most fruit, sugar (obviously), honey, maple syrup etc. The result will be what is now called the low carb paleo diet (as opposed to the high carb paleo diet which includes a lot of fruit), and you will be able to markedly reduce your insulin! You will be able to properly match your insulin to your blood glucose if you frequently do finger prick blood tests, and I am sure you will get it right as it is such an straightforward concept and there is every likelihood that you will just ‘get it’. Insulin is ONLY there to manage the glucose, so if there isn’t much glucose you won’t need much insulin. It really is as simple as that. Type 1 people have been known to get off insulin completely using this approach, but of course every one is an individual, and I am certainly not your physician so only do this by taking responsibility for it yourself. But once you get the idea I am sure you will be sensible, and gradual, and there is no reason that it won’t work. You will need to replace the calories lost by not eating the carbs, and this is best done by increasing your fats (butter, coconut oil, olive oil, avocados, nuts etc) and that is easy, delicious and very very safe. Good luck and let us know how it goes!

      1. dylandonmel2015

        Malcolm there is no such thing as TYPE one / TYPE 2 diabetes. I will refrain from going into this, although I could give you incontrovertible information to support my statement . But doctors are on a roll nowadays, they are now dealers, where they once were healers. In a recent comment to you I stated “Scottish doctors are some of the worst trained medics in the field of medicine today” you reacted, defensively and unprofessionally. You ought to have digested such a statement, and questioned your own conscience. Then perhaps given a grown up reply.

        Throughout the globe, we have health professionals whose knowledge of the human body, would put Scottish doctors to shame.

        Is it any wonder Scotland is known as “the sick man of Europe”

        Carol Jewell (Mrs)

  125. Mike Rickaby

    I have just finished your book The Great Cholesterol Con and may I say that I thoroughly enjoyed it and confirmed what I thought about this cholesterol guff in the first place!!
    Well done nice work😀

  126. Jean

    My friend’s partner (above) has now been off statins for 4 weeks. The difference is incredible. Not anxious, much more lively, no restless leg syndrome, sleeping better.

    I went for a 5 year health screen at my GP surgery a while ago. My BP is 110/60, no CVD anywhere in the family and my cholesterol is 4.8. She said I was just under a 10% risk and that normally they would recommend a statin. I said “surely anybody of 69 years of age must be a 10% risk?” I also told her what she could go with her statins.

  127. Maureen Berry

    I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, “Don’t feed the trolls!”

    There are loads of different terms used for diabetics – at the end of the day there are those that produce no insulin and will always need injected insulin, though much less to cover a seriously carb restricted diet, which seems to me to be the most sensible option. There are those that produce some insulin and with a severely carb restricted diet, may need no medication. Type 1s can occasionally enter a ‘honeymoon period’ where insulin is not required, if caught early enough. It’s a complex subject and, I would have thought, well beyond the scope of this blog.
    Without a shadow of a doubt, the best reference for this is Dr Richard Bernstein. It is just a shame that his expertise must soon be lost (in his 80s, he cannot keep working for ever) but his work, his books, his You Tube videos are an essential and an inspiration for every diabetic, in my opinion. His regime may be difficult to follow, but it gives real hope and a future to diabetics, without a doubt!

    I am quite mystified why any individual feels it necessary to stalk a person’s blog who they clearly do not respect, and thinks it okay to make such aggressive posts. dylandonmel (Mrs Carol Jewell) just go away!

  128. steve walsh

    Just been for a week in the sun, read three books, The Great Cholesterol Con, Doctoring Data and the Battle of Waterloo, the first two are excellent books by Dr Kendrick, explained a lot of medical stuff very well in terms I could understand, thank you, just need to learn some of it so I can put my case when I next go to the cardiologist, I am hoping that I can encourage the Doctor to treat the causes not just chemically alter my blood so that the numbers look better.

