>by Lewis H LaphamHarper's Magazine (March 2005)A party which is not afraid of letting culture, business, and welfare go to ruin completely can be omnipotent for a while. -- Jakob BurckhardtAs seen from New York through the screens of the print and broadcast media during the weeks following last year's elections, the news from Washington … Continue reading >Democracyland
Month: February 2005
>Writer Karel van Wolferen tells Japan …
>... to get out from 'wings of American eagle'by Manabu Hara, Asahi.com Senior Staff WriterIHT/Asahi Weekend Beat (February 19 2005)Japanese government officials claim that under the Koizumi administration, relations between Tokyo and Washington have never been better.However, in "Sekai ga Nihon o Mitomeru Hi" (The Day that the World Can Take Japan Seriously Again, PHP … Continue reading >Writer Karel van Wolferen tells Japan …
>From Cleopatra to Columbia
>by Randy UdallHome Power (March 10 2004)It is now apparent that the space shuttle Columbia was in trouble long before it broke up over Texas last February. Within hours of the tragedy, disturbing photos taken by California astronomers were posted to the Internet. In these images, the streaking shuttle shone like a torch. Off to … Continue reading >From Cleopatra to Columbia
>Imperatives for Transition to a Sustainable and Just Society
>by Ted TrainerSurvivingPeakOil.com (November 2004)Before it makes sense to discuss the form a sustainable and just society must take it is important to be clear about the nature of the global predicament we are in. Most people do not grasp how grossly unjust and unsustainable our society is. Consequently few realise that we must face … Continue reading >Imperatives for Transition to a Sustainable and Just Society
>Beyond Organic
>Energy and Food Productionby Jim Minick, Counterpunch (December 25 2004)Imagine you're standing in the produce section of your local grocery faced with a variety of apples. You want to make the best choice, for the good of your family, farm workers and the environment. Do you buy the organic Galas shipped from across the country … Continue reading >Beyond Organic
>Grapes of wrath
>With our supermarket shelves groaning under the weight of so many wines, why do they all taste the same?Supermarkets don't want to muck around with a small grower here, another there, or waste time haggling with local wine co-ops.by Joanna BlythmanThe Ecologist (February 2005)I was one out of a total audience of seven at a … Continue reading >Grapes of wrath
>Running Out of Gas
>by David Goodstein, PhDSynEARTH.net (June 07 2004)This morning's article, by a Professor of Physics at Cal Tech, was originally published in New Dimensions in Bioethics, Yale University Press in 2002. An expanded version of this article is now part of the new book Out of Gas: The End of the Age of Oil published in … Continue reading >Running Out of Gas
>Porto Alegre Manifesto
>by Group of Nineteenznet.org (February 20 2005)There was much ado about a document put out by I think it was nineteen notable figures at this years' WSF. Oddly, the document itself wasn't dispersed very visibly or widely, perhaps in part because there was considerable consternation over process as well as some content, I think rightly. … Continue reading >Porto Alegre Manifesto
>The Struggle for Memory in Free Societies
>by John Pilgerpilger.carlton.com (February 17 2005)How does thought control work in societies that call themselves free? Why are famous journalists so eager, almost as a reflex, to minimise the culpability of political leaders such as Bush and Blair who share responsibility for the unprovoked attack on a defenceless people, for laying to waste their land … Continue reading >The Struggle for Memory in Free Societies
>Oil Depletion and the Fate of the World
>A Synopsis of The Party's Over: Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies by Richard Heinberg (New Society Publishers, 2003)1. IntroductionThe world is about to change dramatically and forever as the result of oil depletion. Within the next few years global production of oil will peak. Thereafter, even with a switch to alternative energy … Continue reading >Oil Depletion and the Fate of the World