3 - Tooling Flexibility Flexibility in Forming Technology
3 - Tooling Flexibility Flexibility in Forming Technology
3 - Tooling Flexibility Flexibility in Forming Technology
5 International Conference
on Accuracy in
Forming Technology
ICAFT 2015
International Conference on
Accuracy in Forming Technology
22 nd Saxon Conference on
Forming Technology SFU 2015
22. Sächsische Fachtagung
Umformtechnik SFU 2015
Editors I Herausgeber:
Prof. Dr.-Ing . Dirk Lan dgrebe
Prof. Dr.-Ing . Welf-Guntram Drossel
Prof. Dr.-Ing . Matthias Putz
n Reports fram the IWU Volume 88
~ Fraunhofer
Zum Buch
Imprint Table of Contents
5t h International Conference
on Accuracy in
Plenary Papers: Effieieney in Forming Teehnology
Forming Technology
22 nd Saxon Conference on Drivers and Challenges on the Path Towards "Industry 4.0" ..... .... .... .. .. ....... ..... 11
Forming Technology SFU 2015 Neugebauer, R.
22. Sächsische Fa ch tagung
Umformtechnik SFU 2015 The Audi Tool shop - Taking the Next Step into th e Digital Dimension .... .... .... 15
Sp indler, J.; Breme, M.; Hein, c.; Struck, R.
Sustainability at Hirschvogel ... .. .......... .. .......... .. ... .. .. ..... ..... .... ..... .......... .. ...... .. ..... 33
Prof. Dr.-Ing . Dirk Landgrebe
Raedt, H.-W.; Maurer, O.
Prof. Dr.-Ing . Welf-Guntram Dross el
Prof. Dr.-Ing . Matthias Putz
Lightweighting in Automotive Industry Using Sheet Metal Fo rming -
Advances and Challenges ............ ... ... .. .... .. ..... ... .. .. .............. .. .... ... ......... ... .... ....... . 43
Fa llah iarezoodar, A.; DrotleH, K.; Liewa ld, M.; Altan , T.
Al l ri ghts reserved.
Towards Efficient. Interconnected and Fl exible Value Chain s -
No part of thi s publ ica ti on may be reproduced or transm itted by any means, Examples and Innovations from Research on Production Te chn o logies ........... 61
electron ic, mechan ical, photocopying or otherwise Landgrebe, D.; Putz, M.; Schieck, F.; Sterzing, A., Rennau, A.
without the prior pe rmiss ion of the pub lisher.
Integration of Press Hardening with Cold Trimming .... ... .. ......... .. .................. 105
ISBN : 978-3-957 35-029-9
Yil maz, 1. 0 .; Kaftanoglu, B.; Hacalog lu, T.; Kilickan, M .
Tooling Flexibility = Flexibility in Forming Technology?!. .. ...... .. ...... .... ... ......... 119 Resource Efficiency in Bulk Metal Forming -
Landgrebe, D.; Krä use l, V; Birnbaum, P.; Quellmalz, J.; Sc hleg el, H.; Selected Strategies ..... ... ........... .. ...... ........... ....... .. .. ... ... ..... ... .. ........ ......... .. ....... .. 269
AI-Obaidi, A.; Guk, A. Muckelbauer, M.; Takale, S; Meyer, M .
A New Approach for the Visioplastic Stress Analysis for Material Development of Hybrid Material Composites for Marine Diesel Engine
Characterisation .. .. ..... .... ..... ......... ...... ....... .. ... ..... ... ...... .. ... .. ... ....... ....... .. ... ........ .. 139 Components with High Thermal Loads .. ...... ... .... ... .. ... ..... ... ... ....... ..... ............. .. 281
Jentsc h, E.; Krüger, L.; Landgrebe, D.; Wag ner, A; Lehnert, T.;
Küsters, N.; Brosius, A.; Schomäcker, M .
Selbmann, R.; Kolbe, P
Precision Cutting: Opportunities and Cost Advantages ...... ........ ....... .. ... ... .... .. 155
Rolling - A Versatile Process of Massive Forming ..... ....... ... ..... .. ..... ....... ... ....... . 289
Stahl, K.
Erxleben, St.
