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Phantasmagorical pile of ultrabollocks
Needs more dinosaur
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Created on 2009-05-02 13:57:04 (#212665), last updated 2024-12-01 (2 days ago)
111,208 comments received, 33,363 comments posted
7,959 Journal Entries, 259 Tags, 0 Memories, 140 Icons Uploaded
Name: | Corvidology |
Location: | United States |
Yes, I used to be Draycevixen for many fandom moons but now I'm not. :D
For the record, I am over 18 and I would prefer you not interact with me on my journal unless you're over 18 as well. Thank you!
I subscribe to people for a lot of different reasons that I can't always articulate.
As for Access, I post everything 'access only' except for tinfoil posts (things that amuse my tiny mind), fic posts and reviews/promos for things I've watched... sometimes read.
I don't answer questions like "where do you live?" and "what do you do for a living?" (a lot of people can figure it out but I don't confirm their detective work). A long time ago on LJ I had a "once bitten, twice shy" experience with a little group who took our shared fandom a little too seriously for anyone's good, mine in particular.
Please feel free to unsubscribe and/or change your mind about granting access at will. Sometimes we just drift apart. No harm, no foul. ♥
PLEASE do NOT re-post, cross-post, or 'reblog' any content from my public posts. You are welcome to link directly to my public posts if so moved.
PLEASE do NOT share any content from my locked posts in any form.
All of my fan fiction can be found on AO3 under the name Corvidology
Just call me Vixen, Drayce Vixen. Chibi me as drawn by the fabulous togsos
From the ever lovely norfolkdumpling
From the ever lovely saintvic
Made for me by the lovely norfolkdumpling because sometimes a woman just needs professional help. *g*
For the record, I am over 18 and I would prefer you not interact with me on my journal unless you're over 18 as well. Thank you!
I subscribe to people for a lot of different reasons that I can't always articulate.
As for Access, I post everything 'access only' except for tinfoil posts (things that amuse my tiny mind), fic posts and reviews/promos for things I've watched... sometimes read.
I don't answer questions like "where do you live?" and "what do you do for a living?" (a lot of people can figure it out but I don't confirm their detective work). A long time ago on LJ I had a "once bitten, twice shy" experience with a little group who took our shared fandom a little too seriously for anyone's good, mine in particular.
Please feel free to unsubscribe and/or change your mind about granting access at will. Sometimes we just drift apart. No harm, no foul. ♥
PLEASE do NOT re-post, cross-post, or 'reblog' any content from my public posts. You are welcome to link directly to my public posts if so moved.
PLEASE do NOT share any content from my locked posts in any form.
BLANKET PERMISSION for transformative works: I am happy to give permission for any of my stories to begropedtransformed in any way. Not that you really need my permission but here you go! :D
It would be lovely if you credited me for my work and if it’s posted on AO3 and you let me know, I’ll happily link to it.
I DO NOT AGREE WITH OR SUPPORT THE MONETISATION OF FAN WORKS UNLESS IT’S FOR CHARITY FUNDRAISERS! You do you, but this is my personal disclaimer of involvement. *tips hat*
All of my fan fiction can be found on AO3 under the name Corvidology
Corvidology ♦ | On the subject of friending ♣ | Fandom ♥ | Comments on my stories that have amused me ♠ | Credits ★ |
I used to be known as draycevixen for many fandom moons. “When I grow up, I want to be a writer or a pirate.” My diary entry, aged 7. I’m still trying... I’m the kind of woman who laughs at a funeral... a jerk of all trades and mistress of none... an enthusiast NOT an optimist... basically content with my lot (only fools are blindly happy). I laugh as often as is humanly possible. AGE STATEMENT FOR COMS THAT REQUIRE SUCH THINGS: I am clearly, but not tragically, way past my 21st birthday. |
Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, “What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” – C. S. Lewis. I prefer to have something in common with my friends beyond mutual fannish interests. That doesn’t have to mean anything concrete, it might just be the same sense of humour. |
