A Win

21st October 2024

Finally, the dust settles. Zoë and I won our case against the Mail on Sunday. The judgement came out a few weeks ago, but the legal wrangling continued – and still continues. The Mail on Sunday did print an apology. Legally, they do not have to print an apology, but they did, which says something.

There is still a statement in open court to come (SIOC). What is a statement in open court?

‘A statement in open court on settlement of action is an important mechanism for vindication for the claimant in, inter alia, libel proceedings and also for the correction of false and/or defamatory statements.’ 1    

It is a much longer thing, which lays out in more detail, what was wrong with the article, and may contain sections such as:

‘Mr Calman allowed the experts who had helped him to have “a very significant”, and “undue”, influence over the editorial process and the terms of the article. ‘

The SIOC has to be agreed by the judge, and this has not yet happened. Boy, do these things take ages. I have been sitting on my hands for months. I still am.

But some names are going to be named. We know who you are. The behind the scenes activity was quite outrageous. Eventually, all will be revealed. Because none of this is confidential anymore. The rock was lifted to see the creatures squirming in unaccustomed sunlight.

Revenge is a dish best eaten cold.

1 https://www.lexisnexis.co.uk/legal/glossary/statement-in-open-court#:~:text=A%20party%20can%20apply%20for,accompany%20the%20notice%20of%20application.

209 thoughts on “A Win

  1. Annabel Andrew

    I am so impressed at both you and Dr Zoe. Thank you for standing up for the truth, let’s hope naming the names will then bring any other shocking Pharma wrong-doings to light.

    I work natural health and every client that is on statins I tell them to read your book. You are saving lives.

    Brilliant man.

  2. Roy Butler

    Great news, congratulations. Hopefully this will make the other statin zealots think twice before making outrageous statements.

  3. Robert Butt

    Congratulations to you both! May your courage and perseverance be a light for others suffering with establishment ignorance. Onward!

  4. John Duffy

    Malcom delighted at this positive outcome. But all litigation is enormously stressful and you must at times have asked the question “why?”. Your courage and persistence have paid off and your honour and integrity have been vindicated. Hope the rest of the case resolves in your favour and maybe newspapers will think twice about commenting on medical affairs of which they have limited knowledge. Also I hope they pay you millions then you can retire and write more brilliant books

  5. Jeremy May

    I’m sure you’ve both been through the full gamut of emotions, but congratulations for winning and well done for sticking at it.


    Great news and well done both. I am very impressed.

    To take on these bast*ards has many implications for other aspects of your life so I sympathise greatly but also look forward to names being named.

    Our insignificant ‘little man’ part of society is sick to death of corruption, chicanery and lack of honesty in many institutions so it is brilliant to see your win.

    Best wishes.

  7. allritejack

    Congratulations Docs, I’m so sick of the persecution of every honest & courageous doctor, especially regarding Covid & the death shots. I’ve followed your revelations on Statins for years, and even stopped mine after 30 years of self-poisoning. Thank you, Niacin and honest Dr Kendrick.

    It says something about the credibility of the Mail, that they should quote one of the UK’s most prolific, and known, pathological liars. Namely the infamous Dr Death, Midazolam Matt Hancck. He has one thing in his favour, he introduced Euthanasia 3 years before it has become an option in the UK. Thousands of sons and daughters will be grateful, that he saved them the “burden” of caring for their aged parents. Plus, they were able to plan the thousands of funerals, as soon as they knew they were under the “care” of Midazolam Matt.

