The Way of the Riveras is a deleted song from the 2017 Disney/Pixar animated feature film, Coco.
This song was used as a remnant when the aforementioned film was going to be a musical where Miguel (named Marco in early development) wanted to be a musician to which his family wanted their son to do their traditions. The reason why it was scrapped is because it was difficult to create a musical where Miguel's family obey the ban of music - though they broke out into song despite the ban since this song was about how Miguel should not play music.
Abuelita: Niño, niño...
I am sure you have ideas of how you want today to go
But I am here to tell you no
(speaking) Come.
Abuelita/Riveras: You will do as we have done
It's the way of the Riveras
Abuelita: (speaking) No, no! Like this, niños - mira.
Nana Imelda likes a straight path.
Use the ruler like I showed you.
Abuelita/Riveras: We choose family over fun
It's the way of the Riveras
(speaking) Too much sauce, chiquita.
Nana Imelda likes them dry.
In the bosom of your family
You'll find comfort and contentment
Abuelita/Riveras: And surrounded by Riveras
You'll comfort without re...
Abuelita: (speaking) Ten dozen tamales!
Riveras: ...resentment
Abuelita/Riveras: Riveras (3x)
We do what we do because it is the glue
To the beautiful life that we've got
Riveras (3x)
Riveras are tethered together forever
Whether we like it or not
Abuelita: (speaking) These aren't just pictures on a shelf, Marco. They're family.
And they depend on us to keep their memories alive.
Marco, take a look - you know who this is
This is mi papá - you know what he did
57 years, he made shoes
Riveras: He made shoes, he made shoes
We make shoes
Over here, the twins
Óscar and Felipe
Felipe and Óscar
Whatever, doesn't matter
They made shoes
Riveras: They made shoes
Many shoes
We love shoes
Abuelita: They'll be here tonight
With us in our hearts and this room
Filling all the empty spaces
Nina, she made shoes
Rosa, she made shoes
Paco, he was different
Marco: (speaking) He was? What did he do?
Abuelita: He made shoelaces!
And we owe all we have to Nana Imelda
The proudest Rivera of all
She was left by her husband
A man we don't speak of
Abandoned, no money
Alone with a child
Did she give up an die?
No, she held her head high and stood tall
For the sake of Coco and the family
She took her last peso
And she made her first pair of shoes
Riveras: She made shoes, she made shoes
Abuelita: She made shoes
Marco: What about the man we don't speak of?
Abuelita: Psst! We do not speak of that man.
Marco: But you brought him up.
Abuelita: Psst! Marco!
You will do as we have done
That is how you stay connected
Abuelita/Riveras: You'll choose family over fun
Always do what is expected
Everything you need to know
Our dear Imelda's shown us
Abuelita: Plus, you also get free footwear
Abuelita/Riveras: Which is a bonus
Abuelita/Riveras: Riveras (3x)
We do what we do because it is the glue
To the beautiful life that we've got
Riveras (3x)
Abuelita: ¡Delicioso!
Abuelita/Riveras: Riveras are tethered together forever
Forever and ever
And ever and ever and ever
And whether we like it or not
Marco: (speaking) Thank you, Abuelita. That was very educational.
Now can I borrow your workbench?