Conductive Heating Opens up Various New Opportunities in
GBQ Micro Finishing of Forged Engine Components ..... ... ........ ........... .. .. ..... .. . 305
Hot Stamping ... .... .. ...... .. ...... ..... ..... ... .... ...... ... ... ..... ........ ... ..... ... ...... .. ...... ............ 157
Witt, Th .
Behrens, B.-A.; Hübner, S.; Schrödter, J. ; Uhe, J.
Robustness Analysis of Metal Forming Simulation - State of the Art
Forming of New Generation AHSS Using Servo Presses ..... .... ...... ... .......... .... .. . 175
in Practice ..... .......... .. .... ......... ...... .... ... ...... ............... ... ... ... ... .... ... ..... .. ....... .... .. ..... 319
Billur, E. ; (etin, B.; Yllmaz, M.M.; Og uz, AG.; Atay, A; Ersoy, K.; Uguz, RO,
Wolff, S.
Kaftanoglu, B.
Innovative Manufacturing Route for Realizing Alternative Drive Concepts ... 335
Manufacturing of Innovative Aluminum Components by Combining
Landgrebe, D.; Sterzing, A.; Schuster, R., Popp, M .
Shear Cutting Operation and Tailor Heat Treated Blank Technique ..... .... ...... 193
Degner, J.; Suttner, S.; Tsoupis, 1.; Lechner, M .; Merklein, M .
Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) , Incremental Sheet Forming, Heat
Distinctive customer requests for individualized products , their quick availability and
market accepted price policy influence increasingly production engineering ,
particularly forming technology . Relevant questions focus progressivelyon cost-
efficient production of minimized batch sizes , quick changing product shapes and
individual adjustment of mechanical properties . Rising demands on flexible tool
solutions accompany the call for energy and resource efficient solution strategy to
satisfy customer requirements . Within the IWP (Institute for Machine Tools and
Production Processes) at Technische Universität Chemnitz different tool concepts
were designed , developed and subsequently evaluated . The general request for
innovative tool concepts and technologies to design adjusted mechanical properties
is in focus . By questioning the fundamental construction of forming and cutting
tools, innovative concepts are implemented, whereby shaft guidance and peripheral
units will be neglected. Especially multi-axle driven tools with online position control
are mainly considered. By implementation of innovative control and feedback
control technology highly dynamic forming processes can be realized . Significant
advantages arise from servo-electric actuator units whereby flexible velocity profiles
are implemented . Potential tilting effects are avoided by separate adjustment
control for each actuator.
720 5th In terna tional Conference on Accuracy in Forming Technology Sheet Metal Forming 727
Further aimed flexibility in production technology is implemented for advanced 4. The amount of peripheral components is far reduced, so that the performance
sheet meta I forming by tools with high degree of freedom and thermally supported is still ensured but quick module changes are possible .
process control. Incremental sheet metal forming therefor represents an ideal As a consequence of less supporting structures, a high number of degrees of
technology . Especially for prototyping and small batch sizes the considered method freedom as weil as a maximum of flexibility in structure, mechanical components
is advantageous. The implementation of fast-heating units guarantees a pinpoint have to be replaced by alternative systems . Therefore, control concepts and
heat input at the forming zone whereby the resource-saving input of thermal energy automation technology need to be taken into account to monitor, adjust and
is taken into account. The feasibility of enhanced flexibility in terms of local heating possibly self-optimize the process in prior defined circumstances . Within the scope
is further examined and evaluated for the process of roll forming with individually of that concept, various kinds of sensors and actuators are considered for the
adjusted mechanical properties. Subsequently a customized process window can innovative tool design. In regard to a higher degree of flexibility, self-driven tools are
be determined and process influences as weil as limits are described . A prospective focused for future developments whereby cost-intensive machinery can be
view on flexible forming technologies under consideration of energy- and resource neglected . The machine drives for innovative tools are adjusted according to the
efficiency will be given . required technological processes respectively .