    Kind Regards,

    Neville Roberts

  8. Laurence S. Wilson

    Drs Harcombe and Kendrick’s work is much appreciated by me, the husband and 24/7 carer of my stroke-survivor wife. Any challenge to the reliance and focus on statins is good news for us. My wife was diagnosed by a Trust Rheumatologist with “statins-induced immune mediated necrotising myopathy (IMNM)” in 2017. Our challenges fell on stony ground:

    • The Trust denied responsibility and said we would have been told about the possibility of damage, providing no documentary evidence. We weren’t told, My wife repeatedly asked “why are you giving me statins? My cholesterol level has throughout my life been fine.”
    • The Ombudsman said we were too late for them to take action, in our view, completely misunderstanding the stealthy nature of damage by statins, especially in patients, like us, who had no knowledge of the statins debate
    • A solicitor engaged to take the matter to court ultimately advised that they could not help as there was “less than 50% chance of success”

    The disease has returned in 2024 and my wife has had a 3rd stroke on September1st. She is weakening again, crippling her attempts to recover from the strokes.

    We’ve given up trying to get help with this disease which is untreatable, incurable and degenerative.

    Keep up the good work, doctors.


    1. Jonathan

      I am so sorry to read this Laurence. The pharma controlled system we have been largely unaware of for a long time is now increasingly in plain sight. Voices like yours are vital – Thank you and very best wishes to you both

    2. Vivien Stratton

      This is tragic – every part from the denials to the very shabby solicitors. If I may a suggestion? Please find an experienced ‘detox’ homeopath…

  9. helenae9a3ed28e

    I was overjoyed when you and Zoe won this case – despite the huge risks of taking on a powerful wealthy organisation who were clearly gunning for you, thank goodness justice prevailed. All doctors owe you a huge debt of thanks for helping to preserve evidence-based debate, individualised medicine, patient information, consent and autonomy.

    It’s good to hear that the malign individuals who could have gotten you sacked, sued or struck off are likely to be exposed. You are truly a hero of your profession and what you have achieved, both in your research/publications, and the legal ruling in your favour will benefit patient care for many years hence. THANK YOU!

  10. Craig E

    i am really pleased this went your way. You have many fans…I count myself as one.

    You and Zoe must be relieved it’s nearly over. All the best.

  11. Robert Dyson

    I was very happy when I read the news a few days ago. I am sure that it has been extremely stressful for both of you. Truth does not always win, we live in an age of mass corruption, so your vindication gives me hope.

  12. Alison Ledgerwood

    Many congratulations and thanks for your bravery and persistence. I cannot begin to imagine how much stress you must have been under for such a long period of time.

  13. Sue Mulkerrin

    So glad to hear of your success. I just hope we can get back to having proper scientific debates about issues without big Pharma skewing the data and suppressing challenges. We also need truthful investigative journalism – not much hope of that from The Mail!

  14. Donald

    Congratulation Dr Kendrick on an outstanding job . There’s no such thing as bad publicity and perhaps now the Statin Stasi will be seen for what they are , pushers of a pointless medication in a very large proportion of patients .

  15. rutlerfan01

    Warmest congratulations, Dr Kendrick, to you and to Dr Harcombe. It is WONDERFUL what the two of you have accomplished for the good of so many people.

    Those of us who have followed the case for 5½ years will be concerned that the stress you have endured will surely have taken its toll on your own health & wellbeing.

    Thank you for your extraordinary courage in making a stand for the truth, and for your tenacity. Well Done! Well Done indeed!


    So many of us are so looking forward to these revelations : ” But some names are going to be named. We know who you are. The behind the scenes activity was quite outrageous. Eventually, all will be revealed. Because none of this is confidential anymore. The rock was lifted to see the creatures squirming in unaccustomed sunlight. “

    Huge congratulations to you and to Zoe Harcombe. Wonderful news. Roger Willbourn

  17. Chris M

    Congratulations, I hope you don’t get the same treatment as that meted out to the Australian Monica Smit who won her case against the Nazi Victoria Police and then had to pay costs of Au$250,000 for the privilege. She has appealed and the hearings start at the end of this month.

  18. Elaine Gallaher

    Good for you! Too many people now trying to draw a veil of their activities throughout. Too much harm has been done and still being done – NHS still urging pregnant women to have COVID vaccines…

    Elaine Gallaher

  19. Shaun Clark

    Fabulous! Stunning even!! Well done you both and your team. Don’t (ever) let the bastards get you down. Take care.

