Business German Dic de en
Business German Dic de en
Business German Dic de en
GERMAN ---> Suchen Sie eine bestimmtes Wort indem Sie Strg-F drcken: (keine unmittelbaren) Folgettigkeiten (QS=Qualittssicherung) A Abarbeitungsgrad abbilden abbilden auf Abbildung Abbruch abbuchen Abbuchung Abfragesprache abgehend Abgeltung Abgenommenes Produkt abgeschlossen Abgleich Abgleich Preis/Leistung abgrenzen Abgrenzung Abgrenzungsdatum Abgrenzungskonto Abhalten einer Projektrckschau Abhilfe Abkrzung Abkrzungsverzeichnis Ablage Ablageschema Ablagestruktur Ablageverzeichnis Ablauf Ablauf der Arbeitserlaubnis Ablaufnderungen Ablaufdiagramm ablauffhig ablauffhiges Produkt ablauffhiges Programm ablauffhiges System Ablauflogik Ablauforganisation Ablaufprotokoll Ablaufsteuerung Ablaufzyklen ableiten Ableitung Ableitungsbeziehungen Abmeldung Abnahme (allg.) Abnahme (Ttigkeit) Abnahmebedingungen Abnahmebericht Abnahmeort und Zeitraum Abnahmeprotokoll Abnahmeprfung abnahmereifes System
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Geschftsleiter Geschftsleitung Geschftsnachricht Geschftspartner Geschftspartner-Nummer Geschftsplanung Geschftspolitische Planung Geschftsproze Geschftsprozesse ... Gestaltung von Geschftsprozessen geschftsrelevant Geschftsschlssel, - verschlsselungen Geschftssegment Geschftsspezifisch ... geschftsspezifische Notwendigkeiten Geschftssteuerung Geschftsstrategie ... als Teil der Geschftsstrategie Geschftsberleitung geschftsverantwortliche Einheit Geschftsverantwortlicher Geschftsverantwortung ... bei grundstzlich dezentraler Geschftsverantwortung Geschftsverkehr Geschftsverkehr bergreifend Geschftsvolumen Geschftsziel Geschftszweig Geschirmte Raume Geschlossene Benutzergruppe geschlossene Teilnehmergruppe Geschlossenheit des Marktauftrittes Geschwindigkeitsanforderungen Gesellschaft Gesellschaften Gesellschaften Gesellschaftspolitische Information Gesetzgebung Gestaltet die Aufbauorganisation mit Gestaltung von durchgngigen Informations- und Kommunikationsplattformen Gewhrleistung Gewhrleistungsfrist Gewhrleistungskosten Gewerbliche Ausbildung Gewerbliche Bildung Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz gewichten gewichtete Distribution Gewinnanteil Gewinnpotential Gewinnung
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berregionale Leistungspakete berregionale Projekte berschu bersetzer bersetzung bersichtsgrafik bertragung bertragungsgte, -qualitt bertragungsprotokoll ... genormtes bertragungsprotokoll bertragungssystem bertragungsverhalten bertragungsweg Umfang Umfassende Erreichbarkeit Umlagekosten Umorganisation Umsatz Umsatzentwicklung Umsatzerls Umsatzsteigerungsmanahme Umsatzsteigerungsprogramm Umsatzstruktur Umsatzverlust Umsatzvolumen umsetzen Umsetzung (TQM) Umsetzungsverantwortlicher Umstecken am Bus Umweltschutz Umweltberwachung ungewichtet Distribution UNIX-Derivat Unmittelbar zugeordnet Untemehmensgeschichte Untemehmensorganisation Unterauftragnehmer
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Weltweit und dezentral pflegbar sein Werbeagentur Werbung Werk Werk Kommunikationssysteme Werk- und Objektschutz Werk, Betrieb Werkbibliothek Werkfeuerwehr Werkleitung Werksaufgaben Werkschutz Werksleitung Werkstatt Werkstattbetriebe Werkstattleistungen Werkzeugmaschinen Wertschpfung Wertschpfungskette Wertschpfungsprozess Wertschpfungstiefe Wettbewerb Wettbewerber, Konkurrent Wettbewerberanalyse Wettbewerbs- und Marktbeobachtung
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degree of processing reproduce, to map to, to mapping programmed termination, abnormal end debit directly, to direct debiting query language outgoing payment in lieu accepted product concluded adjust, balance balancing price/performance delimit delimitation accrual date accrual account holding a review of the project remedy abbreviations list of abbreviations filing filing scheme filing structure filing directory sequence expiration of work permit workflow changes flow chart executable executable ready-to-use product executable program operable system processing logic operating sequence organization flow trace flow control sequence cycles to derive derivation derivation relationships logoff acceptance (general) acceptance procedure (activity) acceptance conditions acceptance report acceptance location and time acceptance record goods issue inspection system ready for acceptance
process organization
conditions of acceptance
take-over certificate
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implementation (US)
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user documentation
application domain
work package
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actual effort requirement additional charge Supervisory Board Deployment (TQM) organizational structure installation specifications order client (vs. customer) contractor order processing system Order Orders Received order deadline Order Processing Project and Export Financing order item order status order monitoring Order Processing expense outlay effort operating expense estimation of effort business projects charged on the basis of outlay effort expense account neutral expenditure plan expenditure planning relevant to the expense account estimation of effort effort/deadline resource diagram effort accuracy (estimated effort accuracy) / (total) commitment to effort effort tracking resource monitoring upwards compatible upward compatibility expenditure training and continuing (or further) education Training and Continuing Education elaborating and conducting user training courses elaborating / defining design principles and style guides configuration state, release release (of incremental delivery) incremental delivery model know-how and training profiles of staff mask out training and know-how profiles of staff analysis of failure reliability against failure export licence detailed description Export Officer Export Regulations expenditure output format affecting expenses output original material Current situation retrieval systems International Foreign Countries; Overseas, abroad
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derived method
sales force
preliminary CM system
Base Technologies
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operating instructions
opinion poll
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operation type
financial standing
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book to
computer aided design (CAD) computer aided manufacturing (CAM) computer aided administration and organization (CAO) computer aided planning (CAP) computer aided quality (CAQ) computer aided software engineering (CASE) change control board International Telegraph & Telephone Consultative Committee CCITT European Post & Telegraph Conference (CEPT) opportunities and risks batch handling document checklist activity checklist Executive Director computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) continuous improvement programs (CIP) client-server technology / architecture CM, configuration management CM plan CM system CM overview code adapted and checked code produced and checked coding the software Consulting controlling Controlling Officer Corporate Design Corporate Industrial Design, Iselin CPU date CPU time cursor positioning
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data exchange
data security
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Executive Director
Control Systems
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introduction plan
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Electric Motors Electrical Motor Systems Electronics Plant electronic electronically available, available in electronic form electronic commerce electronic communication directory (X500) electronic mail electronic signature Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport - EDIFACT electronic business process electronic information flow Electrical Engineering and Electronics Electrical Engineering electronic mail - E-MAIL electronic mail connections electronic mail subscriber Receivers recipient recommendation (vs. regulation) terminal Terminals Crypto Terminals final end client finite state machine end user data end system
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Energy Distribution
success factor
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date of creation
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technical consultancy
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Main Line Services long distance traffic (telephone) toll office, long distance center remote maintenance completing the product documentation degree of completion date of completion Manufacturing Manufacturing Plant abroad Manufacture and Service Centers manufacturing facility production concepts production plant Manufacturing Companies Manufacturing locations definition of all project processing conditions defining the architecture and product components definition of design rules and processes definition of external interfaces defining the HW/SW development tools and programming languages defining the preparatory measures for deployment defining global methods and components mandatory regulation recommended regulation regulations related to business procedures fixed price, firm price fixed-price order fixed-price charging accounting module Corporate Finance (Corporate Department) financing source of finance company archives Company Names and Trademarks Corporate Advertising Corporate Journals firmware area coverage flexibility flow chart subsequent effort follow-up activities (in this phase) overhead format converter form formulation proposal Research and Development (Corporate Department) updated Fossil-Fueled Power Plants Fossil Power Generation questions Release release of software release code release declaration release note release point release procedure releasing maintenance releases
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outside services
Common tasks
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total turnover
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fiscal year end (Am.), financial year end (Br.), end of financial year (Br.)