The business segment of SME in production engineering tends increasingly to new Within new developments for innovative press tools, several innovation spots are
demands of fast changing products in decreasing quantity. Furthermore there are defined, which form together the new tool concept.
aggravating circumstances like shortened production times at high and rising quality Flexible construction
requirements . Profound innovations in production technology are necessary to Under a constructive point of view a maximum in flexibility is reached by a modular
remain globally successful in competition. A promising approach to satisfy market design , at which several function modules are placed within a basis tool.
conditions is an increasing progress of adaptability and flexibility in production Furthermore structural dimensioning is adjusted to a minimum of guidance and
engineering, especially in regard to machinery and tool design. Despite individual stabilizing parts . Position control within the tool is managed by several single
and fast changing customer requests , a maintaining profitability for SME can actuators.
therefore be guaranteed.
Decentralized drive concept
An increasing request for products of various design , properties and lot sizes
The implementation of the actuation unit within the tool is part of the innovative
represent ·a major challenge for machine tools and machinery, which have to obey
concept, whereas versatile adjustment possibilities for the loading direction can be
ever-changing requirement profiles . Traditional construction principles for tools, that
achieved. The degrees of freedom for loads can subsequently be better exploited if
are defined by high quantities, robust processes and uniform manufacturing steps,
there are several drives implemented besides the resulting force axis , instead of a
need to be questioned. However following general aspects are taken into
center-placed single drive above the tool. While independent and variable motion
consideration , to ensure variability and flexibility:
profiles for the actuators are possible , they need to res pond rapidly to position and
1. Tools consist of modular-based structure with changeable segments. load sensor signals by appropriate feedback control. The optimal drive technology
2. The field of application is multifunctional. Various production steps can be for individual and flexible motion at consistent force and momentum are servo-
realized with the help of one single tool system and several tool modules. electric drives . Integrated actuators comprised of servo motor and mechan ical drive
3. Motion and velocity profiles are variable and individually adjustable in different train are favored .
working directions without loss of fo rce or momentum.
722 5th International Conference on Accura cy in Forming Technology Sheet Me ta! Forming 723
Control algorithms The basis tool (Figure 1, grey) consists of modular die-set that is connected to
Beside constructive adjustments, preconditions in measurement and control linear actuators on opposite sides (Figure 1, green) . Both servo-electric drives are
technology need to be considered to avoid unintentional tilt at guiding elements. driven by individual drive units and offer a maximum in power and momentum at
The position at the guiding elements can be recorded by linear encoders, which are every position , which is required 10 avoid tilt. Since tilt is not avoided by the guiding
used to verify the relative position of several drives to each other. Next to linear elements of their own , maximum forming force depends on the load eccentricity. A
measurement, the process can be monitored simultaneously by force measurement further aspect that recommends the application of integrated servo-electric
along force-transmitting tool parts . The force signals can be considered to improve actuators is the availability of signals which can optionally be used for feedback
control performance, e.g. by disturbance feed forward strategy [2] . The feedback control and/or monitoring at each actuator:
control system is responsible to monitor the tool position and to avoid unwanted tilt • motor position and speed (rotary encoders)
by individual adjustment of several drive positions as weil as their speed and
• actuator active current (torque-proportional)
torque .
The calculation of the load forces out of the active current can conditionally replace
explicit force measurement. However, it is implemented connected to a cabinet-
integrated 2-channel charge amplifier. Parallel to the actuator-basis tool-connection
1.2 Demonstration tool Iwo linear measuring systems (Figure 1, green) are utilized to monitor the relative
Theoretical approaches are verified by an innovative self-driven press tool with a movement of the upper and lower plate of the basis tool to avoid unwanted tilt in the
maximum in flexibility as weil as process stability. The demonstrator should guidance columns . Due to the fact that just two actuators are implemented , the tilt is
applicate recent productions steps of sheet metal forming such as deep drawing, just considered one-dimensionally. A two dimensional lilt can just be avoided by at
bending , punching and further more . Due to the fact that sheet metal forming is least three actuators.
performed by standard hydraulic presses or crank presses, the basis construction of Next to the linear measurement system , force measurement by force-linking piezo-
the demonstrator is similar. A general description of the demonstrator with its set-up based load washers are integrated along the flow of forces in the single
of basis tool , single modules, actuators and control technology is given in Figure 1. demonstrator modules as weil as in the axes of the linear actuators . The production
process can thereby be observed as a result of changing forces . At best self-
optimizing algorithms are integrated based on the signals of the load cells .
