#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use YAML; use Encode; use Pod::Usage; use Net::Twitter; use File::Spec; use File::HomeDir; use Term::Prompt; use Getopt::Long; use Term::Encoding; our $config; our $twitter; our %args = (); main(); sub main { setup_encoding(); setup_config(); setup_client(); my %commands = ( update => \&update, friends => \&friends, friends_timeline => \&friends_timeline, public_timeline => \&public_timeline, followers => \&followers, ); my $command = $ARGV[0] || "friends"; $command eq 'update' && !$ARGV[1] && pod2usage(1); $commands{$command} or pod2usage(-message => "Unknown command: $command", -exitval => 2); $commands{$command}->(); } sub setup_encoding { my $encoding; eval { require Term::Encoding; $encoding = Term::Encoding::get_encoding(); }; $encoding ||= "utf-8"; binmode STDOUT, ":encoding($encoding)"; binmode STDIN, ":encoding($encoding)"; } sub setup_config { my $path = File::Spec->catfile(File::HomeDir->my_home, ".twitter"); $config = eval { YAML::LoadFile($path) } || {}; my $changed; while (!$config->{username} || !$config->{password}) { $config->{username} = prompt('x', 'username: ', '', ''); $config->{password} = prompt('p', 'password: ', '', ''); $changed++; } save_config($path, $config) if $changed; } sub save_config { my ($path, $config ) =@_; YAML::DumpFile($path, $config); chmod 0600, $path; } sub setup_client { $twitter = Net::Twitter->new( username => $config->{username}, password => $config->{password}, ); } # commands sub update { my $response = $twitter->update($ARGV[1]); print_update_status(); } sub friends { my $response = $twitter->friends; print_status($response); } sub public_timeline { my $response = $twitter->public_timeline; print_timeline($response); } sub followers { my $response = $twitter->followers; print_status($response); } sub friends_timeline { my $response = $twitter->friends_timeline; print_timeline($response); } # print sub print_status { my ($response) = @_; for (@{$response}) { printf "%s: %s\n", $_->{name}, $_->{status}{text}; } } sub print_timeline { my ($response) = @_; for (@{$response}) { printf "%s: %s\n", $_->{user}{name}, $_->{text}; } } sub print_update_status { printf "Set status: %s\n", $ARGV[1]; } __END__ =head1 SYNOPSIS update <status> Set your current status. friends Show most recent status of those you have marked as friends in twitter. public_timeline Show the public timeline of all twitter users friends_timeline Show the timeline of those you have marked as friends in twitter. followers Show the timeline of those who follow your status in twitter. =cut
途中まで作って を発見 orz. メッセージ表示部分をパクらせてもらいました。次はRuby版つくろうかな。