>by Lewis H. LaphamHarper's Magazine (May 2006)They said, "You have a blue guitar, You do not play things as they are". The man replied, "Things as they are Are changed upon the blue guitar".- Wallace StevensWith this issue of Harper's Magazine I come to the end of my second term as its editor, and when … Continue reading >Blue guitar
Month: May 2006
>Earth Day
>Clusterfuck Nation
>Comment on current eventsby Jim Kunstlerthe author of The Long Emergency (Atlantic Monthly Press, 2005)www.kunstler.comProgressivism (May 15 2006)Is it even possible these days to define a valid doctrine of political Progressivism? The notion of Progressivism per se really comes from that brief and amazing period in the early 20th century when technological advance was lifting … Continue reading >Clusterfuck Nation
>WTO Deregulation
>From Democracy to Rapacity
>by Bill TottenNihonkai Shimbun & Osaka Nichinichi Shimbun (March 09 2006)(I've written a weekly column for two Japanese newspapers for the past severalyears. Patrick Heaton prepared this English version from the Japanese original.)In the early spring of every year, our company invites its customers to hear me give a presentation on topics similar to those … Continue reading >From Democracy to Rapacity
>A Well of Hypocrisy
>One man uses gas and oil money to help the poor.The other uses it to buy guns. Guess who gets vilified.by George MonbiotPublished in the Guardian (May 16 2006)Civilisation has a new enemy. He is a former coca grower called Evo Morales, who is currently the president of Bolivia. Yesterday he stood before the European … Continue reading >A Well of Hypocrisy
>Let’s Raise Gas Taxes and Lower Income Taxes
>by Lester R BrownEarth Policy Institute (May 11 2006)Now that the $100 tax rebate proposed by the Senate Republican leadership as a response to rising gasoline prices has been discarded, it is time to get serious. Any effective response to climbing gas prices must recognize a geological reality, namely that the earth's oil reserves are … Continue reading >Let’s Raise Gas Taxes and Lower Income Taxes
>America, You Lost!
>The Railroading of Zacarias Moussaouiby Ted Rallwww.rall.com (May 09 2006)It's official. 9/11 has driven America utterly bat-guano mad. Don't believe it? Consider the following:American citizens, liberal and conservative alike, have become self-deluded, fervently certain of "facts" that are indisputably false. "By a margin of better than two to one", according to the May 9th New … Continue reading >America, You Lost!