  20. Robin Gardner

    So glad you have been vindicated. We have missed having your observations and insights into the medico-pharma industry. I hope this whole process has not drained you of the necessary energy to continue to ask the awkward questions that are essential if we are to have anything remotely approaching an open society.

  21. [email protected]


    Congratulations on your incredible win. It was a very brave thing to do and so delighted that you and Zoe Harcombe have been vindicated.

    Orthodoxy is not science.

    John Doran

    Pharmacist (retired)


  22. Lili Bennett

    I’m so pleased to hear that you have both been vindicated and I very much look forward to the statement in open court.

    Best wishes,

    Lili Bennett

  23. abamji

    I am delighted. Suing for libel is a horrendous risk, as loss is costly. So well done for braving it. Perhaps now the medical world will start to come to grips with the truth about statins…

  24. Mrs Caroline Willbourn

    Many congratulations to you both. This is such Good News.

    I am much looking forward to to exposé of those worms and am forever grateful to have found your book – The Great Cholesterol Con – ten years ago when my GP told me I was going on statins. Er, no!

    I trust you will have time to enjoy and savour this most deserved of Wins.

    With kindest regards,


  25. Carol

    So pleased you stood up to the allegations against you. We need a lot more brave people to fight these big pharmaceutical attack dogs.

  26. Millenimum

    Absolutely delighted for you both.

    I hope your health is good with recent problems fixed or under control at the very least. I read also that you have retired. I wish you a long, happy and healthy retirement.

  27. Carolyn

    Absolutely brilliant, well done and many congratulations to you both. A triumph too for engendering a veracious media!!

  28. Vivien Stratton

    That’s quite an apology! They must be xxxx themselves. And interesting they actually mentioned Hancock.
    And so brilliant for you both – and breathe!
    …. I’m SO looking forward to the naming… this is now such a vital part of any of the ‘revelations’ – there simply has to be proper accountability.

    Thank you both not just for your knowledge but for your bravery.

  29. arbitercolorfulcf5fdeb16e

    Congratulations! I’ve read your books and learned so much. Thank you, Jo Novak

    Sent from Proton Mail Android

  30. Doreen

    Thank you both for courage & grit. It can’t have been easy. Maybe take a while to sit & ponder it all & it’s affects on you before moving on. Take very good care of yourselves now & do lots that you love to do.

  31. Alan Elgey

    Thank you so much! And to Zoe as well! Looking forward to the SIOC and I hope it is truly incriminating. That’s it – I’m off to have a single malt in your honour.

  32. Richard Amerling

    I can’t express how thrilled I am with this result. You and Zoë had the courage, and perseverance, to fight back against these arrogant bastards and won a huge victory for all of us. 👏👏👏💪💪💪

  33. alfadies

    The Mail did not miss the opportunity of repeating the accusations, even before a -shorter- apology. Something like saying “I thought you are a this, a that, a this that, a this this, a that that, … but I was wrong, you were not a this, a that, a this that, a this this, a that that, …”

  34. robertliddell1

    Congratulations to you both. Great news.
    As a fellow retired Scottish GP I am proud of you. Enormously brave of you to take on the medical blob.

  35. Jennifer Scott

    I am overjoyed at this result for you both.

    I am still being coerced into taking statins, by being “spoken to” by the in-house GP pharmacist, they being tasked with the job of “educating me”. After 13 years of me declining statins, I think you would have thought the message would have got through by now.


  36. stewartcluck

    THANK YOU! This is a great beginning to put statins in their proper place which should not be to reduce the body’s production of life-supporting cholesterol.
    Stewart Cluck
    1300 N. Prospect Ave, #210, Milwaukee, WI. USA 53202.
    Sent from my iPad

  37. markmarkwhite01

    Well done Malcolm. I await the open court statement with interest. I suspect that will be the real win, to expose those who wanted to ruin your career in order to protect their own position and agendas. I hope you get substantial compensation and those behind the scenes do to not get away free, at least they need exposing in the wider media. This could become a much bigger and far reaching story.