The demonstrator functions need to be tested and evaluated with the help of
several single load modules that are placed eccentrically in the basis module . Thus
an unbalanced load can cause tilt in the guidance which needs to be compensated
modules by the feedback control system . The single load modules can be placed
eccentrically as weil as centrally in the basis module. In Figure 2 the assembly of
three load modules is illustrated .
linear actuators
h~licEl spring processes are illustrated and calculated exemplary with the help of the FE software
module elastqmer spring
cutting. LS Dyna to gain results for maximum forces and the corresponding displacement.
modul!,! mod 1,1 le
The considered values of forces and displacement depend strongly on the material
that is formed or cut. The force vs. stroke curve is significantly influenced by the
examined production process and the considered material (Table 1).
Figure 2: Load modules with integrated load eells (gre en) and fun e/ion uni! (yellow)
ben ding u-bending cutting deep drawing
These three single load modules are different in their construction and accordingly depth at 10 0.3 appr. 11
different in their force-displacement-behavior. The spring modules serve as Fmax- [mm]
comparable module to real processes deep drawing or bending . Therefor the force- F ma,. [kN]
5.8 43 9.4 25
displacement-characteristics are prior FE-calculated and basis for dummy load
modules that replace real deep drawing or bending tools. Due to the integration of Fmax. [kN] 11 36 7.3 35
load cells (green marked in Figure 2), acting forces in the module can be detected
and compared with forces in the actuator axes . The influence of an eccentric load Fm.". [kN]
48 144 20 > 52
ca se on the basis module can be evaluated .
7.3 (AIMg3) To increase the fle xibility, the positioning co ntrol and set point generation could be
Fmax[kN] 97 28 9.4 (OC 04) integrated in the drive units as weil (in the following ca lied "d rive based
20 (C 45) architecture") , since modern drive units have high computation performance and
ofter lots of advanced options for positioning and operation without superordinated
motion controller (i .e. use standard PLC). The following Table 3 lists pro (+) and
contra (-) of the architectures.
1.4 Control system
Table 3: Evaluation of considered criterions for differen t contral / contral feedba ck architectures
The control/feedback control system has to consider the fle xibility of the mechanical
criterions classical architecture drive-based architecture
and actuation system. Every linear actuation unit needs its own drive power unit of
course . Classically, these comprise the cascaded current and speed control loops positioning controllag and
sampie times
while position control and set point generation is situated on a superordinated
controller (besides sequence control and general 1/0) , as shown in the following implementation 0'
position control (linear ++ -
Figure 3 (in the following called "classical architecture"). measurement system)
synchronization afford /
++ -
'ai/ure detection
adaptability (add/remove
costs - +
Although a classical architecture has some more benefits for the laboratory state in
implementation of testing software, supervisory measurement etc. , for the
implementation at the shop-floor a drive-based solution is favored . If sufficiency of
the feedback control performance with th e classical architecture can be proven at
728 5th International Conference on Accuracy in Forming Techno!ogy Sheet Meta! Forming 729
the laboratory state, a drive-based solution will work weil also, since its performance
is expected to be better. If further improvement is required , specialized control for
mechanically coupled multi-drive systems [1] can be taken into account. These
include coupling between the actuators besides set point only.
• elevated temperature
Z 4000
Figure 6: Forming forces: comparison between hot forming and cold forming of parts made of
MBW1500 steel sheet
Figure 5: Conical formed profile (a) hot formed, (b) formed at room temperature
Since the induction heating was affecting the hardness of the DP1000 steel the
micro hardness was measured at the formed part produced with assistance of
There are affecting parameters to influence individually the forming temperature .
induction heating. A reduction of hardness was found at the formed sheet metal part
The most influencing parameters on the sheet temperature during induction heating
due to the excessive induction heating as shown in Figure 8.
are the feed rate and induction power. Fan et al. [9] also found a high relation
between current power and feed rate on the temperature generated in the sheet.
