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Gilbert is a supporting character in Disney's 2022 film Hocus Pocus 2. He is the owner of the Olde Salem Magic Shoppe and the Gilbert the Great Ghost Trolley who inadvertently reawakens the Sanderson Sisters.


In the film, Gilbert unwittingly reawakens the Sanderson Sisters by giving a Black Flame Candle to two teenage girls, Becca and Izzy, who are his regular customers and friends. The candle is a replica of the one that was used to revive the witches in 1993 by Max Dennison, a boy who moved to Salem from Los Angeles. Gilbert witnessed the events of that night as a child and learned how to make the candle from the Manual of Witchcraft and Alchemy, a magical tome that belonged to the Sanderson sisters and was left behind in their cottage. Gilbert did not intend to cause any harm, but he was curious about what would happen if the candle was lit again.


Hocus Pocus 2[]

When Becca and Izzy light the candle during their Halloween sleepover, they accidentally summon the Sanderson sisters, who are determined to suck the life force out of all the children in Salem before sunrise. The girls manage to escape from the witches with the help of Cassie Traske, their former friend who is also a descendant of Reverend Traske, the man who banished the Sanderson sisters in 1653. They also take the Book of Spells with them, hoping to find a way to stop the witches.

Gilbert realizes his mistake when he sees the news reports about the witch sightings and tries to contact Becca and Izzy. He meets up with them at Cassie's house and apologizes for his role in reviving the witches. He also reveals his knowledge of magic and offers to help them. Together, they devise a plan to lure the Sanderson sisters into a trap using a fake Magicae Maxima spell, which is supposed to make them all-powerful but actually destroys them. However, they are unaware that Winifred Sanderson, the leader of the witches, has already learned about this spell from her mentor, The Witch Mother, who gave her the Book of Spells as a gift when she was young.

The plan goes awry when Winifred casts the Magicae Maxima spell on herself and becomes invincible. She then attacks Becca, Izzy, Cassie, and Gilbert, who try to fight back with their own magic. Gilbert uses his knowledge of occult symbols and rituals to create barriers and distractions for Winifred. He also sacrifices himself to save Becca from being killed by Winifred's lightning bolt. However, he is revived by Cobweb, who turns out to be a familiar spirit sent by the Witch Mother to watch over him.

In the end, Winifred is defeated by Becca, who uses her own life force to reverse the Magicae Maxima spell and turn Winifred into dust. The other two Sanderson sisters, Mary and Sarah, are also destroyed by sunlight. Becca survives with the help of Cassie and Izzy, who share their life force with her. Gilbert celebrates with them and hugs Cobweb. He then decides to turn his magic shop into a museum dedicated to the history of Salem and its witches. He also becomes friends with Cassie's boyfriend Tyler and invites him to join his Dungeons & Dragons group.


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Hocus Pocus logo
Hocus Pocus (soundtrack/video) • Hocus Pocus 2 (soundtrack) • Hocus Pocus 3Disney Emoji BlitzHocus Pocus & the All-New SequelChibi Tiny TalesHocus Pocus 25th Anniversary Halloween BashIn Search of the Sanderson Sisters: A Hocus Pocus Hulaween TakeoverDisney Heroes: Battle ModeWitches Run Amok: The Oral History of Disney's Hocus Pocus
Disney Parks
Hocus Pocus Villain SpelltacularHappy HallowishesDisney Movie Magic
Original: Sanderson Sisters (Winifred/Mary/Sarah) • Max DennisonDani DennisonAllisonThackery BinxBilly ButchersonDave DennisonJenny DennisonEmily BinxErnieJay TaylorMiss OlinThe DevilThe Devil's Wife

Sequel: BeccaIzzyCassie TraskeMikeGilbertMayor TraskeThe Witch Mother

Original: Come Little ChildrenI Put a Spell on YouWitchcraft

Sequel: The Witches Are BackSkeleton SamPlanet ClaireGhostedSomebody's Watching MeHocus Pocus Voo DooAfraid of the NightOne Way or Another

MassachusettsSanderson Sisters' CottageJacob Bailey High SchoolOld Burial HillSalemOlde Salem Magic ShoppeWalgreens
Black Flame CandleManual of Witchcraft and AlchemyLife Potion