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Joss Possible is the daughter of Slim Possible, and is Kim's cousin. She lives on a ranch in Montana which has cybertronic robot horses. She deeply respects Kim to the point of obsession and resembles her quite a bit, except she is shorter and has freckles (which Kim had when even younger). At first she didn't know who Ron Stoppable, Kim's best friend and partner, was, but now she admires him because he is able to face the odds despite his fears - a courageous quality of a real hero.



Joss was very similar to Kim, in that she was perky, adventurous, and something of a tomboy. In addition, because Joss considered her own life boring, she was always eager for new adventures, and faced potential danger with excitement rather than fear.

Joss looks up to Kim and, for a time, Kim's exploits were a source of obsession for her. She knows every one of Kim's missions by heart. While Kim found it flattering at first, the novelty quickly began to wear thin.

Joss ultimately ended up saving Ron from Shego by deactivating her father's robot horse, "Ol' Tornado". Ironically, after seeing Ron in action, she began to find herself a new hero in him. Even though Ron has plenty of fear to go around, this fear has never stopped him from helping Kim. This began to show Joss how a person can succeed when being herself and that she did not have to transform herself into someone else to be better. But before when Kim explained that she was being 'me' to save the world, she never cared. In the end, she chooses Ron as her role model. From this we understand she can be anyone but herself.

Physical Appearance[]

Joss is very slim, and about a head taller than her cousins Jim and Tim. She resembles Kim quite a bit, except for being shorter, having tanned skin, and having freckles, which Kim also had when younger. She wears a midriff-baring black top similar to the one that worn by her cousin, grey cargo pants, brown belt, and black shoes.


Joss displayed a love for adventure that rivaled Kim's own. As a result, Joss was virtually brave in dangerous situations, and all too eager to prove herself to Kim. Having lived on a farm with robot horses, Joss also had a level of familiarity with cybertronics that Kim admitted she herself lacked.

Little is known about Joss or her life. She is Kim's cousin and the daughter of Slim Possible. She made her first and only in person appearance part was through Season 3, and was introduced when the Possible Family and Ron visited her family's ranch during summer vacation in the episode "Showdown at the Crooked D". She appears to be the same age as the tweebs.

During this episode, Joss and Slim helped the other members of the Possible family in foiling a scheme by Dr. Drakken to transform the world's geniuses into lackwits using brain wave altering cowboy hats, before learning that she needed to follow her own path in life.

Two separate pictures of Joss were visible in the family photo wall scene during the Season 3 finale.


  • Joss is notable within the franchise in that she and Kim's mother, Dr. Ann Possible are the only characters who have been specifically confirmed as a Possible who goes by a name which is not an allusion to the word "impossible"; it was never stated whether Cousin Larry was a Possible. However it could just be an allusion to "just (barely) possible", as in she is "just barely like Kim".
  • For some some undisclosed reason, Joss was absent without her father at Kim's graduation.
  • The episode in which Joss appears rumored to be on direct- to-video in the United States before airing on Disney Channel.
  • Even though Kim gets most of her looks from her mother, Joss looks more like she could be Kim's younger sister.
  • In "October 31st", there was a girl Trick-or-Treater in a bunny suit who looked like Joss and was also voiced by Tara Strong. Even her addressing Ron as "mister" does not threaten a continuity error as Joss initially could not remember Ron beyond wearing the pants whose pocket Rufus lives in and as "the one who's always losin' his drawers".
  • Joss is Kim's biggest "fan."


v - e - d
Kim Possible official logo
Shows/Movies: Kim Possible"Rufus" (Lilo & Stitch: The Series crossover episode)"Codename: Electric Haircut" (Fillmore! crossover episode)Live-action filmKim Hushable

Video Games: Kim Possible: What's the Switch?Kim PossibleKim Possible: KimmunicatorKim Possible: Revenge of Monkey FistKim Possible 2: Drakken's DemiseKim Possible 3: Team PossibleKim Possible: Global GeminiDisney Heroes: Battle Mode
Books: Code Word: KimThe Kim Possible FilesSave the World KitKim Possible: Pick a Villain!