  129. whereisthelivinginalivingwage

    At last one of a few doctors willing to express concerns about our health.
    The strangle hold that the pharmaceutical and chemical companies have on our doctors. scientists and researchers is unethical
    It would have been refreshing if this could have been what the junior doctors strike was about for example,
    Furnishing doctors with information on the effects of carbon monoxide and natural gas poisoning and the long term effects on the human body and the endocrine system and why B12 vitamin shots are being withheld from patients who need them as well as many other things, surely these would have been honourable reasons also to strike for ?

  130. Alexander

    Hello! I’m from Russia. I do not speak good English, so I apologize for any inaccuracies. I was looking for information on the Internet about statins, cholesterol, and the latest research in this area. I read the news on the site http://www.dailymail.co.uk, called Health: Cholesterol: The big fat lie, plus how to prevent heart disease. I began to search for information about research confirming the findings in it. And to his surprise he found that the book, entitled “The Great Cholesterol Con”, there are two different authors, you and someone named Anthony Colpo. It’s a bit confusing. On his site rather harshly criticized the health care system and the pharmaceutical business. I liked it and I even thought that’s what you are. But then I considered the better and found that it’s likely to be two different authors … Or I’m wrong and this is your nickname? How is it that books have the same name, and apparently their content too similar ??? Both of these books are on http://www.amazon.com. (Book I have not read) What do you think about this author? (If it is not you). Do you agree with his strong statements on his website?

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      Anthony Colpo wrote his book first, then I wrote mine. I later discovered we had the same title. So, two different people, two different books (on the same subject). I agree with much of what Anthony says, I prefer not to be as highly critical as him – I think it puts people off.

      1. Steve Walsh

        So far bought 8 copies of The Great Cholesterol Con, I give them away to people, friends on statins mainly, my wife’s best friend a nurse practitioner, thought it was all not true and wouldn’t read it, there are non so blind as those who will not see.

  131. James Longmire

    I’ve just ordered a book by Dr Clifton Meador, which will be welcome distraction during my convelescence – I’m booked in for several ‘Cabbages’ next week, and ‘looking forward’ (!) to the inevitable discussions regarding my Compliance of the Most Holy Guidelines, re: medications… and diet.
    Dr Meador’s book will join both of yours on my library shelf, along with the THINCS tome. I’m tempted to take one of them in with me, as I may be there for 7 to 10 days… Or would you think it to be ‘Politically Reckless’ to pollute Australia’s leading Cardio. Hospital with such Heresies?

      1. bill chambers

        sorry I should have been clearer…..I had my cabg 10 years ago and have never taken statins…aspirin…ramipril…beta blockers….etc I eat well and I walk 5miles each day and i feel fantastic so it would be sad to take drugs and cope with the side effects? It took me 62yrs to clog up and I am 72 now..non diabetic…happy…..but! should i at least take an aspirin?????

  132. Frances Lothian

    I completely agree that cholesterol is not necessarily the cause of heart disease. However my partner who is 62 has recently been diagnosed with CVD and at his angiogram last week they found a critical blockage of 90-99% in one of his arteries. He is on statins, betablockers, aspirin and nitrates.
    I certainly don’t want to go around telling him to come off any of the drugs he has been prescribed. However he is feeling tired, cold and headachey.
    His only risk factor is that his father had a heart attack at the age of 48. Otherwise he is slim, eats a healthy diet and takes regular exercise and doesn’t smoke. However I think he eats too many sugary foods like biscuits and puts sugar in his coffee. Until I met him (six years ago) he was using spreads rather than butter. I forced him off those at least!
    He will be going for angioplasty in two week’s time. I am going to suggest he takes fish oils and vitamin C. Do you have any advice?

  133. Carol Jackson


    I’ve recently moved to London from Canada where I was prescribed desiccated thyroid.

    I went last week to the NHS practice in my area and the Doctor refused to give me an NHS prescription.