Unless you've reached this page in error, you've probably popped over from fandom land. Here, have a cuppa. I've written Slash, Gen, Het and Femslash but I’m primarily a slasher. Most of my fan fiction has been written for Life on Mars (UK), Man from Uncle, Person of Interest, The Professionals and V for Vendetta. However, due to my love for cracky crossovers and a |
I think this is the most charming love story I've ever read involving victims of mind control drugs and rape and extortion at the hands of ruthless young women bent on revenge for their hustling brother's suicide. reynardin I cannot list all the very, very strange things I have read. I can tell you though, that this wins the weirdness award. And the one for entertainment. It was...really good. And I'm not sure how on earth to react to it, and, erm, well. Thank you for proving that fandom can still be a very, very surprising place. kiwi_from_hell This is seriously awesome!!!!! I've read Cartland books, and you are waaaaaaaay better than that!! :) siluria Okay this is an intervention, just put the crack down and it will all be okay. vicfarmer Emo lemur for the win! sytaxia Best use of a rubber duck ever acidpenguin46 Flippin heck, woman -- you nearly blew my cassock off. norfolkdumpling not going to be able to go through the scented candle display at M&S for a *while* now, damn you... halotolerant Oh my holy incoherency *blinks* jean_geanie This should come with a warning to hose down with holy water after reading and get thee to the nearest confessional! jj_minerva Non-constructive criticism? Inadequate use of the letter 'q', demonstrating that you're a great, sissy, nancy, girly, french-bending, q-hating Manchester United supporting poof! Also, this fic completely fails to address economic concerns on Kiribati! And you write like a person with an unflattering hairstyle and no aptitude for math! Seriously, a good read. Quite fun. wolfy_writing Oh my word. Toe biting Gene. Rubber ducks and loofahs as butt plugs... Scooby/LoM porn FTW! sytaxia |
My lovely "Person of Interest" animated mood them is entirely the work of togsos My lovely "Sherlock (BBC)" animated mood theme is entirely the work of ponchogoblins My lovely "Life On Mars" animated mood theme is entirely the work of magicallaw Profile layout by noveltybox |
Just call me Vixen, Drayce Vixen. Chibi me as drawn by the fabulous togsos
From the ever lovely norfolkdumpling
From the ever lovely saintvic
Made for me by the lovely norfolkdumpling because sometimes a woman just needs professional help. *g*
alfred hitchcock, andrew vachss, apparitions, art, battle creek, ben johnson, bibliophile, black comedy, blackfriars theatre, bodie, boots, captain blood, castle, charlotte bronte, classic musicals, cole porter, comedy, dancing, doctor who, dogs, doyle, eddie izzard, elvis costello, english literature, errol flynn, fan fiction, father jacob, film freak, finch/reese, forever, frank lloyd wright, gloucestershire, goon show, growing old(er) disgracefully, guerrero, harold and maude, harold finch, human target, humour, illya kuryakin, inspector lewis, jane austen, jane eyre, jazz, jefferey deaver, john donne, john moore/laszlo kreizler, john reese, john simm, john waters, kirsty maccoll, life on mars, london, man from uncle, monty python, morgan car, mysteries, napoleon solo, noel coward, orson welles, oscar wilde, person of interest, philip glenister, pirates, play writing, poetry, popular culture, ray doyle, reese/finch, robin hood, royal shakespeare company, russ agnew/milt chamberlain, shakespeare, sherlock holmes, simon pegg, spaced, spike milligan, stephen fry, swashbucklers, tea, the alienist, the professionals, the renaissance, theatre freak, three musketeers, tom waits, v for vendetta, val mcdermid, writing.
People [View Entries]