    Mark White

    Phone: 07435 774409

    Email: [email protected]

  38. Catherine Cook

    So far, so wonderful!

    I read this from Maryann Demasi a few days ago and I was delighted.

    Good luck with the next stage!

  39. Damien Bush

    Excellent all round!I appreciate it’s the last thing you’d ever want to do, but you should stand for Parliament. Now Andrew Bridgen has been cancelled, we need one honest, rational-thinking representative with a scientific background and a moral compass th

    1. Tish

      But that would be very stressful with all the pressure to toe the party line and inherent smear campaigns. I think Malcolm has done his rather large bit for humanity and now deserves a rest and some fun.

  40. Fiona Jennings

    Just wanted to add my vote of congratulations and thanks for your perseverance in bringing this action. Fiona

  41. Joseph Geare

    Dr Kendrick,

    Wonderful wonderful news! A vindication of sorts and I am glad that you guys prevailed.

    I have been following you for years now and am thrilled that the truth you (we all) have fought for has finally prevailed. Well done and please continue the fight for health and medical freedom!


    Joseph Geare


  42. Alan K Turner

    This is great news. Please continue with your pioneering exposés. The TRUTH must become the default position of the medical profession.

  43. Alan K Turner

    This is great news. Please continue with your pioneering exposés. The TRUTH must become the default position of the medical profession.

  44. Mr E Boyd

    Great news. It is disgraceful what some people get up to in their attempts to mislead the public. We are lucky to have people like you and Zoe, amongst many others, who are prepared to try and get the truth out to the public who unfortuately are misinformed by our own “health experts”.

    Big Food + Big Pharma = big profits and poor health.

    Keep up the good work.

  45. patrick scully

    Very well done MalcolmBest wishes to you and to Zoe and i look forward to seeing the wriggling creatures namedSent from my iPad

  46. rmohlendorf

    Well done and congratulations!
    When Wikipedia asks me for a donation I tell them I will donate if you reinstate Dr Malcolm Kendrick.

  47. lynchat1b3f4f27e45

    Dear Dr. Kendrick, Delighted to be informed of court case result, your blog has been of great interest over the years. Best wishes, David Johnstone

    Sent with Proton Mail secure email.

  48. wordsomers

    Good news is as rare as good doctors these days,
    so I am heartened to get this email, which has both.
    ( Whether or not that even makes sense- it is 6 am, oh no
    it is almost 7 now. Ok well…)

    Congratulations Dr. Kendrick, and continued success to
    you in all your ventures.

    Tricia L. Somers


    This is just a link to my newsletter, it is no biggie. 🙂

  49. Jeremy

    Finally, the legal system recognising the truth for a change. Extremely refreshing and an absolute triumph for you both.

    The truth will always out…eventually!

  50. Glenn Lello

    The psychological and physical toll you have undergone will be inadequately compensated for by whatever monetary and grovelling apology rewards you ultimately get; but time will cement your achievement in medical history. Congratulations; well done for persevering.

  51. Carole

    Congratulations! What a relief it must be for you that this whole sorry mess is coming to an end.
    On a very selfish note – will you be writing your blog again? I miss your wit and insight but I fully understand if you are hanging up your pen for a quiet non- medical retirement!

  52. daompatti

    Yea! Congratulations! Thank you for your bravery and persistence, because when you rock the boat the sharks come out! I have always appreciated your information and perspective. Keep up the good work!

  53. karenwatcher

    I was delighted to hear about this on Ivor Cummings page and then through TCW in more detail. I knew you would win because with such meticulous research and having all the facts at your fingertips, two most fearsome claimants went up against the miserable Daily Fail and won, hands down. Now. as you say, comes the denouement and that will make very interesting reading. CONGRATULATIONS

  54. Andrew Peters

    So pleased. It takes so much courage and life force to take on these large corporations. Even when you know you are right, there is always uncertainty with anything that involves lawyers. Many congratulations.

