Superiority Burger’s Crispy Fried Tofu Sandwich

Updated July 10, 2020

Superiority Burger’s Crispy Fried Tofu Sandwich
David Malosh for The New York Times. Food Stylist: Barrett Washburne.
Total Time
45 minutes, plus marinating
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Ranging from silken and creamy to firm and chewy, tofu comes in many forms and is prized around the world for its versatility. In this recipe, which is adapted from the “Superiority Burger Cookbook” (W.W. Norton & Company, 2018) by chef Brooks Headley, extra-firm tofu is pressed, marinated, breaded and fried, to make the “tofu-fried tofu” sandwich at Superiority Burger, his popular vegetarian restaurant in New York City. To achieve a dense tofu patty with plenty of flavor and bite, Mr. Headley starts with extra-firm tofu, presses out any excess liquid, then marinates it in a spicy pickle juice brine. It’s then double-battered and deep-fried until crisp. This sandwich is best enjoyed on a sunlit stoop in the East Village, just steps outside Superiority Burger, but it’s also achievable in any home kitchen. —Alexa Weibel

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Yield:6 sandwiches

    For the Marinated Tofu

    • 1(14-ounce) package extra-firm tofu, drained
    • cups pickle juice
    • 1tablespoon hot sauce
    • 1tablespoon Dijon mustard
    • 1teaspoon gochugaru or red-pepper flakes
    • 2tablespoons grapeseed oil or other neutral oil

    For the Fried Tofu

    • ½cup Dijon mustard
    • 2cups all-purpose flour
    • ½teaspoon baking powder
    • 1teaspoon smoked paprika
    • ½teaspoon onion powder
    • ½teaspoon garlic powder
    • ½teaspoon ground cayenne
    • 1teaspoon kosher salt, plus more as needed
    • 1teaspoon black pepper
    • Grapeseed oil or other neutral oil, for frying

    For Assembly

    • 6potato buns or other soft rolls
    • Vegan mayonnaise and hot sauce, as needed
    • Thinly shredded green cabbage and dill pickles, for serving
Ingredient Substitution Guide


  1. Step 1

    Prepare the marinated tofu: Line a baking sheet with paper towels or a clean kitchen towel. Cut the tofu crosswise into two rectangles that are each about 2½ inches wide and 4 inches long. Slice each rectangle into three ½-inch thick slabs and arrange in a single layer on the baking sheet. Cover the sliced tofu with more towels and gently press each piece to extract some of the moisture.

  2. Step 2

    In a large bowl, combine the pickle juice, hot sauce, mustard and gochugaru.

  3. Step 3

    Heat the grapeseed oil in a large nonstick or cast-iron skillet over high heat until shimmering. Sear the tofu to form a golden-brown crust, 4 to 5 minutes per side. Immediately drop the hot tofu into the pickle juice mixture. Refrigerate and let the tofu marinate for at least a few hours, or even overnight.

  4. Step 4

    Prepare the fried tofu: In a medium shallow bowl, stir the mustard with ¼ cup water until it’s the consistency of heavy cream and set aside. In a large shallow bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, spices, salt and pepper.

  5. Step 5

    In a Dutch oven or sturdy pot, heat 2 inches of grapeseed oil over medium heat and set a wire rack on top of a baking sheet. Remove the tofu from the brine and pat dry. Dip the tofu in the mustard mixture, turning until coated all over, then the flour mixture; dip it again in the mustard then flour until twice coated. When the oil temperature reaches 350 degrees, carefully place the battered tofu into the hot oil and fry, flipping as needed, until golden brown, about 5 minutes. Transfer the fried tofu to the wire rack and sprinkle with a little salt.

  6. Step 6

    To serve, toast the buns and spread generously with mayo and dot with hot sauce, if desired. Top with fried tofu, cabbage and dill pickles, and eat immediately.


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I make a baked version of this all the time. I prefer my vegetarian and vegan food to be healthy--that's why I eat it. It can also be tasty without all the oil. Just follow the first three steps, using minimal oil to brown the tofu in step two. Coat the tofu as in the next step, but put it in the oven to brown. This makes it more like oven-fried chicken.

I don't fry. Anything. Not because I'm against frying! But because I stink at it. I think it requires some kind of a gene which my DNA lacks. No matter - I'm posting because I just want to express my deep appreciation to NYTimes Cooking for upping their vegan game these past few weeks. I have noticed a definite uptick in these sorts of recipes, and as a new vegan who needs cooking inspiration, I thank you!!

I also want to express my gratitude to NYTimes cooking for increasing the vegan/vegetarian repertoire. After our first Veganuary adventure we were quite surprised to find we liked it. Meatless Monday has now expanded to meatless Monday-Friday for us, with choose your own adventure on the weekend.

Unbelievably great. I like my tofu a bit thinner, so I did 1/4" slices. The batter is perfection. I think they are perfectly seasoned without the sprinkle of salt. The one thing I would note if you marinate for 24 hours is the batter doesn't seem to stick as well as it does for pieces that marinate for just a few hours. This is absolutely phenomenal. It's like vegan Chick Fil A LOL.

It was good but not amazing. When it comes to fried things, they have to be amazing for me to want to make them at home. This was a bit labor intensive and very messy.

This is delicious, but for some reason I can’t get the tofu that I buy to slice into the same configuration as described. This recipe also serves as a vegan version of chicken nuggets. Follow the same process but either cut the tofu into smaller chunks or break the slabs up after cooking.

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Adapted from “Superiority Burger Cookbook: The Vegetarian Hamburger Is Now Delicious” by Brooks Headley (W.W. Norton & Company, 2018)


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