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"My Fair Baloo" is the forty-forth episode of The Disney Afternoon animated series TaleSpin. It premiered on January 7, 1991.


Rebecca has been invited to the Businessman's Ball but has trouble finding a date. Kit suggests she takes Baloo but Rebecca quickly says no because he's "A Slob." However Kit convinces her to ask him and promises to teach him some manners. However, Baloo will not even try and just takes the lesson for a joke. But his attitude changes after he hears the Ball is aboard a plane called the Spruce Moose. Eager to see that plane he takes Kit's teachings seriously and finally becomes a real gentleman when Rebecca arrives to pick him up and give him a tuxedo.

They arrive at the Spruce Moose; A huge six engine seaplane that has never been flown. Built so big that it could not fly through the cliffs which was why it was turned into a nightclub. Aboard the plane Baloo and Rebecca meet many wealthy business folks but Baloo starts to forget his manners and goes back to his usually sloppy ways. Also making Rebecca feel embarrassed.

Suddenly the Spruce Moose is hijacked by a gang leader named Owl Capone. The plane makes its way towards the cliffs and successfully gets through for the first time in flight. Once in the air, Owl Capone and his gang have everyone gather up their valuables except Rebecca, since she doesn't own any jewelry. Unnoticed to everyone, Baloo plans to hijack back the Spruce Moose. he crawls into one of the maintenance tunnels and begins to tamper with the control lines trying to steer the plane blindly. The gangster flying the plane fights with the wheel, and so does Baloo until he gets tangled up in the cables. The controls quickly go haywire and the plane starts to go down. Owl Capone and his gang jump out with the jewelry leaving the guests on board. Baloo is now their only hope to getting safely down. Baloo tries to steer the plane but his job on the cables have caused the steering wheel to break off. In order to steer the out of control plane, he yanks out the cables hoping to use them as strings.

Still heading down, they come across an island. Baloo, struggling with the cables, manages to land the Spruce Moose safely on the island. Even though he got everyone down, the snobby guests quickly show no appreciation. Feeling so insulted, Baloo storms out and into the jungle with Rebecca following. Just then Owl Capone and his gang show up again and have the guests build a raft for them to escape.

In the jungle, Rebecca is looking for Baloo but is suddenly caught by a snake, until Baloo rescues her. She tells him about Owl Capone, and that the guests need their help. They manage to sneak back aboard the Spruce Moose, while Owl Capone and his gang have the guests build their raft. All standing on the tail, Baloo moves the rudders making Owl Capone and his gang fall off. After tying up Owl Capone and his gang, the guests apologize to Baloo. With his help they convert the Spruce Moose into an airship and fly back to Cape Suzette.



  • The plane in this episode known as the "Spruce Moose" is a reference to the "Spruce Goose", a prototype heavy transport aircraft designed and built by the Hughes Aircraft company.
  • The character Owl Capone is a reference to the American gangster Al Capone.
  • The title seems similar to both the 1964 film and the 1956 Broadway musical My Fair Lady.
  • The line "That's not a butter knife, this is a butter knife" is taken from the 1986 film Crocodile Dundee, when Mick is being mugged at knifepoint and says "That's not a knife", then pulls out a much larger knife and says "Now that's a knife".

Home video releases[]


  • TaleSpin: Volume 2


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TaleSpin Logo
TaleSpin (Videography/Soundtrack) • RebootWalt Disney's World on Ice: Double Feature... Live!Raw ToonageNES gameGenesis gameComic book
BalooKit CloudkickerRebecca CunninghamMolly CunninghamWildcatLouie LamountAirplane JaneClementine ClevengerKatie DoddPrincess GraceKing AmokLotta LamourPrince Nevarhas Bin-BroakBandar-logCaptain William StansburyJoe MageeDoctor CooperRick SkyWhistlestop JacksonMyra FoxworthyDetective ThursdayInspector BurrowOscar VandersnootShere KhanKhan's PilotsDon KarnageAir PiratesIvanod SpigotSergeant DunderJack CaseDaring Dan DawsonAce LondonHeimlich MenudoWeazelGeneral PattonTrader MoeThaddeus E. KlangKitten KaboodleIgnatiusDr. AxolotlDr. ZibaldoBuffy and Muffy VanderschmereDouglas BensonPrince RudolfChancellor TrampleEmperor Wan LoProfessor Martin TorqueSeymourCovingtonMacKneeSheriff Gomer Cleghorn and Deputy WendellCrazy EdieCool Hands LukeHans and Helga
"I Only Have Ice for You" • "Time Waits for No Bear" • "A Touch of Glass" • "It Came From Beneath the Sea Duck" • "The Bigger They Are, the Louder They Oink" • "The Idol Rich" • "Stormy Weather" • "Plunder and Lightning" • "From Here to Machinery" • "Mommy for a Day" • "Molly Coddled" • "Polly Wants a Treasure" • "Vowel Play" • "Bearly Alive" • "Her Chance to Dream" • "All's Whale That Ends Whale" • "The Golden Sprocket of Friendship" • "For a Fuel Dollars More" • "A Bad Reflection on You" • "On a Wing and a Bear" • "A Star is Torn" • "A Spy in the Ointment" • "The Balooest of the Bluebloods" • "A Baloo Switcheroo" • "Whistlestop Jackson, Legend" • "Double or Nothing" • "Feminine Air" • "Last Horizons" • "Flight of the Snow Duck" • "Save the Tiger" • "The Old Man and the Sea Duck" • "War of the Weirds" • "Captains Outrageous" • "The Time Bandit" • "For Whom the Bell Klangs" • "Citizen Khan" • "Gruel and Unusual Punishment" • "Jolly Molly Christmas" • "My Fair Baloo" • "Waiders of the Wost Tweasure" • "Flight School Confidential" • "Bringing Down Babyface" • "Jumping the Guns" • "In Search of Ancient Blunders" • "Louie's Last Stand" • "Sheepskin Deep" • "Pizza Pie in the Sky" • "Baloo Thunder" • "Bullethead Baloo" • "Destiny Rides Again" • "Mach One for the Gipper" • "Stuck on You" • "The Sound and the Furry" • "The Road to Macadamia" • "The Ransom of Red Chimp" • "Your Baloo's in the Mail" • "Paradise Lost" • "The Incredible Shrinking Molly" • "Bygones" • "Flying Dupes"
Cape SuzetteHigher for HireLouie's PlaceWildcat's HouseboatKhan IndustriesThembriaPirate IslandWalla-Walla-Bing-BangMacadamiaTinabulaPanda-La
Spin ItI'm GoneHome is Where the Heart IsSky PiratesMonkey In Your TankFriends for Life
Sea DuckKhan TransportIron VultureSpruce MoosePirate FightersIdol of the Spirit-SwitcherThe Ruby WingsThe Three Bells of Tinabula
See also
The Jungle BookThe Disney Afternoon