  55. tannyo

    Congratulations on the win. The sad thing is that while you were in court your voice was silenced. I hope the process goes better than it does in the states.

    In my case I wasn’t found not guilty, but innocent and a victim of fraud. That happened in April of last year. Then they kept bringing me to court and I didn’t actually get money until May of this year. It was found that I was defrauded of over $500,000 USD. The settlement was for $210,000 USD. After legal fees I ended up getting $145,000 USD. For the first time in over 40 years I’m living in an apartment because I can’t afford to buy a house.

    At least I finally have peace.

  56. A. Donkin

    Dear Dr. Kendrick,

    Congratulations on winning a fight which you did not pick and, to your credit, did not shy away from.

    I look forward to the SIOC and the exposure of some of the shallow, ignorant and arrogant ‘Experts’ who have made earth a living hell for so many people.

  57. Ted

    Once again , congratulations and enjoy your superb victory Malcolm. People should not have to be put through the stress these court cases cause not only to themselves but to their families also.

    Best wishes and continue exposing the lies.

  58. Rebecca

    This is wonderful news. I am very grateful to you for standing up to pharmaceutical and governmental tyranny, and poor and biased journalism. Thank you

  59. Bill Sanderson

    I have always read your communications so knew that you had been passing through the legal wringer for a long time. I’m very pleased that you and your fellow doctor have been vindicated, and even if you still have ends to tie up it must be rewarding to get this judgement.

    Onwards and upwards. -Bill

    Sent from my iPad


      1. davidtucker59

        Hi Malcolm  Thank you. I have found the apology and socialised it as well as your great news.  I will do anything to explode the cholesterol myth and to stop satiation. David

        Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

  60. George Hewitt

    Dr Malcolm,   So pleased you have been vindicated…not before time.   On behalf of us all – please keep fighting,   Best regards,   George Hewitt     

  61. Paul Pennifer

    just to say a very big well done. I have followed your meticulous articles for many years. I’m delighted that you an Zoe have got this result. The process must have been torturous so the result must be euphoric.
    This is very significant verdict against a ( to say that word) pernicious dishonest press. Well done for bringing them to book.

  62. cavenewt

    In an era of very little good news, this is stupendous. I’m even more surprised to learn that the Mail was not required by settlement terms to print that apology. Color me agog.

    I look forward to learning more as time goes by. Also, I really hope there will be no NDA bullshit involved in the agreement.

  63. Maureen Bowker

    This Is great news. Thank goodness there are people like you and Ms Harcombe who can stand in the way of the frightening

    societal changes we are witnessing in this country . All good wishes to you . Maureen

  64. Damon

    As a longtime follower and fan of your work I am pleased that you and Dr Zoe Harcombe PHD won in court. Of course this is only the tip of the iceberg of censorship. Please know that I and many others are extremely grateful to you both for standing up for the truth. Sadly lawfare was used to silence you. But that is the issue in censorship of free speech. It matters greatly that you won but those on the side of repression move on as the main goal win or lose is distraction from your work. All the best to you both.

    Damon Faulkner

  65. HenryL

    This is very cheering news! A little bit of something positive, or perhaps anti-negative, in the current climate couldn’t be more welcome.

    Congratulations indeed.

  66. Subo

    This news has delighted me & I’m looking forward to some of the Pharma low lifes being exposed. I have really missed your blogs and I hope you will return to writing them.

    My husband has seen his GP today to firmly tell them to stop harassing him about taking statins.

    1. cheerfullytimetravel0b624410e5

      good luck to him with his GP. I have been at loggerheads with the medics for 13 years over this issue. I was very ill after using statins, but still not believed.