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preliminary design
major customer
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table of contents
Actual Consumption
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procuring process
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customer service
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regional offices
performance specifications functional description service description output creation result creating process capability
service order
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ability to perform
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market study
market figures
action taken
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Milliarden (Financial)
Member of the Group Executive Management Senior Vice President Member of the Managing Board
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life cycle
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Public Relations
Operating profit
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Management Development
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validity check
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productivity improvement
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project execution
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data center
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international regions
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storage requirement
parent company
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technology, engineering
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Multi-regional service packages Interregional Projects surplus compiler translation overview graphic transmission transmission quality transfer protocol ... standardized transfer protocol transmission system transmission performance transmission path scope total access assessment costs re-organization Sales Sales Development revenue of sales Sales Stimulation Measure Sales Stimulation Program Sales Breakdown Lost sales sales volume to translate into action deployment Implementation Officer terminal portability (TP) environmental protection Environmental monitoring unweighted Distribution UNIX flavor Reporting directly to Company History Corporate Organization Planning subcontractor
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proof, records
business objective
signature authorization
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order placement
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distributive channel
sales network
storage period
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transaction type
be met with
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the reproduction, transmission, translation or exploitation of this document or its contents is not permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights reserved. Including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design. Right of technical modifications reserved. world-wide and update entries, both globally and locally Advertising Agency Advertising work Manufacturing Communication Systems site Plant and Building Security Plant Plant Library Plant Fire Brigade plant management Manufacturing Services Plant Security Plant Management Workshop Workshops Workshop Services Machine Tools value added value added chain value adding system value added process depth of value added competition competitors analysis of competitors competitive and market analysis
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Energy Meters terms of payment acknowledgement of receipt of payment row time budget duration time logging system time management
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cornbine summary
Regional Office
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you were
s directory are
sequence, operation
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invitation to bid
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Purchasing agent
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operational results
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requirements defined with adequate requirements accuracy defined requirements with adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined with accuracy adeq
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Corporate Goals
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event type
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Liaison Services
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requirements defined requirements with adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined with accuracy adequat
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requirements defined requirements with adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined with accuracy adequat
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requirements defined requirements with adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined with accuracy adequat
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requirements defined requirements with adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined requirements with accuracy adequate defined with accuracy adequate accuracy
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Accounting cycle
Accounting period
Accrual accounting
Accrued liabilities
Accrued revenues
Accumulated amortization
Accumulated depreciation
Actual cost of work performed (ACWP) Actual costs ACWP Additional paid-in capital
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Advances Affiliated company Aged trade accounts receivable Aging schedule Allocate Allowable cost Allowance
Annual report
Applied R&D
Associated company
Auditor's report
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Balanced scorecard Bank balance Baseline BCAC BCWP BCWS Benchmark Benchmarking
Beta factor
Budgeted cost at completion (BCAC) Budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP) Budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS) Business assets
Business plan
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Common equity
Competitor analysis
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Contingent liabilities
Contingent risk
Contra assets
Contract milestones
Cost of capital
Cost to cost
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Credit (Cr.)
Credit balance Credit control Credit terms Creditors Creditworthiness Critical path
Debt financing Debt to total capital (gearing) ratio Declining balance method Deferral
Deferred expenses
Deferred income
Deferred revenue
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Depreciation schedule
Discount factor
Drifting cost
Earned value
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EBITDA to net interest expense Economic life Economic value added (EVA) Effectiveness Efficiency Efficiency ratios Electronic data interchange
Enterprise value
Equity accounts Estimate at completion (EAC) Estimate to complete (ETC) ETC EVA EVA driver tree Event Exchange controls Exchange rate Expectations curve
Expense accounts
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Finance lease
Financial ratio
Financial statements
Fixed assets
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Going concern
Gross margin
Group Guarantee
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Indirect labor
Indirect material
Intangible assets
Interest Interest rate Internal financial ratios Inventories Inventory Inventory management
Investment analysts
Investors Invoice
Invoicing Issue Journal Journal entry Journalize Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
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Leading Lease
Liquidate Liquidity
Liquidity ratios
Litigation Loan
Management judgment
Market value
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Matching principle
Miscellaneous assets
Miscellaneous liabilities
Net book value Net cash from financing activities Net cash from investing activities Net cash from operating activities Net cash from operating activities to current liabilities
Net cash from operating activities to net cash from investing activities Net cash from operations
Net income
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Net operating profit after tax (NOPAT) Net present value (NPV)
Net realizable value (NRV) Net realizable value less a normal profit margin
Noncurrent assets
NRV Objectivity
Operating cycle
Operating lease
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Par value Parent business entity Patent Payment terms Penalty Pension plans and similar commitments
Performance measures
Performance scorecard
Periodic method
Perpetual method
Pledge POC
Political risk
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Prepaid expenses
Present value (PV) Price / earnings ratio (P/E) Price elasticity of demand
Price erosion Price to net cash from operating activities per share Probable Process Procurement plan Profit Profit margin Profitability
Purchase cost Q
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Raw materials
Realize Receivables
Related company
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Revenue recognition
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Sensitivity analysis
Share price Shared services Shareholders Shareholders' equity Shop floor Short-term investment
Source document
Statement of assets
Statement of income
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Stock Stock certificate Stock exchange Stock exchange listing Stock-out Straight-line method Strategic goals
Subsidiary Supplies
Target costing
Trade accounts payable Trade accounts receivable Trademark Transaction Transaction risk
Translation risk
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Units of delivery
Up time
Value-adding costs
Value-based management
Volume costs WA
Work in process
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rt indem Sie Strg-F drcken: Trade accounts payable. Amounts owed by a business entity for purchases it has made but not yet paid for and for which payment is due at a future date. Trade accounts receivable. Amounts owed to a business entity by customers as a result of delivering goods or services and extending credit in the ordinary course of business. The difference between two numbers in absolute figures. A summary record of the balance and the changes in a particular asset, liability, shareholders' equity, revenue or expense. The difference between total left side and right side amounts in an account at a particular time. Selecting the methods of measurement that are the least likely to overstate income and assets and understate liabilities.
The multi-stage process to organize and report the financial effects of the many business transactions that occur during an accounting period.
The period of time (one year, one quarter, one month) over which changes in a business entity's financial position are measured and reported in the financial statements. See trade accounts payable. See trade accounts receivable. Events recorded in the current accounting period for which payments will occur in a later period. Accounting method whereby revenue and expense items are included in income as they are earned or incurred, even though they may not yet have been received or actually paid in cash. Amounts which are expected to be paid for known obligations of which the amount can only be approximated.
Money which has been earned but not received as of the end of the accounting period.
Total amount of amortization expenses related to intangible assets recorded in the balance sheets contra asset account.
Total amount of depreciation expenses related to specific plant and equipment recorded in the balance sheets contra asset account.
Actual cost of all tasks completed. Real costs incurred to date. Actual cost of work performed. Actual cost of all tasks completed. When a business entity issues stock above par value, the excess is included in additional paid-in capital.
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The allocation of the acquisition costs of intangible assets to the periods that benefit from these assets (e.g. goodwill, leases). (See also depreciation)
The formal financial statements issued yearly. The report shows the balance sheet, statement of income, statement of cash flows, auditor's report, and management's discussion and analysis. The report also shows other basic information of interest to shareholders. Stage of software project after preliminary project stage and before post implementation/operation stage. It includes software configuration, coding and testing. Type of research and development aimed at the translation of new knowledge into a plan or design for a new product or process or for a significant improvement to an existing product or process. Increase in value. Amount owed, which has not been paid at the right time. Accounts found on the left side of the balance sheet and used to record the assets of a business entity. The active management of the asset structure so that working capital and noncurrent assets are reduced to exactly the minimal amount that is necessary to secure efficient operations. Physical objects or rights which are owned by a businesses entity and which are used to generate income and cash for the business entity. A company is referred to as an associated company if at least 20%, but not more than 50%, ownership interests in its capital stock are held by a company or its subsidiaries and where a company or its subsidiaries have the ability to exercise significant influence over the operating and financial policies of such company.
Series of checks showing how a final figure in the audited accounts was derived at. An individual who provides an independent review of financial procedures and reports to ensure compliance to generally accepted accounting standards. This is often called the accountants opinion. The auditor's statement of the accounting firms work and its opinion of the corporations financial statements, especially if they conform to the normal and generally accepted practices of accountancy. How long it takes for the business entity, on average, to pay its suppliers. The difference between total left side and right side amounts in an account at a particular time.
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A formal certificate of indebtedness that documents a promise to pay interest at a specific annual rate and a promise to pay the amount borrowed at a specific date when it comes due. Net value indicated by an account or a sum of accounts of the general ledger. The short-term financial plan of a business entity. The budget covers the first year of the business plan. It shows more financial detail than the business plan and is agreed upon by the concerned parties. Original budget for the task or the project. Budget value of all the completed tasks at a specific point in time. Also called earned value. The budget value of the work that is planned to be complete at a specific date. Business assets represent the capital that is tied up in the core operations of the business entity. They equal EBIT-assets plus finance adjustments. Management tool to set objectives and measure a business entity's performance from four different perspectives: customers, finance, process, and employees.
Main variables that affect the performance of a business entity. An organization or a section of an organization that stands apart from other organizations and individuals as a separate economic unit. The external world in which a business operates, including labor markets, capital markets, product markets (suppliers, customers, competitors), and business regulations. Document drawn up to show how a business is planned to work, including cash estimates, sales estimates, etc. (often used when trying to raise a loan or setup a new business).
A series of activities that delivers a product or service to an internal or external client. A business strategy includes the choice of the market and customer segments a business entity intends to serve and an identification of the critical processes and capabilities to provide customer satisfaction in these markets.
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Amount of cash held at a specific point in time. A numbered or coded list of all account titles in the general ledger. A right or a title to a thing. All the customers a business entity has. A step in the accounting cycle which includes production of financial statements and closing the books at the end of each accounting period (monthly, quarterly, or yearly). See also closing the books. Journal entries that transfer the revenues, expenses, dividends declared balances from their respective accounts to the retained earnings account. The process by which all temporary accounts (revenue, expense and dividend accounts) are reduced to zero and the net income or loss is determined and transferred to the "permanent" shareholders equity account, retained earnings. Its main purpose is to set the revenue and expense account back to zero so that those accounts can be used afresh in the new accounting period. Common stock. One of two types of stock (common and preferred stock) an investor may purchase in a company. Investors who purchase it have voting rights at the companys annual shareholders meeting. Common shareholders are not guaranteed dividends. If a company fails or liquidates, common shareholders are paid after bondholders and preferred shareholders. (See also preferred stock) Owners of common stock. One of two types of stock (common and preferred stock) an investor may purchase in a company. Investors who purchase it have voting rights at the companys annual shareholders meeting. Common shareholders are not guaranteed dividends. If a company fails or liquidates, common shareholders are paid after bondholders and preferred shareholders. (See also preferred stock) Analysis of the performance of a business entity's competitors.
