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Editor-in-Chief Dr Lucy Waldron, LWT Animal Nutrition Ltd, Feilding, New Zealand

Editorial Board
Dr Mike Bedford, AB Vista, UK
Prof. Wayne Bryden, The University of Queensland, Australia
Dr Rene Corner, Massey University, New Zealand
Prof. Wouter Hendriks, Wageningen University / Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Dr Colm Moran, Alltech, France
Prof. Rex Newkirk, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Dr Peter Plumstead, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Prof. Bob Pym, The University of Queensland, Australia
Prof. Ravi Ravindran, Massey University, New Zealand
Dr Jules Taylor-Pickard, Alltech, UK
Dr Dave Thomas, Massey University, New Zealand
Dr Adrian Watson, Royal Canin, France
Dr Kat Whitehouse-Tedd, Nottingham Trent University, UK

Assistant Editor
Dr Shay Rutherford
Directory of Open Access Journals, with the DOAJ Seal
CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service (ACS)

Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition

The journal's CiteScoreTM is 1.9 (CiteScoreTM 2022. Calculated by Scopus, 2023).

Aims and scope
The Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition publishes leading research in all aspects of animal feed science and nutrition in agricultural species, companion species and exotic species. Research areas covered include commercially funded research such as new product development as well as academic research. The breadth and quality of original research articles, review articles and pilot studies describing large-scale trials make the journal invaluable to practitioners, consultants and veterinarians as well as researchers in the public and private sectors.

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