@kyanny's blog

My thoughts, my life. Views/opinions are my own.

TIL: 同じディレクトリ内のシェルスクリプトを全部実行する run-parts


run-parts /path/to/dir

例: GitHub Enterprise Server の motd を再表示する

sudo run-parts /etc/update-motd.d/
azureuser@ghe-kyanny-work:~$ sudo run-parts /etc/update-motd.d/
     ___ _ _   _  _      _      ___     _                    _
    / __(_) |_| || |_  _| |__  | __|_ _| |_ ___ _ _ _ __ _ _(_)___ ___
   | (_ | |  _| __ | || | '_ \ | _|| ' \  _/ -_) '_| '_ \ '_| (_-</ -_)
    \___|_|\__|_||_|\_,_|_.__/ |___|_||_\__\___|_| | .__/_| |_/__/\___|

Administrative shell access is permitted for troubleshooting and performing
documented operations procedures only. Modifying system and application files,
running programs, or installing unsupported software packages may void your
support contract. Please contact GitHub support at https://support.github.com
if you have a question about the activities allowed by your support contract.

INFO: Release version: 3.15.1
INFO: 8 CPUs, 62GB RAM on Azure
INFO: License: production; Seats: unlimited; Will expire in 368 days.
INFO: Load average: 4.58 4.27 3.50
INFO: Usage for mounted root partition: 37G of 196G (20%)
INFO: Usage for mounted user data partition: 24G of 503G (5%)
INFO: TLS: enabled; Certificate will expire in 89 days.
INFO: Stand-Alone Instance
INFO: Configuration run in progress: false
       Upgrade Notice
   Version: 3.15

Minimum Recommended System Requirements for versions 3.15 and later:
  - Root Disk: 400 GB
  - Data Disk: 500 GB

For questions, please contact support.