    Do you know if any GPs or Endocrinologists in Central London that will prescribe desiccated thyroid on the NHS

    Thank you

  134. James

    John Locke’s comment amply illustrates the fact that human nature does not change one whit, despite our White Man Mag… er, ‘Scientific Progress’…

  135. Justin Roger Blowers

    Dear Dr Kendrick
    This is an email I sent to Bill Padley on TRE before he had you as a guest. I don’t expect you or he will have time to go through it all, so I’d be most grateful for any further comments and help …I don’t want to be taking any of these pills unnecessarily, ESPECIALLY if they are possibly causing FURTHER problems!! Thanks Justin Blowers
    “First some background.
    I am 77, (but look younger…and have had a healthy, sporty life until I’d been in Spain a few years …say about 10years ago, when I was prescribed RABREPAZOLE for acid reflux which was annoying but not too much so. This seemed to work but was changed to OMEPRAZOLE 20mg(much cheaper, but I was given no reason!). I was never told the possible side effects, and never actually noticed any.
    Since then I have had a gastroscopy and discovered a mild hiatus hernia, and i still get acid reflux if I eat too much spicy food.
    I was put on statin about 10 years ago, although my cholesterol and BP have never been really high …now on Atorvastatin 40 mg , despite my asking if it was now really necessary.
    I have since, about 3 years ago been diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation ….with no obvious cause and prescribed BISOPROLOL (2.5mg/day), SINTROM (1mg/day) and later Amiodarone 200mg. I have just been ‘signed off’ by my cardiologist but still have to take the pills.
    I read that Bisoprolol and Amiodarone BOTH have Dizziness/Faintness stated possible side effect, and I suffer badly from this when I stand up suddenly. Asked the GP and got a bollocking for ‘reading Internet and leaflets in the box …”If there were a problem I’d have told you!” !!!
    ALSO I am prescribed Tamsulosina 0.4mg for enlarged prostate which appears to have had no effect other than unpleasant effects on my sex life !!!! And lormetazapam 1 mg for night panic attacks, which it does help with!
    Thanks, Bill any help much appreciated …I’d have discussed more with my GP but he is a dick!”

  136. John Russell

    BBC Radio 4, today 25/10 Inside Health. Claiming that they have tested statins and found they are useful in fighting infection, most notably pneumonia. Any thoughts?

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      They might be. They have many off target effects, or pleiotropic effects. Just because I don’t believe they have a, slight, benefit on CVD by their LDL lowering effects, this does not mean I discount that they could do something else useful. Thalidomide is now used in the treatment of cancer, leprosy, HIV, lupus, and Crohn’s disease. Who’d a thunk.

  137. Pingback: Why Coconut Oil, or Any Saturated Fat, Cannot Raise Cholesterol Levels (LDL levels) | CoconutOilReview.net

  138. Pingback: Medical Industry Attacks Coconut Oil Again – Harvard Medical Professor Calls it “Pure Poison” | CoconutOilReview.net

  139. Pingback: How to lie with statistics – Just thoughts …

  140. Pingback: How Soon Would You Like That to Happen? - It's All About the Food

  141. Peter Candlish

    As an ex Economics graduate, I still recall my Health Economics lectures highlighting Health Demand is unlimited but resources are not. QALY years and NICE represent a way to find a currency to make difficult decisions about society that are blurred at the individual level. The death of a loved one is a tragedy at the personal level but not even a mention at the society level.

    Thank you for bringing measured discussion of a difficult area – let give space to our politicians who try to discuss it. Covid-19 will pass but the issue of how to allocate scarce resources will not (and never has !). But let us at least have an open discussion and avoid choices being made in secret (by doctors/administrators in the old days) or by the most effective pressure groups in the modern world

  142. Magnus

    Hi Dr.