adafrog, alisanne, amedia, aurumcalendula, badfalcon, baranduin, bethctg, birggitt, bluapapilio, blythechild_1, boxofdelights, brumeier, camobscura, chamekke, chelseagirl, china_shop, clarasteam, colls, cousinshelley, dancing_serpent, delphi, dhampyresa, digthewriter, dimity_blue, dine, dollsoul, dolorosa_12, donutsweeper, doreyg, dorinda, dreamersdare, dreamy_dragon73, eglantiere, elwendell, emeraldarrows, esteefee, evilinsanemonkey, fuguestate, geckoholic, gloss, goddess47, golden_bastet, grayswandir, hamsterwoman, honigfrosch, howsmyenglish, isabellerecs, jajalala, jenab, just_ann_now, kat_lair, kore, lexin, libitina, liriaen, lunabee34, lunarriviera, luthien, maggie33, makamu, maskedthief, melagan, mific, msmoat, muccamukk, mxcatmoon, mywitch, nanila, nanslice, nyctanthes, oldtoadwoman, out_there, peaked, pebble_in_a_lake, prettyarbitrary, profiterole_reads, przed, pushkin666, rekishi, ride_4ever, rionaleonhart, rogueslayer452, sabethea, senmut, sewn, shadaras, shipperslist, silver_sun, skieswideopen, smallhobbit, solosundance, sperrywink, spikedluv, sunshine304, svgurl, sw33n3y, sweetsorcery, tehomet, thawrecka, thisbluespirit, tinny, tjs_whatnot, torino10154, trobadora, umadoshi, used_songs, verdande_mi, vriddy
alasse_irena, andreathelion, angerabbit, ashelterofpages, ausmac, bewize, bianca, bliphany, bloodydemonic, branwyn, brithistorian, busarewski, chwheeler, dani_meows, dariaw, dragonlady7, ducky, elliebird, emef, erushi, fjbryan, gaslightgallows, gravitasmalfunction, grey853, halfshellvenus, halotolerant, hambel, hannah, hardboiledbaby, heliophile, hibiscustea, hils, hopelesse, ihavenoarms, imhilien, jenett, kangeiko, killclaudio, krait, ladyhawke2, libraralien, linky, lomelinde_laurea, loz, lq_traintracks, m31andy, magicrubbish, mary_zeony, mavipegasi, meinterrupted, mikes_grrl, miwahni, mordorbot, mx_morden, mybeautifulwars, norfolkdumpling, poisontaster, pros_newsletter, psiten, purplecapuchinmonkey, raine, rthstewart, rudigersmooch, saki101, sallymn, scotschik, seal_girl, seaofellie, shaddyr, shadowhive, shooting2kill, siskiou, sjh2009, smirra,, snailbones, st_aurafina, st_crispins, stellar_dust, strewnstars, stripytights, suzie_shooter, swordznsorcery, thesebonesaregood, thewayne, thirdbird, travels_in_time, trepkos, tsuki_no_bara, unikorento, wildpear, witchka, xmarksthespotwhereistand
adafrog, alisanne, alterkrmn, amedia, aurumcalendula, autodach, badfalcon, baranduin, bethctg, birggitt, bluapapilio, blueteak, blythechild_1, boxofdelights, brumeier, camobscura, chamekke, chelseagirl, china_shop, clarasteam, colls, corvidology, cousinshelley, dancing_serpent, darchildre, deifire, delphi, dhampyresa, digthewriter, dimity_blue, dine, dollsoul, dolorosa_12, donutsweeper, doreyg, dorinda, dreamersdare, dreamy_dragon73, eglantiere, elwendell, elwinfortuna, emeraldarrows, esteefee, evilinsanemonkey, falena, forestsofpine, fuguestate, garonne, geckoholic, glinda, gloss, goddess47, golden_bastet, goldentunes, grayswandir, halfshellvenus, hamsterwoman, hannah, honigfrosch, howsmyenglish, isabellerecs, jajalala, jenab, juniperberry, just_ann_now, kat_lair, kingstoken, kore, lebateleur, lessonsinescapology, lexin, libitina, libraralien, lilly_the_kid, linky, liriaen, lunabee34, lunarriviera, luthien, mab_browne, maggie33, magicrubbish, makamu, maskedthief, melagan, meridian_rose, mific, minoanmiss, msmoat, muccamukk, musyc, mx_morden, mxcatmoon, mywitch, nanila, nanslice, nonplussed, nyctanthes, oldtoadwoman, out_there, peaked, pebble_in_a_lake, pensnest, petra, prettyarbitrary, profiterole_reads, przed, psiten, pushkin666, rekishi, ride_4ever, rionaleonhart, rodo, rogueslayer452, rthstewart, ruico, ruuger, sabethea, satsuma, sdk, seleneheart, senmut, sewn, shadaras, shaddyr, shipperslist, silver_sun, skieswideopen, smallhobbit, solosundance, sperrywink, spikedluv, suncani, sunshine304, svgurl, sw33n3y, sweetsorcery, talkingtothesky, tarlanx, tehomet, thawrecka, thisbluespirit, tinny, tjs_whatnot, topaz119, torino10154, tozka, trobadora, umadoshi, undeadrobins, used_songs, verdande_mi, vriddy, yletylyf, yvannairie
candyheartsex, classicfilmex, heatficsummer, misbegotten, smashthechampagnebottle, spook_me, tobli, wingficex, yesfest
alasse_irena, angerabbit, antheap, arduinna, ashelterofpages, ausmac, bewize, bianca, bliphany, bloodydemonic, branwyn, brithistorian, bruttimabuoni, busarewski, chwheeler, cittasette, dani_meows, dariaw, dragonlady7, ducky, elliebird, emef, enemyofperfect, erushi, fensandmarshes, fjbryan, gaslightgallows, gravitasmalfunction, grey853, halotolerant, hambel, hardboiledbaby, heliophile, heuradys, hibiscustea, hils, ihavenoarms, imhilien, itshoodwinked, jenett, jennaria, kangeiko, kate, killclaudio, ladyhawke2, listeningirl, littlelostcat, lomelinde_laurea, lookashiny, lovelyangel, loz, lq_traintracks, m31andy, mary_zeony, mavipegasi, meinterrupted, mikes_grrl, misura, miwahni, mordorbot, mossybomb, mulasawala, musekicker, mybeautifulwars, navaan, norfolkdumpling, poisontaster, potentiality_26, presumenothing, pros_newsletter, purplecapuchinmonkey, quillpunk, raine, raveninthewind, redthedragon, reika, rudigersmooch, saki101, scifirenegade, scotschik, seal_girl, seaofellie, shadowhive, shooting2kill, siskiou, sjh2009, smirra,, snailbones, st_aurafina, st_crispins, stellar_dust, stripytights, suzie_shooter, swordznsorcery, thesebonesaregood, thewayne, thirdbird, timemidae, tomakeanoffer, travels_in_time, tsuki_no_bara, unikorento, ureshiimanga, wildpear, witchka, xmarksthespotwhereistand