Application of the same accounting method period after period. If a change of accounting method is necessary for a substantial reason, the financial statement must state the reason in the notes.
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The extra time or money to cover for the uncertainty and risk in trying to see into the future. A contingency plan is an alternative for action if things don't go as planned.
Potential obligations of which the occurrence is uncertain, and will be determined by future events. Contingent risk is caused by changes in the exchange rate between the time a price is quoted and the time the sale or purchase occurs. Accounts used to record the reduction in value of a particular asset. Contra assets have a negative value on the balance sheet (e.g. accumulated depreciation). Method to determine the percentage of completion using the ratio of contract value of the completed milestones to the total contract value.
Exclusive right to reproduce and sell a book, musical composition, film, and similar items. Cost of sales. The purchasing or manufacturing cost of the goods or services sold to customers during the reporting period. A monetary measure of the amount of resources spent or used up for a particular purpose. The way in which a business entity's costs are affected by its activities. The variable that is the significant determinant of the costs of an activity. The amount of costs increases when the level of the cost driver increases. Cost management involves planning, monitoring, and controlling significant costs of a business entity. Any item or object to which a separate measurement of costs can be logically and naturally attributed. Examples of cost objects are a product, a service, the operation of a particular department or sales territory, an activity etc. The weighted average cost of debt and the business-specific cost of equity. The cost of capital represents the minimum return expected by providers of equity and debt. See cost of sales. The purchasing or manufacturing cost of the goods or services sold to customers during the reporting period. Method of accounting where no profit is recognized until cash payments by the buyer exceed the seller´s cost of goods sold. The method is used if the collection of the sales price is not assured.
Method to determine the percentage of completion using the ratio of costs incurred to date to the total estimated costs at completion.
Difference between the budgeted cost of the completed tasks (BCWP) and how much it really cost to complete those tasks (ACWP).
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(see credit) Noun: an entry or balance on the right side of an account. Verb: to make an entry on the right side of an account. An account has a credit balance if the total of the credit amounts (right side) exceeds the debit amounts (left side). Process of checking the financial background of (potential) customers to ensure that only those with good credit histories are granted credit. Credit terms are payment agreements a business entity makes with its suppliers and customers. Individuals or other business entities to whom a business entity owes money. A person's, business entity's or country's ability and intention to pay their debts when they become payable. Series of tasks which determines the earliest possible completion of the project. It is based on the logic order of the tasks and the task duration estimate.
Cash plus assets that are expected to be used or converted to cash within one year or within the normal operating cycle, whichever is longer . Liabilities that are due within one year or within the normal operating cycle, whichever is longer. Current assets divided by current liabilities. Cost variance. Difference between the budgeted cost of the completed tasks (BCWP) and how much it really cost to complete those tasks (ACWP).
How many days inventory is held before it's sold. How long it takes the business entity to collect payments from customers. Noun: An entry or balance on the left side of an account. Verb: To make an entry on the left side of an account. An account has a debit balance if the total of the debit amounts (left side) exceeds the credit amounts (right side). Obligation to pay. (See also trade accounts payable). Money borrowed by a business entity to finance its activities. Financing a business entity with debt rather than shareholders equity. The debt of a business entity divided by its debt plus equity. See reducing balance method. Postponement of recognition of an expense or revenue. See also deferred expenses and deferred revenue.
Expenses paid in one period, but whose value will not be received until a later period or periods.
Cash payments received by the business entity before the associated goods and services have been delivered. Also called deferred revenue. Cash payments received by the business entity before the associated goods and services have been delivered. Decrease in the prices for goods and services in an economy.
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The rate, usually the cost of capital, used to discount a future money stream. Brought back to its present value. The payment designated by the Board of Directors to be distributed among the shareholders. Dividends are the income the shareholders earn from the equity they have invested in. Dividend per share divided by share price. Expressed as a percentage. Trade accounts receivable whose collectibility is not certain. Debit. Noun: An entry or balance on the left side of an account. Verb: To make an entry on the left side of an account. The estimated cost of a new product or service with the currently used technology. Concept used in target costing.
A graphical representation of the interrelationships between drivers. Example: EVA driver tree. Estimate at completion. Current prediction of the project cost at the end of the project. Revenues are considered earned when the business entity has substantially accomplished what it must do to be entitled to the benefits represented by the revenues.
Project controlling: budget value of all the completed tasks at a specific point in time. Project reporting: method to determine the percentage of completion using the ratio of the earned value to the total budget. See income. Net income divided by the number of issued ordinary shares. EPS shows how much of a business entity's net income is attributable to each issued common share. The percentage increase in earnings per share from one accounting period to another.
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EBITDA divided by net interest expense. See useful economic life. The net operating profit after tax of a business entity, project, or investment less a capital charge for the business assets used. The relationship between the outputs and the objectives. The more the outputs reach the objectives, the more effective one is. The ratio of outputs to inputs or the amount of output per unit of input. Efficiency is also called productivity. Efficiency ratios show the business entity's ability to generate profits and cash from sales and assets. Electronic transmission of commercial or administrative transactions from one business entity to another, using an agreed standard to structure the transaction of data. (EDI) The market value of a business entity's equity, plus the market value of its debt less its cash and cash equivalents. Equity reflects the ownership interest of shareholders in a company. Equity is the residual interest in, or remaining claims against, a business entitys assets after deducting liabilities. Equity accounts are balance sheet accounts used to record the owners' investment and the retained earnings of a business entity. Current prediction of the project cost at the end of the project. Current prediction of the efforts to complete the task(s). Estimate to complete. Current prediction of the efforts to complete the task(s). Economic value added. The net operating profit after tax of a business entity, project, or investment less a capital charge for the business assets used. A graphical representation of the underlying components of EVA. The source or cause of changes in assets, liabilities, and equity. Events may be external or internal. Regulations of a country that restrict foreign currency transactions. Price or value of a country's currency expressed in terms of another country's currency. A tool to determine the expected improvements in EVA by investors at different levels of current EVA. Income statement accounts used to record business activities which negatively impact net income over time. Test to determine whether costs should be formally recorded in the accounts and in the financial statements of a business entity. Outflows or other using-up of assets or incurrences of liabilities during a period from delivering or producing goods, rendering services, or carrying out other activities that constitute the business entitys ongoing major or central operations.
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Foreign currency amount which is subject to the foreign exchange risk. Property being taken away from its owner, for example by the state. Financial ratios derived from the external financial statements. Nonrecurring material items which differ significantly from normal business operations. Market value.General: The price at which something can currently be bought or sold in the market place.
General: The price at which something can currently be bought or sold in the market place. First-in-First-out. Method to value inventory. When an item in inventory is sold, its value is based on the cost of the first items purchased or produced. A type of lease whereby the economic benefits and risk of ownership are transferred to the lessee who becomes the beneficial owner. Also called capital lease. The field of accounting that serves mainly external shareholders, such as stockholders, suppliers, banks, and government agencies. Performance of the business entity as indicated by financial metrics. See internal financial ratios, external financial ratios The quantitative relation between figures found in the different financial statements.
Financial accounting records drawn up periodically (monthly, quarterly, yearly) to summarize in concise form information about the financial situation of a business entity. Flow of cash to/from providers of capital like banks and shareholders. See also funding. Products on which all manufacturing operations, including final tests, have been completed and which are ready for sale. A twelve-month period for which a business entity summarizes its financial results. A fiscal year does not necessarily correspond to the calendar year. At many public companys, the fiscal year ends at September 30 and starts at October 1 of the previous calendar year. See noncurrent assets.
Costs that do not change in direct proportion to changes in production volume. See notes.
The forecast shows the projected key lines from the internal financial statements. It is produced on a regular basis, and covers the next quarter and the year end position. A foreign currency option gives its buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call option) or to sell (put option) a fixed amount of foreign currency at a fixed exchange rate ("strike price").
Foreign exchange. Instruments employed in making payments between countries - paper currency, notes, checks, bills of exchange, and electronic notifications of international debits and credits.
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Providing funds for spending. See also financing activities. Money resources. See foreign exchange. Foreign exchange risk. Potential for gains or losses resulting from changes in foreign exchange rates. Fiscal year. A twelve-month period for which a business entity summarizes its financial results. A fiscal year does not necessarily correspond to the calendar year. At many public companies, the fiscal year ends at September 30 and starts at October 1 of the previous calendar year. Income statement accounts used to record business activities that are not part of the business entity's ongoing major or central operations. Graphic display of schedule-related information. In the typical Gantt chart, tasks or other project elements are listed down the left side of the chart, dates are shown across the top, and task durations are shown as date-placed horizontal bars. Expenses related to the general administration of the business entity's operations. A compilation of all accounts used to report financial results in the financial statements. After transactions are journalized, they are posted to the general ledger. The hypothesis that a business entity will continue to operate normally and will not be liquidated. The difference between price paid and fair value of the acquired assets minus liabilities.