    I busy reading your book, and it is great. I need help, I am a 32 year old from South Africa with 7.9 Total Cholesterol. My LDL is 6.2.
    What will you suggest I do, must I lower my Total cholesterol for a possible heart attack in the future. And how will I lower it. Any advise

    1. janetgrovesart

      Hello, Magnus – eat real low carb food, no bread, pasta, rice, cakes, sweets, biscuits, root vegetables etc., etc. Plenty of hard walking exercise, exposure to sun half an hour a day. And no smoking, naturally. Your triglycerides will tumble, your HDL will soar and then you won’t need to worry about LDL levels. Your LDL is an essential part of your immune system. Oh, and read Dr. Kendrick’s marvellous books on the subject.
      Good luck,

    2. smartersig

      If you have them post your full blood panel especially your Trig’s and HDL. If anyone on here can prove that low Trigs and high HDL can lead to heart disease regardless of LDL levels then there is an American guy willing to pay you 5k dollars as a reward

        1. smartersig

          As others have suggested remove simple carbs/sugars oils and get your Trigs below 1, hopefully your HDL will rise a tad too

  143. David Morris

    The question was about Cholesterol. I am not sure why anyone is worrying about Cholesterol. As I said, carry on reading the book (The Great Cholesterol Con) the answer is contained within. The problem with Cholesterol is that we have all been brainwashed into worrying about it, we really don’t need to worry about it. Live life and stop worrying about it. Not sure what the response – “The great diabetic con….” was referring to.

  144. Pingback: KEEPING CHOLESTEROL IN CHECK – To Your Health

  145. Jan Lucas

    Had a ‘discussion’ with my GP a few months ago. He arranged a blood test (but I can’t remember why), and then said my cholestrol was high and wanted to put me on statins, I disagreed and refused to go on statins. He said there was no point in his being my doctor if I didn’t follow his advice! Anyhow, now I’ve got an attack of gout, and the surgery are telling me that gout is an indicator of cardiovascular risk, and so I should now go on statins (which I again refused), and also Allopurinol (for the rest of my life), which I’ve never heard of. What is it? is it safe?

  146. Peter Schlesinger

    In Gateshead in 1979 they undertook an audit of cervical cancer survival in the under 35s.

    Those diagnosed with smears had a 95% 5 year survival.

    Those diagnosed by symptoms had a 5% 5 year survival.

    Early diagnosis saves lives, because it is diagnosed at Stage 1, not Stage 3.

    Treated smears stop you getting cervical cancer in the first place. We now delay smears for better or worse and Sweden has a 4 year cycle, we a 3 year cycle.

    Evidence not opinion. Not harranguing women, simply educating.

    So don’t get me started on GPs and estrogens.

      1. Norah Finney

        Hormone therapy has been shown in studies (some very large studies too) to trigger a variety of cancers in women- e.g. ovarian, breast cancer. My sister – who had ovarian cancer – now frowns every time she sees birth control advertising in medical waiting rooms (some years ago there was a news item – which quickly disappeared – wondering why so many younger women were getting breast cancer). Obviously this isn’t to say that estrogen automatically triggers some form of cancer – only that it can contribute triggering to it. Which is not surprising – our hormonal cycles are one of the most basic functions of our bodies, and these therapies throw those functions out of whack.

  147. Janet

    Not in Australia! Melbourne is still finding new CASES therefore must stay locked down. Nothing to do with egg on faces…

  148. Louise McElhill

    I’ve discovered you on Twitter. Having read some of your blog and your intro, I think I like you ! Your philosophy seems to gel with mine. Certainly people don’t believe in themselves anymore or trust their bodies. Everything is medicalized, like pregnancy and childbirth. I trust ME. I have 40 years nursing experience much of it in general medicine and later, oncology. I’m ashamed to say I’ve never had a screening mammogram and I never will. Covid 19 brought me here. I’m a bit dubious re chloroquine…….sorry.

