>Blue guitar

>by Lewis H. LaphamHarper's Magazine (May 2006)They said, "You have a blue guitar, You do not play things as they are". The man replied, "Things as they are Are changed upon the blue guitar".- Wallace StevensWith this issue of Harper's Magazine I come to the end of my second term as its editor, and when … Continue reading >Blue guitar

>Clusterfuck Nation

>Comment on current eventsby Jim Kunstlerthe author of The Long Emergency (Atlantic Monthly Press, 2005)www.kunstler.comProgressivism (May 15 2006)Is it even possible these days to define a valid doctrine of political Progressivism? The notion of Progressivism per se really comes from that brief and amazing period in the early 20th century when technological advance was lifting … Continue reading >Clusterfuck Nation

>Let’s Raise Gas Taxes and Lower Income Taxes

>by Lester R BrownEarth Policy Institute (May 11 2006)Now that the $100 tax rebate proposed by the Senate Republican leadership as a response to rising gasoline prices has been discarded, it is time to get serious. Any effective response to climbing gas prices must recognize a geological reality, namely that the earth's oil reserves are … Continue reading >Let’s Raise Gas Taxes and Lower Income Taxes

>America, You Lost!

>The Railroading of Zacarias Moussaouiby Ted Rallwww.rall.com (May 09 2006)It's official. 9/11 has driven America utterly bat-guano mad. Don't believe it? Consider the following:American citizens, liberal and conservative alike, have become self-deluded, fervently certain of "facts" that are indisputably false. "By a margin of better than two to one", according to the May 9th New … Continue reading >America, You Lost!