In project reporting gross margin equals net sales minus cost of sales. Also called gross profit on sales. Net sales minus cost of sales.
Several business entities linked together, where one business entity controls one or more subsidiaries by holding capital stock of the subsidiaries. Verb: take responsibility for payment of a debt or performance of some obligation if the person primarily liable fails to perform. Noun: promise to repair or replace a defective product. Action intended to reduce a risk in whole or in part. Amount originally paid to acquire or produce an asset. The fact that the net book value of noncurrent assets is determined not to be recoverable. Events that are not supported by explicit evidence. Implicit transactions are recorded at the end of the accounting period (monthly, quarterly or yearly) as adjustments. Revenues exceeding expenses. The pre-taxable income derived by subtracting all expenses from revenues. See statement of income.
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Flow of cash to/from a business entity from the purchase or sale of plant, property, equipment, and other long-lived assets. General: the use of financial resources for the purpose of generating future income. Balance sheet: asset account which includes long-term financial investments such as investments in and long-term loans to affiliated, associated and related companies. Individuals employed by investment banks or fund managers to provide analysis on the business entity and consequent stock market investment advice on business entities.
Individuals or business entities investing money in another business entity's debt or equity. A source document for a business transaction which indicates the goods, price and payment terms of a sale or purchase. Activity of sending an invoice to a customer. Any of a companys securities, or the act of distributing such securities. A book used to record in a chronological order all accounting transactions as they occur. An entry in the journal, indicating for each transaction how the relevant accounts in the general ledger should be modified. The process of recording a transaction in a journal. Most important measurement used to assess the performance.
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Judicial contest through which legal rights are sought to be determined and enforced. Transaction wherein an owner of property (often cash), called the lender, allows another party, the borrower to use the property. The borrower, usually promises to return the property after a specified period with payment for its use, called interest. Currency in which a business entity is reporting for the country in which it is situated. The business entity rents a locked post office box in each principal region. All customers within a region are instructed to send their payments to the post office box. The bank, as an agent for the business entity, empties the box at regular intervals and deposits the checks in the business entitys account. Surplus funds are transferred periodically to one of the business entitys principal banks. The organization and execution of movement of goods and people. Investment made for more than one year. Expenses exceeding revenues, resulting in a decrease of equity. Inventory is valued at cost or market value, which ever is lower. Cost is the historical cost of the inventory. Market value is the current replacement cost, not exceeding the net realizable value. See also net realizable value. Critical reasoning used in decision making under uncertainty where no strict accounting rules apply. General: The price at which something can currently be bought or sold in the market place.
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Securities that can be readily sold via public markets. Expenses directly related to the business entity's efforts to generate sales. Hedging technique that avoids currency exposure by actively using purchases and sales to net FX exposures to zero. Requirement that all expenses incurred in the generation of revenue should be recognized in the same accounting period as the corresponding revenues are recognized. Important, involving a significant amount of money. Concept that states that a financial statement item is material if its omission or misstatement would tend to mislead the reader of the financial statements under consideration. The date when a liability becomes due and payable. This is the date when an action can enforce payment. The joining together of two or more business entities. Significant event such as the completion of a major deliverable or a major review meeting.
Asset account on the balance sheet that includes among other things certain advances to third parties and import deposits. It generally includes assets which cannot be categorized elsewhere on the balance sheet. Liability account on the balance sheet that includes such things as liabilities to affiliated, associated and related companies, and certain liabilities for taxes and social security.
Reduction. Often used in relation to risks. To mitigate risks is to make the risks milder, less intense or severe. Costs that have both variable and fixed cost elements. An order for payment of a specified sum, issued by a bank or post office. Market value added. The market value of a business entity less its business assets. It equals the present value of the expected future EVAs of the business entity. The balance of an account shown on the books net of any contra asset accounts. The net cash position in the statement of cash flows as a result of interactions with providers of capital like banks and shareholders. The net cash position in the statement of cash flows as a result of purchases and sales of noncurrent assets. The net cash position in the statement of cash flows as a result of the day-to-day operations of the business entity. Financial ratio indicating the ability of the business entity to meet its current liabilities from its net cash from operating activities. Financial ratio indicating the ability of the business entity to meet it's investment requirements from its net cash fromoperating activities. Line on the statement of cash flows which is the sum of net cash from operating activities and net cash from investing activities. It shows the amount of cash generated (or used) by the business unit before financing activities are considered.
Total revenues less total expenses and taxes. Net income represents a business entitys profit or loss.
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Assets that are held for an extended time (beyond the current year or operating cycle), such as land, buildings, equipment, natural resources, and patents. Liabilities that are due beyond the current year or operating cycle. Not reasonably expected to be repeated in the foreseeable future. Costs that can be eliminated from operations without affecting the value of the product or service. Nonvalue adding costs for a manufacturing business entity include storage costs, obsolete or scrap material, and rework. Net operating profit after tax. EBIT and finance adjustments minus tax. A method to disclose additional information and accounting principles used in financial statements. Net realizable value. The estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less reasonable predictable costs of completion and disposal. Accounting records only contain transactions that have been complete and that have a quantifiable monetary value. There must also be reasonable and verifiable evidence to support the transaction. Term describing a purchase or sale made at one point in time, for which payment is due at a later point in time. Includes all transactions that are not investing and financing activities. Operating activities include delivering or producing goods for sales and providing service. The flow of cash to / from a business from daily operations, such as the purchase of raw materials and sale of products or services. a term for excess of total current assets over liabilities (excluding financial liabilities), also called net working capital.
The time period during which cash is converted to finished goods and services, the sale is recorded, and cash is collected from the customer.
Type of lease whereby the lessor remains the beneficial owner of the leased assets, which are capitalized as part of property, plant and equipment and depreciated as scheduled.
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Income not related to the central operations of a business. Expenses not directly associated with a particular item or service sold. For example, electricity and insurance are overhead expenses. Exclusive right of possessing, enjoying, and disposing of a thing. The total investment in a business by its owners, including the initial investment and all subsequent investments. Paid-in capital is recorded on the balance sheet in two accounts: capital stock and additional paid-in capital. The nominal currency amount printed on a stock certificate. Business entity that owns or controls subsidiaries through the ownership of capital stock. The right granted to investors or their successors in title to commercially use an invention for a limited period of time. The conditions for customers on noncash sales Payment or revenue reduction for violating the terms of a contract. Pension plans and similar commitments is a liability account that includes such things as pension accruals and accruals for pension related commitments, for example commitments for post-retirement life and health insurance. Method used to measure progress on projects to determine revenue recognition.
Standards of measurement used to evaluate and predict an organization's progress toward its goals. See business driver scorecard.
The periodic method is an approach in which cost of sales is calculated at the end of an accounting period when a physical inventory is taken. The perpetual method is an approach in which a business tracks its inventory on an ongoing basis. All additions to inventory are recorded at the time they are received and deducted at the time they are sold. A business plan details the business entity's 3-5 year strategy. It shows the projected internal financial statements. Noncurrent tangible assets excluding property. See property, plant and equipment.
Deposit of personal property as a security for a debt. Percentage of completion. Method used to measure progress on projects to determine revenue recognition. Probability of losing or not gaining value because of actions by governments and regulating bodies.
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The value today of a future cash inflow or outflow. Share price divided by earnings per share. Buyers' responsiveness or sensitivity to changes in prices. If buyers are very sensitive to price changes, their demand is elastic. If buyers are not sensitive to prices, their demand is inelastic.
Gradual decline in price. Share price divided by net cash from operating activities per share. Likely to occur. A series of activities that delivers a product or service to an internal or external client. Determines what to buy and when. See income. Gross profit on sales (net sales minus cost of sales) divided by net sales. Measure of income, expressing profit as a percentage of sales, total costs, total assets, or equity. Profitability ratios show the business entity's ability to generate profits from sales and assets. Temporary effort undertaken to create a unique product, service or solution. A project is usually divided into several project phases to provide better management control.
Application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities in order to meet or exceed stakeholder needs and expectations. A written promise to repay an amount borrowed plus interest by a specified date. Assets of a durable nature used in the regular operations of the business.
Amount a business entity pays for a good or service or amount charged by a seller to a customer for goods or services. Quarter. In accounting: three months (one fourth of fiscal year). At many public companies, the fiscal year ends at September 30 and starts at October 1 of the previous calendar year. Consequently, the first quarter of a fiscal year includes October, November and December of the previous calendar year. The last quarter of a fiscal year includes July, August and September. In accounting: three months (one fourth of fiscal year). At many public companies, the fiscal year ends at September 30 and starts at October 1 of the previous calendar year. Consequently, the first quarter of a fiscal year includes October, November and December of the previous calendar year. The last quarter of a fiscal year includes July, August and September. Statement of the price of an item.
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Getting paid for rendered services and products. A line in the internal statement of assets including trade accounts receivable, prepaid expenses and miscellaneous assets. A period of negative or very low economic growth and high unemployment. To formally record an item in the accounts and financial statement of a business entity. Which can be got back. Depreciation method that calculates the depreciation on the (diminishing) net book value of the previous period. This results in a larger depreciation expense in the early years and smaller amounts in subsequent years.