  149. Maddy

    Love your articles. Gives me confidence that there are still voices talking sense in a mad, mad world. Staggered at how many people I previously thought of as sensible, have lost the ability for independent thought. Thank you. Madeleine


    What do you know about PCSK9 inhibitors and their effect on mortality. I see the info says it reduced CVD and coronary events but not death

  151. Clare Jones

    I felt totally isolated in having( and articulating widely to my colleagues despair ) exactly the same heretical thoughts . Fear is strangling our human potential and free thinking is seen as dangerous .We are so concerned about dying we’ve forgotten how to live . I live a dangerous life without flu vaccines / smears / mammograms / masks ( I’m also a GP in Hereford ) .
    It isn’t just about the fear , it’s about the accompanying financial incontinence , to allay the fear just buy more “stuff” especially plastic “stuff “,the amount of crap we’ve bought under the name of Covid as a surgery is unbelievable . Flooring / clocks / laminations galore for empty “Covid clinics “ .
    SO nice to feel there is another sane GP in the UK . I would be very interested in contributing towards propagating this alternative medical viewpoint .

    1. James DownUnder

      And even nicer to see another (there’s a few of you, some in mufti….) Doctor commenting on here… Yes, I agree.
      As a D.O.B. ’53 male with A-roup blood and insulin Resistance plus one bout of ICU/Sepsis under my lenghty belt…I’m a High risk candidate for the Wuhan flu. But I’ll be resisting the Saviour vaccine for as long as possible, though I suspect the “inducements” will be irresistable…. such as witholding pension, travel and shop-entry restrictions etc etc. Our Prime Minister has gone on record as saying he’ll do whatever it takes to ensure “compliance”, so anything is possible.! – But “living” as free humans is obviously low on the list for his peons.

  152. Tom

    Dear Dr Malcolm Kendrick,

    I am a junior doctor (FY1) based in the North West. I have been amazed at my medical colleague’s willingness to accept information at face value. I have been sceptical about the management of Corona virus since day 1. I have also researched statins and the effects of cholesterol – notably, the PURE study. Please keep me updated on your blog and I look forward to hearing your views.

  153. Ian Comaish

    Almost through your book in the cholesterol con. You clearly think things through. What are your thoughts on Covid19 vaccines versus Ivermectin and doxycycline I wonder?
    Ian Comaish
    Cataract Surgeon

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      Sorry, to not reply to your post Ian. Just to say here, that I have been having problems with my computer, which seems to have been infected with its own virus. Now, I think sorted. Hoorah. So, I should be able to get going again. I have also been trying to put together a very complex post about lockdowns which has tied my in knots, so that has been a distraction. Also, I got the Pfizer vaccine a few days ago, and it knocked me off my feet a bit. Nothing terrible, but my brain stopped working.

      Then, I thought I should share with you an e-mail I got from Baz in Kent. I would not normally re-post anything without permission, but I think others should be aware of the type of attacks you can get, and how vicious they can be. Those who feel free to, in this example, attempt to destroy my medical career from the safety of their own keyboard.

      Name: Barry Spicer

      Email: [email protected]

      Comment: Dr Kendrick,
      You will know me as “Baz in Kent” from your blog.
      I note that you haven’t posted any updates for a week and haven’t responded to the charges I made in my post dated 14 January.
      There may be a good reason for this, nonetheless I’m not prepared to leave the matter indefinitely. You asked in an early response what I propose to do about your misrepresentations and falsehoods and I’m writing now to inform you.
      Firstly I will raise a concern with the GMC as I believe you’re using your medical registration for unethical purposes and endangering life.
      Secondly Neil O’Brien MP has taken up the cause of challenging and pursuing self-styled “sceptics”, I will engage with him to ensure you’re on his radar. I’m already in correspondence with him.
      Finally a number of journalists are now showing a great deal of interest in challenging distributors of Covid misinformation, including Marianna Spring of the BBC and I believe your story will generate a good deal of media interest.
      I would prefer to receive your response before I take any of these actions but the ball’s in your court.

      Barry Spicer

      1. smartersig

        I do hope you have reached a stage in life where you dont give a shit. Believe me it is most liberating and allows you to see things with greater clarity and a fresh perspective but I guess you already know that.

