Home Safe is one of the Collectibles in Control.
File text[]
Home Safe (OOP22-KE)
No unique procedures required.
The object is a "Guardhouse" brand home safe. Weight measurements vary.
When bound, the object allows parautilitarians to telekinetically gather items and debris from their surroundings.
The object is currently bound by [REDACTED].
Discovered in the basement of a home in [REDACTED], Ohio, the object gained rapid interest in certain online forums dedicated to opening abandoned safes. After months of failure, the owner attempted to open it with explosives. The object survived with no physical damage. Bureau agents were dispatched, now confident of its paranatural nature.
Blood occasionally emerges from seam around the object's door. Tests confirm the blood is not human. X-rays taken of the object indicate that something is trapped inside, though the images are always blurred, which indicates the contents of the object are moving. All attempts to open the object have been unsuccessful.
The file is automatically obtained after binding the Home Safe during the side mission A Good Defense.