From Figure 7 it can be noticed that the sheet temperature increases by decreasing 950
feed rate especially when forming with a high induction power and vice versa.
temperature during forming between the depth levels in the produced profile. This E
problem was solved by AI-Obaidi et al. [10] . However, when forming there was a ~ 800 . 1250 mm/rnin
difference in heating temperature between the pyramid and the conical formed Q) .1 000 rnrn/rnin
profiles. Fan et al. [6] discovered the heat distribution in the conical profile was J::
. 750 mrn/rnin
much better than in the pyramid profiles . In the same time , the temperature "C
distribution in the pyramid formed part was inhomogeneous especially at the E 700
corners. The former mentioned problem was solved by applying a higher feed rate o
u.. 650
when forming at the pyramid corners .
45 kW 40 kW 35 kW
Induction power
Figure 7: Sheet temperature affected by feed rate and induction power for sampies formed from DP
1000 steel al/oy
732 5th International Conference on Accuracy in Forming Technology Sheet Meta! Forming 733
In fact, this can be considered as a disadvantage of induction heating. Especially at beneficial to produce steel sheet profiles with tailored properties zones in a
the profile corners the Vickers hardness was measured with a value of 170 HV1 in continuous process . In that case , roll forming is a very effective and low-cost
comparison to 260 HV1 for the unheated sheet metal. The mentioned problem was manufacturing process of straight , opened and closed profiles. A flexible and locally
solved by AI-Obaidi et al. [10] . The induction heating was controlled by making a limited heat treatment with subsequent cooling section offers the possibility to
relation between the resulting profile depth and the forming parameters . produce roll formed components with tailored properties in longitudinal as weil as in
Following conclusions can be drawn for flexible single point incremental forming transverse direction. Additional advantages of this technology are:
with thermal support. DP 1000 and MBW1500 alloy steel sheet were heated by • the reduction or substitution of handling operations (according to TTA- and
induction heating and simultaneously formed by SPIF . The most effecting CCT-diagrams , long holding times are not required for specific time
parameters on the temperature produced in the sheet are the induction power and temperature strategies)
feed rate . A new flexible forming technique was performed , depending on the direct • the minimizing of spring back (according to press hardening)
relation between the comp lex sam pie geometry and the temperature difference.
• the production of components with tailored properties without support of
comple x tool technology
300 -'--
• short cycle times
250 I • the implementation of high application amounts
:I: 200
I1- - Th e process flow can be compared with the indirect press hardening . First the sheet
~ 150
I, is pre-formed and then according to the final component requirements , it is locally
I, heated up to austenitization temperature and immediately quenched at the exit of
.,:::l the rolling tool (Figure 9).
"E 100
:I: 1
50 L
0 r - ---- __• - - -0- ____
0 20 40 60 80
Distance from the proflle center mm cooling
Figure 8: Cross seetion of a fully formed profile (right) and comparison between the hardness value
and an enlarged half profile form (Ieft)
The increase in productivity while reducing production times has been a continuing The most significant advantage is the production of hardened parts in a continuous
trend. Therefore , new heating technologies have been integrated more and more process , which is connected to an increased flexibility in machinery and a shortened
into forming processes , resulting in a more compact design of the production set- process chain [1 3]. However the mentioned flexibility does not always correlate with
up. The combination of roll forming with an integrated local heat treatment is
134 5th In terna tional Conference on Accuracy in Forming Technology Sheet M etal Forming 135
considered process windows due to the discrete of flexible heat treatment , rates (Figure 10). Further a progressive homogenization occurs between theoretical
especially heating velocity. Ac3 and forming temperature .
The investigations to the influence of heating rate on the mechanical properties are
executed for 22MnB5 steel alloy with 2 mm sheet thickness . The mechanical =-:-'c= --- ---------,
' 00'-- ---------::-900
properties of the material at different heating rates were described by the <ij' 80
determined flow curves . The aim was to analyze how far different heating rates 0.. 7
influence the flow behavior. Testing temperatures varied between 900 e, 950 e
o 0
.. 6
and 1000 e as weil as the deformation velocity between 0.01 s·" 0.03 S·1 and
0.05 S·1. These parameters correlate with appearing values of the roll forming 00' o,
Strai n rate [s" ]
processes with integrated heat treatment. The heating rates are defined according
to preliminary investigations [13] as described in Table 4. Figure 10: Relation between k 'max and strain rate
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