Funneling of profits back into a company to enhance its operations. An individual shareholder can also reinvest by designating that dividends paid on shares will be used to purchase additional shares. A company is referred to as a related company if less than 20% ownership interests in its capital stock are held by a company or its subsidiaries and where a company or its subsidiaries have no significant influence over the operating and financial policies of such company. Letter demanding payment for due debt. Return of profits or capital to country of origin. Currency in which a business entity reports its financial statements. Position, character, distinction, or renown someone or something enjoys in society. Planned searches and investigations aimed at the discovery of new knowledge (base R&D) and the translation of this knowledge into a plan or design for a new product or process or for a significant improvement to an existing product or process (applied R&D). Expenses related to planned searches and investigations aimed at the discovery of new knowledge and the translation of this knowledge into a plan or design for a new product or process or for a significant improvement to an existing product or process.
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An account that is established to recognize anticipated future reductions in the market value of inventory. Residual value is the amount expected to be received when plant and equipment is sold or scrapped at the end of its useful economic life. An organizational unit that is headed by a responsible manager who has to obtain the optimum relationship between inputs and outputs of the center. This accounting period's retained earnings are the change in equity that has resulted from a profit or loss from business operations. This accounting period's retained earnings are equal to net income less dividends. Retained earnings accumulate from period to period on the balance sheet.
Assets: Removal of a noncurrent asset from operative service. Human resources: leaving active employment permanently. Investing: profit or income from money invested. Retailing/trade: exchange of previously sold merchandise for refund or credit against future sales. Net income divided by shareholders' equity. Income statement accounts used to record business activities which positively impact net income over time. Test for determining whether revenues should be formally recorded in the accounts and the financial statements of a business entity of a given period. To be recognized, revenues must be earned and realized. Contracts where the seller receives payment or part of the payment dependent on the sales of the customer. Inflows or other enhancements of assets of a business entity during a period from delivering or producing goods, rendering services, or carrying out other activities that constitute the business entitys ongoing major or central operations. The probability that events, acts or omissions will obstruct a business entity in the achievement of its objectives or the successful implementation of its strategies. Process to minimize the adverse effect of a possible financial loss. Risk monitoring is the continuous appraisal of risks within the business entity. Risk reporting is the communication of risks throughout the business entity. The difference between the best and worst case in an investment decision. The higher the risk spread, the more risk an investment entails. The return on a security that has no default risk, such as a government security. Rental paid to the original owner of property, based on a percentage of profit or production. Charges to customers for the goods and services provided during the reporting period. On statement of income: revenues received in exchange for goods and services recorded for a given accounting period, either on a cash basis (as received) or on an accrual basis (as earned). Planned dates for performing tasks and the planned dates for meeting milestones.
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Boundaries and definition of what should be delivered and what should not be delivered. Sum of the deliverables to be provided. The proportion of raw materials that are wasted during the production process. It is a measure of efficiency in the production process. Paper instruments, such as bonds or stock certificates, that give rights to the entity that owns them. The right is incorporated in the title of the instrument. A watch-dog agency created by the U.S. Congress to monitor the securities industry and enforce punishments of those that violate accounting principles.
By recalculations for a change in certain variables, a sensitivity analysis considers various possible outcomes on a performance indicator to find the most important drivers which have to be controlled with the highest priority.
Ownership part in a business entity. The value of a business entity's equity in the marketplace. It corresponds to the current share price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding. The value of a business entity's share on the stock exchange. A single, centralized organization that provides services for several business entities. Individuals or business entities who own the business entity's shares. The bookvalue of all the stock owned by the shareholders of a particular company. Area of a business location where production takes place, as distinguished from office or warehouse areas. A temporary investment in marketable securities of otherwise idle cash.
Set of programs that tell a computer what to do. By contrast, the hardware is the physical machines that make up a computer system. The ability to meet debt obligations in the long term (long-term liquidity). Solvency ratios show the long-term ability of the business entity to continue its operations on a going concern basis. An original proof of a business transaction, such as a check or invoice, that provides the details of the transaction. The current price. Usually used with reference to foreign exchange rates. All parties with an interest in a business entity, such as shareholders, employees, customers, and the government. Also used for parties with an interest in a project. The statement of assets records the financial position of the business entity at a point in time. It consists of assets and relevant liabilities from an internal perspective. A financial statement which summarizes the effects on cash and cash equivalents of the operating, investing, and financing activities of a business entity for a specific period. A financial statement that presents the results of the activities of a business entity for a period of time. Also referred to as the income statement or statement of earnings. In project controlling, the state of a task, for example in progress or completed.
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Adjusted profit of the business entity liable to tax. Moneys owed to a governing authority by a business. In the case of software development: stage reached when all the necessary planning, designing, coding, and testing activities have been completed Someone other than the parties directly involved in the action or transaction. Measure of the elapsed time between the placement of an order and the reception of the final product by a customer. Also referred to as cycle time. A basic principle of finance which states that a Euro today is worth more than a Euro tomorrow, because the Euro today can be invested to start earning interest immediately. Amounts owed by a business entity for purchases it has made but not yet paid for and for which payment is due at a future date. Amounts owed to a business entity by customers as a result of delivering goods or services and extending credit in the ordinary course of business. Distinctive identification of a manufactured product or of a service taking the form of a name, a sign, a slogan, a logo, or an emblem. Any event that affects a business entity's financial position and is reflected in the business entity's financial statements. Transaction risk is caused by possible changes in the exchange rate between the time a transaction is committed and the time a transaction is settled. Translation risk occurs when business entity's financial statements are translated into the reporting currency.
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Time in which a machine is actually operational. This is the opposite of downtime, when the machine is no longer operational, usually because of the need for repairs or maintenance. An acronym for United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, which dictate the accounting standards by which all public and private businesses in the United States must abide. Shorter of the physical life of the asset before it wears out or the economic life of the asset before it becomes obsolete. Shorter of the physical life of the asset before it wears out or the economic life of the asset before it becomes obsolete. Estimation of worth or price. The collection of activities that are performed to design, produce, market, deliver, and support a product or service. The value chain includes primary activities (for example, operations, marketing and sales) and support activities (for example, human resource management, procurement).
Costs that cannot be eliminated from operations without affecting the value of the product or service. Examples of value-adding costs in a manufacturing business entity are raw materials, equipment maintenance, and direct labor. A management system wherein the ability of a business entity to create value for its shareholders becomes the focal point of management decisions. Costs that change in direct proportion to changes in production volume. The process of comparing financial results against previous period results, expected results, and the market environment (or competitors' results).
Tending to rapid and extreme fluctuations. For example, foreign exchange rates can be volatile. See variable costs. Weighted average. Method to value inventory. When an item in inventory is sold, its value is based on the average cost of all similar goods available during the period. Work breakdown structure. Deliverable-focused structure for planning and controlling. The WBS identifies the deliverables that are to be completed. Method to value inventory. When an item in inventory is sold, its value is based on the average cost of all similar goods available during the period. Deliverable-focused structure for planning and controlling. The WBS identifies the deliverables that are to be completed. Work in process includes products that are partially complete.
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Wertzuwachs, Werterhhung. Zahlungsrckstnde Konten auf der Aktivseite der Bilanz, auf denen die Vermgensgegenstnde erfat sind. Das Management der Vermgensstruktur eines Unternehmens mit der Zielsetzung des mglichst effizienten Einsatzes dieses Vermgens in der Geschftsttigkeit. Vermgensgegenstnde oder Rechte eines Unternehmens, die zur Generierung von Ertrgen und Mittelzuflssen beitragen. Assoziiertes Unternehmen; ein Unternehmen gilt als assoziiertes Unternehmen, wenn mindestens 20% aber nicht mehr als 50% der Anteile von der der Firma oder von einer ihrer Tochtergesellschaften gehalten werden, und dadurch die Mglichkeit besteht, mageblichen Einflu auf die Fhrung ihrer Geschfte auszuben. Vorgehensweise des Wirtschaftsprfers bei der Prfung des Jahresabschlusses eines Unternehmens. Wirtschaftsprfer; fhrt eine unabhngige Prfung des Jahresabschlusses durch, um die Einhaltung allgemeingltiger Rechnungslegungsprinzipien zu gewhrleisten. Prfungsbericht; Er stellt die Stellungnahme des Wirtschaftsprfers bezglich der Rechnungslegung und des Jahresabschlusses eines Unternehmens dar. Durchschnittliche Dauer bis zur Bezahlung der Verbindlichkeit gegenber einem Lieferanten. Saldo; die Differenz zwischen der Summe der Aktivseite und der Summe der Passivseite eines Kontos zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt.
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Siehe business driver scorecard. Der auf Bankkonten verfgbare Bestand an Zahlungsmitteln. Der einem Projekt bzw. einer bestimmten Aufgabe zugrundeliegende Plan. Budget fr die Fertigstellung einer Aufgabe oder eines Projekts. Wert der durchgefhrten Aufgaben auf der Basis der geplanten bzw. budgetierten Kosten. Die geplanten Kosten fr Aufgaben, die planmig zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt fertiggestellt sein sollen. Vergleichswert anhand dessen Benchmarking durchgefhrt wird (siehe auch Benchmarking). Der Vergleichsvorgang zwischen den Produkten, Dienstleistungen, Aktivitten oder Finanzkennzahlen eines Unternehmens mit denen der jeweiligen Branchenbesten (intern oder extern). Mazahl fr das branchenspezifische Risiko einer Aktie definiert als der Quotient aus der Volatilitt der Aktie und der Volatilitt des geeigneten Marktindexes. Der Betafaktor quantifiziert das Risiko, eine bestimmte Aktie gegenber einem den Gesamtmarkt reprsentierenden Portfolio zu halten. Schuldverschreibung, Obligation, Anleihe; beinhaltet die Abmachung, Zinsen auf den geliehenen Betrag zu einem genau festgelegten jhrlichen Satz zu bezahlen, und dessen Rckzahlung zu einem bestimmten Flligkeitsdatum. Buchwert; Saldo eines oder mehrerer Konten des Hauptbuches. Budget; der kurzfristige Finanzplan eines Unternehmens.