      2. 005lesfrenes

        Is he a shill for pharma or just a miserable vindictive and cruel s…d? Who does he think he is to label your assertions as misrepresentations and falsehoods? What makes him so certain that his own assertions are the pure and only truth? His mindset is narrow and mean, typically that of a paranoid. In his world there can be only one way. Makes me think of goose stepping.
        Please remain strong and forthright in the way you know to be.

      3. 005lesfrenes

        “Self styled skeptics”? Dr. Kendrick is a doctor, not some self styled know it all. Everything he has written which I have read comes from a thorough understanding of medicine and how to treat health problems medically. He is not some kind of voodoo man. He is one of the honourable doctors who respect the oath they took to do no harm. And who exactly is Barry Spicer? A self styled believer?

  154. superquag

    From my observations of non-mainstream media, it is enjoying a measure of success sufficient for it to be a clear and present danger to the current crop of vaccines. It’s virtues of being a known and ‘safe’ drug, effective in both ante / post infection and ridiculously low cost make it irresistible in less affluent countries. That it – the combination – Works… is a probable reason Western Medical experts are studiously ignoring it.

  155. Maureen Berry

    Goodness me, what a very disturbing and vicious young man!

    Having seen your ‘performance’ in the past against adversaries over ‘The Cholesterol Con’ I have no doubt that, given the challenge, your arguments will be thoughtful, well considered, sharp and incisive! If only we had some intelligence either in Government, or, indeed, in the media.

    So you decided on the Pfizer jab? I remain unconvinced, but then I am not working front line with COVID patients and, using a bit of common sense, can keep myself relatively safe. Since I presume I won’t be offered it till maybe the summer, I am in no rush to decide.

  156. Pingback: The Lockdown Tragedy – Chained To A Dead Hooker

  157. Kenneth S Merriman MD

    Enjoyed your recent article re covid which was on twitter. Lots of good thought & info there. Thanks. Ken Merriman MD

  158. Clare Coffey

    Been interested to read your thoughts on Covid thank you; and are you the Malcolm Kendrick that used to live in Hospital Hill in Dunfermline as a teenager (I used to live round the corner)

  159. Lisa Rutter

    Dear Dr Kendrick, I am a naturopath living in Chinley (High Peak) and feel as though I’m in a dystopian nightmare. I’m incandescent that my sons in their 20s are effectively being coerced into having the Covid vaccine because of the threats of vaccine passports (they don’t feel the need to have it). I have spent more than 20 years prioritising their health, my health and the health of my patients in gentle, safe and sane ways and I, frankly, feel as though we’re being violated by the state.
    Thw fact that most healthy individuals are submitting to this unquestioningly horrifies me. Can we speak please?

    1. Maureen Berry

      You are not alone. We are horrified by the pressures being placed on people to comply. Some friends of ours, when I said we didn’t think we’d be having the vaccine tried to be reassuring. Oh, it’s fine, it’ll be just like the flu vaccine, we’ll just need a new one every year. Well, we’ve never had a flu vaccine, we’re not planning on having the COVID vaccine – but it may become impossible to avoid!

      The world has become a very peculiar place! The power of fear!

  160. Angela Arnold

    Relieved I found your book! GP asked why I wouldn’t take prescribed statins. Said everyone I knew was being force fed them like “smarties” sweets. He said my friends were still alive, and I pointed out I was too!!! This was years ago….cholesterol level is same, but new GP is on the statins quest again. Thanks for putting your views forward. I was also offered Orlistat by a GP who said it would ensure weightloss but I would probably “soil” myself – I did ask him if he would take it but he laughed and I said something rude. Then I was given a prescription for Pregabalone for pain! Took this to private GP….turned out I’d no cartilage left in right hip joint, but paid for this to be replaced and it’s OK. No problems with health until the menopause and I think more research required into what can happen to women at this stage of life. Or should we just be shot???

  161. Ian

    Thanks Doc.

