- “Mr. P, why are you trying to get rid of laughter? Isn’t laughter the best medicine?”
- ―Harold to Professor Poopypants.
Harold Hutchins is one of the two protagonists in the DreamWorks film, Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie. He is George's best friend.
Harold and George are best friends who spend their days creating comic books and dreaming up pranks. One day they accidentally hypnotize their school principal into believing that he is Captain Underpants, a dimwitted superhero whose costume consists of underwear and a cape. As if this isn’t bad enough, their newest teacher is a disgraced evil scientist bent on exacting his revenge at their school. Harold, George, and Captain Underpants must band together to thwart his evil agenda.
Official Description[]
- Harold is the artist responsible for bringing The Amazing Captain Underpants to the page. His job is to illustrate the adventures that his best friend George dreams up.
Harold Hutchins is a class clown & loves to pull pranks. However, Harold is a bit more timid so George usually comes up with their prank ideas. Ironically, Harold is a bit more bolder than George when it comes to fighting monsters. Despite his pranking nature, most of Harold's actions are generally targeted towards adult cruelty, such as his teachers. His other hobbies are skateboarding, watching TV, & making comic books with George, which he draws the pictures for. He became very insecure and shy when his dad left the family when he was 6.
Physical Appearance[]
Harold is a blonde Caucasian 10 year old, who has a large, fluffy hairstyle. His outfit consists of a lime green & white striped T-shirt, golden colored shorts, & a pair of light blue rubber loafers. He also wears a blue button-up hawaiian shirt with a white floral print & has a pair of lime green & blue shutter sunglasses. Like most of the human characters, he has black eyes.
- Harold is a dolphin lover.
- He and George both have ADHD.
- Harold is described as "the boy on the right with the T-shirt & the bad haircut".
- It's confirmed that he is gay in the book Captain Underpants and the Sensational Saga of Sir Stinks-A-Lot.