Budget fr die Fertigstellung einer Aufgabe oder eines Projekts. Wert der durchgefhrten Aufgaben auf der Basis der geplanten bzw. budgetierten Kosten. Die geplanten Kosten fr Aufgaben, die planmig zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt fertiggestellt sein sollen. Geschftsvermgen; Alle nutzengenerierenden Vermgensgegenstnde, die ein Unternehmen zur Ausbung ihrer Geschftsttigkeit einsetzt. Steuerungs- und Kontrollinstrument fr das Management, um Ziele zu definieren und die Leistung des Unternehmens aus vier unterschiedlichen Perspektiven zu beurteilen: Kunden, Finanzen, Mitarbeiter und Prozesse. Wesentliche Variablen, die die Leistung eines Unternehmens beeinflussen. Eine Organisationseinheit, die als eigene wirtschaftliche Einheit besteht und agiert. Die Welt, innerhalb der ein Unternehmen agiert; umfat z.B. Arbeitsmrkte, Kapitalmrkte, Produktmrkte, sowie rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen. Der business plan stellt eine Zusammenfassung aller Teilplne eines Unternehmens dar; z.B. Umsatzplan, Absatzplan, Arbeitsplan, etc. (wird oft aufgestellt, um Kredite fr Unternehmensgrndungen zu erhalten). Proze; eine Aneinanderreihung von Aktivitten. Die Geschftsstrategie beeinhaltet die Wahl des Marktes und der Kundensegmente, die ein Unternehmen zu bearbeiten beabsichtigt, sowie die Identifizierung von kritischen Prozessen und Potentialen, die fr die Kundenzufriedenheit in diesen Mrkten verantwortlich sind.
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Kalenderjahr (kann vom Geschftsjahr abweichen). Die Kapitalkosten der business assets auf der Basis eines marktgerechten Kapitalkostensatzes. Die durch die Anteilseigner (Aktionre) bereitgestellten Mittel zzgl. der langfristigen Verbindlichkeiten eines Unternehmens. Anschaffung von Anlagevermgen; Investitionen in Gegenstnde des Anlagevermgens. Finanzierungsleasing; der Leasingnehmer bilanziert den Leasinggegenstand. Grundkapital Aktivieren Bargeld und Bankguthaben; flssige Mittel. Beim cash basis accounting werden ausschlielich Geschftsvorflle betrachtet, die Auswirkungen auf den CashBestand des Unternehmens haben. Bargeldhnliche Zahlungsmittel (z.B. Schecks). Zu- bzw. Abflu flssiger Mittel bzw. von cash. Kapitalflurechnung; Darstellung der Mittelzu- und -abflsse aus laufender Geschftsttigkeit sowie Investitions- und Finanzierungsttigkeit. Bestand an flssigen Mitteln zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt. Kontenplan Anspruch, Forderung. Kundenstamm eines Unternehmens. Vornahme der Abschlubuchungen zur Erstellung von Bilanz sowie Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung. Abschlubuchungen zur Vorbereitung des Jahresabschlusses. Abschlu der Erfolgskonten (Aufwand und Ertrag) zum Jahresende auf das Konto "retained earnings".
Stammaktien; beinhalten Stimmrechte in der Hauptversammlung; Dividendenausschttung ist nicht garantiert (siehe auch preferred stock).
Stammaktionre; Eigentmer von Stammaktien. Stammaktien; beinhalten Stimmrechte in der Hauptversammlung; Dividendenausschttung ist nicht garantiert (siehe auch preferred stock).
Konkurrenzanalyse; Analyse bzw. Untersuchung der Konkurrenten eines Unternehmens nach unterschiedlichen Gesichtspunkten. Grundsatz der Stetigkeit bzw. der Kontinuitt; Rechnungslegungsmethoden sollen im Zeitablauf aus Grnden der Vergleichbarkeit keinen bzw. nur geringfgigen nderungen
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1. Betrag oder Saldo auf der Passivseite eines Kontos (rechte Seite). 2. Habenbuchung; Buchung auf der rechten Seite jedes Kontos. Habensaldo; die Habenseite ist grer als die Sollseite eines Kontos. Bonittsprfung Zahlungsbedingungen Glubiger Kreditwrdigkeit Kritischer Weg; Aneinanderreihung von Aktivitten, die zur frhestmglichen Fertigstellung eines Projekts fhren. Basiert auf der logische Reihenfolge der Aufgaben und ihrer geschtzten Dauer. Vermgensgegenstnde, die nur kurzfristig im Unternehmen verbleiben. Finanzielle Verpflichtungen gegenber Dritten, die kurzfristig bedient werden mssen. Kennzahl: Quotient aus current assets und current liabilities. Der Unterschied zwischen den ursprnglich geplanten Kosten der vollendeten Aufgaben (budgeted cost of the completed tasks) und den tatschlichen Kosten dieser Aufgaben (actual cost of work performed). Durchschnittliche Lagerdauer von Vorrten (in Tagen) bis zur Veruerung. Durchschnittliche Zahlungsdauer (in Tagen) der Kunden eines Unternehmens. 1. Betrag oder Saldo auf der Sollseite eines Kontos (linke Seite) 2. Sollbuchung; Buchung auf der linken Seite jedes Kontos. Sollsaldo; die Sollseite ist hher als die Habenseite eines Kontos. 1. Zahlungsverpflichtung, Schuld. 2. Fremdkapital (zinstragendes). Finanzierung durch Fremdkapital. Kennzahl: Quotient aus Fremdkapital und Gesamtkapital. Degressive Abschreibung. Verlagerung von Aufwendungen und Ertrgen in knftige Perioden. Eine Ein- bzw. Auszahlung ist in der laufenden Periode erfolgt, die wirtschaftliche Verursachung, also der Ertrag bzw. Aufwand ist einer knftigen Periode zuzuordnen (siehe auch deferred expenses und deferred revenue). Aktive Rechnungsabgrenzung; Auszahlungen in der laufenden Periode, deren wirtschaftliche Verursachung (Aufwand) einer spteren Periode zuzuordnen ist (auch: prepaid expenses). Passive Rechnungsabgrenzung; Mittelzuflsse in der laufenden Periode, deren wirtschaftliche Verursachung (Ertrag) einer spteren Periode zuzuordnen ist. Passive Rechnungsabgrenzung; Mittelzuflsse in der laufenden Periode, deren wirtschaftliche Verursachung (Ertrag) einer spteren Periode zuzuordnen ist. Deflation; Preisrckgang bzw. Preisverfall.
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Dividendenrendite; Quotient aus der Dividende pro Aktie und Aktienkurs. Zweifelhafte Forderungen. 1. Betrag oder Saldo auf der Sollseite eines Kontos (linke Seite) 2. Sollbuchung; Buchung auf der linken Seite jedes Kontos. Die geschtzten Kosten eines neuen Produkts oder einer neuen Dienstleistung unter Verwendung der derzeitig verfgbaren Technologie. Innerhalb des target costing verwendeter Begriff. Graphische Darstellung der Interdependenzen von Einflufaktoren. Bsp.: GWB-Treiberbaum Aktuelle Vorhersage der voraussichtlichen Gesamtprojektkosten bei Fertigstellung des Projektes. Umstze werden als verdient betrachtet, wenn das Unternehmen seine vertraglich vereinbarten Leistungen erfllt hat und damit Anspruch auf Gegenleistung (Bezahlung) erlangt. 1. Budgetierter Wert (Planwert) aller ausgefhrten Aufgaben zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt. 2. Bei der percentage of completion Methode wird der earned value ins Verhltnis zum gesamten Budget gesetzt. Die positive Differenz aus Ertrgen und Aufwendungen. Ergebnis je Aktie; Quotient aus net income und der im Umlauf befindlichen Aktien. Die prozentuale Vernderung der earnings per share zwischen zwei Berichtsperioden.
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Eigenkapitalkonten; das Eigenkapital besteht aus dem "paid in capital" sowie den "retained earnings". Aktuelle Vorhersage der voraussichtlichen Gesamtprojektkosten bei Fertigstellung des Projektes. Aktuelle Prognose des durch alle zur Projektfertigstellung noch erforderlichen Aufgaben entstehenden Aufwandes. Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung; Gegenberstellung der Aufwendungen und Ertrge einer Periode. Geschftsergebnis abzglich der Kapitalkosten fr das eingesetzte Geschftsvermgen. Eine graphische Darstellung der zugrundeliegenden Komponenten der Gehaltsbewertung. Geschftsvorfall Beschrnkung von Whrungstransaktionen. Wechselkurs Erwartungskurve; sie stellt fr Investoren und Analysten ein Mittel dar, um die erwarteten Verbesserungen des EVA zu bestimmen. Aufwandskonten; dienen der Verbuchung von Geschftsvorfllen, die negative Auswirkungen auf den net income haben. Zuordnung von Aufwendungen zur Periode ihrer wirtschaftlichen Verursachung. Wertverzehr im Rahmen der normalen Geschftsaktivitten eines Unternehmens. Diese Aufwendungen werden zur Ermittlung der Ergebnisse in der GuV den Ertrgen gegenbergestellt.