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100fandoms, 100ships, 3weeks4dreamwidth, 51pluscrossoverfandoms, adventdrabbles, bbtp_challenge, beautifulmechanical, bethefirst, bigbangindex, bl00dredskies, books_of_yule_exchange, c_ent, charactorex, chocolateboxcomm, consent_issues_exchange, crossworks, darkestnightex, dw_community_promo, eventcentral, fan_flashworks, fancake, fandom5k, fandom_on_dw, fandomcalendar, fandomforoz, fandomgiftbasket, fandomgrowthexchange, fandomtrumpshate, fanfic_instability, fanifesto, fffc, ffw_social, ficinabox, ficreadersadvisory, fictional_fans, findingfriends, findthatbook, firewhiskeyfic, first_time_exchange, fixedthatforyou_fest, flash_fiction, flashbackfest, flashexchanges, getyourwordsout, hateexchange, hc_bingo, history3_trapped, holidayfluff_exchange, hurtcomfortex, icontalking, insert_title_here, intoabar, justmarriedexchange, kittens_and_spitefic, lifein1973, limitedtheatricalrelease, little_details, littleblackdressex, lyricaltitles, meme_of_interest, mistletoe_exchange, multifandomdrabble, multifandomhorrorexchange, multifandomtropefest, newyearcntdown, nightonficmountain, no_true_pair, past_imperfect, picfor1000, pine4pine, poi_fanworks, raikantopeni, raremaleslashex, recs, recthething, retrotvexchange, rinch, shipoween, ships_crossing, slashficlets, small_fandoms, smallfandombang, smallfandomfest, smut4smut, smutswap, snowflake_challenge, sunshine_challenge, teaandswissroll, the_mane_event, traumaexchange, trickortreatex, tv_talk, unclutter, unsent_letters_exchange, unusual_bearings, waybackexchange, what_ho_library, whenisitdue, writerscafe, x_ship, yuletide, yuletide_admin, yuletide_pinch_hits
100fandoms, 100ships, 3weeks4dreamwidth, 51pluscrossoverfandoms, addme, adventdrabbles, bbtp_challenge, beautifulmechanical, bethefirst, bigbangindex, bitesizedfandomsex, bl00dredskies, books_of_yule_exchange, c_ent, cdramacaps, charactorex, chocolateboxcomm, ci5_boxoftricks, consent_issues_exchange, crackthewip, crossovering, crossworks, cuppajoexchange, darkestnightex, dick_or_treat, dw_community_promo, eatdrinkmakemerry, enemiestoloversex, epidemfic, equalityauction, eventcentral, fan_flashworks, fancake, fandom5k, fandom_fanvids, fandom_icons, fandom_on_dw, fandomcalendar, fandomforoz, fandomgiftbasket, fandomgrowthexchange, fandomtrumpshate, fanfic_instability, fanifesto, fanlore, fffc, fffx, ffw_social, ficinabox, ficreadersadvisory, fictional_fans, findingfriends, findthatbook, firewhiskeyfic, first_time_exchange, fixedthatforyou_fest, flash_fiction, flashbackfest, flashexchanges, friending_memes, getyourwordsout, guardian_wishlist, hateexchange, hc_bingo, history3_trapped, holidayfluff_exchange, hurtcomfortex, icon_resources, icons, icontalking, idproquo, insert_title_here, intoabar, juletide, jump_scare_exchange, justmarriedexchange, kinkluckydip, kittens_and_spitefic, launchtheship, lifein1973, limitedtheatricalrelease, little_details, littleblackdressex, lyricaltitles, meme_of_interest, mistletoe_exchange, multifandomdrabble, multifandomhorrorexchange, multifandomtropefest, newyearcntdown, nightonficmountain, no_true_pair, nonconathon, npt_admin, oh_crime, past_imperfect, picfor1000, pine4pine, piningexchange, poi_fanworks, prisoner_exchange, raikantopeni, raremaleslashex, rarepairexchange, rarepairficexchange, recs, recthething, retrotvexchange, rinch, sakuraexchange, seasonsofdrabbles, shipoween, ships_crossing, slashficlets, small_fandoms, smallbatchicons, smallfandombang, smallfandomfest, smut4smut, smutswap, snowflake_challenge, soul2soul, story_works, summerofthe69, sunshine_challenge, teaandswissroll, the_mane_event, theficclub, traumaexchange, trickortreatex, tv_talk, unclutter, unrequited_affections_ex, unsent_letters_exchange, unusual_bearings, waybackexchange, what_ho_library, whenisitdue, writerscafe, x_ship, yuletide, yuletide_admin, yuletide_pinch_hits
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