  67. Shaun Clark

    Malcolm, We are with you matey. What is your next move? Something has got to give ‘cos the world (and you and all your good pals) do not need this shit.

  68. Az Mohammed

    Great result, well done both. I have promoted your book for many years Dr Kendrick on Facebook, Twitter (X) and other social media.

  69. Martin Back

    Congratulations on enduring five years of stress in order to be vindicated. Let us hope that in future the MSM will not be so quick to demonise people who present well-founded alternatives to the current medical dogma.

  70. El

    Thank you for all your work and for fighting on our behalf. I wish there were more doctors with a clear conscience who stand by their beliefs.


    Fantastc news! I’m so proud of you and Zoe, two people with the scientific courage reminiscent of the early pioneers willing to burn at the cross for scientific truth, rather than recant! It is an amazing victory against the power of corruption and a medical so called profession, plus media that has become little more than a servile lap dog to a profit driven pharmaceutical industry. Well done! 🥳🥳🥳 A grateful follower, Very best wishes, Fiona Evans  





  72. Andrew Denney

    If there is a future I’m sure they’ll view the manipulation around statins like we see the use of leeches in the previous dark ages

  73. Phili

    This news cheered me up no end as challenging the narrative seems to be harder and harder to achieve with the current and ever worsening censorship. However it took me a while to access the blog as Sky broadband shield had labelled it

    Weapons, violence, gore & hate

    Sites that sell or describe weapons, show graphic violence and advocate aggression.

    Anyone else had this problem or was it a fluke?!

  74. Sarah Wright

    Congratulations! I can’t imagine the stress this must have put you under. A true victory for David vs Goliath. I hope the paper learns and will now print the truth – we desperately need the truth printing.



  75. Lisa

    This gives me hope that truth will prevail. Great job!

    God bless you both for fighting evil where you find it.


  76. abamji

    Just a thought… strange it should have been the Mail, because some years ago they printed an article under my name which raised identical concerns about statins.

  77. Leila

    Well done, Dr Kendrick and Dr Harcombe. I hope you both manage to get some rest in what must have been such a stressful time

  78. Jill Leslie (retied dietitan)

    Excellent news! Congratulations to you and Zoe for sticking to your guns. A real David and Goliath! But you must be exhausted … have a well deserved holiday!

    Another “personal success story”: I was put on statins four years ago at the age of 76. Starting dose was 40mg in spite of the fact that a) the patient information leaflet advises 5mg. and b) my weight is approx 7st 3lb. Argued with consultant who reduced it to 10mg. Three years later – very weird symptoms – not good. Wrote to GP quoting some of your work and that of others (Barbara H Roberts, Author of The Truth About Statins). Very agreeable letter back agreeing with me!!

    BTW: Has anybody wondered why dementia is on the increase – and the prescribing of statins? (Just a thought …)

    Well done!


  79. dearieme

    “Revenge is a dish best eaten cold”

    Rather revenge is a dish best eaten often.

    Keep putting the boot in, Dr K. It’s the only way to change their incentives in future.

  80. Rosemary Coleman

    Well done. It’s outrageous what these journalists think they can say and I know it’s been very tough on you and Zoe, but a huge thank you for taking them on and winning.

  81. elizabethhart

    Congratulations on this win, a big achievement.

    Looking forward to hearing more about this…

    But some names are going to be named. We know who you are. The behind the scenes activity was quite outrageous. Eventually, all will be revealed. Because none of this is confidential anymore. The rock was lifted to see the creatures squirming in unaccustomed sunlight.


    IF, one reads between the lines of THE Media ‘Apology’, it is ‘Written’ in such an ‘Angle’, that it could pass as WallPaper = ‘Acceptance’ of the Court rulings, IS NOT an apology! ‘Angles’, will include ‘Appealing to Common Folk’, who have thought That Their previous Personal – No matter the Scenario, ‘Court Appearances & Rulings’ in the Negative, were ‘Unfair’! Note, the ‘Laying Out’ of The CONplete Allegations – Incuding References to Govt ‘Health’ Secretary – For ‘Effect’! This IS Strategic Psychology! NOT an Unreserved Apology!= Typical MSM. Good luck on Yer ‘Win’ anyway. THE Rest, goes like this – Maybe.