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First-in-first-out; Methode zur Bewertung von Vorrten. Es wird unterstellt, da jenes Material, das zuerst eingelagert wurde auch zuerst wieder entnommen wird. Finanzierungsleasing; der Leasingnehmer bilanziert den Leasinggegenstand. Externes Rechnungswesen. Finanzielle Leistungen des Unternehmens, die anhand bestimmter Kennzahlen dargestellt werden (siehe internal financial ratios und external financial ratios). Bilanzkennzahl, die Informationen aus Jahresabschlssen zur Analyse aufbereitet, z. B. Positionen zueinander ins Verhltnis setzt. Zusammenstellung bestimmter Daten des Rechnungswesens zum Ende einer Berichtsperiode (Jahres-, Quartals- oder Monatsabschlu). Finanzierung; beinhaltet u.a. Aktivitten der Eigen- und Fremdkapitalbeschaffung. Fertige Erzeugnisse. Geschftsjahr (kann vom Kalenderjahr abweichen)
Assets, die ber einen lngeren Zeitraum gehalten werden (ber das laufende Jahr bzw. Berichtsperiode hinausgehend), wie bspw. Immobilien, Betriebs- und Geschftsausstattung, Patente. Fixkosten; Kosten, die sich bei variierendem Beschftigungsgrad nicht verndern. Anhang; Mglichkeit, zustzliche Informationen, etwa bzgl. der angewendeten Bewertungsprinzipien, im Jahresabschlu zu vermitteln. Vorschau; Prognose bestimmter Daten im Rahmen der internen Berichterstattung. Option auf Kauf bzw. Verkauf von Fremdwhrungen; eine Option gewhrt das Recht, nicht jedoch die Verpflichtung, einen festgelegten Betrag an Fremdwhrung zu einem festgelegten Wechselkurs zu erwerben (call option) oder zu verkaufen (put option). Auslndische Whrung.
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Wertzuwachs bzw. -verzehr, der auerhalb der normalen Geschftsttigkeit realisiert wird. Graphische Darstellung der Elemente eines Projektes bzw. der im Rahmen eines Projektes zu erfllenden Teilaufgaben. Durch die allgemeinen Verwaltungsttigkeiten eines Unternehmens verursachter Wertverzehr. Hauptbuch; eine Zusammenstellung smtlicher Konten eines Unternehmens. Prinzip der Unternehmensfortfhrung; das "going concern" Prinzip findet Anwendung bei der Erstellung des Jahresabschlusses. Geschfts- oder Firmenwert; der Unterschied zwischen dem fr das Unternehmen gezahlten Preis und dem Verkehrswert der erworbenen Vermgensgegenstnde abzglich aller Schulden. Bruttogewinnspanne; entspricht den Nettoumsatzerlsen abzglich den Anschaffungs-, Herstellungskosten der verkauften Gter bzw. Dienstleistungen. Bruttogewinnspanne; entspricht den Nettoumsatzerlsen abzglich den Anschaffungs-, Herstellungskosten der verkauften Gter bzw. Dienstleistungen. Unternehmensgruppe, bei der ein Unternehmen eine oder mehrere Tochterunternehmen kontrolliert. 1. Brgschaft 2. Garantieverpflichtung Vorgang der kompletten bzw. teilweisen Risikoreduzierung. Ursprngliche Anschaffungs- bzw. Herstellungskosten eines Vermgensgegenstandes. Der Buchwert eines noncurrent assets kann (auch langfristig) nicht am Markt realisiert werden. Buchungsvorgnge am Ende einer Periode, die dem periodengerechten Ausweis von Aufwendungen und Ertrgen dienen. Die positive Differenz aus Ertrgen und Aufwendungen. Unversteuertes Ergebnis; wird abgeleitet aus der Differenz zwischen Ertrgen und Aufwendungen. Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung; Gegenberstellung der Aufwendungen und Ertrge einer Periode.
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Verschuldung Gemeinkosten; Kosten, die einem Kostentrger nicht unmittelbar zugeordnet werden knnen (z.B. allgemeine Verwaltungskosten). Arbeitsentgelt fr Arbeitnehmer in der Fertigung, deren Ttigkeit nicht unmittelbar einem Produkt bzw. Kostentrger zugeordnet werden kann (z.B. Werkmeister). Materialgemeinkosten; smtliche Kosten fr Materialien, die nicht direkt und eindeutig einem Produkt bzw. Kostentrger zugeordnet werden knnen. Inflation, Preissteigerung. Inflationsrate; die Rate (in Prozent), mit der sich das Preisniveau erhht. Die Installment Sales Method findet Anwendung im Rahmen von Ratengeschften. Ertrge werden nicht in der Periode des Verkaufs, sondern in den Perioden der Zahlungseingnge ausgewiesen. Immaterielle Vermgensgegenstnde wie z.B. Patente, Franchiserechte, Urheberrechte, Handelsmarken und Goodwill. Zinsen Zinssatz Kennzahlen der Bilanzanalyse auf der Basis von Daten der internen Berichterstattung. Vorrte Vorrte Bestandsmanagement; soll gewhrleisten, da ausreichend (aber nicht zu viele) Vorrte verfgbar sind, um die Produktion aufrecht zu erhalten und einen optimalen Servicegrad zu gewhrleisten. Alle im Zusammenhang mit Investitionen stehende Aktivitten. 1. Investition, Beteiligung 2. Bilanzposition der noncurrent assets, in der Beteiligung an den anderen Unternehmen ausgewiesen wird. Analysten; Angestellte von Investmentbanken oder Fondsmanager, deren Aufgabe darin besteht, Analysen ber das Unternehmen und daraus abgeleitete Investitionsempfehlungen bezglich des Kapitalmarktes bereitzustellen. Investoren (Eigen- und Fremdkapitalgeber). Rechnungsbeleg; ein Schriftstck, das die Art der erworbenen oder veruerten Gter, deren Preise sowie die vereinbahrten Zahlungsbedingungen enthlt. Vorgang der Rechnungserstellung. Emission (von Wertpapieren). Journal, Nebenbuch; alle Buchungen werden hier chronologisch aufgefhrt (Begriff der Buchhaltung). Eintrag ins Nebenbuch/Journal. Die Verbuchung eines Geschftsvorfalls im Nebenbuch/Journal. Bedeutende Megre zur Leistungsbeurteilung eines Unternehmens.
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Konten, auf denen finanzielle Verpflichtungen eines Unternehmens verbucht werden. Lizenz; sie verbrieft das Recht, Patente, Urheberrechte usw. gegen Gebhr zu nutzen. Last-in-first-out; Methode zur Bewertung von Vorrten. Es wird unterstellt, da jenes Material, das zuletzt eingelagert wurde, zuerst wieder entnommen wird. Liquidieren; Auflsung (Liquidation) eines Unternehmens. 1. Vermgen: Die Mglichkeit, einen Vermgensgegenstand wieder in flssige Mittel umzuwandeln. 2. Bilanzanalyse: Fhigkeit, finanzielle Verpflichtungen fristgerecht begleichen zu knnen. Kennzahlen zur Liquidittsanalyse; Indikatoren, die zeigen, inwieweit ein Unternehmen in der Lage ist, kurzfristige finanzielle Verpflichtungen fristgerecht zu bedienen. Proze; Rechtsstreit. Darlehen
Whrung, in der ein Unternehmen die Berichterstattung fr das Land vornimmt, in dem es seinen Sitz hat. Spezielle Verfahrensweise, den in den USA blichen Zahlungsverkehr per Scheck zu organisieren und zu rationalisieren.
Logistik Langfristige Investition; Investionen mit einer Laufzeit von mehr als einem Jahr. Verlust; die Aufwendungen bersteigen die Ertrge. "Lower of cost or market"; Neubewertung von Vorrten, die dann vorgenommen wird, wenn der am Markt realisierbare Wert von Vorrten fllt. Kritisches, logisches Denken um Entscheidungen bzgl. der Gestaltung des Jahresabschlusses unter Unsicherheit zu treffen. Basiert auf dem Urteilsvermgen des Managements. 1. Allgemein: Der Preis zu dem etwas am Markt veruert bzw. erworben werden kann.
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Nettobuchwert Mittelflu aus Finanzierungsttigkeit z.B. durch Aufnahme oder Tilgung von Darlehen. Mittelflu aus Investitionsttigkeit z.B. zum Erwerb oder Verkauf von noncurrent assets. Mittelflu aus laufender Geschftsttigkeit z.B. durch Verkauf oder Fertigung von Produkten. Bilanzanalysekennzahl: Quotient aus dem Mittelflu aus laufender Geschftsttigkeit und current liabilities (Variante des dynamischem Verschuldungsgrades). Bilanzanalysekennzahl: Quotient aus dem Mittelflu aus laufender Geschftsttigkeit und dem Mittelflu aus Investitionsttigkeit. Geschftlicher Geldsaldo; Summe aus dem Mittelflu aus laufender Geschftsttigkeit und dem Mittelflu aus Investitionsttigkeit einer Periode. Zeigt den Betrag an, den ein Unternehmen entweder zur Tilgung von Darlehen verwenden kann oder durch Aufnahme von Kapital decken kann. Jahresberschu; Differenz smtlicher revenues und expenses abzglich Steuern.