    I read your Cholesterol Con book a few years back and had occasion to want to revisit it (I’ve since been diagnosed CKD and am working hard at getting up to speed in self manage the of that disease. Nephr wanted to put me on a statin).

    I came across a 2018 paper reviewing all the literature on LDL and heart health. Therein words like “faslifications” and “misleading” on the part of those advocating the Cholesterol is Killer idea. Your name appeared on the list of authors so I see you are still fighting the good fight.

    I appreciate your effort in what cannot be an easy battle.

  162. Eileen Dirner

    I am a 63 yo female taking low dose estrogen and progesterone. My lipoprotein (a) is down from 391 to 350. I have no family history of heart disease except for the usual high BP and cholesterol with B/P lowering meds and statin use. I do not take any meds for BP or cholesterol, my BP is normal. My total cholesterol is 250, triglycerides 80, hdl 108, vdl 11, ldl 125,
    with ldl ldl ratio1.1.
    I had a coratid ultrasound about 6 years ago with normal results.
    I just added in bit C 1000mg/day(after reading your blog) anything else I should do to reduce my risk?
    Thank you for all of your research and spring of information.

  163. geosaved

    Great reading. Thank you for your conviction,
    courage & transparency. Your readiness to stand against the rank & file is inspirational.
    Do you have a news letter?


    Best Regards

  164. Rita

    Loved the interview with Dr. Mercola! You very easily and clearly and humorously explained the glaring issue with targeting cholesterol and LDL for heart disease. Thanks and I’m going to start my 88 year old mom on some of the protocols you mentioned.

  165. Gregg couper

    I’ve just finnish the cholesterol con , who knew doctors were funny .
    I believe that refined carbohydrates are the cause of most of the ills of society.
    From obesity to behaviour issues .
    As I used to be a angry fat man , I now follow high fat low carb , with intermediate fasting lifestyle and I feel better , look better , sleep better and have more life in my life .

  166. James Murdoch

    Are you interested in sharing my impeccable theory regarding the mechanism of action in Atherosclerosis?


  167. Kathryn

    I am a 76 1/2 yo female. Just retired as a FNP 2 years ago to help with my grandbabies. My cholesterol has been high since the time I have known in my early 30 + 200 + and now 302. I had CC 5 years ago per concerns as my MD wanted me to takes a statin. Was negative. My current MD wanted same and gave me a CSC. It was negative.

  168. Mark

    I wish I was savvy enough, brave enough to stop statins. Been on them for 16 years. I.m a T1D. My body is stiffer than a mahogany plank. I ache all over -definitely not imagining it. Terrified to stop the tablets. At my annual diabetic hosp check , my consultant says ‘ it would be daft’. My HBAC1 is 48 ISH

    1. Afifah

      Dear Mark, I pick up messages to this blog and have just seen yours. You deserve a very different situation to that which you have outlined here, hence this reply. The issue might be statins, but it is definitely the high HbA1c that you have mentioned. If your doc has not managed to correct this, he or she should be sacked, and you should seek a better doctor. Not, I hasten to add, a clone of the last one. Clearly the approach they’ve taken has been an abject disaster. You need someone who is able to walk you through the proper methods to improve the whole picture. It can be done, for sure. You can follow up this reply by contacting me via my website if you wish. You should be able to find me simply by my name.

    2. Afifah

      That HbA1c is far far too high. It will result in global damage of all blood vessels. Whoever has been overseeing your treatment should be sacked. They are allowing you a blood glucose that is too high, for fear of getting hypo events from the use of insulin injections. I suggest you get in touch with Dr Bernstein, and American T1D specialist. He has the condition himself, hence his specialisation. He works with getting people on a very low carbohydrate diet, and this means they need far less insulin, but it needs to be done with great care and the help of someone who knows how to taper both the carb intake and the insulin. If you need help contact me. I am Afifah Hamilton.

  169. Pingback: The covid pandemic through the eyes of a British doctor – The Expose

  170. Pingback: The covid pandemic through the eyes of a British doctor – altnews.org

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