>A cunning new loophole has wrecked the government's Climate Change Bill.by George MonbiotPublished in the Guardian (July 24 2008)For the past two years I have been fretting over a mystery. Though Labour seems to have done everything possible to ensure that it stays out of office, there remains a possibility that it might form another … Continue reading >Traded Away
Month: July 2008
>Obama, the prince of bait-and-switch
>I interviewed a woman who had lost eight members of her family, including six children to a US bomb - but mass murder in Afghanistan isn't newsby John PilgerNew Statesman (July 24 2008)On 12 July, the Times devoted two pages to Afghanistan. It was mostly a complaint about the heat. The reporter, Magnus Linklater, described … Continue reading >Obama, the prince of bait-and-switch
>The Coming Re-becoming
>Clusterfuck Nationby Jim KunstlerComment on current events by the author ofThe Long Emergency (Atlantic Monthly Press, 2005)http://www.kunstler.com (July 28 2008)Everywhere you turn in this nation, you see a society primed for implosion. We seem unaware how extraordinary the American experience has been, especially in the last hundred years. By this, I don't mean that we … Continue reading >The Coming Re-becoming
>What’s Wrong with the GDP?
>Since its introduction during World War II as a measure of wartime production capacity, the Gross National Product (now routinely measured as Gross Domestic Product - GDP) has become the nation's foremost indicator of economic progress. It is now widely used by policymakers, economists, international agencies and the media as the primary scorecard of a … Continue reading >What’s Wrong with the GDP?
>Gross National Happiness
>The tiny Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan has created a new way to define prosperity: by measuring actual well-being rather than consumption. by Rajni BakshiResurgence via Alternet (January 25 2005)The tiny Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan is an unlikely place for the birth of an international trend. Yet Bhutan is emerging as a global leader in the … Continue reading >Gross National Happiness
>Our Phony Economy
>by Jonathan RoweFrom testimony delivered March 12 before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, Subcommittee on Interstate Commerce. Rowe is codirector of West Marin Commons, a community-organizing group, in California.Harper's Magazine Essay (June 2008)Suppose that the head of a federal agency came before this committee and reported with pride that agency employees had … Continue reading >Our Phony Economy
>Political Parties, Corporations and the Truth
>by Timothy V GattoCountercurrents.org (July 26 2008)In this article I am going to make one last attempt to clarify my views on this presidential race, US foreign policy, the economy and what we are experiencing in this new era as far as our civil liberties, the constant threats (real and perceived) to our "security" and … Continue reading >Political Parties, Corporations and the Truth
>Worse Than McCain?
>by Mike WhitneyCounterpunch (July 11 2008)Every four years, liberals and progressives are expected to set aside their beliefs and stand foursquare behind the Democratic Party candidate. This ritual is invariably performed in the name of party unity. It doesn't matter if the candidate is a smooth-talking politician who's willing to toss his pastor of twenty … Continue reading >Worse Than McCain?
>Post-Peak Politics
>by John Michael GreerThe Archdruid Report (July 23 2008)Druid perspectives on nature, culture, and the future of industrial societyThe recent downward lurch in the price of oil, among its other effects, has provided a good look at the downward arc of a cycle of public discourse about energy that will likely become all too familiar … Continue reading >Post-Peak Politics
>The Global Warming Deniers
>by Mark LynasThe arguments of climate sceptics have largely been moulded by a far more sinister force - the US-based conservative think tanksNew Statesman (July 03 2008)I am finding it increasingly difficult to maintain my optimism that we can stabilise global temperature increases below the "danger level" of two degrees Celsius. First, there is no … Continue reading >The Global Warming Deniers