Middleton Institute of Science and Technologies, also called M.I.S.T, is a fictional college featured in the animated show, Kim Possible. It is the university attended by Dr. James Timothy Possible. It consists of many different buildings for many of its different sciences. It is located in Middleton.
Dr. James Timothy Possible probably attended this university with his friends: Bob Chen and Ramesh, as well as Dr. Drakken.
Dr. James Timothy Possible even took his daughter to tour his alma mater in the episode "Clothes Minded", even though she shows no interest in any fields of science, after all she did visit her mother's college already.
Apparently there is a compound which was being worked on when Dr. James Timothy Possible was a student, which they have perfected. This compound was a temporary mission outfit for Kim, which also backfired.
- James distinctly says the name with a plural.
- M.I.S.T. has nine buildings in the Earth Sciences alone.
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