Disney Parks
Kim Possible World Showcase Adventure
Heroes: Kim PossibleRon StoppableRufusWadeDr. Ann PossibleDr. James PossibleJim and Tim PossibleMr. StoppableMrs. StoppableHana StoppableMoniqueSteve BarkinBonnie RockwallerBrick FlaggNedNana PossibleTeam GoMartin SmartyArtie SmartyTeam ImpossibleBetty DirectorCousin LarryVivian Francis PorterFelix RentonZita FloresMaster SenseiYoriSlim PossibleJoss PossibleYonoMegoHegoWego TwinsSteel ToePain KingProfessor AcariConnie and Lonnie RockwallerMrs. RockwallerTaraJessicaHopeMarcellaLizCrystalFranklin BarkinWayneShaunReuben StoppableVinnieBig MikeMr. McHenryJuniorPrince WallyWanda WongToshimiruAlan PlattAkuteOfficer HobbleAmeliaPop Pop PorterKyoko YoshikoNakasumiTimothy NorthSADIMiddleton High School CheerleadersWill DuCyrus BortelOh BoyzRoachieSnake-CatRabbit-RhinoAthena

Villains: Dr. DrakkenShegoMonkey FistDuff KilliganSeñor Senior, SeniorSeñor Senior, JuniorDNAmyGil MossCamille LéonFrugal LucreBebeAdrena LynnGeminiProfessor DementorFashionistasWarmongaWarhokMotor EdFalsetto JonesNanny MaimHank PerkinsJackie the JackalAviariusFukushimaKnights of RodeghanMalcolm NeviousElectroniqueDr. FenSummer GaleCommodore PuddlesMonkey NinjasEricBartholomew LipskyMiss GoProfessor DemensJack HenchThe MathterYono

Season One: CrushSink or SwimThe New RonTick-Tick-TickDownhillBueno NachoNumber OneMind GamesAttack of the Killer BebesRoyal PainCoach PossiblePain King vs. CleopatraMonkey Fist StrikesOctober 31stAll the NewsKimitation NationThe Twin FactorAnimal AttractionMonkey Ninjas in SpaceRon the ManLow Budget

Season Two: Naked GeniusGrudge MatchTwo to TutorThe Ron FactorCar TroubleRufus in ShowAdventures in Rufus-SittingJob UnfairThe Golden YearsVirtu-RonThe Fearless FerretExchangeRufus vs. Commodore PuddlesDay of the SnowmenA Sitch in TimeA Very Possible ChristmasQueen BebeHidden TalentReturn to Camp WannaweepGo Team GoThe Full MonkeyBlushPartnersOh BoyzSick DayThe Truth HurtsMother's DayMotor EdRon MillionaireTriple SRewriting History
Season Three: Steal WheelsEmotion SicknessBondingBad BoyShowdown at the Crooked DDimension TwistSo the DramaOverdueRoachieRappin' DrakkenTeam ImpossibleGorilla FistAnd the Mole Rat Will Be CGI
Season Four: Ill SuitedThe Big JobTrading FacesThe Cupid EffectCar AlarmMad Dogs and AliensGrande Size MeClothes MindedBig BotherFashion VictimOdds Man InStop Team GoCap'n DrakkenMathter and FerventThe Mentor of Our DiscontentOh No! Yono!Clean SlateHomecoming UpsetChasing RufusNursery CrimesLarry's BirthdayGraduation

SADINeuro-Compliance ChipLotus BladeKimmunicatorSilver CutlassThe AttitudinatorAmulet of the Monkey KingMolecular Muscle EnhancerNacoDiablo SauceGiant Laser DrillPop Pop's Mini Corn DogsRoth SL CoupeGrappling hook
MiddletonMiddleton High SchoolMiddleton MallBueno NachoSmarty MartPossible HouseStoppable HouseClub BananaMiddleton Space CenterMiddleton Medical CenterCamp WannaweepYamanouchi Ninja SchoolPickle on a PikeMiddleton Institute of Science and TechnologyMiddleton Magnetic InstituteMiddleton Geological CenterMiddleton Motor LodgeUniversity of UppertonCanadaTokyoJapan
Call Me, Beep Me!Could it BeRappin' DrakkenNaked Mole RapSay the WordPop Pop's Mini Corn Dogs (song)It's Just YouA Ringlin' Jinglin' Christmas
See Also
Team PossibleKim Possible World Showcase Adventure