    Matt Hancock – A ‘Politician’ And Adviser – Family runs a ‘Computer Software’ Business = This is the Dude, a ‘Politician’, With as far as I know ZERO Medical qualifications, AND, a ‘Health SECRETary’, No less, Sprouts about ‘Statin Deniers’ (Sic), AND, ‘Pernicious Lies’! ‘Pernicious’ – No less = LOL! Well, let’s see>

    Pernicious; Tending to cause Death or serious injury. Deadly./ Causing Great Harm. Destructive./ Quick, Swift (to burn).

    Lies; To speak Untruthfully, with INTENT to Trick, Deceive or MISlead./ To convey a False impression or practice Deception.

    SO > ‘Pernicious’ & ‘Lies’, from a Politician AND a Health ‘Secretary’ – IS one Sure We’re NOT Talking about the COVID ‘Exercise’ here??

    Last; When it comes to Statins @ Large (and apart from Big Pharma, ‘Lowering Benchmarks’, For Increased ‘Market share Demographics’ = AppaRentLie, it’s NOT about ‘Profits’ (Sic)), ‘EFFECTS’ (Read; NOTHING is EVER a ‘SIDE’ effect), include Renal & ‘Muscle Weakness’ issues- ON the Safety Data Sheets’ OR the Labels. ‘Muscle’ – What do folks think is Incorporated in their ‘Hearts’ (Including; Statins – May quicken your Heart beat = Oh Really! LOL!

    Better add in the Usual ‘Effect’ Ratio as Standard Medical/pHARMa Cabal ‘Information’ – ANY Drug/ Jab – Negative ‘Side’ Effects = RARE! ‘Endorsed’ (Rubber Stamped) By Pharma PETS/ NotMyGov @ NotWatchDogs

    Wellness from an OZtopian (Australia)Observer! – John D.

  83. Gabriella

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! It has been a long time coming. But revenge? I would hope that forgiveness would prevail, especially when you forgive those who have hurt you and are now being punished by law. That is justice.

    1. Prudence Kitten

      Gabriella, we don’t know if anyone will be “punished by law”. As in so many other cases – a few of them documented in this very comments column – the damages awarded do not even compensate for the harm suffered. Courts have many ways of making their opinions felt.

  84. Sean

    ‘Congratulations’ doesn’t seem the best thing to say, but I can say that I’m in awe of how you both fight for what is right despite the incredibly powerful forces at play. I can’t imagine the sleepless nights you’ve suffered, but I’m sure many are eternally grateful for you and I hope that helps.

  85. officec42202f624

    Dear Malcolm

    I am one of your greatest fans!

    You have done a brilliant job and a million congratulations

    I too have fought the powers that be and know what a struggle it is

    Very best wishes

    Sarah Myhill

  86. liveagr1

    Hearty congratulations. Malcolm

    The win lifted me and obviously many others. Very useful result to enable others to see what shenanigans are going on in the background- shenanigans that are modern marketing techniques. I hav shared the bejazes out of this.Looking forward to the return of Dr KENDRICKS’s blogs.

  87. Prudence Kitten

    ‘Mr Calman allowed the experts who had helped him to have “a very significant”, and “undue”, influence over the editorial process and the terms of the article. ‘

    Shouldn’t the word “experts” be in quotes? If they were really expert, their advice would have been correct. But the whole point is that their advice was quite wrong.

  88. Peter Ford

    Many congratulations on the success so far, Malcolm.

    So far still to go in educating people. Just last month my GP tried to medicalise me with statins when I have the medical profile of a veteran athlete! Without you I’d probably have caved and worried myself to death.

