MMT Primer – Blog #50 Responses

Conclusion - Minsky and the Job Guarantee by L Randall Wray (June 8 2012) As I said I am not going to provide responses to comments on the final blogs of the primer. In any case, the commentary has degenerated into a chat room utilized largely by aging retirees who do not understand that … Continue reading MMT Primer – Blog #50 Responses

Wray: MMT Primer – Blog #50

MMT Without the JG? Conclusion by L Randall Wray (May 28 2012) Sorry for the interruption of the blog. Originally I had planned 52 blogs, one-year's worth, although along the way I added a few so that we would have run about thirteen months. Here's why: the blogs came from a book manuscript, the … Continue reading Wray: MMT Primer – Blog #50

What Are Taxes For?

The MMT Approach by L Randall Wray (May 15 2014) This is part of a series, following on from that asked: "Do We Need Taxes?". Previously we have argued that "taxes drive money" in the sense that imposition of a tax that is payable in the national government's own currency will create demand … Continue reading What Are Taxes For?

China’s Long March to Total Food Security

by Jim W Dean New Eastern Outlook (October 26 2019) Earlier this year, China announced adding five million more hectares to its 42 million already connected farmland and shooting for sixty million hectares by 2022. This is part of China expanding, modernizing and restructuring its agriculture industry from top to bottom for maximum production … Continue reading China’s Long March to Total Food Security

China’s Hidden Economic Time Bomb

by F William Engdahl New Eastern Outlook (October 22 2019) The China government statistical agency just released economic data showing the poorest GDP growth in almost thirty years for China. The problem goes far deeper than recent effects of the US-China trade war or the impact of calamities such as African Swine Fever that … Continue reading China’s Hidden Economic Time Bomb

US Fears Mass Boycott …

... as Chinese Turn to Homegrown Brands A wave of nationalism sweeping the mainland could be bad news for Western brands. by Shelly Banjo and Thuy Ong (October 24 2019) Photographer: Andrew Paterson/Alamy When a Chinese automaker set out to find a celebrity endorser for its new electric cars earlier this year, the … Continue reading US Fears Mass Boycott …

Major Reason for China’s Slowdown …

... is Tardy Pace of Reforms, Not Trump's Trade War Opinion (October 24 2019) China is facing an economic slowdown in 2020, the latest IMF report says, projecting that the country's growth rate could fall below six percent. Sourabh Gupta, an Asia-Pacific international relations policy specialist, has explained what's behind the IMF prognosis … Continue reading Major Reason for China’s Slowdown …

Mainland Chinese Who Oppose Hong Kong’s Protests …

... aren't brainwashed by censorship, despite what the West might think Many in the West and Hong Kong mistakenly believe that mainland Chinese are unthinking and uncritical. On the contrary, one consequence of life behind China's Great Firewall is a hypersensitivity to the veracity of information. by Ren Yi South China Morning Post (October 25 … Continue reading Mainland Chinese Who Oppose Hong Kong’s Protests …