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Prepaid expenses sind Auszahlungen vor dem Abschlustichtag, deren wirtschaftliche Verursachung der nchsten Periode zuzurechnen ist. Sie entsprechen den aktiven Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten. Barwert; auf den heutigen Tag abgezinster Wert zuknftiger Zahlungsstrme. Kennzahl: Kurs-/Gewinnverhltnis einer Aktie. Preiselastizitt der Nachfrage; eine Mazahl, welche die Intensitt der Reaktion der Nachfrager auf Preisnderungen wiedergibt. Reagieren die Nachfrager preissensitiv, spricht man von "elastischer" Nachfrage. Fhren Preisnderungen nicht zu nennenswerten Mengenvernderungen, spricht man von "unelastischer" Nachfrage. Allmhlicher Preisverfall. Bilanzanalysekennzahl: Quotient aus dem Kurs einer Aktie und dem Mittelflu aus laufender Geschftsttigkeit je Aktie. Wahrscheinlich Proze; eine Aneinanderreihung von Aktivitten. Einkaufsplan; hier wird festgehalten, was zu welchem Zeitpunkt in welcher Menge zu beschaffen ist. Die positive Differenz aus Ertrgen und Aufwendungen. Kennzahl; Bruttogewinnspanne dividiert durch Nettoerlse. Kennzahl; Der Gewinn wird in Relation zu verschiedenen Gren gesetzt (z.B. zu den Umstzen, den Gesamtkosten, den gesamten Assets oder dem Eigenkapital). Rentabilittskennzahlen; siehe auch profitablity. Projekt; ein Projekt bezieht sich auf die Herstellung eines Guts oder einer Dienstleistung. Es erfolgt i.d.R. eine Unterteilung in Abschnitte bzw. Phasen, um so eine bessere Kontrolle zu ermglichen. Projektkontrolle bzw. -berwachung. Wechsel Position der Bilanz; beinhaltet im wesentlichen Grund und Boden, Gebude, sowie Betriebs- und Geschftsausstattung. Anschaffungskosten Quartal; bei vielen Aktiengesellschaften beginnt das erste Quartal mit dem Geschftsjahr jeweils am 1.10.
Quartal; bei vielen Firmen beginnt das erste Quartal mit dem Geschftsjahr jeweils am 1.10.
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Rendite Ratingagenturen, die Kreditwrdigkeitsbeurteilungen abgeben. Analyse von Kennzahlen aus Daten des Jahresabschlusses. Damit kann ein Vergleich mit Kennzahlen der Vorperiode und mit denen der Konkurrenz angestellt werden. 1. Rohstoffe 2. Zwischenprodukte
Realisierbar; Ertrge sind realisierbar, wenn erhaltene oder gehaltene Vermgensgegenstnde kurzfristig in flssige Mittel transformiert werden knnen. Vermgensgegenstnde sind kurzfristig transformierbar, wenn der Verkauf zu feststehenden Preisen und ohne signifikante Mehrkosten mglich ist. Veruerungen von Produkten bzw. Dienstleistungen gegen Entgelt. Eine Position der Vermgensrechnung. Sie beinhaltet Forderungen aus Lieferungen und Leistungen, prepaid expenses und misccellaneous assets. Rezession; ein Periode mit negativem oder sehr niedrigem Wirtschaftswachstum und hoher Arbeitslosigkeit. Die formale Erfassung einer bestimmten Position in den Konten und im Jahresabschlu eines Unternehmens. Eintreibbar, ersetzbar. Geometrisch degressive Abschreibung; Abschreibungsmethode, bei der der Abschreibungsbetrag vom Buchwert der Vorperiode ermittelt wird. Dies fhrt zu hheren Abschreibungsbetrgen zu Beginn und niedrigeren Betrgen zum Ende der Nutzungsdauer. Reinvestition von Gewinnen im Unternehmen.
Verbundenes Unternehmen; ein Unternehmen wird als verbundenes Unternehmen bezeichnet, wenn weniger als 20% der Anteile von der Firma oder einer ihrer Tochtergesellschaften gehalten werden, und die bzgl. ihrer Geschftsfhrung nicht unter bedeutendem Einflu stehen. Mahnungsschreiben Gewinn- oder Kapitalrckfhrung in das Herkunftsland. Berichtswhrung; Whrung, in der das Unternehmen ihren Konzernabschlu publiziert. Ruf, Reputation, Image. Forschung und Entwicklung.
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Eigenkapitalrendite Ertragskonten; dienen zur Verbuchung von Geschftsvorfllen, die positive Auswirkungen auf den net income haben. Ertragsdarstellung bzw. -ausweis; beinhaltet die berprfung, in welcher Periode und in welcher Hhe Ertrge ausgewiesen werden. Vertrge, bei denen die Bezahlung von den Umstzen des Kunden abhngig ist. Diese Art von Vertrgen werden bei Groprojekten (z.B. Kraftwerksbau) abgeschlossen. Wertezuwachs im Rahmen der normalen Geschftsaktivitten eines Unternehmens. Diese Ertrge werden zur Ermittlung des Ergebnisses in der GuV den Aufwendungen gegenbergestellt. Risiko Risikomanagement Risikobeobachtung und -einschtzung. Unternehmensinterne Risikoberichterstattung. Der Unterschied zwischen dem besten und schlechtesten Resultat einer Investitionsentscheidung. Je hher der risk spread um so risikoreicher die Investition. Rckflsse einer risikofreien Kapitalanlage (z.B. Sparbuch, Bundesschatzbriefe). Patent- oder Lizenzgebhren. Verkufe, Umstze.
Geplante Zeitpunkte zur Ausfhrung von Arbeitsschritten sowie der Beendigung von Milestones im Rahmen der Projektabwicklung.
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T-Konto; Darstellung eines Kontos. Materielle Vermgensgegenstnde, wie z.B. Immobilien, Betriebsund Geschftsausstattung. Zielkosten; angestrebtes Kostenmaximum fr Produkte. Zielkosten werden als Differenz zwischen Zielpreis und angestrebtem Gewinn ermittelt. Methode des Kostenmanagements, die die maximalen Produktkosten (Zielkosten) aufgrund von berlegungen zu Marktnachfrage und Profitabilittszielen festlegt. Arbeitsaufgabe im Rahmen der Projektabwicklung. Tasks werden mit voraussichtlicher Dauer, den voraussichtlichen Kosten und den zur Fertigstellung der Lieferung bzw. Leistung bereitzustellenden Ressourcen dargestellt. Zu versteuerndes Einkommen. Steuern Technische Durchfhrbarkeit; Begriff der Softwareentwicklung: Phase, wenn die Planung, das Design, die Kodierung und die Tests abgeschlossen sind. Dritte Personen; Dritte. Durchlaufzeit Zeitwert des Geldes; resultiert aus der Erkenntnis, da "eine Mark heute" mehr wert ist als "eine Mark morgen". Verbindlichkeiten aus Lieferungen und Leistungen. Forderungen aus Lieferungen und Leistungen. Warenzeichen Jedes Ereignis, das die Vermgenslage eines Unternehmens betrifft und sich im Jahresabschlu niederschlgt. Transaktionsrisiko; entsteht durch mgliche Wechselkursschwankungen im Zeitraum zwischen Vertragsabschlu und Vertragserfllung. Tritt auf, wenn der Jahresabschlu einer Wirtschaftseinheit in die Berichtswhrung transformiert wird.
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Generally Accepted Acounting Principles; die US-amerikanischen Standards und Normen der Rechnungslegung. Wirtschaftliche Nutzungsdauer. Wirtschaftliche Nutzungsdauer. Bewertung Wertkette; die Zusammenfassung von Aktivitten, die ausgefhrt werden, um ein Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung zu entwerfen, zu produzieren, zu vermarkten, auszuliefern und servicemig zu untersttzen. Die Wertkette umfat primre Aktivitten (z.B. Eingangslogistik, Marketing und Vertrieb) und untersttzende, sekundre Aktivitten (z.B. Personal, Management und Beschaffung). Kosten, die nicht eingespart werden knnen, ohne den Nutzen des Produkts oder der Dienstleistung zu beeinflussen wie z.B. Rohmaterialien, Wartungskosten der Maschinen und Fertigungslhne. Management-System, in dem die Schaffung von Werten fr die Aktionre im Mittelpunkt der Managemententscheidung steht. Variable Kosten. Abweichungsanalyse; hierbei werden bestimmte Daten mit Werten der Vergangenheit, Erwartungswerten der Zukunft und korrespondierenden Werten von Konkurrenten verglichen. Volatil; schnellen und extremen Vernderungen unterworfen. Bsp.: Wechselkurse von Entwicklungslndern knnen sehr volatil sein. Variable Kosten. Bewertungsmethode; Vorrte werden mit dem gewichteten Durchschnitt bewertet. Die Work Breakdown Structure stellt die zu erbringenden Lieferungen und Leistungen innerhalb der Projektabwicklung dar. Bewertungsmethode; Vorrte werden mit dem gewichteten Durchschnitt bewertet. Die work breakdown structure stellt die zu erbringenden Lieferungen und Leistungen innerhalb der Projektabwicklung dar. Unfertige Erzeugnisse, unfertige Lieferungen und Leistungen.
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