BFJ Closures Hellermanntyton
BFJ Closures Hellermanntyton
BFJ Closures Hellermanntyton
8 . 1 Bl own Fibre Joints
The BFJ – Blown Fibre Joint closure is a ready access round closure Features and Benefits
which is suited for use as a straight through joint, a customer
• Suitable for trunk, metropolitan and FTTH network applications
drop port or a centre blow point within blown fibre underground
networks. • Two closure options which offer a dual or single access option
The mid-range capacity offered by the BFJ makes it suitable for use in • 12 round ports which accept a maximum duct/cable diameter
FTTH access and MAN, WAN or trunk networks. of 50mm
The two closure options of the BFJ with a single base configuration • Suitable for blown fibre/cable applications
offer 12 ports, in blocks of 3 set at right angles to each other, • Large internal diameter
around the circumference of the closure. • Cover supplied with an integral pressure relief valve
The cover is environmentally sealed to the base using an ‘O’ ring and • For use in underground applications
clamp, whilst the cables are sealed using either Cablelok mechanical
seals or heatshrink sleeve.
Broadband Connectivity Products
Blown Fibre Joints 8.1
Blown Fibre Joint Dimensions
Technical Description
The BFJ closures are manufactured from cross linked polyethylene (PEX) The base configuration is 12 ports (4 sets of 3), set at right angles
and offers two closure options, a dual access (BFJ2131) or single access to each other and the maximum diameter of duct or cable accepted
closure (BFJ2244). The dual access option consists of a removable .
by each port is 20.0mm when using Cablelok mechanical seals and
bottom cover, a removable top cover and a body, the single access 26.0mm when using heatshrink.
Blown Fibre
option consists of a body with integral base and removable top cover. The pre-fitted duct tube organiser allows for routing of blown fibre mini
Both closures are environmentally sealed using 'O' ring(s) and stainless duct tubes or cable up to a maximum diameter of 5.0mm.
steel clamp(s) and are fitted with a 5 psi (35Kpa) pressure relief valve.
Content of Set/Kit
• BFJ Closure (Single • Pressure Relief Valve • Stainless Steel Clamp(s)
or Dual access) • Sealing 'O' Ring(s) • Duct Tube/Cable Organisers