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This article is about the episode from TaleSpin. For other episodes, see Flight of the.

"Flight of the Snow Duck" is the thirty-third episode of The Disney Afternoon animated series, TaleSpin. It premiered on November 5, 1990.


It's a typical morning in Rebecca's office, until Molly comes in pretending to be Danger Woman and makes a mess in her office. After that, Rebecca takes Molly to Wildcat for him to keep an eye on her because she doesn't want her in her office. Wildcat opens a chest full of interesting things, and he and Molly play a game of pretend until Wildcat falls into the chest and picks up a book called "Flight of the Snow Duck", and Molly asks Wildcat to read it to her (with some help from Molly), and he does. Afterwards, Molly wants to know what snow is, but Wildcat doesn't know what it is, either. She goes on to ask Baloo what snow is, but he is busy loading his plane with pink flamingoes to be shipped to Thembria. Molly wants to go to snowy Thembria, but Baloo tells her that it's too dangerous for someone her age to go. Then she asks Wildcat if he would take her to Thembria to see snow, and after thinking it over, he agrees to take her there by having him and Molly stow away on the plane without Baloo noticing.

When Baloo arrives in Thembria, he tells the clerk that he is there to deliver pink flamingoes from Cape Suzette. The clerk then hands Baloo a large stack of paperwork for him to fill out as an apology for parking his plane six inches too close to the dock. Meanwhile, Wildcat and Molly get out of the plane and they see snow for the first time. Wildcat and Molly immediately begin frolicking in the snow, including snowball fighting. Back at the office, as Baloo is filling out the paperwork, the workers are repainting the flamingoes blue, and one of the workers accidentally puts a stamp on Baloo's plane, and begins painting it blue. When Baloo realizes this, he gets mad and gets into an argument with the clerk over whether the Sea Duck is a bird or a plane, and Baloo crosses a line when he rubs off the stamp from his plane, which gets him arrested. Molly and Wildcat on the other hand, are building a snowman and pretend that he can talk. Then the two have fun sledding downhill until they are caught and arrested by the Thembrian authorities.

The next day, Wildcat and Molly are put on trial, and each are sentenced to 1,000 years in prison for having fun in the snow, which is illegal in Thembria. Baloo, however, is sentenced to 2,000 years for defacement of state property and not complimenting the Judge's new hairdo. After the trial, Molly and Wildcat are taken to their cell, with Baloo following not long after. Molly's spirits are dampened by being imprisoned and she is very sad because she misses her mother. Wildcat tells her that the Snow Duck is coming and she feels better. Though Molly believes that the Snow Duck is coming to rescue them, Baloo has a plan to escape. First, he tries pole-vaulting over the gate but he gets injured. Then he tries stowing away on a truck and that doesn't work, then he tries bungee shoeing but he can't get past the guard tower, then he tries using a stick and a rock to catapult himself out, and that doesn't work either. Then he returns to the cell where their prison food is already being served. Molly and Wildcat are pretending that they are in a restaurant, with Molly pretending that she is eating clam chowder, and Wildcat pretending to be a waiter. Baloo eats his prison food and it tastes terrible to him. Then Baloo tells Wildcat and Molly that they are going to escape the old-fashioned way: digging their way out. And as he is about to start digging, Molly says that the Snow Duck will be coming. A desperate Baloo yells at her, making her cry. Wildcat then berates Baloo for hurting Molly's feelings, and Baloo, feeling guilty for what he has done, asks Wildcat to go apologize to Molly on his behalf. Molly is outside, sitting on a bench, poking the snow with a stick, and feeling very sad. When Wildcat asks her if she wants to play, she refuses; but Wildcat tries to get her to pretend. But Molly, still moping, agrees with Baloo that pretending is silly. Wildcat tells her that she has to use her imagination, because it is imagination that allows things becoming a reality. That gives Molly the idea to build a plane out of ice.