    1. Prudence Kitten

      Gosh, so you actually got to meet a GP? In my last four visits to my local surgery I have not seen a GP. I am always seen by a “nurse practitioner” – to their credit, they always tell me up front that they are not qualified doctors, but (their words) “doctors on the cheap”.

      I did once get a 5-minute phone call from a doctor. (At least he said he was a doctor).

  89. Tom W.

    Yippee! Great news. Congratulations!
    Thank you for all your brilliant work – and bravery!
    Your writings have helped me (and thousands of others) so much.
    You are a true hero.

  90. Judith Bettinger

    Bravi to both of you for sticking with this! It is way past time for the truth about statins to come out.

    Judith Bettinger

  91. Geoff Arden

    well done;

    do the extent of damages awarded; reflect the ability of the guilty to pay? We understand Lord Rory and his mates have several hundred million quid in their warchest, buried in the shady cloisters of Oxford; hopefully in their generosity, they can hand some of that over .. ??

  92. maximummortally72874bb368

    An excellent result. Thank you for your perseverance and in having the courage to stand firm in the face f so much opposition. It is high time that the truth becomes common knowledge. Advances in medicine and in all aspects of scientific research cease when we allow false conclusions from pseudo-science to persist.

  93. Jayne Spencer

    Thank you both for being so brave, hopefully you will now be able to take the time to heal and recover from this monumental journey.
    Jayne Spencer

  94. Susruto

    Superb news…am delighted with the outcome. many congratulations and a well deserved success. You are saving lives by exposing the dangers caused by the unnecessary use of statins.

  95. Roy

    The owners of the ketoduped reddit forum were posting last month that Malcolm Kendrick has cancer and has less than 3 years to live. Can you confirm or deny these allegations? What is the update on your cancer?

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      I am not sure that these constitute allegations. Having prostate cancer is not a crime. I am not sure how Ketoduped got the information about my years left to live. If it is true, it is news to me. I think I may contact the Ketoduped team and remind them that if it were true, they have broken the law in publishing confidential medical information it. If it is not, which it is not, they are simply lying. So, criminals, or liars. Take your pick.

    2. Prudence Kitten

      Similar lies have been published about Mr Putin for many years. Yet there he is, going about his business more bright-eyed, apple-cheeked and mischievous as ever.

      May Dr Kendrick be in as good health.

  96. Irene Wood

    What fantastic news – really made my day as it is a huge accomplishment to have won AND gotten The Mail to print a retraction of their outrageous slander.

    In celebration, I am ordering a copy of The Clot Thickens as a Christmas present for my GP. (Actually, he is fine – but his partner, a senior cardiologist and a statin taker himself is a tough nut to crack.)

    Anyway I hope this means an end to the long silence. I really missed not being able to get my “optimisim fix” from your site on a regular basis and actually stopped checking in for many months. Luckily I took a peek today.

    Best Regards.

  97. Barbara Barham

    Well Done, you deserved to win, since you spearheaded it ,the Statins debate has taken wings and there are You Tube bloggers saying much the same as you did, thank you for all you have done to help so many people understand their ailments.

  98. canasena

    Your efforts and perseverance have set a precedence for us all – deepest thanks and congratulations on winning the court case (you got the bastards!).

    I have searched the web for the original “The deadly propaganda of the statin deniers” online and can’t find it, does anyone have a copy?

  99. Patricia Oakes

    Thank you from an ordinary, non-medically trained, denier. I have had so many drugs pushed across medical desks, that even my simple brain struggled to understand would help my ‘then’ symptoms. Being an inveterate suspicious sod I always looked them up before even considering taking them, 99% of which ended up back at the pharmacy, so many blood pressure medications for someone whose BP is always on the low side of normal, but when presenting with slightly raised (due to having my long time hrt denied for example!) said medic insisting I take this wonder drug.

    Thank you for being willing to be target practice, I wish you good health.

    Tricia O


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