After hours of hard work, they unveil the plane they built, the Snow Duck, to Baloo, who then pilots the plane past the Thembrian guards and tge planes that pursue them back to Cape Suzette. When they get back, as Rebecca is receiving the shipment from Thembria, she notices that the Sea Duck was painted blue, which upsets her, but Molly tells her she was just imagining things. They then burst out laughing, leaving Rebecca very confused.



  • The little girl in the story "Flight of the Snow Duck", is a human. This marks the only time a human ever appears on TaleSpin.

Video releases[]


  • TaleSpin: Volume 2

v - e - d
TaleSpin Logo
TaleSpin (Videography/Soundtrack) • RebootWalt Disney's World on Ice: Double Feature... Live!Raw ToonageNES gameGenesis gameComic book
BalooKit CloudkickerRebecca CunninghamMolly CunninghamWildcatLouie LamountAirplane JaneClementine ClevengerKatie DoddPrincess GraceKing AmokLotta LamourPrince Nevarhas Bin-BroakBandar-logCaptain William StansburyJoe MageeDoctor CooperRick SkyWhistlestop JacksonMyra FoxworthyDetective ThursdayInspector BurrowOscar VandersnootShere KhanKhan's PilotsDon KarnageAir PiratesIvanod SpigotSergeant DunderJack CaseDaring Dan DawsonAce LondonHeimlich MenudoWeazelGeneral PattonTrader MoeThaddeus E. KlangKitten KaboodleIgnatiusDr. AxolotlDr. ZibaldoBuffy and Muffy VanderschmereDouglas BensonPrince RudolfChancellor TrampleEmperor Wan LoProfessor Martin TorqueSeymourCovingtonMacKneeSheriff Gomer Cleghorn and Deputy WendellCrazy EdieCool Hands LukeHans and Helga
"I Only Have Ice for You" • "Time Waits for No Bear" • "A Touch of Glass" • "It Came From Beneath the Sea Duck" • "The Bigger They Are, the Louder They Oink" • "The Idol Rich" • "Stormy Weather" • "Plunder and Lightning" • "From Here to Machinery" • "Mommy for a Day" • "Molly Coddled" • "Polly Wants a Treasure" • "Vowel Play" • "Bearly Alive" • "Her Chance to Dream" • "All's Whale That Ends Whale" • "The Golden Sprocket of Friendship" • "For a Fuel Dollars More" • "A Bad Reflection on You" • "On a Wing and a Bear" • "A Star is Torn" • "A Spy in the Ointment" • "The Balooest of the Bluebloods" • "A Baloo Switcheroo" • "Whistlestop Jackson, Legend" • "Double or Nothing" • "Feminine Air" • "Last Horizons" • "Flight of the Snow Duck" • "Save the Tiger" • "The Old Man and the Sea Duck" • "War of the Weirds" • "Captains Outrageous" • "The Time Bandit" • "For Whom the Bell Klangs" • "Citizen Khan" • "Gruel and Unusual Punishment" • "Jolly Molly Christmas" • "My Fair Baloo" • "Waiders of the Wost Tweasure" • "Flight School Confidential" • "Bringing Down Babyface" • "Jumping the Guns" • "In Search of Ancient Blunders" • "Louie's Last Stand" • "Sheepskin Deep" • "Pizza Pie in the Sky" • "Baloo Thunder" • "Bullethead Baloo" • "Destiny Rides Again" • "Mach One for the Gipper" • "Stuck on You" • "The Sound and the Furry" • "The Road to Macadamia" • "The Ransom of Red Chimp" • "Your Baloo's in the Mail" • "Paradise Lost" • "The Incredible Shrinking Molly" • "Bygones" • "Flying Dupes"
Cape SuzetteHigher for HireLouie's PlaceWildcat's HouseboatKhan IndustriesThembriaPirate IslandWalla-Walla-Bing-BangMacadamiaTinabulaPanda-La
Spin ItI'm GoneHome is Where the Heart IsSky PiratesMonkey In Your TankFriends for Life
Sea DuckKhan TransportIron VultureSpruce MoosePirate FightersIdol of the Spirit-SwitcherThe Ruby WingsThe Three Bells of Tinabula
See also
The Jungle BookThe Disney Afternoon